Obamas looking to buy a $15 million vacant lot on Martha's Vineyard

Second Paragraph and the article is already full of shit...
The left disagrees. If you're rich, you aren't paying your fair share. Heck, even if you're not rich you should be taxed more. To them, the wealthy are like dragons - sleeping on a mountain of ill-gotten gold - lording over the peasants with filthy, probably-stolen, lucre that they couldn't spend in a hundred lifetimes. No one needs all that cash, and really you should only have what you the government decides you should be allowed to keep.
Those are some big lots they are looking at. One is 75 acres and the other is 40 acres. Big enough for actual vineyards on Marth's Vineyard. Maybe they could get trump to help them. Isn't he in the vineyard business?

There's so much wrong with this post, it's ridiculous, and what's wrong about it in every way is that if he were a Republican you'd be defending it to the hilt, as you have defended it to the hilt with Trump.

Trump was already filthy rich before he became president.
Presidents make big money from book sales. What makes their book sales unique and different is that after the initial publication and a little time on the best seller lists, the books continue to sell year after year to students of history. They often get onto required reading lists at universities. That provides a steady and continuous income.

Add to that, Presidents are always able to earn from speaking engagements. They are big draws at conventions and conferences. Celebrities in certain circles. People want to see them, hear them, shake their hands and get their photos taken with them.

Presidents are only limited in earning income by the time and effort they want to put into it.

There's so much wrong with this post, it's ridiculous, and what's wrong about it in every way is that if he were a Republican you'd be defending it to the hilt, as you have defended it to the hilt with Trump.

Trump was already filthy rich before he became president.

Yes, well done for pointing that out. Now, do you care to reply to what I said or not?

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