*Obama's Has Bandages On His Fingers*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Could be signs he offed the chef.
2. He may have been struck in the face too.
3. I think he did it, don't you?


Just fucking wow!

When will the police haul him in for questioning?

Did they dump the chef's body in the water to wash off Obama's DNA?

Sorry bout that,

1. I want a Lefty to come and defend Obama, say he didn't do it, lets trot them all off, and make statements.
2. Lets hear it???
3. Did the assigned Secret Service help in this?


Just fucking wow!

When will the police haul him in for questioning?

Did they dump the chef's body in the water to wash off Obama's DNA?


Got slapped around by Big Mike.

Or a dude with the swimming aptitude of an olympian who miraculously drowned in a few feet of water.

Preparing to publish a not so flattering book.

Who knows?
Welcome to the "Conspiracy Theory" section kiddos.

Where biased Leftist moderators consign you when they have no viable explanation for why an ex-President has a black eye and bandaged fingers after his chef's been "expired".

OP: Wear this as a badge of honor. You're clearly over the target.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm sure they only hope, which ever mod team member put this thread in Conspiracy Theories....
2. But what when if gathers more steam??

This is clearly a conspiracy.

If Obama had a row with his chef, he would immediately leave, and call a professional, so as not to implicate himself.

I mean, come 'on, that cat went to Harvard, he ain't no amateur, he has connections to the pros.

This is clearly a conspiracy.

If Obama had a row with his chef, he would immediately leave, and call a professional, so as not to implicate himself.

I mean, come 'on, that cat went to Harvard, he ain't no amateur, he has connections to the pros.

Sorry bout that,

1. Some things you can't pay some one else to do .
2. Could be he had to think fast, no one around to help.
3. Harvard don't have classes on this kinda shit.
4. He did it, use your head, for once

Sorry bout that,

1. Could be signs he offed the chef.
2. He may have been struck in the face too.
3. I think he did it, don't you?


Naw.. he cut them on his cell phone .
Sorry bout that,

1. He did it, the evidence is all we need to prove it.
2. That will come.
3. One way or another we get him.
4. As of now this is a gift, and a gift that keeps giving.
5. We going wrap this around his neck!

1. He did it, the evidence is all we need to prove it.
2. That will come.
3. One way or another we get him.
4. As of now this is a gift, and a gift that keeps giving.
5. We going wrap this around his neck!
If there is no hard evidence , he did not do it . End of. Saying "that will come" falls into the category of pious hope . Your remainder is attempted bravado . Far smarter is a scenario where this is a planned False Flag to deflect from everything that Obummer wants ignored . That is , the murdered guy was not his Chef and the Gay Communist will finally produce an unbreakable alibi.This all assumes Obummer is panicking because the Biden investigations are throwing up damning evidence against him in all sorts of areas -- like being a traitor for possible starters . Deflection is the name of the game almost everywhere you look .
Sorry bout that,

1. Another day, another opportunity to gather more evidence.
2. Seems we got him where we want him, struggling to hide the evidence.
3. I am fairly certain we got him now.


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