Obama's answer to new Unemployment numbers, $3,000 to buy more "thingamajigs!"

Ohh maybe a tax rebate like Bush gave out?

You mean the tax rebate Bush gave out from the surplus the conservatives swear never existed?

It is impossible for you to prove there was ever a surplus, so please give up as it just makes you look stupid. All they did was raid SS to buy down the annual deficit... Newt never balanced the budget with Clinton, they actually spent more and raised the deficit every single year.

It's very easy to look up.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus |
I would love to hear the conservatives in this thread tell us why they object to president Obama's proposed mortgage re-finance proposal,

with specifics as to how this would make things worse, and not better.

Yeah simple!

This is Obama simply doing more wealth distribution. He isn't letting people keep more of what they earn. This is promising people (like me) who's houses are underwater (THANKS TO THE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE) that he is going to force banks to refinance.

Seems to me THAT'S HOW WE GOT INTO THIS! Democrats forcing banks to give out loans to people who could not possible PAY THEM BACK!

So, yeah, I am very MUCH against this idea. It's just a vote buying scheme.

Letting people deduct their mortgage interest is as much redistribution as this is.
I would love to hear the conservatives in this thread tell us why they object to president Obama's proposed mortgage re-finance proposal,

with specifics as to how this would make things worse, and not better.

Yeah simple!

This is Obama simply doing more wealth distribution. He isn't letting people keep more of what they earn. This is promising people (like me) who's houses are underwater (THANKS TO THE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE) that he is going to force banks to refinance.

Seems to me THAT'S HOW WE GOT INTO THIS! Democrats forcing banks to give out loans to people who could not possible PAY THEM BACK!

So, yeah, I am very MUCH against this idea. It's just a vote buying scheme.

Letting people deduct their mortgage interest is as much redistribution as this is.

I agree, there should be no deductions, that's by definition unfair and buys votes. We should all pay the same % in taxes.
The fucking rat bastard knows less about the economy than he does about how to roll a joint...


Ohh maybe a tax rebate like Bush gave out?

You mean the tax rebate Bush gave out from the surplus the conservatives swear never existed?

It is impossible for you to prove there was ever a surplus, so please give up as it just makes you look stupid. All they did was raid SS to buy down the annual deficit... Newt never balanced the budget with Clinton, they actually spent more and raised the deficit every single year.

It's very easy to look up.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus |

With the trillions in deficits, and heavy borrowing? Credit downgrade, and another looming IF Obama gets another 'debt ceiling'?

Surpluses do NOT exist.
I would love to hear the conservatives in this thread tell us why they object to president Obama's proposed mortgage re-finance proposal,

with specifics as to how this would make things worse, and not better.

Yeah simple!

This is Obama simply doing more wealth distribution. He isn't letting people keep more of what they earn. This is promising people (like me) who's houses are underwater (THANKS TO THE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE) that he is going to force banks to refinance.

Seems to me THAT'S HOW WE GOT INTO THIS! Democrats forcing banks to give out loans to people who could not possible PAY THEM BACK!

So, yeah, I am very MUCH against this idea. It's just a vote buying scheme.

No banks were forced to loan to unqualified buyers. Stop listening to the radio.
Do we have to buy Thingamajigs, or can we buy other things like Dohickeys?

Can we instead use it to pay our ever increasing energy bills, or is this a mandated Thingamajig purchase program?

Cut the President some slack!

He meant "widgets".
Quote: Originally Posted by NYcarbineer

No banks were forced to loan to unqualified buyers. Stop listening to the radio.
Seriously .... You need to keep up, that is what started the housing collapse and bank bailouts
I've proven that false so many times I can't count them.

NY, Just because it is false does not mean much. When people are determined to ignore any other information because that info gets in the way of their hatred and opinions, well in these types of people, their opinion is the only thing that matters. It is a tribal thing. My tribe against your tribe. Fuk the country as long as my "tribe" wins.

Proof is when people post in here that call themselves Repubs but don't expouse the hard right party line. They ridicule those people actully worse than those they call "Liberals".

It will be not so funny if the rethugs win the "tribal" war and fuk up the entire country.

But being right with the "tribe" is what matters.
Oh and far left Dems are the same way. Just don't see them as much on here.

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