Obamunist War on Women


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
In the ongoing war on women prosecuted by the Obamunist left, Colorado Democratic Rep. Joe Salazar came up with a jewel that FAR outshines "legitimate rape," though you'll never catch it on the party news sources.

When asked about the fact that the new anti-gun laws he helped passed put women at a greater risk of rape, the Obamunist Rep. said this;

{And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble and when you may actually not be}

Well thank Allah that women have a democrat man to decide what they feel and when they feel it.

But the Obamunists have even MORE advise for women about to be raped;

{If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.
Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.
Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.}

Liberal Logic: Bodily Functions and Call Boxes, Not a Gun, Will Save Women From Rape - Katie Pavlich

Of course we don't expect this to be on the front page of the NY Times, since it doesn't concern legitimate rape.
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Yeah, you won't get much traffic here. It's just more evidence of the anti-female nature of progressives.

Really, what do you expect from a group of people who insist that women be sexually active, and prevented from giving birth via uterine scraping?
We no longer have free press. We have propagandists...the truth is buried.
It's not enough. Too little, too late. Millions of people who have been raised in the public school systems, trained to take every word uttered by progressive propagandists as The Truth can't be unprogrammed by fox at this point.

Or by the truth. They don't recognize the truth, or even understand what it is. They have difficulty with basic concepts like "fact"....and when they don't like the definition of certain things, they change it so the words no longer even mean anything.
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More on this;

{If radical gun-grabbers have their way, your daughters, mothers and grandmothers will have nothing but whistles, pens and bodily fluids to defend themselves against violent attackers and sexual predators. Women of all ages, races and political backgrounds should be up in arms over the coordinated attack on their right to bear arms.}

a lot of links in her article at site

The Anti-Choice Left’s Disarming of the American Woman

By Michelle Malkin • February 20, 2013 10:14 AM
It’s not just Colorado and it’s not just the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs that are clamping down on the rights and self-defense choices of American women. As my column today reports, the disarming and infantilization of females are cancerous nationwide trends. Time to fight back like a girl, as one of my favorite female Second Amendment advocates, Sarah Palin, likes to say.

For my Colorado readers, here’s the contact info for the state Senate, which will vote next on radical gun control measures that undermine the public safety and security of all residents — but especially women for whom armed self-defense is the great equalizer.


The Anti-Choice Left’s Disarming of the American Woman
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2013

If radical gun-grabbers have their way, your daughters, mothers and grandmothers will have nothing but whistles, pens and bodily fluids to defend themselves against violent attackers and sexual predators. Women of all ages, races and political backgrounds should be up in arms over the coordinated attack on their right to bear arms.

In Colorado this week, male Democratic legislators assailed concealed-carry supporters and disparaged female students who refuse to depend on the government for protection. The Democrat-controlled House passed a statewide ban on concealed-carry weapons on college campuses, along with several other extreme gun-control measures that will undermine citizen safety and drive dozens of businesses out of the state.

Condescending Democratic Rep. Joe Salazar of Colorado asserted that young women can’t be trusted to assess threatening situations at their colleges or universities: “It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles,” Salazar said during floor debate. “Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around, or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be…”

Colorado Sen. Jessie Ulibarri, another elitist Democrat, argued that instead of firing back at a crazed gunman, innocent victims would be better off using “ballpoint pens” to stab him when he stops to reload. Colorado Rep. Paul Rosenthal, another Democrat, told women to rely on the “buddy system” or “judo” skills instead. And on Tuesday, after personally lobbying Colorado Democrats to restrict self-defense options, Vice President Joe Biden blithely dismissed a woman’s concerns about family security. He advised her, “You don’t need an AR-15″ — even though it is the long arm of choice of three million law-abiding citizens, half of whom are veterans, law enforcement officers or both.

The presumptuous paternalism of gun-grabbing male Democrats is not confined to the political arena. On college campuses across the country, the literal disarming of women is standard operating procedure. At the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, officials advise women that “passive resistance may be your best defense.” The school’s recommendation to girls: “Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.”

If that fails, it’s time to deploy other assault bodily fluids! No joke. UCCS seriously advises potential victims: “Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.”

In a quick survey of campus tips for women, Twitchy.com editor Jenn Taylor notes that at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, women are also told that “passive resistance (vomiting, urinating, telling the attacker you’re diseased or menstruating) may be your best defense.” The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh tells girls to “(c)ry or create a scene of emotional or mental instability.” Instead of a Glock, the school prefers students take a page from “Glee.” Yes, ladies, when you fear for your lives, it’s time to engage in theatrics by faking a “faint” or “seizure.” And at Oregon State, female students are advised to tell sexual predators they are “sick or pregnant,” because guns and knives are banned on campus.

All of it here
Michelle Malkin
I hope this gets the attention it deserves. The DNC press has been silent, but if Fox and other non-party sources play the quote enough, then the Party propaganda outlets like CNN, NBC, et al. will be forced to acknowledge the story.

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