Obama's Biggest Failure


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
ABC News is reporting that bank ATM fees and fees for checking accounts are going up.
We were sold a bill of goods that there were banks that were too big to fail--8 of these banks are US Based:
The 29 Global Banks That Are Too Big To Fail - Forbes

In TARP, according to Wiki; $245B of the $700B was handed out to the US banks that are now raising fees based on their being too big to fail.

Guess what; they're still too big to fail.

Obama voted for TARP; these institutions should be broken up. This isn't some esoteric battle of conscience; it's freakin plain as day.
ABC News is reporting that bank ATM fees and fees for checking accounts are going up.
We were sold a bill of goods that there were banks that were too big to fail--8 of these banks are US Based:
The 29 Global Banks That Are Too Big To Fail - Forbes

In TARP, according to Wiki; $245B of the $700B was handed out to the US banks that are now raising fees based on their being too big to fail.

Guess what; they're still too big to fail.

Obama voted for TARP; these institutions should be broken up. This isn't some esoteric battle of conscience; it's freakin plain as day.

WTF have you done with Candycorn??

Yes, Dodd-Frank enshrined too big to fail. It outlawed certain streams of revenue so banks had to find other streams to replace them. What? You think banks are non-profit instutions? No. Now we have crony capitalism enshrined in the banking system. They should never have been bailed out as they have been. I was for a temporary backstop to restore confidence, but this has gone way beyond doing that. The Fed has been paying banks with taxpayer funds for selling it toxic mortgage bonds. That is just one of many subsidies handed out.
Obama's biggest failure....should that be "failures" since there are so many of them. Here are just a few of them:

the stimulus packages

promising to get unemployment below 8.0%, oh, but wait he might just do it for next month since we have an ever increasing record number of people going to disability due to their unemployment benefits running out. And a record disaster for labor force participation rate.

Oh, and how about that disasterous Chevy Volt Obama was promoting, yeah....LOL! Speaking of General Motors, the government bailout of them is such a disaster, GM wants out of it!!!!

Oh...and how about Obama's biggest failure....there is not a blue America or a red America......yeah...whatev...he sure didn't follow that line of bullshit did he, most divisive polarizing president ever. Epic fail in uniting America.
Who has been taking the teeth out of any legislation that would prevent "too big to fail" from happening again?

Hint: it's not the President

Let's see. Who is running on the promise of deregulation? That would be Mittsy.
Who has been taking the teeth out of any legislation that would prevent "too big to fail" from happening again?

Hint: it's not the President

He's done nothing to endorse the break-up of these institutions lately; done nothing to put it front and center in the campaign. Romney isn't talking about it either; in my opinion it was another missed opportunity of the amateurish Romney campaign.
Who has been taking the teeth out of any legislation that would prevent "too big to fail" from happening again?

Hint: it's not the President

He's done nothing to endorse the break-up of these institutions lately; done nothing to put it front and center in the campaign. Romney isn't talking about it either; in my opinion it was another missed opportunity of the amateurish Romney campaign.

You think a REPUBLICAN candidate would advocate breaking up the big banks????
Democrats Destroyed This Country After They Took Power 5 Years Ago. We now have:

- Lower Income Middle Class.
- Lower Income Lower Class.
- Higher Income Top 1%
- Greater Disparity between Lower Class Worker & Top 1%.
- More Able Bodied Workers Unemployed.
- Lower Percent of Population Employed.
- More People on Welfare.
- More Percent of the Population on Welfare.
- More People on Disability.
- More Percent of the Population on Disability.
- Larger National Debt than 5 Years Ago.
- Larger National Debt than the European Union.
- Greater Debt to GDP than 5 Years Ago.
- Greater Debt to GDP than the European Union.
- Greater Debt Per Citizen than 5 Years Ago.
- Greater Debt Per Citizen than the European Union.
- Inflation - Higher Cost Food, Gas, Water, Sewer, Electricity etc.
- Higher Property Taxes.
- Higher Sales Taxes.
- Higher Taxes All Around on the Poor & Middle Class.
- Higher Healthcare Cost.
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