Obama's Failed Coup Attempt & Hillary's Hitman Who Ran It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"From the moment Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination and then the presidency, national security officials under President Obama have shown themselves to be intense adversaries in public and behind the scenes.

...special counsel
Robert Mueller’s top-gun prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, praised acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a Trump nemesis, for refusing a White House order to defend the president’s travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, according to internal emails."

One of the biggest revelations, yet not a surprise, regarding 'Mueller's' investigation was laid bare when Mueller was forced to answer questions under oath about the Trump investigation. That 'shocker' was the demonstrated fact that Mueller had been little more than a figurehead and that it was Andrew Weismann who had been the puppet master.

Weissmann praised US AG Sally Yates for blocking President Obama's Muslim Ban, publicly gushing ver her decision to do so, leaving no question which side of the political divide his loyalties lie.

Weissmann stayed at Hillary's campaign HQ the night she lost the election to Donald Trump, intending to celebrate her victory by her side. He was a big Hillary donor and also donated to Barak Obama and Andrew Cuomo.

Despite being unable to identify Hillary Clinton-associated lawyers on his own special counsel team, Weissmann was 'chosen' as (appointed to be) Mueller's 'right-hand-man'. During Mueller's testimony it became clear that while Mueller was appointed for his name to put weight behind the investigation his main job was sitting at a desk, doing crossword puzzles, and sipping on juice boxes while Weissmann ran the witch hunt.

Obama FBI Director James Comey opened up an FBI investigation on then-candidate Trump based on the now-confirmed-debunked Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda so to Hillary through a Trump-hating foreign spy, the intent of which was to destroy the COP candidate, prevent him from winning the Presidency, and to be used to affect a political coup should he somehow avoid Hillary's predicted 'landslide' victory.

Team Obama attempted ‘stealth coup’ by undermining Trump
"Then-FBI Director James B. Comey began a criminal investigation of the Trump campaign, in whole or part, based on a dossier financed by the Democratic Party with an aim to destroy the Republican candidate. Its salacious and sometimes far-fetched scenarios of Russia-Trump collusion on the Russian hack of Democratic Party computers have not been confirmed publicly."

The screams of 'Russian Collusion' from Democrats, coincidentally, began immediately after DNC computers were hacked, exposing 1) sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic e-mails, and 2) the fact that the DNC had stacked the Primary deck against Bernie to give Hillary the nomination. Their claims that Russians hacked the DNC computers to obtain this information was never confirmed because the DNC would never hand over their server for investigators to investigate their claim.
-- OCCAM'S RAZOR: Occam's Razor is a scientific principle that basically states the easiest explanation for something must be true. In this case, the simplest explanation / Occam's Razor states the Russians never hacked the DNC's computer, that instead the hacking and release of their e-mails was perpetrated by the criminal Pakistanis who were caught illegally accessing classified House computers and were later given access to DNC computers, e-mail . and all e-mail account usernames/passwords by then-DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

During the 2016 election John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director and former campaign adviser, pushed the investigation during the campaign. Clapper, Obama's NIA Director, helped the criminal Intel Agency part in the counter-Intelligence Operation / Coup launched against Trump.

Obama FBI Director, James Comey, briefed Trump he was not under investigation, briefed him the information in the leaked Dossier was 'salacious' and false, while the FBI was investigating him and pushing the Dossier as true despite refusing to attempt to verify the information and despite their own source working for the FBI - the foreign spy who was the middleman between the Russians and Hillary, Steele - telling them none of it had been verified and that he did not know if any of it was true. The FBI also ignored repeated warnings by other agencies that had discovered information in the Dossier was flase, Steele was a Trump-hating liar with an anti-Trump agenda, etc.... (All of this led the FBI's top lawyer to wonder, he stated, if Comey was blackmailing Trump with the Dossier.) Comey, admittedly, finally leaked classified information to the complicit liberal media through a friend with the intent / hope a special counsel would be called and a political coup against the newly elected President would be successful.
The "Sloth Coup" is still going on. It's just so slow, you won't notice it until it's too late. It will be finished late next year.
"From the moment Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination and then the presidency, national security officials under President Obama have shown themselves to be intense adversaries in public and behind the scenes.

...special counsel
Robert Mueller’s top-gun prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, praised acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a Trump nemesis, for refusing a White House order to defend the president’s travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, according to internal emails."

One of the biggest revelations, yet not a surprise, regarding 'Mueller's' investigation was laid bare when Mueller was forced to answer questions under oath about the Trump investigation. That 'shocker' was the demonstrated fact that Mueller had been little more than a figurehead and that it was Andrew Weismann who had been the puppet master.

Weissmann praised US AG Sally Yates for blocking President Obama's Muslim Ban, publicly gushing ver her decision to do so, leaving no question which side of the political divide his loyalties lie.

Weissmann stayed at Hillary's campaign HQ the night she lost the election to Donald Trump, intending to celebrate her victory by her side. He was a big Hillary donor and also donated to Barak Obama and Andrew Cuomo.

Despite being unable to identify Hillary Clinton-associated lawyers on his own special counsel team, Weissmann was 'chosen' as (appointed to be) Mueller's 'right-hand-man'. During Mueller's testimony it became clear that while Mueller was appointed for his name to put weight behind the investigation his main job was sitting at a desk, doing crossword puzzles, and sipping on juice boxes while Weissmann ran the witch hunt.

Obama FBI Director James Comey opened up an FBI investigation on then-candidate Trump based on the now-confirmed-debunked Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda so to Hillary through a Trump-hating foreign spy, the intent of which was to destroy the COP candidate, prevent him from winning the Presidency, and to be used to affect a political coup should he somehow avoid Hillary's predicted 'landslide' victory.

Team Obama attempted ‘stealth coup’ by undermining Trump

Until something dramatic happens, it's all filed under "somebody did something" As it stands today, here's about a 50/50 chance that Comey can successfully sue to get his old job back.
The entire coup failed, and evidence continues to come out exposing former President Obama, his criminal Cabinet, and the Democrats' crimes, as well as how complicit the leftist extremist media was / still is in all of it.

The US IG independent investigations, still on-going, have revealed much of the crimes and corruption with-in the FBI. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was recommended for indictment doe prosecution for his crimes, which include leaking classified information. Former FBI Agent Strzok was also recommended for indictment, and the latest US IG report 'scorched' Comey for violating FBI protocol, rules, and regulations, as well as for having - admittedly - leaking classified information.

Despite the US IG having found enough evidence of crimes committed to recommend indictment of the co-conspirators, the DOJ has decided so far to date NOT to do so.

The US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses during the WEISSMAN investigation is still pending....
The entire coup failed, and evidence continues to come out exposing former President Obama, his criminal Cabinet, and the Democrats' crimes, as well as how complicit the leftist extremist media was / still is in all of it.

The US IG independent investigations, still on-going, have revealed much of the crimes and corruption with-in the FBI. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was recommended for indictment doe prosecution for his crimes, which include leaking classified information. Former FBI Agent Strzok was also recommended for indictment, and the latest US IG report 'scorched' Comey for violating FBI protocol, rules, and regulations, as well as for having - admittedly - leaking classified information.

Despite the US IG having found enough evidence of crimes committed to recommend indictment of the co-conspirators, the DOJ has decided so far to date NOT to do so.

The US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses during the WEISSMAN investigation is still pending....

Seems to be the best explanation

Bush Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway (Important Updates on 2/28) – The Millennium Report
"From the moment Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination and then the presidency, national security officials under President Obama have shown themselves to be intense adversaries in public and behind the scenes.

...special counsel
Robert Mueller’s top-gun prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, praised acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a Trump nemesis, for refusing a White House order to defend the president’s travel ban on Muslim-majority countries, according to internal emails."

One of the biggest revelations, yet not a surprise, regarding 'Mueller's' investigation was laid bare when Mueller was forced to answer questions under oath about the Trump investigation. That 'shocker' was the demonstrated fact that Mueller had been little more than a figurehead and that it was Andrew Weismann who had been the puppet master.

Weissmann praised US AG Sally Yates for blocking President Obama's Muslim Ban, publicly gushing ver her decision to do so, leaving no question which side of the political divide his loyalties lie.

Weissmann stayed at Hillary's campaign HQ the night she lost the election to Donald Trump, intending to celebrate her victory by her side. He was a big Hillary donor and also donated to Barak Obama and Andrew Cuomo.

Despite being unable to identify Hillary Clinton-associated lawyers on his own special counsel team, Weissmann was 'chosen' as (appointed to be) Mueller's 'right-hand-man'. During Mueller's testimony it became clear that while Mueller was appointed for his name to put weight behind the investigation his main job was sitting at a desk, doing crossword puzzles, and sipping on juice boxes while Weissmann ran the witch hunt.

Obama FBI Director James Comey opened up an FBI investigation on then-candidate Trump based on the now-confirmed-debunked Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda so to Hillary through a Trump-hating foreign spy, the intent of which was to destroy the COP candidate, prevent him from winning the Presidency, and to be used to affect a political coup should he somehow avoid Hillary's predicted 'landslide' victory.

Team Obama attempted ‘stealth coup’ by undermining Trump

She refused to defend his Muslim travel ban because it was unconstitutional, which is what the courts said.

It's even what the courts said again this week years later. The President and his little sycophant Stephen Miller are xenophobes.
Until something dramatic happens, it's all filed under "somebody did something" As it stands today, here's about a 50/50 chance that Comey can successfully sue to get his old job back.

Comey will NEVER get his old job back, especially with that last damning US IG report on his 'resume'. With Barr's refusal to indict, holding the criminal conspirators accountable for crimes - like Comey - they were stupid enough to brag about, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and other co-conspirators can engage in 'political theater' by filing law suits. Secretly they are doing a jig, ecstatic that they are not being perp-walked and indicted for their exposed crimes.
The "Sloth Coup" is still going on. It's just so slow, you won't notice it until it's too late. It will be finished late next year.
Actually, as usual, you lie. One the 2nd day back from their undeserved vacation, Nadler and the Democrats declared that their continued operation to salvage Barry's failed coup is still in full swing, that their efforts are going to continue.....but don't let reality stop you from throwing out another perfectly good 'whopper'.

The "Sloth Coup" is still going on. It's just so slow, you won't notice it until it's too late. It will be finished late next year.
Actually, as usual, you lie. One the 2nd day back from their undeserved vacation, Nadler and the Democrats declared that their continued operation to salvage Barry's failed coup is still in full swing, that their efforts are going to continue.....but don't let reality stop you from throwing out another perfectly good 'whopper'.


No, no. The Sloth Coup is real. It's happening. So slow you'll think it's going backwards.
She refused to defend his Muslim travel ban because it was unconstitutional, which is what the courts said.

ACTUALLY, your attempt to defend Obama's US AG's actions shows your ignorance. The 'Travel Ban' was NEVER a Travel BAN, but way to parrot your puppet masters.

What it called for was a DELAY in allowing immigrants from areas known to be anti-American / known to be anti-American terrorist-heavy locations UNTIL PROPER, THOUROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS COULD BE CONDUCTED.

Democrats want to make background checks mandatory before an American citizen can buy a gun, but they freak out when the President called for travel DELAYS of immigrants coming in from known terrorist-heavy locations like Syria until thorough background checks could be done. WTF?

Obama tried that, remember? Obama personally acted to allow immigrants from one of these countries to come into the United States without a thorough background check, after which they traveled and set up in California. Not long after the terrorist murdered 7 Californians. Despite havi ng more American blood on his hands, the liberal media gave him a pass.
The "Sloth Coup" is still going on. It's just so slow, you won't notice it until it's too late. It will be finished late next year.
Actually, as usual, you lie. One the 2nd day back from their undeserved vacation, Nadler and the Democrats declared that their continued operation to salvage Barry's failed coup is still in full swing, that their efforts are going to continue.....but don't let reality stop you from throwing out another perfectly good 'whopper'.


No, no. The Sloth Coup is real. It's happening. So slow you'll think it's going backwards.
Funny, you just doubled-down on 'stupid' despite getting your ass factually handed to you.

Democrats to Broaden Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump to Corruption Accusations

Until something dramatic happens, it's all filed under "somebody did something" As it stands today, here's about a 50/50 chance that Comey can successfully sue to get his old job back.

Comey will NEVER get his old job back, especially with that last damning US IG report on his 'resume'. With Barr's refusal to indict, holding the criminal conspirators accountable for crimes - like Comey - they were stupid enough to brag about, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and other co-conspirators can engage in 'political theater' by filing law suits. Secretly they are doing a jig, ecstatic that they are not being perp-walked and indicted for their exposed crimes.

We're one democrat President away from them flipping the switch on their "enemies" All the Intel agencies are aligned against the People and the Big Tech companies will ban all Conservatives and no one can talk back
She refused to defend his Muslim travel ban because it was unconstitutional, which is what the courts said.

ACTUALLY, your attempt to defend Obama's US AG's actions shows your ignorance. The 'Travel Ban' was NEVER a Travel BAN, but way to parrot your puppet masters.

What it called for was a DELAY in allowing immigrants from areas known to be anti-American / known to be anti-American terrorist-heavy locations UNTIL PROPER, THOUROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS COULD BE CONDUCTED.

Democrats want to make background checks mandatory before an American citizen can buy a gun, but they freak out when the President called for travel DELAYS of immigrants coming in from known terrorist-heavy locations like Syria until thorough background checks could be done. WTF?

Obama tried that, remember? Obama personally acted to allow immigrants from one of these countries to come into the United States without a thorough background check, after which they traveled and set up in California. Not long after the terrorist murdered 7 Californians. Despite havi ng more American blood on his hands, the liberal media gave him a pass.

Do you even understand that the people that decided his actions unconstitutional were judges NOT appointed by Obama? Also, Sally Yates was an ACTING AG.

Just keep blabbering away. Here we are, years later and he still can't write a proper rule that can't be implemented without being ruled unconstitutional.
The "Sloth Coup" is still going on. It's just so slow, you won't notice it until it's too late. It will be finished late next year.
Actually, as usual, you lie. One the 2nd day back from their undeserved vacation, Nadler and the Democrats declared that their continued operation to salvage Barry's failed coup is still in full swing, that their efforts are going to continue.....but don't let reality stop you from throwing out another perfectly good 'whopper'.


No, no. The Sloth Coup is real. It's happening. So slow you'll think it's going backwards.
Funny, you just doubled-down on 'stupid' despite getting your ass factually handed to you.

Democrats to Broaden Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump to Corruption Accusations


Hahaha I said it was still going on. Now you say it is too. I think the planners of the Sloth Coup have fooled you again. Those Sloths are known for the misdirection and slight of hand, be it a bit slow.
She refused to defend his Muslim travel ban because it was unconstitutional, which is what the courts said.

ACTUALLY, your attempt to defend Obama's US AG's actions shows your ignorance. The 'Travel Ban' was NEVER a Travel BAN, but way to parrot your puppet masters.

What it called for was a DELAY in allowing immigrants from areas known to be anti-American / known to be anti-American terrorist-heavy locations UNTIL PROPER, THOUROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS COULD BE CONDUCTED.

Democrats want to make background checks mandatory before an American citizen can buy a gun, but they freak out when the President called for travel DELAYS of immigrants coming in from known terrorist-heavy locations like Syria until thorough background checks could be done. WTF?

Obama tried that, remember? Obama personally acted to allow immigrants from one of these countries to come into the United States without a thorough background check, after which they traveled and set up in California. Not long after the terrorist murdered 7 Californians. Despite havi ng more American blood on his hands, the liberal media gave him a pass.

Do you even understand that the people that decided his actions unconstitutional were judges NOT appointed by Obama? Also, Sally Yates was an ACTING AG.

Just keep blabbering away. Here we are, years later and he still can't write a proper rule that can't be implemented without being ruled unconstitutional.
What you just stated has nothing to do with the fact that Trump did NOT issue a Travel BAN, that it was a call to DELAY allowing these people into the country until proper background checks could be conducted. I thought you snowflakes were for thorough background checks. I guess that is only for Americans, not terrorists....

The "Sloth Coup" is still going on. It's just so slow, you won't notice it until it's too late. It will be finished late next year.
Actually, as usual, you lie. One the 2nd day back from their undeserved vacation, Nadler and the Democrats declared that their continued operation to salvage Barry's failed coup is still in full swing, that their efforts are going to continue.....but don't let reality stop you from throwing out another perfectly good 'whopper'.


No, no. The Sloth Coup is real. It's happening. So slow you'll think it's going backwards.
Funny, you just doubled-down on 'stupid' despite getting your ass factually handed to you.

Democrats to Broaden Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump to Corruption Accusations


Hahaha I said it was still going on. Now you say it is too. I think the planners of the Sloth Coup have fooled you again. Those Sloths are known for the misdirection and slight of hand, be it a bit slow.
WTF? I said a long time ago Nadler is continuing it...you are making zero sense. Your TDS is really acting up today...
She refused to defend his Muslim travel ban because it was unconstitutional, which is what the courts said.

ACTUALLY, your attempt to defend Obama's US AG's actions shows your ignorance. The 'Travel Ban' was NEVER a Travel BAN, but way to parrot your puppet masters.

What it called for was a DELAY in allowing immigrants from areas known to be anti-American / known to be anti-American terrorist-heavy locations UNTIL PROPER, THOUROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS COULD BE CONDUCTED.

Democrats want to make background checks mandatory before an American citizen can buy a gun, but they freak out when the President called for travel DELAYS of immigrants coming in from known terrorist-heavy locations like Syria until thorough background checks could be done. WTF?

Obama tried that, remember? Obama personally acted to allow immigrants from one of these countries to come into the United States without a thorough background check, after which they traveled and set up in California. Not long after the terrorist murdered 7 Californians. Despite havi ng more American blood on his hands, the liberal media gave him a pass.

Do you even understand that the people that decided his actions unconstitutional were judges NOT appointed by Obama? Also, Sally Yates was an ACTING AG.

Just keep blabbering away. Here we are, years later and he still can't write a proper rule that can't be implemented without being ruled unconstitutional.
What you just stated has nothing to do with the fact that Trump did NOT issue a Travel BAN, that it was a call to DELAY allowing these people into the country until proper background checks could be conducted. I thought you snowflakes were for thorough background checks. I guess that is only for Americans, not terrorists....


...and it was denied because it was ONLY for predominantly Muslim counties, not ALL countries.

You are trying to argue shit I'm not saying. He tried to sneak some of his, Stephen Miller's, and his bases xenophobic ideologies into U.S. policy and it got blocked over and over again by judges enforcing the Constitution. Sucks to live in the U.S. with a Constitution that makes it so that all people are supposed to be treated equally doesn't it?
...and it was denied because it was ONLY for predominantly Muslim counties, not ALL countries.
No shit! Did you come up with that yourself or did your snow flake friends help you deduce that?

The idea was to delay entry into the US by Muslims coming from America-hating Muslim Extremist TERTORIST-infested nations whose immigrants had little to no official documentation due to the country being ravaged by war / victimized by terrorists....

A delay is not needed for 'ALL NATIONS'. For example, there was no delay called for from places like Australia because they are not a country overrun by America-hating Islamic Extremist Jihadists...

Gee, imagine that.....


...and it was denied because it was ONLY for predominantly Muslim counties, not ALL countries.
No shit! Did you come up with that yourself or did your snow flake friends help you deduce that?

The idea was to delay entry into the US by Muslims coming from America-hating Muslim Extremist TERTORIST-infested nations whose immigrants had little to no official documentation due to the country being ravaged by war / victimized by terrorists....

A delay is not needed for 'ALL NATIONS'. For example, there was no delay called for from places like Australia because they are not a country overrun by America-hating Islamic Extremist Jihadists...

Gee, imagine that.....



You can't just assume someone hates the U.S. because of their religion... well unless you don't like the Constitution? Are you anti-American?
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