Obama's Shocking Margins in 2012; GOP Should be Worried

Women are a universal problem, not just the GOP.:lol: But seriously, the pendulum will swing for the young and productive. Redistribution of wealth, populist as it may be, is doomed for failure as it always is.

Would you please define with examples "Redistribution of wealth" in America today?

The USS Abraham Lincoln had a mission, and they accomplished it.

Why can't the "You didn't built that crowd" understand that?

That's it, blame the guys on the ship for THIS optic.


It still looks silly. Up there with "Peace in our Time" in stupid images that turned out not to be true.

Yet another lie in a long list of lies by the left.

Bush could have told them to take that banner down, but he felt the crew had accomplished their mission and they were going home. This is simply another example of the media removing the proper context of an event and warping it into whatever they choose.

LOL, nice spin. Bullshit, but a good effort.

The crew participated in one phase of the mission. The purpose of their mission was to rid Iraq of Saddam. That they did. The next phase was to clean up the mess. How is an aircraft carrier supposed to do that? They are machines of war, not policemen and contractors.

So the "mission" was one of nation building, something G. W. campaigned against during 2000 and when he engaged in it, we suffered the loss of nearly 5,000 young American members of our armed forces. Yet, that was then and the history of the Iraq fiasco has faded from the minds of too many. Today our focus can not escape the 'lie' of you can keep your insurance/doctor - ubiquitous in the posts of the echo chamber.

Bullshit is really too kind; your efforts to rewrite history is dishonest and ridiculous (though I doubt it was original to you. Likely one more talking point for you to parrot).
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That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

Or sane.

The president’s reelection was a clear rejection of the politics of division and hate practiced by many on the right.

Actually Democrats invented the politics of destruction. Articles: Who the Democrats Really Are

So what are you talking about?

Democrats lied about the Bush tax-cuts for years calling them "Tax-cuts for the rich" knowing full well that this wasn't true, that the Bush tax-cuts cut taxes for all taxpayers, not just the rich. This whopper is almost as big a lie as "If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance".

Democrats use racism, envy, hatred for other people as wedge-issues to buy votes, along with plenty of taxpayer money in the form of entitlements. It's hard to fight Magic Santa when all you have is morals and values to fight with, along with sound fiscal responsibility.

What about Bush's lies about the tax cuts? He said there was a surplus and that Americans deserved their money back because we overpaid. During which year did the debt drop where we had a surplus?

The USS Abraham Lincoln had a mission, and they accomplished it.

Why can't the "You didn't built that crowd" understand that?

That's it, blame the guys on the ship for THIS optic.


It still looks silly. Up there with "Peace in our Time" in stupid images that turned out not to be true.

Yet another lie in a long list of lies by the left.

Bush could have told them to take that banner down, but he felt the crew had accomplished their mission and they were going home. This is simply another example of the media removing the proper context of an event and warping it into whatever they choose.

The crew participated in one phase of the mission. The purpose of their mission was to rid Iraq of Saddam. That they did. The next phase was to clean up the mess. How is an aircraft carrier supposed to do that? They are machines of war, not policemen and contractors.
Umm, that banner had "friends" .... Bush's words ....

"Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.

You put those words with that banner on a national television and you have the president of the United States telling the country we won the war.

... which we did ... many years later.
But then imposing such a thing would have insured a defeat, so they decided to force one later on through regulation by literally destroying the current system.

That's debateable.

Medicare for All: Chart of Americans Support

65% would support MediCare for all.

In fact, phrasing the question different ways get different results, but a majority supports universal coverage.

The real roadblock is that the Insurance Company has billions of dollars to spend to cloud the issue. But even they went along with this because they know their model is dying.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

'"So the "mission" was one of nation building, something G. W. campaigned against during 2000 and when he engaged in it, we suffered the loss of nearly 5,000 young American members of our armed forces. Yet, that was then and the history of the Iraq fiasco has faded from the minds of too many. Today our focus can not escape the 'lie' of you can keep your insurance/doctor - ubiquitous in the posts of the echo chamber."'

A shout out and thanks to CrusaderFrank, a charter member of the Echo Chamber, for providing more evidence of his forte - the Idiotgram (named after him).
Want some cheese with your whine?

I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

Don't the Democrats believe their was large enough voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 to flip the vote?
That's it, blame the guys on the ship for THIS optic.


It still looks silly. Up there with "Peace in our Time" in stupid images that turned out not to be true.

Yet another lie in a long list of lies by the left.

Bush could have told them to take that banner down, but he felt the crew had accomplished their mission and they were going home. This is simply another example of the media removing the proper context of an event and warping it into whatever they choose.

The crew participated in one phase of the mission. The purpose of their mission was to rid Iraq of Saddam. That they did. The next phase was to clean up the mess. How is an aircraft carrier supposed to do that? They are machines of war, not policemen and contractors.

Gee, another victimization thread from Mudwhistle.

Have you ever not been the victim?

Grow the hell up.

I wasn't talking about myself numbnuts.

Grow the hell up yourself.
That's debateable.

Medicare for All: Chart of Americans Support

65% would support MediCare for all.

In fact, phrasing the question different ways get different results, but a majority supports universal coverage.

The real roadblock is that the Insurance Company has billions of dollars to spend to cloud the issue. But even they went along with this because they know their model is dying.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

'"So the "mission" was one of nation building, something G. W. campaigned against during 2000 and when he engaged in it, we suffered the loss of nearly 5,000 young American members of our armed forces. Yet, that was then and the history of the Iraq fiasco has faded from the minds of too many. Today our focus can not escape the 'lie' of you can keep your insurance/doctor - ubiquitous in the posts of the echo chamber."'

A shout out and thanks to CrusaderFrank, a charter member of the Echo Chamber, for providing more evidence of his forte - the Idiotgram (named after him).

The original mission was to remove the threat Saddam posed, a leader of a country that had the resources to not only foment terrorism but to provide the weapons needed to create havoc all over the world. Getting rid of him was a much greater accomplishment than getting rid of some old fart sitting in a compound in Pakistan cut off from the rest of the world.

But this is something the left will never recognize, mainly because we didn't cut and run like Obama did in Iraq. We decided to stay and clean up the mess. Today Iraq is becoming a serious problem just like Iran. Thank you Mr President.

This has all been a lesson learned. You can't help countries that are based on Islamic theocracies. They eventually turn on you.
Women are a universal problem, not just the GOP.:lol: But seriously, the pendulum will swing for the young and productive. Redistribution of wealth, populist as it may be, is doomed for failure as it always is.

Would you please define with examples "Redistribution of wealth" in America today?

Obamacare, Quantitative Easing, union bailouts, SNAP, lawsuits against banks to benefit black borrowers only, etc........
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"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

'"So the "mission" was one of nation building, something G. W. campaigned against during 2000 and when he engaged in it, we suffered the loss of nearly 5,000 young American members of our armed forces. Yet, that was then and the history of the Iraq fiasco has faded from the minds of too many. Today our focus can not escape the 'lie' of you can keep your insurance/doctor - ubiquitous in the posts of the echo chamber."'

A shout out and thanks to CrusaderFrank, a charter member of the Echo Chamber, for providing more evidence of his forte - the Idiotgram (named after him).

The original mission was to remove the threat Saddam posed, a leader of a country that had the resources to not only foment terrorism but to provide the weapons needed to create havoc all over the world. Getting rid of him was a much greater accomplishment than getting rid of some old fart sitting in a compound in Pakistan cut off from the rest of the world.

But this is something the left will never recognize, mainly because we didn't cut and run like Obama did in Iraq. We decided to stay and clean up the mess. Today Iraq is becoming a serious problem just like Iran. Thank you Mr President.

This has all been a lesson learned. You can't help countries that are based on Islamic theocracies. They eventually turn on you.
Adhering to Bush's timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq is Obama "cutting and running?" :cuckoo:
'"So the "mission" was one of nation building, something G. W. campaigned against during 2000 and when he engaged in it, we suffered the loss of nearly 5,000 young American members of our armed forces. Yet, that was then and the history of the Iraq fiasco has faded from the minds of too many. Today our focus can not escape the 'lie' of you can keep your insurance/doctor - ubiquitous in the posts of the echo chamber."'

A shout out and thanks to CrusaderFrank, a charter member of the Echo Chamber, for providing more evidence of his forte - the Idiotgram (named after him).

The original mission was to remove the threat Saddam posed, a leader of a country that had the resources to not only foment terrorism but to provide the weapons needed to create havoc all over the world. Getting rid of him was a much greater accomplishment than getting rid of some old fart sitting in a compound in Pakistan cut off from the rest of the world.

But this is something the left will never recognize, mainly because we didn't cut and run like Obama did in Iraq. We decided to stay and clean up the mess. Today Iraq is becoming a serious problem just like Iran. Thank you Mr President.

This has all been a lesson learned. You can't help countries that are based on Islamic theocracies. They eventually turn on you.
Adhering to Bush's timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq is Obama "cutting and running?" :cuckoo:

Obama didn't get a force protections agreement with the Iraqis......so he cut and ran. The day we left the Iraqi VP surrounded the President's compound with tanks. Ever since we left Christians have been murdered, raped, and firebombed. Sectarian violence and tribal cleansing has been going on, and radical Islam has replaced a mostly sectarian government.

Yes, Obama cut and ran, declaring victory on the way out.

The only reason you don't know about the genocide that's been going on all over the Middle-East is because the mainstreamers refuse to cover it.
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Hello and good morning.

I spotted this graphic highlighting a very specific subset of voters that may spell doom for the GOP in 2016:


What it represents is our President's margin with women in swing states only. In nine of the fourteen states, the President was able to post double-digit margins with women.

The GOP should be worried because of two things.

First and foremost, the odds-on favorite for the 2016 DNC nomination is Hillary Clinton. If she appears on a national ballot, she will garner similar numbers and likely even better numbers with professional college educated married women. Women will be energized to install the first female POTUS so turnout will be strong for Clinton.

Secondly and perhaps even more troublesome is that the states where Obama posted some of the largest margins are a mix of regions, demographics, and ethnicity. He had a 22% gap in Minnesota which is mostly rural, industrial Ohio had a 11% gap. Out west, Nevada had a 16% gap (as I recall in 2008, NV was a Clinton stronghold as was OH).

I am on record as stating the Dems should think long and hard before nominating Hillary. That still stands. I don't think these gaps remaining are contingent on Hillary being the nominee. But in terms of exploiting a pronounced advantage with a key demographic in battleground states...she may be the best man for the job.

Perhaps you should also go "on record" for not really being able to interpret much from a graphic from the Washington post or the blog accompanying it from which you regurgitated blather.

The most interesting point the graphic makes is that California, Texas, New York, seem equally immune to gender bias. Florida, appears only slightly bias.

First and foremost, anyone who believes Hillary will have the support of women, simply because she is a woman, better ask Geraldine Ferraro or Sarah Palin how that gender bias worked out for their campaigns.

Secondly, What the Ever-loving FUCK does it matter in 2013 where Obama may be liked more or less by women, hispanics, or little green men from Mars: Sorry to break this to you, but he won't be a canidate.
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If Democrats keep rolling out gems like Obamacare, the Republicans are going to be whole lot less worried.
The original mission was to remove the threat Saddam posed, a leader of a country that had the resources to not only foment terrorism but to provide the weapons needed to create havoc all over the world. Getting rid of him was a much greater accomplishment than getting rid of some old fart sitting in a compound in Pakistan cut off from the rest of the world.

But this is something the left will never recognize, mainly because we didn't cut and run like Obama did in Iraq. We decided to stay and clean up the mess. Today Iraq is becoming a serious problem just like Iran. Thank you Mr President.

This has all been a lesson learned. You can't help countries that are based on Islamic theocracies. They eventually turn on you.
Adhering to Bush's timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq is Obama "cutting and running?" :cuckoo:

Obama didn't get a force protections agreement with the Iraqis......so he cut and ran. The day we left the Iraqi VP surrounded the President's compound with tanks. Ever since we left Christians have been murdered, raped, and firebombed. Sectarian violence and tribal cleansing has been going on, and radical Islam has replaced a mostly sectarian government.

Yes, Obama cut and ran, declaring victory on the way out.

The only reason you don't know about the genocide that's been going on all over the Middle-East is because the mainstreamers refuse to cover it.

Way to stay on topic.

The original mission was to remove the threat Saddam posed, a leader of a country that had the resources to not only foment terrorism but to provide the weapons needed to create havoc all over the world. Getting rid of him was a much greater accomplishment than getting rid of some old fart sitting in a compound in Pakistan cut off from the rest of the world.

But this is something the left will never recognize, mainly because we didn't cut and run like Obama did in Iraq. We decided to stay and clean up the mess. Today Iraq is becoming a serious problem just like Iran. Thank you Mr President.

This has all been a lesson learned. You can't help countries that are based on Islamic theocracies. They eventually turn on you.
Adhering to Bush's timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq is Obama "cutting and running?" :cuckoo:

Obama didn't get a force protections agreement with the Iraqis......so he cut and ran. The day we left the Iraqi VP surrounded the President's compound with tanks. Ever since we left Christians have been murdered, raped, and firebombed. Sectarian violence and tribal cleansing has been going on, and radical Islam has replaced a mostly sectarian government.

Yes, Obama cut and ran, declaring victory on the way out.

The only reason you don't know about the genocide that's been going on all over the Middle-East is because the mainstreamers refuse to cover it.
Obama didn't have to .... Bush already did. Obama ws adhering to it.
Adhering to Bush's timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq is Obama "cutting and running?" :cuckoo:

Obama didn't get a force protections agreement with the Iraqis......so he cut and ran. The day we left the Iraqi VP surrounded the President's compound with tanks. Ever since we left Christians have been murdered, raped, and firebombed. Sectarian violence and tribal cleansing has been going on, and radical Islam has replaced a mostly sectarian government.

Yes, Obama cut and ran, declaring victory on the way out.

The only reason you don't know about the genocide that's been going on all over the Middle-East is because the mainstreamers refuse to cover it.
Obama didn't have to .... Bush already did. Obama ws adhering to it.

Obama bungled the negotiations.

Bush wasn't POTUS anymore fyi.....it was up to Obama to assure that the agreements stayed in force.

Obama doesn't like the messiness of running the government and keeping the bonds of diplomacy strong. He dropped the ball because he didn't want to stay in Iraq in any shape or fashion. Unfortunately he doesn't have the same feeling about Afghanistan, so instead of staying where the situation was manageable, the terrain was more negotiable, he dumps Iraq and stays in that shithole in Afghanistan. UBL is gone, why stay?
Obama didn't get a force protections agreement with the Iraqis......so he cut and ran. The day we left the Iraqi VP surrounded the President's compound with tanks. Ever since we left Christians have been murdered, raped, and firebombed. Sectarian violence and tribal cleansing has been going on, and radical Islam has replaced a mostly sectarian government.

Yes, Obama cut and ran, declaring victory on the way out.

The only reason you don't know about the genocide that's been going on all over the Middle-East is because the mainstreamers refuse to cover it.
Obama didn't have to .... Bush already did. Obama ws adhering to it.

Obama bungled the negotiations.

Bush wasn't POTUS anymore fyi.....it was up to Obama to assure that the agreements stayed in force.

Obama doesn't like the messiness of running the government and keeping the bonds of diplomacy strong. He dropped the ball because he didn't want to stay in Iraq in any shape or fashion. Unfortunately he doesn't have the same feeling about Afghanistan, so instead of staying where the situation was manageable, the terrain was more negotiable, he dumps Iraq and stays in that shithole in Afghanistan. UBL is gone, why stay?
What kind of fucked up foreign policy do righties support? Policy where an incoming U.S. president informs the leader of the nation where we had been engaged in war in for 7 years up to that point, too fucking bad for you that you signed an agreement with the U.S. .... that agreement is worthless and will not be honored?

When do rightwingers start caring more for our country than they care for their ideology?
Obama didn't have to .... Bush already did. Obama ws adhering to it.

Obama bungled the negotiations.

Bush wasn't POTUS anymore fyi.....it was up to Obama to assure that the agreements stayed in force.

Obama doesn't like the messiness of running the government and keeping the bonds of diplomacy strong. He dropped the ball because he didn't want to stay in Iraq in any shape or fashion. Unfortunately he doesn't have the same feeling about Afghanistan, so instead of staying where the situation was manageable, the terrain was more negotiable, he dumps Iraq and stays in that shithole in Afghanistan. UBL is gone, why stay?
What kind of fucked up foreign policy do righties support? Policy where an incoming U.S. president informs the leader of the nation where we had been engaged in war in for 7 years up to that point, too fucking bad for you that you signed an agreement with the U.S. .... that agreement is worthless and will not be honored?

When do rightwingers start caring more for our country than they care for their ideology?

Make up your mind.

Was it's Obama's decision to drop the agreement, or was it a Bush decision?

If we have to deal with total foreign policy reversal every time we get a new POTUS how do you expect anyone to trust us or even want to bargain with us? There has to be some consistency or else our word means nothing.

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