Obama's answer to new Unemployment numbers, $3,000 to buy more "thingamajigs!"

Ahh yet another thread devolving into a hate Obama fan club meeintg.
Have fun being used.

Yeah, that NEVER happened with liberals when it came to Bush, right? You libs must have all been racists.

Whine more liberal hypocrites.

Do we have to buy Thingamajigs, or can we buy other things like Dohickeys?

Can we instead use it to pay our ever increasing energy bills, or is this a mandated Thingamajig purchase program?

Definitely sounds like a thingamajig mandate! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
George Bush is now considered a saint.


Answer? YES!!!!!!!!!!
You're an idiot. Bush served 8 years.

Obama promised if we just spent billions we would not go over 8 percent. Bush had full employment for 6 years. Obama has not met a single goal for employment he set.

PLz quote where obama promised this. Oh you cant because you are just reguritating shit you hear from Glenn beck. You know what is funny Mitt Rommney actually said under him unemployment would be higher in 2016 then under Obama.....

Oh we can't???????

Obama Promised His $825 Billion Stimulus Would Keep The Unemployment Rate Below 8 Percent; It’s Been Above 8 Percent for 35 STRAIGHT MONTHS:

Obama’s $825 Billion Stimulus Failed To Keep The Unemployment Rate Below The 8 Percent Level He Promised It Would. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 12/21/11; Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, “The Job Impact Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan,”1/9/09; Congressional Budget Office, 5/25/11)

Since President Obama Took Office, The Nation Has Lost 1.7 Million Jobs And The Unemployment Rate Has Increased From 7.8 Percent To 8.5 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)
  • Including 1.1 Private Sector Jobs, 1.01 Million Construction Jobs, And 769,000 Manufacturing Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)
The Unemployment Rate Has Remained Above Eight Percent For A Record 35 Straight Months. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)
  • The Average Duration Of Unemployment Has More Than Doubled From 19.9 Weeks To 40.8 Weeks.(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)
Jim Pethokoukis: “10.9%: The Unemployment Rate (U-3) If The Size Of US Workforce Was The Same As When Obama Took Office.” (Jim Pethokoukis, Twitter Feed, 1/6/12)
  • Pethokoukis: “I Mean, ANOTHER 50k People Dropped Out Of Workforce. And This Is Supposed To Be The Peak Of Econ Growth For Next 12 Months+”(Jim Pethokoukis, Twitter Feed, 1/6/12)
There Are Currently 945,000 Unemployed Workers That Have Given Up Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)
The Real Unemployment Rate, Including Those That Are Working Part-Time Due To Economic Reasons, Is 15.2 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)

There Are Currently 13.1 Million Unemployed Workers. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/6/12)

Read more: Failed Promise: Unemployment Highlights Obama’s Broken Promises | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

Promises, Promises
Unemployment was supposed to be 5.7% now.

The nationwide unemployment rate dropped to 5.7% in May, as--huh? Oh wait, sorry, that's wrong. Actually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, "nonfarm payroll employment changed little in May (+69,000), and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 8.2 percent." By "essentially unchanged" they mean increased from 8.1% in April.

We got the actual unemployment rate mixed up with what the Obama administration promised. As James Pethokoukis notes, 5.7% was the administration's forecast (or, to be precise, transition team's forecast) for May 2012 unemployment if Congress had enacted its $831 billion so-called stimulus bill, officially styled the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Congress balked, and here we are stuck with 8.2% unemployment.

Oops, sorry, wrong again! It turns out Congress did pass the so-called stimulus. The White House website even has video of Obama signing it into law on Feb. 17, 2009

Promises, Promises - WSJ.com

In 2009, President Obama promised that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would “create or save” 3.5 million jobs over the next two years and that the [COLOR=#216221 !important][COLOR=#216221 !important]unemployment [COLOR=#216221 !important]rate[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] would not rise above 8.5 percent. By the end of 2010, he promised, unemployment would have dropped to 7.25 percent. Furthermore, White House economists forecast that without ARRA spending, the [COLOR=#216221 !important][COLOR=#216221 !important]unemployment[/COLOR][/COLOR] rate would increase from 7 percent to 8.8 percent. Unfortunately, the administration’s estimates were wrong by a vast margin.

This week’s chart compares unemployment estimates from the president’s 2010 Budget — which contains the original proposed estimates for the impact of the stimulus on unemployment — with actual unemployment rates from the [COLOR=#216221 !important][COLOR=#216221 !important]Bureau [COLOR=#216221 !important]of [/COLOR][COLOR=#216221 !important]Labor [/COLOR][COLOR=#216221 !important]Statistics[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].



You were saying?????????

I love slam dunking idiotic liberals like you that haven't ANY idea what they are talking about. They just assume they are smarter than us because they HAVE to be smarter! After all, they are liberal and WE are conservativesw. OF COURSE, they have to be smarter!

But then you start posting the facts, and they are left either sputtering profanities, calling me a racist etc, or just leaving in silence.

But remember, liberals are smarter!!!!!!!


What a retarded thread.

The OP posts a clip that cuts out what the president was talking about, and then attacks the president for not saying what he's talking about.

You people get dumber every day.

Would a "full" clip make President Obama appear anymore intelligent, Carbineer? If I were guessing, I'd say Barry had a teleprompter malfunction and he had to wing it. When he does the stutter thing and suddenly appears clueless that's usually the case.

What's scary about the clip that the OP showed is that crowd applauding what is just plain stupidity in action. Let's face it...if Obama promises them free stuff...that's about all it takes to get their approval. Obama's message that day was essentially...'I don't HAVE a plan to fix the economy and get you people working again...but here's $3,000 for you to spend!'...and they all burst into applause.
You're an idiot. Bush served 8 years.

I think we see the idiot!

US Unemployment Rate by Year
2001 4.76
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.53
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26


So unemployment is now lower then when obama started cool


It's actually a LOT higher, because the Obama admin doesn't count those who gave up looking for work, or who's unemployment benefits have expired.

Thus they cook the books to make unemployment look lower. If counted as it was under Bush, it's actually over 14%.

The govt can cook the books, but they can't fool people who can't find jobs, or can't find good jobs, AND THERE IS A LOT OF THEM OUT THERE.

And they are going to say so with VOTES!

Make no mistake about that.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNIUwsCsWQM]Unemployment Rate Actually Near 14% - YouTube[/ame]
Obama Economic Plan: Go Buy A Thingamajig - YouTube

Fresh off a disastrous jobs numbers report, 8.2 unemployment and only 69,000 jobs added, the President traveled to Minnesota where he explained to voters how an extra “$3,000 a year” could be used to help Americans buy more "thingamajigs":

"I assume there are some folks here who could use $3,000 a year," Obama said. "Let's get that done right now. That means they're -- you know, if you got $3,000 a year extra, that helps you pay down your credit cards. That helps you go out and buy some things that your family needs. Which is good for business. Maybe somebody will be replacing some thingamajigs for their furnace. They've been putting that off. but they got that extra money, they might just go out there and buy that thing."

The President’s redistributionist mortgage refinance plan, which he says will save struggling homeowners $3,000 a year, is going nowhere in Congress. The President didn’t explain how many “thingamajigs” you could buy for $3,000. Also confusing is why people need to fix their furnaces ... in the summer!

Buy 'Thingamajigs,' Obama Tells Americans - President Obama - Fox Nation

Notice this "economic genius" doesn't tell us HOW we all just get $3,000 bucks a year.

I guess that would have to happen with a "tax cut for the rich."

Or maybe a "Stimulus 3" on top of the other two that didn't work.

Can you IMAGINE if Bush had said something like this? Libs would have said it was a sign that Bush had NO IDEA what he was doing, AND THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT.

But they will turn a blind eye to this stupidity or just try to hope it goes away. Obama is beginning to look MORE feckless than Carter.

This is dumber than the malaise speech. I don't think Obama has ANY idea how to get reelected. It just gets worse and funnier as we go along and this is June 1. I can't believe this stuff!

But I have a great solution that involves a "thingamajig."

I'm going to pull the thingamajig in November for Romney.

Sounds like a great first step in getting help for this economy Obama, GETTING RID OF YOU.


I totally agree with you obama giving people 3,000 more in tax cuts is such a horrible idea, but ROmney giving millioanres hundreds of thousadns in cuts well thats amazing
will you retards ever go to school

I think we see who needs to go to school.

Even Bill Clinton admitted that if they took every single dollar from "millionaires" they would not pay off our debt.

Further, there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between wealth distribution of simply giving people a one time stipend of money and LETTING THEM KEEP MORE OF WHAT THEY EARN.

What you call "tax cuts for the rich" is people keeping more of what they earn.

And what cracks me up is you guys act like the rich are the only ones paying taxes.

You guys need to make up your mind what is your memes. Either Buffet is paying less in taxes than his secretary, or Buffet is the ONLY one paying taxes.

If tax cuts are ONLY FOR THE RICH, then his secretary must not be paying in taxes in which she would get a cut.

IF his secretary is paying more in taxes, THEN SHE WOULD GET MORE OF HER MONEY IN A TAX CUT!

So which is it?

When you manage to double talk your way out of that box. Do let me know!

Obama never cared for the middle class, why didnt he just send every American who wasn't rich a check for 20,000? instead of flushing trillions down the toilet when so many of us were suffering in 2009?

We might have spent that money on Bibles, or private school for our kids. We can't have that!!!!!!!!! :eek:
You're an idiot. Bush served 8 years.

Obama promised if we just spent billions we would not go over 8 percent. Bush had full employment for 6 years. Obama has not met a single goal for employment he set.

And what's Obama's answer to all this? "Well it would have been worse without me!"

Yeah, right!


Shoot, I wouldn't pay $3000 for this:

But I think Obama might if it could vote for him. :)
How magnanimous of him to allow us to keep 3,000 dollars of our own money. Doesn't this make you just want to rush out and sell your vote to him?
Obama Economic Plan: Go Buy A Thingamajig - YouTube

Fresh off a disastrous jobs numbers report, 8.2 unemployment and only 69,000 jobs added, the President traveled to Minnesota where he explained to voters how an extra “$3,000 a year” could be used to help Americans buy more "thingamajigs":

"I assume there are some folks here who could use $3,000 a year," Obama said. "Let's get that done right now. That means they're -- you know, if you got $3,000 a year extra, that helps you pay down your credit cards. That helps you go out and buy some things that your family needs. Which is good for business. Maybe somebody will be replacing some thingamajigs for their furnace. They've been putting that off. but they got that extra money, they might just go out there and buy that thing."

The President’s redistributionist mortgage refinance plan, which he says will save struggling homeowners $3,000 a year, is going nowhere in Congress. The President didn’t explain how many “thingamajigs” you could buy for $3,000. Also confusing is why people need to fix their furnaces ... in the summer!

Buy 'Thingamajigs,' Obama Tells Americans - President Obama - Fox Nation

Notice this "economic genius" doesn't tell us HOW we all just get $3,000 bucks a year.

I guess that would have to happen with a "tax cut for the rich."

Or maybe a "Stimulus 3" on top of the other two that didn't work.

Can you IMAGINE if Bush had said something like this? Libs would have said it was a sign that Bush had NO IDEA what he was doing, AND THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT.

But they will turn a blind eye to this stupidity or just try to hope it goes away. Obama is beginning to look MORE feckless than Carter.

This is dumber than the malaise speech. I don't think Obama has ANY idea how to get reelected. It just gets worse and funnier as we go along and this is June 1. I can't believe this stuff!

But I have a great solution that involves a "thingamajig."

I'm going to pull the thingamajig in November for Romney.

Sounds like a great first step in getting help for this economy Obama, GETTING RID OF YOU.


It's just like he told us just to "Inflate our tires"...Curious? Is a thingamajig cousin to a widget?
How magnanimous of him to allow us to keep 3,000 dollars of our own money. Doesn't this make you just want to rush out and sell your vote to him?

Does that mean you reject Romney's promise of a 20% tax cut for everyone?
I would love to hear the conservatives in this thread tell us why they object to president Obama's proposed mortgage re-finance proposal,

with specifics as to how this would make things worse, and not better.
I would love to hear the conservatives in this thread tell us why they object to president Obama's proposed mortgage re-finance proposal,

with specifics as to how this would make things worse, and not better.

Yeah simple!

This is Obama simply doing more wealth distribution. He isn't letting people keep more of what they earn. This is promising people (like me) who's houses are underwater (THANKS TO THE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE) that he is going to force banks to refinance.

Seems to me THAT'S HOW WE GOT INTO THIS! Democrats forcing banks to give out loans to people who could not possible PAY THEM BACK!

So, yeah, I am very MUCH against this idea. It's just a vote buying scheme.
CaféAuLait;5379903 said:

Now that you just associated candy with obama I will never again eat another candy bar you prick. :eusa_whistle: :lol:
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I would love to hear the conservatives in this thread tell us why they object to president Obama's proposed mortgage re-finance proposal,

with specifics as to how this would make things worse, and not better.

Yeah simple!

This is Obama simply doing more wealth distribution. He isn't letting people keep more of what they earn. This is promising people (like me) who's houses are underwater (THANKS TO THE DEMOCRATS IN THE FIRST PLACE) that he is going to force banks to refinance.

Seems to me THAT'S HOW WE GOT INTO THIS! Democrats forcing banks to give out loans to people who could not possible PAY THEM BACK!

So, yeah, I am very MUCH against this idea. It's just a vote buying scheme.

They do not get it do they?
It will cause the same toxic loans again. :eek:
All it does is prolong in enviable. They will lose their home anyway, because they can't afford the homes to begin with. They don't have the money for repairs, they don't have the money for rising costs in property taxes.
This is the other part of the scheme to get their votes. We will help you, by government assistance to pay for the property taxes and repairs for your homes.
So the tax payer has to help buy the home, then gets taxed more for the entitlement programs for property tax and repairs.
That is all Dem's ever do, is buying votes at taxpayers expense.
Bush bought votes with his tax rebate. Cannot Obama do the same thing?

Actually I was/am against both of those actions but still seeing the bigger picture by not wearing partisan blinders.

+rep for waking up.
Bush bought votes with his tax rebate. Cannot Obama do the same thing?

Actually I was/am against both of those actions but still seeing the bigger picture by not wearing partisan blinders.

GET THIS!!!!!!!!!

Bush "bought" votes by cutting taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we keep more of what we EARN, government is "buying" us.

That's a liberal for you!

They always tell more about themselves, than they do about anything they comment upon.


He was talking about the X-box checks, not cutting taxes. People got money when they paid no taxes, sounds like welfare.

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