Obama's Meltdown

Obama is one of the least emotional, calm and collected people I have ever seen. He is even called "No drama Obama".

To refer to him as having a "melt down" is hilarious. Right wingers can see the darndest things. Yet they can't see an American citizen when he is standing right there in front of them. His skin color renders him invisible.
Obama is one of the least emotional, calm and collected people I have ever seen. He is even called "No drama Obama".

To refer to him as having a "melt down" is hilarious. Right wingers can see the darndest things. Yet they can't see an American citizen when he is standing right there in front of them. His skin color renders him invisible.

That's not what they're saying about him once the cameras are off him.

He shows no emotion because he doesn't care about anyone he's lying to.

However he often throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way. The way he treats world leaders in private is disgraceful.

I figure once he feels he doesn't have to hide his true feelings to the public you'll get a good dose of it.
Lame. Disingenuous and lame. The dude was speaking in complete sentences.....and there were sentences before and after he said the word unprecedented. The lameness is fucking suffocating.

So provide evidence his statement was factual and correct.

What is your problem? The guy is a fucking Harvard Law graduate, has been a law instructor and has been a practicing lawyer. He knows about judicial review. You are ridiculous in your ODS. Just ridiculous.
You'd melt down too if you were the only Muslim, communist, nazi, socialist, fascist, Kenyan president in the history of this country.
Obama said Ronald Reagan couldn't get throught a republican primary these days because the republican party has moved so far to the right since then. Seens this will be the tatic of the left... acusing the republicans of being too extreme and crazy, and saying they are the normal and sane guys... but will people buy it? I think that by now everyone has already noticed that Obama has a gigantic ego...
Obama could drop a bomb in Salt Lake City to take out a bunch of right wingers and PMSNBC would support the argument. Just like they all support Obama giving the finger to the five conservative judges. Maxinne Waters would of said: You know, you should of dropped 5 bombs in Utah! The hell with those Republicans! They are all demons !!!
Oh yeah.....EVERYONE has noticed that! It goes without saying. Which is EXACTLY why you felt you had to say it. Right?

C'mon buddy this is just an internet forum I don't need to convince anyone. I'm just saying what I think. Well but anyway I was wrong everyone has noticed that, EXCEPT the ones who don't want to see anything bad about him...
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

^Obumba is Da Man! :evil:
Obama is one of the least emotional, calm and collected people I have ever seen. He is even called "No drama Obama".

To refer to him as having a "melt down" is hilarious. Right wingers can see the darndest things. Yet they can't see an American citizen when he is standing right there in front of them. His skin color renders him invisible.

That's not what they're saying about him once the cameras are off him.

He shows no emotion because he doesn't care about anyone he's lying to.

However he often throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way. The way he treats world leaders in private is disgraceful.

I figure once he feels he doesn't have to hide his true feelings to the public you'll get a good dose of it.

Funny, how he "hides". But you, you who are so smart. So penetrating. You see through it. Without a shred of evidence, you've "made up" your own truth and you are sticking by it. Hilarious!
Obama is one of the least emotional, calm and collected people I have ever seen. He is even called "No drama Obama".

To refer to him as having a "melt down" is hilarious. Right wingers can see the darndest things. Yet they can't see an American citizen when he is standing right there in front of them. His skin color renders him invisible.

That's not what they're saying about him once the cameras are off him.

He shows no emotion because he doesn't care about anyone he's lying to.

However he often throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way. The way he treats world leaders in private is disgraceful.

I figure once he feels he doesn't have to hide his true feelings to the public you'll get a good dose of it.

Funny, how he "hides". But you, you who are so smart. So penetrating. You see through it. Without a shred of evidence, you've "made up" your own truth and you are sticking by it. Hilarious!

Actually I've hearing about it from reliable sources.
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

Of course he is. And his wife will do an angry black bitch number on the nation the day she has to move out of the White House. I've expected both of these things from Day 1.
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

I like that you support your position with sources and logic.

Oh ... wait ...

Have you ever heard of "Judicial review" because apparently it does not exist in Obama's new Little World

I'm pretty sure he thinks he will never have to go back to practicing law!
The "there's no such thing as Judicial review" should really give everyone, even the Obama Fluffers, pause.

Well, that would be a lie. Of course, the president never said "There's no such thing as judicial review". That's just you making shit up.

as usual. again.

Hey Fluffer, Obama got is so wrong that Larry Tribe was trying to cover for him by saying he "Misspoke"

SCOTUS overturning a law is "unprecedented" only in the Little Imaginary World of BH Obama
Obama is like the Wizard of Oz, it's all smoke and mirrors. Nothing real, nothing to be believed, thank God he's only the man behind the curtain. He's a fake and so impressed with himself, he doesn't know he's been figured out. After all, who really needs a brain or a heart???
Barack Hussein Obama, America's 44th President present as a typical narcissist and is in the middle of a terrifying meltdown.

He is arrogant, dismissive, even derisive of others. He cannot get along with anyone who refuses to worship him. Look at his complete refusal to accept the reality that SCOTUS was striking down ObamaCare. He went to his own little world and is so detracted from reality that Larry Tribe is saying he "misspoke" (because no one with more than a High School understanding of politics could be as wrong as Obama "unprecedented" statement).

He has a has a distorted sense of self-importance, he wrote not one, but two autobiographies before he had done anything (except write his first autobiography). He filters everything through his inflated ego, his State of the Union address and in fact, every address is "me me me I I I" "As I said in Cairo..." etc.

The trend that started after losing his Progressive majority in Congress in November 2010, continues unabated. Obama will likely demonstrate 2 unpleasant aspects of his Narcissism which may lead to further complications and problems:

Low Openness. Obama has difficulty adapting to change and has no tolerance for different points of view (e.g. ObamaCare and SCOTUS). He will descend furhter into himself like Nixon at the end of Watergate or Hitler in the Berlin bunker -- surrounded by enemies real or imagined.

Low Agreeableness. His paranoia, cynicism and inability to trust even friends or family will erupt explosively at times. His lack of respect for social conventions and respect for laws and traditions will continue to see a President acting and saying things that are truly bizarre, unPresidential and unprecedented.

In short, American, and the world, will witness a man unraveling before their very eyes. Sometimes a petulant little boy wronged, other times a vicious dictator stepping on the necks of his enemies.

It won't be pretty and it might be downright dangerous.

God help us.

I like that you support your position with sources and logic.

Oh ... wait ...

That's not what they're saying about him once the cameras are off him.

He shows no emotion because he doesn't care about anyone he's lying to.

However he often throws tantrums whenever he doesn't get his way. The way he treats world leaders in private is disgraceful.

I figure once he feels he doesn't have to hide his true feelings to the public you'll get a good dose of it.

Funny, how he "hides". But you, you who are so smart. So penetrating. You see through it. Without a shred of evidence, you've "made up" your own truth and you are sticking by it. Hilarious!

Actually I've hearing about it from reliable sources.

Fox news, I'm sure.
I like that you support your position with sources and logic.

Oh ... wait ...

Have you ever heard of "Judicial review" because apparently it does not exist in Obama's new Little World

I'm pretty sure he thinks he will never have to go back to practicing law!

He won't. Clinton made over a hundred million dollars giving speeches and writing books. Obama will make three times that much. He's respected around the world.

Republicans on the other hand are both laughed at and feared. Not a good combination.

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