Obama's illegal alien aunt zeituni dead at 61

I met Aunt Zeituni once a long time ago. She was sitting at a bar immersed in herself. She was sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's better than drinking alone
Do you take requests, Billy?

Aunt Zeituni told me of the days long ago when young Barack would sit at her knee in their grass hut back in Kenya. She told me of how much he struggled to learn to throw a baseball and that he did not speak until he was four because they could not afford a teleprompter
Ya'll are bein' a wicked, evil person today, and rackin'-up major-league stand-up comedy points while yer at it...
This proves she was faking, right, hater dupes?

If Pubs really cared about stopping illegals, they'd allow a good work/SS ID card, dingbats, instead of distracting the chumps with racism, hate, unconstitutional harassment laws, and a ridiculous, useless, un-American Berlin Wall...
She was sick, duh lol. The more you know, the less you're a Pub dupe...

Did obama pay her medical bills? Did kenya.? No - americans are forced to pay the medical expenses for people that aren't even allowed to be here.
No, it's the American Way, thanks to Pubs' refusal of a good SS card....see, dupes, they love cheap, easily bullied labor...duh.

Unfortunately ... good ol' Auntie wasn't into "labor." She preferred to live off of the labor of others.

And she's a black female so she gets double affirmative action and could have easily gotten a job. But she chose to live off of working white people.
Auntie Z was a leech and proud of it.

Zeituni Onyango - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Onyango visited the United States multiple times since 1975, returning to Kenya each time until the 2000s.[9] She came on a temporary visa in 2000 along with a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston.[17] Commercial databases show she received a Social Security card in 2001, indicating she was legally present in the country at that time.[7]

Onyango was an asylum seeker when she applied for public housing in 2002.[1][6] She moved into the apartment, run by Massachusetts authorities, after back surgery made walking difficult.[6] A BHA official said that the agency was never notified of a deportation order that had been issued[18] (A 1977 federal consent decree, resulting from a class action lawsuit in Waltham, prohibits state officials from denying public housing to illegal immigrants).[6][19] Beginning in 2003 she lived in a South Boston public housing project, according to Boston Public Housing Authority (BHA) officials.[3] William McGonagle, deputy director of the Authority, stated Onyango did a good job as a public health advocate on behalf of the Boston Housing Authority.[3][20] Described as a frail woman who walked with a cane, she lived in flat normally set aside for people facing physical hardship.[1]

As of 2008 Onyango worked as a volunteer computer systems co-ordinator for the Experience Corps, a program in which adults over 55 mentor children in their communities.[1] McGonagle added "We have no affirmative responsibility I am aware of to further check on their status after they are initially deemed to be eligible."[21]

Onyango's immigration lawyer since 2008, Margaret Wong, stated Onyango could be barred from reentering for up to ten years if she left the US now.[22] Wong stated that Onyango needed to stay for medical care because she could not walk.[22]

Onyango was granted political asylum in 2010. Interviewed for the first time since then, in September 2010, by reporter Jonathan Elias on WBZ-TV in Boston, she described living in a homeless shelter for two years in Boston while waiting for her public housing apartment. She stated that she received disability checks of up to $700 a month. She made no apologies for overstaying her visa.[23][24]

"I don't mind," she said. "You can take that house. I can be on the streets with homeless people. I didn't ask for it. They gave it to me. Ask your system. I didn't create it or vote for it. Go and ask your system."
—Zeituni Onyango, WBZ-TV, September 21, 2010 reported and quoted from the WBZ-TV interview
You also do know these are the relatives of Obama's father, who he saw for a couple weeks when he was 8, right?

There is no proof that is Obama's real father since Sheriff Arpaio's investigation into Obama's birth certificate discovered it to be a 100% forged document.

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