Obamas Middle Finger to the World


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
A good outline on the status of the now 2nd worst President in American history telling all his supporters to stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. I would have added his flipping off the envirowhackos and ā€˜rich are evilā€™ crowd with his new $12 million beach front mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

Thereā€™s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because theyā€™re so untouchable politically that it doesnā€™t matter anymore, that they finally get to remove the public mask, no pun intended. This Covid bash was Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œFuck it!ā€ moment.

He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers whoā€™d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan Oā€™Brien!), and so on. Itā€™d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even ā€œReal Housewife of Atlantaā€ Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.
A good outline on the status of the now 2nd worst President in American history telling all his supporters to stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. I would have added his flipping off the envirowhackos and ā€˜rich are evilā€™ crowd with his new $12 million beach front mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

Thereā€™s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because theyā€™re so untouchable politically that it doesnā€™t matter anymore, that they finally get to remove the public mask, no pun intended. This Covid bash was Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œFuck it!ā€ moment.

He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers whoā€™d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan Oā€™Brien!), and so on. Itā€™d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even ā€œReal Housewife of Atlantaā€ Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.
Red diaper baby a Axelrod got the useful idiot treatment lol.
A good outline on the status of the now 2nd worst President in American history telling all his supporters to stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. I would have added his flipping off the envirowhackos and ā€˜rich are evilā€™ crowd with his new $12 million beach front mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

Thereā€™s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because theyā€™re so untouchable politically that it doesnā€™t matter anymore, that they finally get to remove the public mask, no pun intended. This Covid bash was Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œFuck it!ā€ moment.

He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers whoā€™d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan Oā€™Brien!), and so on. Itā€™d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even ā€œReal Housewife of Atlantaā€ Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.
A good outline on the status of the now 2nd worst President in American history telling all his supporters to stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. I would have added his flipping off the envirowhackos and ā€˜rich are evilā€™ crowd with his new $12 million beach front mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

Thereā€™s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because theyā€™re so untouchable politically that it doesnā€™t matter anymore, that they finally get to remove the public mask, no pun intended. This Covid bash was Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œFuck it!ā€ moment.

He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers whoā€™d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan Oā€™Brien!), and so on. Itā€™d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even ā€œReal Housewife of Atlantaā€ Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.
A hell a lot of bellends loved him and still do. So many retards on the planet, that's what normal people have to put up with.

I can only give credit to Obama (chief fuckwits of the bellends) once, he stuck his nose into UK politics with Brexit. As we Right Wing Brits know he's a prick, it egged the votes to leave. Apart from that, he's the worst president America has had, took you guys for a massive big fucking ride and the Democrats took the bait, hook line and fucking sinker.
..yep, Biden/Obama only love black criminals ..they/he's a complete failure
Trump is an ex president who can't even find anyone who will publish his book. That is what you call a complete failure.
A good outline on the status of the now 2nd worst President in American history telling all his supporters to stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. I would have added his flipping off the envirowhackos and ā€˜rich are evilā€™ crowd with his new $12 million beach front mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

Thereā€™s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because theyā€™re so untouchable politically that it doesnā€™t matter anymore, that they finally get to remove the public mask, no pun intended. This Covid bash was Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œFuck it!ā€ moment.

He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers whoā€™d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan Oā€™Brien!), and so on. Itā€™d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even ā€œReal Housewife of Atlantaā€ Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.
He and his minions have put us in a bad way. It is difficult to screw up when the game is fixed.
Trump is an ex president who can't even find anyone who will publish his book. That is what you call a complete failure.
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
you should stop being delusional moron
barrag-o=worst, racist representation of AMERICA
beijing xiden=2nd worst, racist, corrupt representation of AMERICA
if obama and is dems friends donā€™t take the xiden pandemic seriously, why should anyone?
A good outline on the status of the now 2nd worst President in American history telling all his supporters to stick it where the sun donā€™t shine. I would have added his flipping off the envirowhackos and ā€˜rich are evilā€™ crowd with his new $12 million beach front mansion in Marthaā€™s Vineyard.

Thereā€™s a glorious moment in the life of a certain kind of politician, when either because their careers are over, or because theyā€™re so untouchable politically that it doesnā€™t matter anymore, that they finally get to remove the public mask, no pun intended. This Covid bash was Barack Obamaā€™s ā€œFuck it!ā€ moment.

He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers whoā€™d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan Oā€™Brien!), and so on. Itā€™d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even ā€œReal Housewife of Atlantaā€ Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.
If Obama is 2nd worst, who do you have as worst potus?

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