Obama's vision for America

That pretty much covers it. And the rise in oil prices is draining $600 billion dollars a year from the American economy while Alfred E. Newman sits in the White House and does nothing. God help us.

Hence while drilling and development of oil shale is so important....
Hence while drilling and development of oil shale is so important....

I am not against drilling, but alternative energy will be the biggest industry of the 21st century.

Why not be the leader in developing it?
I am not against drilling, but alternative energy will be the biggest industry of the 21st century.

Why not be the leader in developing it?

Cause they are easily manipulated into thinking that if we drill more oil then it will somehow not make it to the world market, and it will somehow knock off more than a few cents on the gallon in 7-10 years at the soonest.
Hence while drilling and development of oil shale is so important....

Your article said it wasn't cost effective. I bet their are planets out there that are swimming in oil, too. But if it isn't cost effective there is no point.
I agree that we need to develop alternative forms of energy,but what the dems need to understand is that we are not gonna wake up tomorrow and have a stable form of alt. energy. in the meantime we need to secure our needs for oil by drilling here at home both off the coast and in ANWR. Yeah I said it. this will secure our dependence on oil and allow us to drive down the cost per barell simply due to the speculation that we are drilling at home now, OPEC will drop the price giving us the much need drop in cost.

look at this way as well. China is about to start drilling about 70 miles off the coast of floridia, they dont give a damn about what our congress says WE can and cant do. and even worse, they REALLY dont give a damn about the enviromental standards that our oil companies are held to, SOMEONE is gonna drill there, wouldnt you RATHER have it be us so it is safer for the Enviroment?
Bush this, bush that.... you can spew your bush hatred from here to eternity, but you're still behind the eight ball when it comes to what the country thinks of you demtards... who are primarily responsible for our gas crisis. They've been cow towing to the enviro-whackos for decades, and have OUTLAWED new oil exploration, new drilling, new refineries, clean coal and nuclear. The dems have had the majority in congress and had a sitting President for 38 of the last 45 years, and what do they have to show for it? An approval rating that's the LOWEST IN HISTORY! Yeah.... you fucking liberal, dem fucktards have SOOOOO much to be proud of... problem is, nobody fucking thinks so....


Confidence in Congress: Lowest Ever for Any U.S. Institution

If the oil companies are sitting on land contracts that are too difficult to tap, give them back.
If the oil companies are sitting on land contracts that are too difficult to tap, give them back.

LOL! That will never happen!!

We, the people are going to have to take this issue into our own hands by buying fuel efficient cars and electing public officials who will move us into alternative energy. The technology is there now. All we need is the political will.
This is quite a clever thread.

Its tantamount to someone posting videos of the My Lai massacre and titling the thread "Bush's Vision for the World."

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