Obama's strategy has failed. Putin and Hollande are pounding ISIS with no mercy.

The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.
Heeellooo tynidancer.... Where are you? Are you hiding and dancing behind Putin butt?
Heeellooo tynidancer.... Where are you? Are you hiding and dancing behind Putin butt?

I'm right here. Just getting up to speed on France and Russia now tag teaming with their warships. They're rocking.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Good morning!

I've been following this bullshit called Arab Spring since it started. And that's what it is. Complete and utter bullshit.

Our western leaders are assholes. First they hand Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood. Thank heavens Egyptians came to their senses and threw them out.

Then the idiots and I'm including my former Prime Minister decide it would be a swell idea to depose Gaddafi and hand over one fifth of the world's oil supply and all of Gaddafi's weapons to jihadists.


Then there is Yemen. Another dogs breakfast.

Now to Syria. As if our morons in chief haven't figured out that regime change isn't turning out exactly as hoped for they work with Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to depose Assad.

No one had the brain power to realize that if you funnel money and weapons into Syria via the MB that something could go terribly wrong.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.

The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.
Since the Ruskies have failed in other occupied Muslim nations, including the ones part of the USSR er Ruskie republic....
Whooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo! From Russia with love.

Two things:

(A) Check out the actual history of U.S. bombing runs on ISIL targets, and
(B) Go change your panties
Can't do that when you are a pro Pootin ass licker...

Good morning Moonglow. I just believe that Putin has the right to take the fight to ISIS in Syria after Chechen terrorists pledged allegiance to ISIS.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.
Since the Ruskies have failed in other occupied Muslim nations, including the ones part of the USSR er Ruskie republic....

Apart from Afghanistan what nations are you talking about?
Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.
Since the Ruskies have failed in other occupied Muslim nations, including the ones part of the USSR er Ruskie republic....

Apart from Afghanistan what nations are you talking about?
Georgia for one.....there are more, but being the Ruskie officiando propagandist, I figured you'd already know what Muslim nations were are part of the greater Ruskie Empire..
Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.
Since the Ruskies have failed in other occupied Muslim nations, including the ones part of the USSR er Ruskie republic....

Apart from Afghanistan what nations are you talking about?
Georgia for one.....there are more, but being the Ruskie officiando propagandist, I figured you'd already know what Muslim nations were are part of the greater Ruskie Empire..

Georgia is a separate country and the Muslim population is 10%.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

I don't have a problem Putin protecting Russia or pounding ISIS in Syria but I strongly disagree that Putin has done any better than Obama pounding ISIS. On top of that there are these people that are so in love with Putin which he has not a done a didly shit to American people. Russia is the biggest threat to America. US and coalition partners has been pounding ISIS since last year Putin just started last month and only occasionally.
Putin is no longer pounding the moderate rebels (anti Assad) that US has been supporting. Because 30 of the US special forces that Obama dispatched last month are stationed in that area. In the coming days Hollande will travel to US. I think France will send forces to Syria.
The OP is a fucking troll.

Obama has carried out more than 8,000 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, and has indicated there will be many more strikes.

Why doesn't the OP know anything about the region? Why can't Donald Trump answer the questions below? Have we finally become a nation of no-nothing Palins?

When did Syria become a nation?
Who runs Syria now?
Is the leader of Syria a Sunni or Shia Muslim?
What's the difference?
What is an Alawite?
Is the ruler of Syria religiously extreme or not?
When did Syria slip into unrest?
Is Iran a majority Sunni or Shia nation?
Does Iran support the Syrian leader or not?
Does Russia support the Syrian leader or not?
Who is the FSA?
How many different groups are involved in the civil war for Syria?
When did ISIS join the civil conflict?
Is ISIS Sunni or Shia?
Are all civilians in Syria evil?
Why did the U.S. expand financial support of Saudi Arabia under Reagan?
Why did Bush 41 and 43 and Clinton pour so much money into Saudi Arabia?
Why is it acceptable that ISIS is getting so much finding from the Saudis.
How extreme are the Saudis?
What can be achieved by taking back Syrian territory from ISIS if the current Syrian leadership is too fucked up, powerless, and incompetent to hold on to the territory?

Read this (link below) idiot troll. Learn about all the groups in Syria & Iraq. Understand the nature of the conflict. Do us a favor and elect a leader than can help the region achieve political stability (so that military gains can be held) or be willing to send a massive and permanent occupying force Either way: stop giving us bumper sticker bullshit about bombing ISIS. We've been bombing ISIS for a while. They are a small part of a swirling cluster of death that was unleashed from our failed war. You people need to learn about the region so you can give us lasting solutions not just tough talk.

READ ME > The Sunni-Shia Divide

Ouch Ouch..... that hurt.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. No it didn't.


Yes it does because you don't know what you are talking about. Putin is a thug and dictator. And you have his full support because you are a Russian. And if you are an American you are a traitor and idiot.

I'm Ukrainian Irish. And I don't have any problem whatsoever with Putin kicking ass in Syria to destroy ISIS. He had no option but to kick into gear because the Chechen terrorists have pledged their allegiance to ISIS. 16,000 Chechen terrorists.

Putin has to protect Russia by taking the fight right to ISIS in Syria.

Also......Putin invaded Ukraine taking over Crimea created tremendous chaos and casualties in Ukraine. Shooting down Malaysian airline. You are a Ukrainian and yet you are Putin puppet. What an incredible human being you are.

Ukraine war casualties - A Closer Look On Syria
It appears to me that Obama's strategy of getting the rest of the world to stop letting the US do all the dirty work is a tremendous success.

So Obama wanted the airliner shot down and wanted the attacks on Paris? You are pretty stupid dip wad.
It appears to me that Obama's strategy of getting the rest of the world to stop letting the US do all the dirty work is a tremendous success.

You know Carbine, I can't argue with you. Same for GWB. No sense going to war with hands tied behind back. I don't want any Army on ground to fight like that. Let someone else do it. We lost enough troops going door to door Nation Building.

Here is the difference. Obama and other western leaders caused ISIS. I'll take you down the timeline if you want.

When you do, don't forget Assad's and Makili's attacks on the Sunni which drove them to join with al Qaeda which morphed into the ISIS.
How Isis came to be
Why anyone would listen to RW nutjobs and the GOP on anything in the ME is beyond me. Stupidest chickenhawk greedy bigot idiots anywhere. Great job- stupidest war ever and a corrupt world depression.

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