Obama's big donors not donating, spells trouble

10 to 1 what? How many people on here think you're nuts? I say it's more like 100 to 1 the 1 being you.
Bigger problem for the Leftists.

The gen-y'ers or whatever they are called are tired of waiting for' spread the wealth' and will soon flip to voting for conservatives who promise to free business up to create jobs for them.

I know. I voted for Carter as a youngster interested in getting me some hopey changey.
"Obama For America, the president’s re-election account, ended last month with about $104 million in cash on hand; Romney, by contrast, reported having just over $10 million in cash on hand at the end of March.
But all that money doesn’t mean Obama doesn’t need donations. As The New York Times writes:

From Wall Street to Hollywood, from doctors and lawyers, the traditional big sources of campaign cash are not delivering for the Obama campaign as they did four years ago. The falloff has left his fund-raising totals running behind where they were at the same point in 2008 — though well ahead of Mr. Romney’s — and has induced growing concern among aides and supporters as they confront the prospect that Republicans and their “super PAC” allies will hold a substantial advantage this fall."

Better donate your millions TM.
The little guy is supporting Obama and not the Romeny.

Romeny is being backed by the rich
Mortimer Zuckerman: Obama and the 'Competency Crisis' - WSJ.com

Obama's Crisis of Competency!

Meanwhile, everyone in the business world is pleading for some kind of adult supervision to build a national platform for sustained growth that includes a long-term fiscal plan that addresses our ballooning debt. They are desperate for strong leadership and feel that all we are getting out of Washington is a lot of noise as Democrats and Republicans blame one another.

Since the president is the one who represents all of America and all Americans, the buck stops with him rather than with the Congress. It is the president's job to offer a coherent program for the twin threats of a static economy and an unsustainable explosion of our debts and deficits. But the only core issue on which he took a clear position in the recent debt-ceiling negotiations was that it would have to include new taxes on the wealthy—and he didn't even hold to that.

Mort Zuckerman...a former supporter
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Romney hasn't even started raising money yet because no one was sure he would be the republican candidate.

On the other hand Obama has done 100's of fundraisers already and he has raised 1/2 of what he did last election. It's not a good sign.
Barry has been getting free advertising for 3.5 years from his adoring media.

It isn't working, as Romney is already pulling ahead.
Or maybe it was a Freudian slip. Ramen...Rameny...Romeny.

Maybe you just want Romney's salty noodle in your mouth..

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