Obama's answer to new Unemployment numbers, $3,000 to buy more "thingamajigs!"

Ohh maybe a tax rebate like Bush gave out?

Which DIDN'T WORK. Conservatives said so at the time, and our predictions were correct.

BTW, Bush's amounted to about $800 not $3,000.

And when you are at FULL EMPLOYMENT as Bush was, you can afford to be wrong once in a while.

When you have presided over 14+% as Obama has, then talking about "thingamajigs" is a sick joke.


You're a lying cow. You supported the Bush rebates 100%.

btw, Bush inherited 4% unemployment, and never saw it again.

Oh, I did??????? Can you give me quotes of me doing that?

And BTW, 5% and under is statistically FULL EMPLOYMENT.


Well in 1992 it was 7%. In 1993 it was 6.9. After Republicans took control it fell to 5.6, then 5.4, and all the way to 2000 where it stood at 4.0.

Under Bush it was 4.7 his first year DESPITE 9/11, with his highest being 6% and his lowest being 4.6.

But as I said that's statistically FULL EMPLOYMENT.

Then Democrats took the Congress in 2007 and Obama took control in 2009.

United States Unemployment Rate 1920–2010 — Infoplease.com

Since then it hasn't been under 10%. The only way they get it under 10% is to not count those who have given up looking for work.

If counted as they did under Bush it's over 14%. Which means our unemployment rate is really at almost Great Depression levels.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tP_GDDiWtM"]Unemployment Rate Actually Near 14% - YouTube[/ame]
Ohh maybe a tax rebate like Bush gave out?

Which DIDN'T WORK. Conservatives said so at the time, and our predictions were correct.

BTW, Bush's amounted to about $800 not $3,000.

And when you are at FULL EMPLOYMENT as Bush was, you can afford to be wrong once in a while.

When you have presided over 14+% as Obama has, then talking about "thingamajigs" is a sick joke.


It didn't work and yet "conservatives" re-elected him?

Maybe this is why:

US Unemployment Rate by Year
2001 4.76
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.53
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26

Now why should we reelecte Obama?

Do a month by month for 2008 unemployment figures....

and I do not think we should elect either candidate.
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Bush bought votes with his tax rebate. Cannot Obama do the same thing?

Actually I was/am against both of those actions but still seeing the bigger picture by not wearing partisan blinders.

GET THIS!!!!!!!!!

Bush "bought" votes by cutting taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we keep more of what we EARN, government is "buying" us.

That's a liberal for you!

They always tell more about themselves, than they do about anything they comment upon.

Bush bought votes with his tax rebate. Cannot Obama do the same thing?

Actually I was/am against both of those actions but still seeing the bigger picture by not wearing partisan blinders.

GET THIS!!!!!!!!!

Bush "bought" votes by cutting taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we keep more of what we EARN, government is "buying" us.

That's a liberal for you!

They always tell more about themselves, than they do about anything they comment upon.


and this is different from what Obama is proposing in what way?

also Obama extended the Bush tax cuts...
Do a month by month for 2008 unemployment figures....

And you know what you will see?????

Exactly what Republicans said would happen, but Democrats blocked.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzCG80Wz4mg]Democrats Blocking Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Reform - YouTube[/ame]
Bush bought votes with his tax rebate. Cannot Obama do the same thing?

Actually I was/am against both of those actions but still seeing the bigger picture by not wearing partisan blinders.

GET THIS!!!!!!!!!

Bush "bought" votes by cutting taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we keep more of what we EARN, government is "buying" us.

That's a liberal for you!

They always tell more about themselves, than they do about anything they comment upon.


and this is different from what Obama is proposing in what way?

Because Obama is not suggesting he cut taxes.

He's suggesting he do another "stimulus" which DOES NOT WORK!

Do we have to buy Thingamajigs, or can we buy other things like Dohickeys?

Can we instead use it to pay our ever increasing energy bills, or is this a mandated Thingamajig purchase program?
Obama inherited 7.8% and never saw it again.

You're an idiot. Bush served 8 years.

Obama promised if we just spent billions we would not go over 8 percent. Bush had full employment for 6 years. Obama has not met a single goal for employment he set.

PLz quote where obama promised this. Oh you cant because you are just reguritating shit you hear from Glenn beck. You know what is funny Mitt Rommney actually said under him unemployment would be higher in 2016 then under Obama.....
Obama Economic Plan: Go Buy A Thingamajig - YouTube

Fresh off a disastrous jobs numbers report, 8.2 unemployment and only 69,000 jobs added, the President traveled to Minnesota where he explained to voters how an extra “$3,000 a year” could be used to help Americans buy more "thingamajigs":

"I assume there are some folks here who could use $3,000 a year," Obama said. "Let's get that done right now. That means they're -- you know, if you got $3,000 a year extra, that helps you pay down your credit cards. That helps you go out and buy some things that your family needs. Which is good for business. Maybe somebody will be replacing some thingamajigs for their furnace. They've been putting that off. but they got that extra money, they might just go out there and buy that thing."

The President’s redistributionist mortgage refinance plan, which he says will save struggling homeowners $3,000 a year, is going nowhere in Congress. The President didn’t explain how many “thingamajigs” you could buy for $3,000. Also confusing is why people need to fix their furnaces ... in the summer!

Buy 'Thingamajigs,' Obama Tells Americans - President Obama - Fox Nation

Notice this "economic genius" doesn't tell us HOW we all just get $3,000 bucks a year.

I guess that would have to happen with a "tax cut for the rich."

Or maybe a "Stimulus 3" on top of the other two that didn't work.

Can you IMAGINE if Bush had said something like this? Libs would have said it was a sign that Bush had NO IDEA what he was doing, AND THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT.

But they will turn a blind eye to this stupidity or just try to hope it goes away. Obama is beginning to look MORE feckless than Carter.

This is dumber than the malaise speech. I don't think Obama has ANY idea how to get reelected. It just gets worse and funnier as we go along and this is June 1. I can't believe this stuff!

But I have a great solution that involves a "thingamajig."

I'm going to pull the thingamajig in November for Romney.

Sounds like a great first step in getting help for this economy Obama, GETTING RID OF YOU.


I totally agree with you obama giving people 3,000 more in tax cuts is such a horrible idea, but ROmney giving millioanres hundreds of thousadns in cuts well thats amazing
will you retards ever go to school
Obama never cared for the middle class, why didnt he just send every American who wasn't rich a check for 20,000? instead of flushing trillions down the toilet when so many of us were suffering in 2009?
Ahh yet another thread devolving into a hate Obama fan club meeintg.
Have fun being used.

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