Objective View: Conservatives Should Be Nervous


Apr 22, 2007
Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

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Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

The Dems are going into this with a clear advantage in EV's, something I never hear the GOP talking about.

Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

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People like infrastructure, science, education, minimum wage, police, ssi, public education, etc. Coming out and saying that you hate those things isn't popular!

Republicans need to run on accountability and moderate away from libertarianism. There's no question in my mind that the republicans can't win running against the basic needs of the AMerican people.
Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

The Dems are going into this with a clear advantage in EV's, something I never hear the GOP talking about.


And the republicans just head more and more rightward!!! They're fools.
Considering what they did under Bush, I would think they would be nervous of winning. How many lost kids for no apparent reason? Be proud they thought they were defending America, be angry they were only defending Iraqi oil wells. Be sad that ideology trumps reason.
Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

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It's more than electoral college mapping. The unelected bureaucracies in the Executive Branch have turned into annexes of the Democratic Party. When one is harrassed and threatened by the government, it chills political expression and participation. That's how Obama won in 2012.
Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

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Wrong. Totally wrong.
Obama won due to massive turn out in inner city black areas in key states like PA, OH, and FL.
That wont happen again. Illinois has a GOP governor. So does MD. So does Connecticut. No one would have predicted that 7 ytears ago.
Democrats have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2007. They will continue to lose seats because they are finished as a party. Out of ideas and out of candidates. Every presidential candidate on the Dem side is eligible for Social Security
Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

The Dems are going into this with a clear advantage in EV's, something I never hear the GOP talking about.


Actually the GOP are trying to change the EV system.

They want to gerrymander it so that it goes from winner takes all of the EV's for the state to a district by district allocation, but only in blue states that they currently control.

Yes objective. I like the current crop of GOP candidates and i fear a Clinton, Biden, Sanders or whoever they toss up there winning the Presidency. But if you dissect the electoral college numbers, then, if you are honestly looking at them, you will have the same an anxiety over the GOP's chances as I do.

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Suddenly.....the method we use to elect presidents has become suspect.
Red herring argument. The method is horrible. The concentration falls on the so call swing states. The candidates never put and emphasis on the other states.

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Suddenly.....the method we use to elect presidents has become suspect.
Red herring argument. The method is horrible. The concentration falls on the so call swing states. The candidates never put and emphasis on the other states.

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It's the same method that brought us every POTUS that you adore, bro. It ain't perfect ......but nothing is. More people in this nation are center-left. Live with it until the right stops being stupid.
Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

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Wrong. Totally wrong.
Obama won due to massive turn out in inner city black areas in key states like PA, OH, and FL.
That wont happen again. Illinois has a GOP governor. So does MD. So does Connecticut. No one would have predicted that 7 ytears ago.
Democrats have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2007. They will continue to lose seats because they are finished as a party. Out of ideas and out of candidates. Every presidential candidate on the Dem side is eligible for Social Security
I hope you are right brother. PA is not swing state anymore. It is blue now.

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Look at W's victories they were by the narrowest of margins. Look at Obama's, much different story. We are led to believe he was just a great campaigner. I don't buy it. He was a flawed candidate, horrible debated and poor record.

No, it is the current electoral college mapping. Again Bush won by a narrow margin, but regaining NV, NM and CO will be a huge challenge. Then FL is becoming more and more blue. Even a flawless Rep candidate is a longshot against even a socialist like Bernie Sanders.

The senate is foresure lost. The house is going to become more blue.

This is only 2016. In 2020 it will be a ton worse.

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Narrow margin? That's funny. Bush never actually won either election. Gore won Florida and Kerry won Ohio.

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