Obama's Shocking Margins in 2012; GOP Should be Worried

You mean taking money from the rich who steal the fruits of the labor of others and giving it back to the people who did the work?

You realize the main benificiaries of ObamaCare are working folks, right? Or that 40% of food stamp recipiants have jobs?
Redistribution of wealth never ends well. Look at the Obamacare nightmare and the perpetuation of poverty fostered by the welfare state.

Look at France, Greece, and California.

The antithesis rarely ends well as the King of France learned in 1789 and the Czar in Russia learned in 1917.

You might want to keep up on current events and look into how well California is doing today. All it took was a competent and pragmatic Governor willing to make tough decisions.
I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

IMHO, it was voter fraud when Obama failed to tell the truth about Obamacare! Plus, lots of indication of traditional voter fraud.
Was it voter fraud when Bush didn't tell us about his illegal NSA wiretapping?

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

IMHO, it was voter fraud when Obama failed to tell the truth about Obamacare! Plus, lots of indication of traditional voter fraud.
Was it voter fraud when Bush didn't tell us about his illegal NSA wiretapping?

For someone who thinks Texas is landlocked and that Obamacare is a success, it doesn't surprise me that you think NSA wiretapping constitutes voter fraud.:cuckoo:

Actually the main beneficiaries of Obamacare are insurance companies. Just about everyone else gets the shaft.

The problem with your stereotypical BS is you think that being rich means you ripped everyone off. That would mean every friend of Obama is a crook. Everyone in Hollywood is a criminal. Obama himself is a crook. Many of the richest members of Congress are Democrats. Most of the super wealthy in the North East are liberals. And most of the 5.6 million and counting that lost their health insurance are Middle-class stiffs.

"But, but, but, Obama has rich friensd.... But, but, but... OBAMA!"

Guy, the point is, wealth distribution in this country is a large part of the problem. Yeah, I think the Hollywood system is pretty awful, where these actors get 8 figure salaries for making movies that suck. But here's the thing in Hollywood. The bit players are unionized. The writers are unionized. The guys who do lighting and special effects and film editing are unionized. They all get a FAIR wage for their skills and talents. Oh, yeah, and their unions provide them pretty decent health care coverage, so they aren't the problem.
IMHO, it was voter fraud when Obama failed to tell the truth about Obamacare! Plus, lots of indication of traditional voter fraud.
Was it voter fraud when Bush didn't tell us about his illegal NSA wiretapping?

For someone who thinks Texas is landlocked and that Obamacare is a success, it doesn't surprise me that you think NSA wiretapping constitutes voter fraud.:cuckoo:

Being a meathead, you need the simple things explained to you:

That moron birddog said:

IMHO, it was voter fraud when Obama failed to tell the truth about Obamacare!

Do you agree?

If you do, then Bush not telling us about his illegal directives would also be voter fraud.
GOP is going to get a wake up call from women voters who walk away from voting for their party in '16.
GOP is going to get a wake up call from women voters who walk away from voting for their party in '16.
I think there will be many wives, even in those gerrymandered Republican districts, who will quietly vote Democrat.
GOP is going to get a wake up call from women voters who walk away from voting for their party in '16.

More Bad News. With all of the time off at the end of the year, I was able to catch up on bookmarked sites. Lookie lookie....


This is why the Clinton-Warren ticket could be so potentially potent. The whopping majority of women, when informed of the feminist definition, identify themselves with the word feminist.
And in the meantime the GOP has been doing everything in it's power to also alienate all the minority groups. And Wall Street is not at all happy about the fact that the GOP let the Teabaggers run the show last fall. Didn't sit well with the middle class voters, either. And there are only so many fat, bigoted, old,and white voters left.
Food stamps and welfare in general and of course Obamacare for starters.

You mean taking money from the rich who steal the fruits of the labor of others and giving it back to the people who did the work?

You realize the main benificiaries of ObamaCare are working folks, right? Or that 40% of food stamp recipiants have jobs?

Actually the main beneficiaries of Obamacare are insurance companies. Just about everyone else gets the shaft.

The problem with your stereotypical BS is you think that being rich means you ripped everyone off. That would mean every friend of Obama is a crook. Everyone in Hollywood is a criminal. Obama himself is a crook. Many of the richest members of Congress are Democrats. Most of the super wealthy in the North East are liberals. And most of the 5.6 million and counting that lost their health insurance are Middle-class stiffs.

So says another one sucking on the governments tit.:lol:
Hold that thought Candy. Don't look at current polls and run the most notorious anti-feminist candidate who traded her pride for political power. Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein and once she announces her intent the floodgates are open for criticism of the backwoods sleazy inbred Clinton administration she defended.
You mean taking money from the rich who steal the fruits of the labor of others and giving it back to the people who did the work?

You realize the main benificiaries of ObamaCare are working folks, right? Or that 40% of food stamp recipiants have jobs?

Actually the main beneficiaries of Obamacare are insurance companies. Just about everyone else gets the shaft.

The problem with your stereotypical BS is you think that being rich means you ripped everyone off. That would mean every friend of Obama is a crook. Everyone in Hollywood is a criminal. Obama himself is a crook. Many of the richest members of Congress are Democrats. Most of the super wealthy in the North East are liberals. And most of the 5.6 million and counting that lost their health insurance are Middle-class stiffs.

So says another one sucking on the governments tit.:lol:

But his sucking at the government teet is totally earned.
Hold that thought Candy. Don't look at current polls and run the most notorious anti-feminist candidate who traded her pride for political power. Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than Ed Gein and once she announces her intent the floodgates are open for criticism of the backwoods sleazy inbred Clinton administration she defended.

Ms. Clinton has baggage; no doubt. The problem she creates (relative to the subject at hand) is that she is going to claim the feminist mantra with little or no serious opposition from the right who have been on a highly publicized crusade against reproductive rights and contraception for what, 10 years now. It's hard to claim the issue as yours if your a GOP lawmaker or candidate when your party has such a poor record. If you want to try to pivot to the economy, good luck citing the last GOP president to leave with a smaller debt than he inherited. You may have to go back to Hoover perhaps. Aside from that the last-second-Bush-TARP bailout is sure to be brought up.

I think the issue transfers easily to other Democratic prospects but Clinton, if she gets the nod, should be able to capitalize more than others.

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