Obama's Budget

It's very simple.

Eliminate tax expenditures. All those deductions and credits and subsidies and boondoggles in the tax code. That includes the mortage interest deduction. Every deduction you take has to be paid for by someone else, either by higher tax rates or by borrowing from foreign countries.

Lower Defense spending.

Increase the retirement age to 70.

We would be rolling in a historical surplus with just these three things.
The GOP demonstrated it is not the party of fiscal responsibility when it controlled Congress and the White House. The GOP just wants power back so it can be the one spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. That's all this is about. Everything else is smoke up your ass.

GOP: Borrow and spend.

Democrats: Tax and spend.
It's very simple.

Eliminate tax expenditures. All those deductions and credits and subsidies and boondoggles in the tax code. That includes the mortage interest deduction. Every deduction you take has to be paid for by someone else, either by higher tax rates or by borrowing from foreign countries.

Lower Defense spending.

Increase the retirement age to 70.

We would be rolling in a historical surplus with just these three things.

You seem to have forgot including every dollar earned by every citizen in the tax rate, which should also be equalized... Reducing spending in, or eliminating all together government expenditures such as entitlements and subsidies
The GOP demonstrated it is not the party of fiscal responsibility when it controlled Congress and the White House. The GOP just wants power back so it can be the one spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. That's all this is about. Everything else is smoke up your ass.

GOP: Borrow and spend.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Democrats: Tax higher, borrow more, and spend higher
How fast would you like him to balance the budget. We could just do away with the estate tax altogether. Money does not rollover. You die you lose it. That should speed things up a bit.

You have no right to confiscate the property of others... personal property rights are essential in a free society.. unlike what communistic progtards want

The rich and the military industrial corporations have no right to run up a $17 trillion national debt, and then exempt themselves from paying it off. Every penny of the debt was run up by rich congress politicians, that were bought by corporate business.

Actually.. they cannot.. as they do not grant or empower federal spending.. that is all on the government itself

and has nothing to do with what I stated
The GOP demonstrated it is not the party of fiscal responsibility when it controlled Congress and the White House. The GOP just wants power back so it can be the one spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. That's all this is about. Everything else is smoke up your ass.

GOP: Borrow and spend.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Democrats: Tax higher, borrow more, and spend higher

And what do the Democrats what to spend money on?

Breaking down spending in Obama's budget proposal - The Washington Post

Ah yes - the ignorant left-wing propaganda in all of its glory....

Notice how all of the unconstitutional entitlements are broken down into a million different categories so as to make them smaller, while every part of defense is lumped into one "defense" category to make it larger.

And dimwitted, pea-brained, weak-minded buffoons like [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] here actually believe it because they are incapable of understanding budgets. They just see "pretty picture" and get duped by it... :lmao:

Here's the bottom line (for anyone not weak minded like my friend here): we spend over $1 trillion per year on unconstitutional socialism. We spend roughly $560 billion per year on constitutional and necessary defense.

And no amount of silly left-wing propaganda pictures intended to dupe the weak-minded can change that fact.
The GOP demonstrated it is not the party of fiscal responsibility when it controlled Congress and the White House. The GOP just wants power back so it can be the one spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. That's all this is about. Everything else is smoke up your ass.

GOP: Borrow and spend.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Democrats: Tax higher, borrow more, and spend higher

And what do the Democrats what to spend money on?

Voters (so they can stay in power - which is all Hitler-wanna-be Dumbocrats ever want - power and control over others).
It's very simple.

Eliminate tax expenditures. All those deductions and credits and subsidies and boondoggles in the tax code. That includes the mortage interest deduction. Every deduction you take has to be paid for by someone else, either by higher tax rates or by borrowing from foreign countries.

Lower Defense spending.

Increase the retirement age to 70.

We would be rolling in a historical surplus with just these three things.

Sure, that is simple. It's also incredibly stupid (it's just the same tired and failed strategy that Dumbocrats have failed with for over 100 years now).

Here's a much better plan:

  • Eliminate Social Security

  • Eliminate Unemployment

  • Eliminate food stamps

  • Eliminate Freddie & Fannie

  • Eliminate government subsidized housing

  • Eliminate federal pork

  • Increase spending on defense

  • Lower taxes to decrease unemployment and increase the tax base to draw from
  • Eliminate Dumbocrat regulations to decrease unemployment and increase the tax base to draw from
The GOP demonstrated it is not the party of fiscal responsibility when it controlled Congress and the White House. The GOP just wants power back so it can be the one spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. That's all this is about. Everything else is smoke up your ass.

GOP: Borrow and spend.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Democrats: Tax higher, borrow more, and spend higher

And what do the Democrats what to spend money on?

Maintaining America as a world power outside of the Military for one. Of course welfare too that is very wasteful is another...
The GOP demonstrated it is not the party of fiscal responsibility when it controlled Congress and the White House. The GOP just wants power back so it can be the one spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse. That's all this is about. Everything else is smoke up your ass.

GOP: Borrow and spend.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Democrats: Tax higher, borrow more, and spend higher

And what do the Democrats what to spend money on?

On entitlement programs that are designed to enslave the population to the government. That is after what the far left voted for.

Then again there are two things clearly spelled out in the constitution and that is the right to own property and the defense of this nation.

Ah yes - the ignorant left-wing propaganda in all of its glory....

Notice how all of the unconstitutional entitlements are broken down into a million different categories so as to make them smaller, while every part of defense is lumped into one "defense" category to make it larger.

And dimwitted, pea-brained, weak-minded buffoons like [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION] here actually believe it because they are incapable of understanding budgets. They just see "pretty picture" and get duped by it... :lmao:

Here's the bottom line (for anyone not weak minded like my friend here): we spend over $1 trillion per year on unconstitutional socialism. We spend roughly $560 billion per year on constitutional and necessary defense.

And no amount of silly left-wing propaganda pictures intended to dupe the weak-minded can change that fact.

This is hilarious. Buffoons like you would have only two bubbles in the diagram. One that says "Defense" and one that says "Socialism".

And I have actually posted much more detailed explanations of budgets on this forum while you never have. You would not know how to read one.
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Here's an idea: Every function not explicitly listed in the COnstitution as a power of the federal government should be eliminated or turned over to the states. Then cut taxes to a single digit rate for everyone, no deductions.

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