Obama's Budget

Rottweiler, when you are ready to give objective fact-filled and fact-vetted evidence, then thinking people will consider your points.
There goes Fake speaking on behalf of others again. This time he tried to lump himself into a group as the spokesman that he clearly is not a part of.
he's NEVER balanced a budget. ever

Neither has Reagan, Bush Sr, or Bush Jr

...and when Clinton balanced the budget, Shrub destroyed it in his first six months.

Clinton did not balance the budget! Get that through your thick skull!

The Republican Congress crammed the Balanced Budget Bill down his throat!

Clinton fought against a balanced budget until he ran out of ammo!

Clinton quotes:
"That's silly, the budget can't be balanced".
"The budget can't be balanced in our lifetimes".
"The budget doesn't matter anyway'.
"The budget can't be balanced until 2025".
I personally heard Clinton say these words, watched his mouth move so I knew he was lying.

In the end, when public opinion was for a balanced budget, Bill Clinton veto'd the Republican's balanced Budget Bill, re-submitted it under his Letter Head, and dared the Republicans to vote it down!

So keep lying and saying, "Clinton balanced the budget", and re-confirming you're ignorant!!
he's NEVER balanced a budget. ever

How fast would you like him to balance the budget. We could just do away with the estate tax altogether. Money does not rollover. You die you lose it. That should speed things up a bit.

You have no right to confiscate the property of others... personal property rights are essential in a free society.. unlike what communistic progtards want

The rich and the military industrial corporations have no right to run up a $17 trillion national debt, and then exempt themselves from paying it off. Every penny of the debt was run up by rich congress politicians, that were bought by corporate business.
It's funny to watch conservatives pretend as if they are anti-spending.

One look at the military budget tells you they are definitely not anti-spending. They're just anti-spending on the programs they don't like.

As opposed to libs?
We are spending less on our military than ever. It is creating havoc around the world. We have a severe spending problem and the Dem response is to do more of it.
Oh'boy you are pissed as it doesn't cut science, infrastructure or education. You see you can't stand that we invest within our own country.

Obama is cutting the one giant sink = military. I hope he closes a large percentage of those bases...Talk about a giant sink.

It's just too bad that with all this funding for science, infrastructure and education they still can't create a job that pays more than minimum wage.

Every one of those areas pays well and helps strengthen our middle class. What are you talking about?

The Soviet Union spent more on education, infrastructure and science than any other country. We see how many jobs that created.
How fast would you like him to balance the budget. We could just do away with the estate tax altogether. Money does not rollover. You die you lose it. That should speed things up a bit.

You have no right to confiscate the property of others... personal property rights are essential in a free society.. unlike what communistic progtards want

The rich and the military industrial corporations have no right to run up a $17 trillion national debt, and then exempt themselves from paying it off. Every penny of the debt was run up by rich congress politicians, that were bought by corporate business.

Which party has the longer history of controlling Congress? :eusa_think:
There goes Fake speaking on behalf of others again. This time he tried to lump himself into a group as the spokesman that he clearly is not a part of.

:lol: Says the guy who could not find his own ass with a map, a compass, a GPS system, a pack of pole twirlers, and an ass sniffing dog.

TASB, the budget is owned by both parties.
You have no right to confiscate the property of others... personal property rights are essential in a free society.. unlike what communistic progtards want

The rich and the military industrial corporations have no right to run up a $17 trillion national debt, and then exempt themselves from paying it off. Every penny of the debt was run up by rich congress politicians, that were bought by corporate business.

Which party has the longer history of controlling Congress? :eusa_think:

GOP in the last twenty years.
Neither has Reagan, Bush Sr, or Bush Jr

...and when Clinton balanced the budget, Shrub destroyed it in his first six months.

Clinton did not balance the budget! Get that through your thick skull!

The Republican Congress crammed the Balanced Budget Bill down his throat!

Clinton fought against a balanced budget until he ran out of ammo!

Clinton quotes:
"That's silly, the budget can't be balanced".
"The budget can't be balanced in our lifetimes".
"The budget doesn't matter anyway'.
"The budget can't be balanced until 2025".
I personally heard Clinton say these words, watched his mouth move so I knew he was lying.

In the end, when public opinion was for a balanced budget, Bill Clinton veto'd the Republican's balanced Budget Bill, re-submitted it under his Letter Head, and dared the Republicans to vote it down!

So keep lying and saying, "Clinton balanced the budget", and re-confirming you're ignorant!!

All you have is bullshit. I know it, you know it, and so does everyone else.
Raygun tripled the national debt.
Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years.
Clinton not only balanced the budget, the government had $200 billion surplus for fiscal year 2000.
Shrub Jr. destroyed the balanced budget in six months, doubled the debt again, AND destroyed the economy.

In the past 100 years, there have been eight Democratic and nine Republican Presidents. Five of the eight Democrats oversaw average deficits smaller than they inherited, while seven of the nine Republicans oversaw average deficits larger than they inherited. That includes Obama.
U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
As I said, after adjusting for inflation, we have not spent this much on Defense since WWII, and we are not under an existential threat as we were during the Cold War, and yet we are spending more than we did during the hottest periods of the Cold War.

And we are not in a World War.
As I said, after adjusting for inflation, we have not spent this much on Defense since WWII, and we are not under an existential threat as we were during the Cold War, and yet we are spending more than we did during the hottest periods of the Cold War.

And we are not in a World War.

Unsupported by facts. Even the chart you posted shows lower spending.
the Left didnt have the balls to cut Defense when they controlled both chambers of Congress; so they took the cowards way by allowing the sequester to take place; 60% of those cuts were to the military.

hangover you idiot; you cant talk about anybody else having nothing but bullshit. that is all you know leftard. go hang yourself

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