Obama's strategy has failed. Putin and Hollande are pounding ISIS with no mercy.

It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

What has failed about President Obama's strategy?
Not one single thing has failed with obamas strategy.
The US is broke, ISIS is stronger, there are more terrorists in the world, the US is being flooded with muslim terrorists and he will soon stand on the side of the muslims as promised bringing the US into a war against France and Russia.
He is a success as far as his plans go.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide
Doesn't take a degree in Middle Eastern Affairs to see that destroying ISIS is not Obama's top priority. Obama wants to give the folks at home the appearance he is doing something about ISIS but his main objective, which ISIS benefits, is to topple Assad. It's common sense, no?
It appears to me that Obama's strategy of getting the rest of the world to stop letting the US do all the dirty work is a tremendous success.

So Obama wanted the airliner shot down and wanted the attacks on Paris? You are pretty stupid dip wad.

Your brain runs on idle most of the time. Is that to save fuel or something?
Hiding your fuckin stupidity again. NYC, you are in the same class as rdean and shootspeeders.
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria

And the pictures of the invasion of Crimea are on line where? You can show me pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Crimea and forcing them to become Russians?


Crimea was and always will be Russian. Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine in the mid 50's. I know my history very well.

Being a Ukrainian gives me a unique perspective on the overthrow of the duly elected government by the west my friend. My family is from the west and I know all the sins of western Ukes who idolize the Nazi Bandera.
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

This is the response I expect from Putin.


You have 16000 Chechen warriors pledging allegiance to ISIS and you think Putin is going to eat this shit.

No fucking way.
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.

Dude you are Putin ass licker. Putin thug is only doing this occasionally. Stay in Russia.
Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria

And the pictures of the invasion of Crimea are on line where? You can show me pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Crimea and forcing them to become Russians?


Crimea was and always will be Russian. Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine in the mid 50's. I know my history very well.

Being a Ukrainian gives me a unique perspective on the overthrow of the duly elected government by the west my friend. My family is from the west and I know all the sins of western Ukes who idolize the Nazi Bandera.

Dude.....Russian ethnicity in Ukraine are poor and poorly armed because of Russia supplied arms they were able carve their own territory. Don't tell me that is fucking lie. You are like Putin lying that they do not supply arms or no Russian in that area.
As post #140 mentioned. Why am I even talking to an idiot traitor?
Last edited:
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.

Dude you are Putin ass licker. Putin thug is only doing this occasionally. Stay in Russia.

Let's chat. Why do you support a Kiev that adores Stepan Bandera?

I'm up here in the third largest Ukrainian population on the planet. I have a stake in my homeland.

Now back to you. Why would you back a nazi regime in Kiev?
Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria

And the pictures of the invasion of Crimea are on line where? You can show me pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Crimea and forcing them to become Russians?


Crimea was and always will be Russian. Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine in the mid 50's. I know my history very well.

Being a Ukrainian gives me a unique perspective on the overthrow of the duly elected government by the west my friend. My family is from the west and I know all the sins of western Ukes who idolize the Nazi Bandera.

Dude.....Russian ethnicity in Ukraine are poor and poorly armed because of Russia supplied arms they were able carve their own territory. Don't tell me that is fucking lie. You are like Putin lying that they do not supply arms or no Russian in that area.
As post #140 mentioned. Why am I even talking to an idiot traitor?

Eastern Ukraine knows very well how Kiev wants to deal with them. Now I come from stock from western Ukraine but I know my asshole evil brothers and sisters who wrap themselves in Bandera .

Genocide on Poles. This is a historic fact. Western Uks are no different than Nazis. That's why they fought with them. P
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.

Dude you are Putin ass licker. Putin thug is only doing this occasionally. Stay in Russia.

I'll be nice to you.

I'll try to explain it to you in crayons.

First off I am a Ukrainian/Irish woman who has dual status. Lived in the most wonderous state of Tennessee when my husband was brought into Saturn at Spring Hill.

So here's the deal about the paint. Paint is basicaly of a combination of pigments and binders suspended in a solvent carrier.
That's why a can of paint will settle out eventually.

My husband and his team were the first one to replace the carrier solvent with water for industrial automotive applications.

This drastically reduced the volatile organic compounds that are emitted into the environment. On the production line, it was new to everyone so it needed to be manipulated by the people that knew how it worked and trained everyone to one day do the same thing themselves. Painting vehicles with robotics and automatic sprayers is touchy enough at best, now add the waterborne dynamic and it gets very complicated.

If you don't know exactly what you're doing you could paint hundreds of vehicles with a bad defect very quickly Considering that most plants spit out a car per minute, that could be a very costly problem. Hence my husband and his team went as product support people, who became advisers and then as trainers.

And I can personally over all my journeys in life. Hells bells Tennessee rocked me to my soul.
Last edited:
Bombing ISIS will not defeat them. The West cannot defeat them. The West must ignore them and let Bashar, Iran, Muktada, the Kurds, and Putin do what they wish to ISIS.
Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria

And the pictures of the invasion of Crimea are on line where? You can show me pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Crimea and forcing them to become Russians?


Crimea was and always will be Russian. Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine in the mid 50's. I know my history very well.

Being a Ukrainian gives me a unique perspective on the overthrow of the duly elected government by the west my friend. My family is from the west and I know all the sins of western Ukes who idolize the Nazi Bandera.

Dude.....Russian ethnicity in Ukraine are poor and poorly armed because of Russia supplied arms they were able carve their own territory. Don't tell me that is fucking lie. You are like Putin lying that they do not supply arms or no Russian in that area.
As post #140 mentioned. Why am I even talking to an idiot traitor?

Eastern Ukraine knows very well how Kiev wants to deal with them. Now I come from stock from western Ukraine but I know my asshole evil brothers and sisters who wrap themselves in Bandera .

Genocide on Poles. This is a historic fact. Western Uks are no different than Nazis. That's why they fought with them. P
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.

Dude you are Putin ass licker. Putin thug is only doing this occasionally. Stay in Russia.

I'll be nice to you.

I'll try to explain it to you in crayons.

First off I am a Ukrainian/Irish woman who has dual status. Lived in the most wonderous state of Tennessee when my husband was brought into Saturn at Spring Hill.

So here's the deal about the paint. Paint is basicaly of a combination of pigments and binders suspended in a solvent carrier.
That's why a can of paint will settle out eventually.

My husband and his team were the first one to replace the carrier solvent with water for industrial automotive applications.

This drastically reduced the volatile organic compounds that are emitted into the environment. On the production line, it was new to everyone so it needed to be manipulated by the people that knew how it worked and trained everyone to one day do the same thing themselves. Painting vehicles with robotics and automatic sprayers is touchy enough at best, now add the waterborne dynamic and it gets very complicated.

If you don't know exactly what you're doing you could paint hundreds of vehicles with a bad defect very quickly Considering that most plants spit out a car per minute, that could be a very costly problem. Hence my husband and his team went as product support people, who became advisers and then as trainers.

And I can personally over all my journeys in life. Hells bells Tennessee rocked me to my soul.

Dude... You talked too much. I stop reading after 5 sentences. I don't give a rat ass about your commie and dictator belief. I'm an American and I support my country against any country. Compared to fucking traitor like you. I am not nice to you and I will write TRAITOR using a permanent marker right on your face.
Bombing ISIS will not defeat them. The West cannot defeat them. The West must ignore them and let Bashar, Iran, Muktada, the Kurds, and Putin do what they wish to ISIS.
Bombing them is apparently what they wish.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria

And the pictures of the invasion of Crimea are on line where? You can show me pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Crimea and forcing them to become Russians?


Crimea was and always will be Russian. Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine in the mid 50's. I know my history very well.

Being a Ukrainian gives me a unique perspective on the overthrow of the duly elected government by the west my friend. My family is from the west and I know all the sins of western Ukes who idolize the Nazi Bandera.

Dude.....Russian ethnicity in Ukraine are poor and poorly armed because of Russia supplied arms they were able carve their own territory. Don't tell me that is fucking lie. You are like Putin lying that they do not supply arms or no Russian in that area.
As post #140 mentioned. Why am I even talking to an idiot traitor?

Eastern Ukraine knows very well how Kiev wants to deal with them. Now I come from stock from western Ukraine but I know my asshole evil brothers and sisters who wrap themselves in Bandera .

Genocide on Poles. This is a historic fact. Western Uks are no different than Nazis. That's why they fought with them. P
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.

Dude you are Putin ass licker. Putin thug is only doing this occasionally. Stay in Russia.

I'll be nice to you.

I'll try to explain it to you in crayons.

First off I am a Ukrainian/Irish woman who has dual status. Lived in the most wonderous state of Tennessee when my husband was brought into Saturn at Spring Hill.

So here's the deal about the paint. Paint is basicaly of a combination of pigments and binders suspended in a solvent carrier.
That's why a can of paint will settle out eventually.

My husband and his team were the first one to replace the carrier solvent with water for industrial automotive applications.

This drastically reduced the volatile organic compounds that are emitted into the environment. On the production line, it was new to everyone so it needed to be manipulated by the people that knew how it worked and trained everyone to one day do the same thing themselves. Painting vehicles with robotics and automatic sprayers is touchy enough at best, now add the waterborne dynamic and it gets very complicated.

If you don't know exactly what you're doing you could paint hundreds of vehicles with a bad defect very quickly Considering that most plants spit out a car per minute, that could be a very costly problem. Hence my husband and his team went as product support people, who became advisers and then as trainers.

And I can personally over all my journeys in life. Hells bells Tennessee rocked me to my soul.

Dude... You talked too much. I stop reading after 5 sentences. I don't give a rat ass about your commie and dictator belief. I'm an American and I support my country against any country. Compared to fucking traitor like you. I am not nice to you and I will write TRAITOR using a permanent marker right on your face.
It's a she, but probably really impressed with your massive emuscles.
I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria

And the pictures of the invasion of Crimea are on line where? You can show me pictures of Russian tanks rolling into Crimea and forcing them to become Russians?


Crimea was and always will be Russian. Nikita gave Crimea to the Ukraine in the mid 50's. I know my history very well.

Being a Ukrainian gives me a unique perspective on the overthrow of the duly elected government by the west my friend. My family is from the west and I know all the sins of western Ukes who idolize the Nazi Bandera.

Dude.....Russian ethnicity in Ukraine are poor and poorly armed because of Russia supplied arms they were able carve their own territory. Don't tell me that is fucking lie. You are like Putin lying that they do not supply arms or no Russian in that area.
As post #140 mentioned. Why am I even talking to an idiot traitor?

Eastern Ukraine knows very well how Kiev wants to deal with them. Now I come from stock from western Ukraine but I know my asshole evil brothers and sisters who wrap themselves in Bandera .

Genocide on Poles. This is a historic fact. Western Uks are no different than Nazis. That's why they fought with them. P
It was a bomb that took down the Russian airliner. Russia and France are tag teaming right now to destroy ISIS.

Not "contain them".

Russia is also moving paramilitary troops to assist an Assyrian Christian militia known as Gozarto Protection Force.

Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Russia hits ISIS 'capital' of Raqqa with cruise missiles hours after saying a bomb blew up passenger jet in Egypt and Putin urges his forces to work with French 'allies'
  • Russia launches cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city in Syria
  • The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin they are working with France as 'allies' in their fight against the terror group
  • Their forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo just days after the Paris terror attacks
  • Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria to fight ISIS in the Christian town of Sadad
By Keiligh Baker and Julian Robinson and Anthony Joseph for MailOnline

Published: 06:53 GMT, 17 November 2015 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 17 November 2015

"Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

And tonight, Russian president Vladimir Putin they must work with France as 'allies' in their fight against Islamic State in Syria.

He told the country's state TV: 'You need to establish direct contact with the French and work with them as allies.'

Putin's forces carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases. "

More at link with awesome pictures.

Russia hits ISIS ‘capital’ with 34 cruise missile strikes

These are the responses I expect America to have, once Trump is elected.

It will be too late for an American President to take out ISIS. The game is on right now and France and Russia are finally getting the job done and not running a fucking dog and pony show like Obama.

Dude you are Putin ass licker. Putin thug is only doing this occasionally. Stay in Russia.

I'll be nice to you.

I'll try to explain it to you in crayons.

First off I am a Ukrainian/Irish woman who has dual status. Lived in the most wonderous state of Tennessee when my husband was brought into Saturn at Spring Hill.

So here's the deal about the paint. Paint is basicaly of a combination of pigments and binders suspended in a solvent carrier.
That's why a can of paint will settle out eventually.

My husband and his team were the first one to replace the carrier solvent with water for industrial automotive applications.

This drastically reduced the volatile organic compounds that are emitted into the environment. On the production line, it was new to everyone so it needed to be manipulated by the people that knew how it worked and trained everyone to one day do the same thing themselves. Painting vehicles with robotics and automatic sprayers is touchy enough at best, now add the waterborne dynamic and it gets very complicated.

If you don't know exactly what you're doing you could paint hundreds of vehicles with a bad defect very quickly Considering that most plants spit out a car per minute, that could be a very costly problem. Hence my husband and his team went as product support people, who became advisers and then as trainers.

And I can personally over all my journeys in life. Hells bells Tennessee rocked me to my soul.

Dude... You talked too much. I stop reading after 5 sentences. I don't give a rat ass about your commie and dictator belief. I'm an American and I support my country against any country. Compared to fucking traitor like you. I am not nice to you and I will write TRAITOR using a permanent marker right on your face.

To be loyal to one's country is admirable. But to be deaf, dumb and blind to one's country when they are causing world wide calamity and chaos is to be an ignorant self righteous moron.

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