Obama's to infest Netflix with their propaganda

" Obama's to spread their propaganda".

Says the Trump supporter.

If you weren't one of his victims you'd see how you have been dumbed down by the bastard who gives not one dam bit of chit for you or any other ass kisser of his.

But since you have the type of brain that is easily manipulated and need authority to tell you how to live. breath, eat and sleep you won't ever see the victim you are just like the same idiots who lead themselves to the gas chambers during the Holocaust. Even then leftist idiots got ppl believing it never happened .

LMFAO one has to be a real dumb fk to think the Holocaust never happened.


Where did you get the idea that the people who went to the gas chambers lead themselves there? Could be, but this is the first time I've heard this and I've always thought they were forced into the chambers. Maybe a link would help.

If that went over your head maybe you are part of the problem. IF you can't understand how they " Lead themselves to the gas chamber" ....

I'll give you one logical guess before I tell you how and why they did it.
After eight years in office and one year as a private citizen, Obama still popular world wide. Look at trump...people don't even want him showing up at funerals and he's becoming unpopular world wide as well.

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds

First off he is NOT as popular as MSM is making you think he is. Trump is way past him . MSM would like their uninformed sheep to keep thinking that.

MSM is where you fail to realize how mass media manipulates what you think and why . When one is not aware of those facts, or refuses to believe it that makes you a victim to LIES in which false information is true to you but others realize its' pure bs.

Yes there is a lot, lot more behind knowing how , why , and how it's possible problem is most who fall victim don't want to believe what's right in front of them ..... it's a battle to research TRUTH yourself some get it some never do.


Connect the DOTS and FOLLOW the MONEY


Let's just hope the Obamas end the same way their Nazi counterparts did...

"A master orator and propagandist, he is generally accounted responsible for presenting a favourable image of the Nazi regime to the German people. Following Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels served as chancellor of Germany for a single day before he and his wife, Magda Goebbels, poisoned their six children and took their own lives."

Joseph Goebbels | German propagandist
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Why are you such an ugly person?
Smart move by Netflix, as the Obama's are very popular. Especially among their subscribers.
A gay black man and his tranny wife. I'm sure they can make a lib approved sitcom from that
The official airline of the production company will be AirTran.

All episodes will be filmed in Transylvania.

Arriving crew members will be transferred to buses for transportation to the movie sets.

Script translations will be computer generated using Fortran based software and transmitted over transcontinental fiber optic networks to Kenya where they will be transcribed onto translucent media for projection onto teleprompters for use by transsexual actors attempting to appear intelligent on camera by pretending to manifest a transcendental ability to inspire people from all points on the political spectrum to kiss Obama's ass.
Let's just hope the Obamas end the same way their Nazi counterparts did...

"A master orator and propagandist, he is generally accounted responsible for presenting a favourable image of the Nazi regime to the German people. Following Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels served as chancellor of Germany for a single day before he and his wife, Magda Goebbels, poisoned their six children and took their own lives."

Joseph Goebbels | German propagandist
Why would you wish that on anyone?

Why are you such an ugly person?
Have you noticed that Alt-Righties and trumpanzees always wish death and destruction on people....but never have the courage to do anything themselves?

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