Obama's FBI Attempted To 'Enagage in Fake News' - Tried to FRAME...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Julian Assange.

FBI sent planeload of agents to frame Assange in Iceland

"The US sent a “planeload of FBI agents” to Iceland in 2011 to frame WikiLeaks and its co-founder Julian Assange, according to a former Icelandic minister of interior, who refused them any cooperation and asked them to cease their activities.

In June 2011, Obama administration implied to Iceland's authorities they had knowledge of hackers wanting to destroy software systems in the country, and offered help, then-Interior Minister Ogmundur Jonasson, said in an
interview with the Katoikos publication.

However, Jonasson said he instantly became “suspicious” of the US good intentions, “well aware that a helping hand might easily become a manipulating hand.”

Later in the summer 2011, the US “sent a planeload of FBI agents to Iceland seeking our cooperation in what I understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks,” Jonasson said.

Icelanders seemed like a tough nut to crack, though.

“Since they had not been authorized by the Icelandic authorities to carry out police work in Iceland and since a crack-down on WikiLeaks was not on my agenda, to say the least, I ordered that all cooperation with them be promptly terminated and I also made it clear that they should cease all activities in Iceland immediately,” the politician said."

** FBI sent planeload of agents to frame Assange in Iceland, got snubbed by minister

Now we know...

Hillary and Barry were caught trying to FRAME a video producer for instigating the Benghazi attack.

Hillary and Barry were caught trying to FRAME Julian Assange in Iceland.

SO how do we know Hillary and Barry aren't trying so FRAME Russia for hacking the US elections, scapegoating them for Hillary's disastrous loss?

When the United States Government - or at least one administration - starts using its power to spy on citizens/the media/Congress, use the IRS to target citizens it considers to be its political 'enemies', and illegally using its Judicial/Prosecutorial powers to accuse, FRAME, scapegoat, jail, and protect its own from going to jail - all of which this administration has done, you really can't trust them AT ALL.

Lets not lose track of the fact that Assange is a leftist, not our friend.

He may be working against the meat puppet faggot and the DNC because they're fascists, but he will work even more diligently against Trump and any agenda that promotes American interests from this point on.

Whatever hand he had, which is marginal for certain, in undermining hitlary it was out of revenge and personal animosity. Hitlary is still a moonbat, but not as fruitcake left as Assange is.

At least that's my perspective.

I think if Bernie was the DNC nom, things would have worked out entirely different.
Lets not lose track of the fact that Assange is a leftist, not our friend.

Oh, I am just trying to make an objective observation.

I am surprised that it doesn't bother ...or that no one has noticed yet...that the federal government - specifically the current administration, since it is still the one in power - has used the power of the federal government to actively FRAME individuals (both citizens and non-citizens), to spy on individuals/the media/Congress, to protect criminals, and now - potentially - to villainize / scapegoat an entire nation to explain their political party's election loss.

Oh I do not doubt the Russians could have and maybe even DID do it, but so far all I have seen or heard is this same administration that did all that above tell us that the Russians did it without offering up any real evidence to back their claim.

Without that evidence, I am halfway likely to believe this is simply more Obama manipulation and lies (a la "If you like your plan..."). And yes, I do recognize that having that little faith in your own government is serious....but the Obama administration has brought such lack of faith and trust on itself.

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