Obama's Benghazi position: "That was so long ago"

Benghazi was in fact Bush's fault since it was Bush that decided to prop up the Gadaffi regime.

Undoubtedly, Bush forced the Obama administration to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack.

How could it be otherwise?
Liberals will say anything no matter how abjectly stupid it is, if it will defend their cherished beliefs or politicians. This is why you cannot talk sense to a liberal and why the two sides will never be able to come together.
Going hand in hand with John Kerry's tactics over at State "Boredom and Doublespeak" In a pefect world somebody would be carrying Carney's head, sans body, around gripping it by his hair just for saying that. Unfortunately, its not a perfect world and wasted f#cks like Mr Carney get the chance to do basically the same thing over and over and over "Ground Hog Day" style.
Maybe the hearings this week will get somebpody out there, there are 300 million of us, so pissed off they'll decide Obama's gotta go. Or maybe Obama will do something so outrageous he'll inadvertantly set off the Civil war. After the 8th, its likely to be only a matter of time.
Benghazi was in fact Bush's fault since it was Bush that decided to prop up the Gadaffi regime.

The UN and the EU both dropped sanctions against Libya in 1999. We didn't until 2006.
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Bush was given a memo in August of 2011 that stated Bin Laden was determined to hijack planes and strike skyscrapers in the U.S.

He was begged by both the intelligence community and Richard Clarke, his terrorism advisor, to have planes scramble-ready to intercept the planes.

On 9/11 the most basic defense protocols were not turned on. Planes that were known to be hijacked flew freely for over 50 minutes with no planes sent to intercept them.

Bush failed to protect the American Homeland despite being warned. As a result 3,000+ Americans died.

Are you seriously conflating Benghazi with 9/11.

I guess if Obama used Benghazi to sacrifice the lives of over 4,000 innocent soldiers to a pre-planned war policy that had nothing to do with Benghazi, they would be similar.

Wow, just wow.


Here is the paper delivered by Rumsfeld, Chaney, Wolfowitz to Clinton in the 90s. It builds a case for removing Hussein and it became the chief aim of Bush foreign policy. He was too worried about Iraq to listen to defend the eastern seaboard.
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Bush was given a memo in August of 2011 that stated Bin Laden was determined to hijack planes and strike skyscrapers in the U.S.

He was begged by both the intelligence community and Richard Clarke, his terrorism advisor, to have planes scramble-ready to intercept the planes.

On 9/11 the most basic defense protocols were not turned on. Planes that were known to be hijacked flew freely for over 50 minutes with no planes sent to intercept them.

Bush failed to protect the American Homeland despite being warned. As a result 3,000+ Americans died.

Are you seriously conflating Benghazi with 9/11.

I guess if Obama used Benghazi to sacrifice the lives of over 4,000 innocent soldiers to a pre-planned war policy that had nothing to do with Benghazi, they would be similar.

Wow, just wow.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you wanted Bush to fire on fully loaded US passenger planes?
Benghazi was in fact Bush's fault since it was Bush that decided to prop up the Gadaffi regime.

Undoubtedly, Bush forced the Obama administration to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack.

How could it be otherwise?

Nobody knows who did it, but Pubs and dupes KNOW Obama and the Dems were wrong. There were 20+ OTHER protests and attacks due to that video, earlier that day, but this one was definitely NOT. Total liars and total dupes, as ALWAYS, Change the channel, chump of the greedy idiot rich.
This is such an old and obvious Clintonesque style stonewalling and obfuscating tactic that it would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. Carny insists that he can't talk about Benghazi because it's still under investigation and eight months later he now says nobody should talk about Benghazi because it was so long ago.
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OP- the usual out of context BS. Period. Your stupid BS questions don't deserve any answers anymore. All answered, all your GOP BS totally discredited. Read something intelligent.
So you wanted Bush to fire on fully loaded US passenger planes?

Yes, in special circumstances, like when a plane is turned into a bomb and aimed at a densely populated urban population. This is why Washington is the most protected air-space on earth. If a hijacked plane is turned into a bomb and headed toward the White House, that plane gets turned into confetti. Regardless of what actions are taken, it is a basic defense protocol to scramble planes to intercept hijacked planes - yet no planes were available. This was and is a policy, but the Bush administration left the nation completely undefended. And then he made special provisions to allow members of the Bin Laden family and Saudis to leave the country without being interrogated. He had no real interest in Bin Laden. He wanted to enact a pre-planned policy of regime change in Iraq. Clinton made regime change an officially policy in the late 90s at the behest of the neocons. This wasn't just a Bush policy.
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Bush was given a memo in August of 2011 that stated Bin Laden was determined to hijack planes and strike skyscrapers in the U.S.

Wrong. The memo stated no such thing. All it said was that bin Laden was determined to strike in U.S. That's what intelligence experts describe as "not actionable." There is nothing specific enough in such a warning to prepare for. furthermore, it was nothing new. U.S. intelligence officials knew for years that Islamic extremists wanted to attack the United States.

He was begged by both the intelligence community and Richard Clarke, his terrorism advisor, to have planes scramble-ready to intercept the planes.

You have some evidence for this request? It's the first time I've ever heard of it.

Like all libs, you're great at distorting the facts and pumping out bullshit. Libs haven't invented any new lies in the last 13 years.
So you wanted Bush to fire on fully loaded US passenger planes?

Yes, in special circumstances, like when a plane is turned into a bomb and aimed at a densely populated urban population. This is why Washington is the most protected air-space on earth. If a hijacked plane is turned into a bomb and is heading toward the White House, then that plane gets turned into confetti. Regardless of what actions are taken, it is a basic defense protocol to scramble planes to intercept hijacked planes - yet no planes were available. This was and is a policy, but the Bush administration left the nation completely undefended. And then he made special provisions to allow members of the Bin Laden family and Saudis to leave the country without being interrogated. He had no real interest in Bin Laden. He wanted to enact a pre-planned policy of regime change in Iraq. Clinton made regime change an officially policy in the late 90s at the behest of the neocons. This wasn't just a Bush policy.

Dems seem to have no problem killing American citizens

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