OBL's son in law caught and Obama wants to give him legal rights

760. Coming March plot (2/23/2013)

The main reason I think there will be a war in March is that the Feds likely will frame a new case in that month. My wife has been arranged a trip to Taiwan. She will leave on Feb.28. It coincides with Pope’s retirement.

As I always said, the Feds used to create big events – either a natural disaster, or epidemic, or a war - to distract public attention from a framed case. The trip to Taiwan is only a cover up. The main goal is to lure her to China and she will. The framed case, from beginning, has been collaborated by Chinese secret police. In 2001, it was designed as a “drug smuggling case”, (see: “694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)”) Now it could be a “fake note” case as the Feds is intensively apply it on me recently.

China is a totalitarian country, that’s why the Feds chose it as a partner. Where the people wronged in case could hardly seek justice. If the case goes wrong, then the Feds can blame everything on Chinese government. In more than a decade, China has been bribed greatly by the Feds and is becoming the second powerful country in the world. What is the payment this time? Watch the following news.

Nexen Announces All Required Regulatory Approvals Received
7:59am (ET) 02/12/2013 CNW Group

Nexen Inc. ("Nexen", TSX, NYSE: NXY) announced today that Nexen has received approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) with respect to the proposed acquisition of Nexen by CNOOC Limited, and now has all of the requisite approvals to proceed to close.

The transaction is expected to close the week of February 25, 2013 and remains subject to customary closing conditions.


Readers may not understand what this news means. Interpretation: China got the permission to purchase a substantive asset worth about 16 billion. China holds a lot of US bond and anxiously to spend it. Otherwise that treasure would devalue quickly as US is in huge debt. Oil reserve is strategy resource generally forbidden to be transferred to Communist China. In that news, CNOOC is a China state run oil company. The short news is vague. The word “China” even is not mentioned. Most people may neglect it without knowing what has happened. It may prove the authority has a guilty conscience.

I also talked about the Feds would activate large scale internet attack to eliminate my articles because it revealed too much truth. It looks like that attack would be fulfilled by the China state run hackers.

Portrait of accused China cyberspy unit emerges
By Christopher Bodeen
Associated PressAssociated Press 02/20/2013

BEIJING -- Unit 61398 of the People's Liberation Army has been recruiting computer experts for at least a decade. It has made no secret of details of community life such as badminton matches and kindergarten, but its apparent purpose became clear only when a U.S. Internet security firm accused it of conducting a massive hacking campaign against North American targets.

Portrait of accused China cyberspy unit emerges - The Willits News

In news war rarely so specific information (such like unit 61398) was released to avoid the revelation of information source. This is more like a psychological tactic of pre-mind plant to lock up a potential hacker in a coming cyber attack. You see they beat the drum on it while there is no particular serious internet attack happening now.

761. “Less safe” may be a nuke attack (3/4/2013)

To start a war, they need justification. For war on Iraq, Afghanistan, they activated 911 attack. For war on Iran, they still need a 911 alike “terror attack”. Eric Holder’s claim on 3/1 may signal this:

Eric Holder on decision day: the country will be less safe
By Pierre Thomas, Richard Coolidge, and Jordyn Phelps 3/1/2013

Attorney General Eric Holder says the country is less safe because of the across-the-board spending cuts that go into effect today and that those who claim the administration has been fear mongering about the cuts simply don't have the facts straight.

Eric Holder on decision day: the country will be less safe | Power Players - Yahoo! News

Take the chance of Sequestration, they make a “terror attack” reasonable. That “less safe” case likely would be a nuke attack. The following news issued three months ago, though could be misinformation, may have revealed what kind of “less safe” case would be.

Nuclear Christmas, false flag in America to blame on Iran
There are strong confirmations that one or more nuclear weapons, known to have been stolen but kept from the public to “prevent panic,” may well be deployed in American cities by extremist elements with probable ties to a foreign intelligence agency.

This scenario was the basis of the television show “Jericho” several years ago. However, this time there are real culprits and real motivations, both the overthrow of the government of the United States and the naming of Iran as a “scapegoat.”

The plot has been tracked to groups within the Pentagon, several government agencies and wealthy and powerful extremist backers of Netanyahu and, in particular, the “Gulf Cartel” operating from Mexico that has penetrated nearly all levels of government, law enforcement and the military across the country.

Using surprisingly direct language, President Obama has officially confirmed this conspiracy.

Thus, when a threat of an attack on the “government and nation” is revealed, two things become obvious:

1. Only a nuclear attack, likely more than one location, could push America to the new war Israel wants and bully the American people into even more “police state” legislation and the total abandonment of what is left of democratic government.

2. News and entertainment have been systematically pre-staging such a move through highly fictionalized and propagandized “brainwashing” that is intended to make Iran the scapegoat for what President Obama has now revealed is actually an “insider threat” within the American government.

Nukes, Lost, Stolen and “Misplaced” Now “in Play”
PressTV - Nuclear Christmas, false flag in America to blame on Iran

762. Target on New York (3/9/2013)

The main target city of a "terror attack" is New York.

Bin Laden son-in-law arrested, whisked to NYC on terror charges

Officials tell NBC News he had been a prisoner in Iran for most of the past decade and is scheduled to appear in federal court Friday. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

By Jonathan Dienst, Pete Williams and Andrea Mitchell, NBC News

Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, who acted as a spokesman for al-Qaida, has been apprehended, transported to New York and charged with conspiracy to kill Americans, according to court documents unsealed Thursday.

Bin Laden son-in-law arrested, whisked to NYC on terror charges - World News

Al Qaida is a secret asset of US. It works for US strategy interest. Bin Laden worked as a living plant. The country where he went, was claimed “evil axis” by US. Under such excuse, Bush activated war in Mid-east. Abu Ghaith- Bin Laden’s son in law – has the same mission. He was arranged to smuggle to Iran in 2002 at the purpose to frame Iran a “terrorist” country. Iran might have known the trick and put Bin Laden’s “refugee relatives” into prison.

Now when the Feds planed another “terror attack” on US, they need a complete story – a big head of terrorist is on trial in New York. Al Qaida revenges the trial with a nuke attack. Since the frame case was original projected in March – we saw just in days, Abu Ghaith was arrested and sent to New York. What a rush.
New York has been the target in Feds’ blacklist for a long time under the same project. The terror attack was designed to trigger war on Iran that would be used to distract a framed case. An identical one was the attempt to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in New York. From the news you could see the master mind was the D.O.J. Chief Eric Holder.

Accused 9/11 Mastermind to Face Civilian Trial in N.Y.

By CHARLIE SAVAGE November 13, 2009

The decision, announced by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., could mean one of the highest-profile and highest-security terrorism trials in history would be set just blocks from where hijackers for Al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center, killing nearly 2,750 people.


The Trial

Eric Holder and the battle over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

by Jane Mayer February 15, 2010

On December 5th, several hundred people gathered in Foley Square, in lower Manhattan, and withstood a drenching rainstorm for two hours in order to send a message to Attorney General Eric Holder. A JumboTron, set up by the protesters, played clips of Holder’s recent testimony before Congress, in which he explained his decision to hold the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—the self-proclaimed planner of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001—and four co-conspirators in the colonnaded federal courthouse flanking the square, rather than in a military commission at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Members of the crowd shouted at the

Eric Holder and the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial : The New Yorker

New Yorkers might have been aware of the plot planted on them. They fiercely opposed it and successfully rejected that trial. Eric Holder knows it. He still puts another one on them in a raid.
A number of international terrorists are in US high security prisons for life.

Wow that sounds great. The terrorists mutilate, torture, and kill their American captives. Obama and his crew would rather see 'Peace in our time', and incarcerate the perps for life.
Bin Laden's son-in-law captured, charged in US with conspiring to kill Americans | Fox News

Obama is a retard. The son in law should be sent to Gitmo, and treated as a enemy combatant. He should be interrogated and US authorites should try and get intelligence from him to stop more terrorist attacks.

He shouldn't have the right to remain silent :eusa_hand:

We need intelligence information now. Instead Obama does the unintelligent:cuckoo:

You guys bitch when one terrorist's kid is killed, and now you bitch when another one is given due process. Make up your minds.
OBL's son in law caught and Obama wants to give him legal rights

The Constitution is a bitch
OBL's son in law caught and Obama wants to give him legal rights

The Constitution is a bitch

Sometimes shit dont fall the way you want, but we have it for a reason
I support it either way, even though I would love to see half the fucks shot in between the head
763. Why select New York? (3/18/2013)

Several years after 911 attack, people were rattled by unusual cancer case among first responders of ground zero. They started to think the WTC were pulled down by mini nukes.

"35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC
Thursday, July 02, 2009

1) heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)


"China Syndrome at the WTC


Then cancer caused death rapidly rose. 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

"9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”

April 4, 2011 By Daily Mail Reporter

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are ‘unusual rises’ in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department’s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across ‘all ranks’ of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are ‘up significantly’.

It is thought that the report – due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September – cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

‘It’s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

‘We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.’

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.


Now you should understand why Eric Holder announced to put "911 mastermind K.S.Mohammed " on trial in New York" in 2009. It was used to justify an "Al Qaida revenge attack for trial of their leader". The planned attack was a nuclear one, so they could blame the cancer were caused by Al Qaida terror attack. The purpose is to cover up the truth that in 911 attack, mini nukes were used. The similar tactic has been tried in 2007, when a B-52 flied over US continental with 6 loaded nuke missiles. New York must have been the target of these nuclear missiles. Of course, mainstream media beat the drum on “911 Master-mind trial” but rarely report the unusual cancer deaths of the first responders of ground zero. Because that would expose who was the real Master-mind of 911 – Al Qaida has no nuclear bomb.

764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)

In “753. Property tax and new plot (1/10/2013)”, I told about the attempt to plant “illegal money” on me. After I refused to accept bank notes, one week later they delivered me a Visa gift card as I previously wished. I left that card in sitting room. Several days later, I found I coughed when I was going to shopping with that Visa gift card. I didn’t use it then tested it several times and was convinced the card was radioactive- people coughed when they close encounter with it. This is my personal experience with the Feds. (See “59. Continuing cough”)

I recalled when my brother delivered the card, he was escorted by C.Y. couple – alleged Chinese secret agents. (see #753) They might play the role of witness. It was a plant in rogue’s way. Though it was the gift money from my mother, under those rogue witness, it could become “illegal money” from China. The purpose was to justify an arrest – if when I had used that card- the radioactive card emitted signal to the surveillance agents wherever I went.

I returned the gift card to my relative and warned that card was contaminated with radioactive material.

My wife was arranged a Taiwan and China tour between 2/28 and 3/14. Other phenominon indicated that the Feds had prepared “terror attacks” and war to distract a framed case in March, what would they do on Kat Sung – the main target? Yesterday, I learned the bank robbery case from local news.

U.S. Bank Robbed, Second Time This Month

By Lauren Gibbs March 20, 2013

U.S. Bank on Landess Avenue in Milpitas was robbed Wednesday afternoon, March 20 — the third bank robbery in Milpitas this month.

This is the second time this month this U.S. Bank branch has been robbed; the first on March 5.

Update: U.S. Bank Robbed, Second Time This Month - Milpitas, CA Patch

Milpitas police seek man who robbed U.S. Bank inside mall
Milpitas Post Staff Posted: 03/21/2013

On March 5 at about 4:24 p.m., a robbery occurred at the U.S. Bank at 1535 Landess Ave. inside Seasons Market Place. A man walked inside the bank and handed the teller a demand note requesting money. The teller complied and gave the suspect cash, police aid.

The suspect fled the area on foot.

Milpitas police seek man who robbed U.S. Bank inside mall - San Jose Mercury News

There is a super market in Season’s Market Place which I used to go. The same bank to be robbed by same criminal(?) twice in this month. That’s unusual. It reminds me of the attempt of “accidental death in bank robbery”. I have experiences. The most evident one was the “Bank robbery in San Francisco”, see #402, 404, 561 562.
Bin Laden's son-in-law captured, charged in US with conspiring to kill Americans | Fox News

Obama is a retard. The son in law should be sent to Gitmo, and treated as a enemy combatant. He should be interrogated and US authorites should try and get intelligence from him to stop more terrorist attacks.

He shouldn't have the right to remain silent :eusa_hand:

We need intelligence information now. Instead Obama does the unintelligent:cuckoo:

Gitmo should be closed, the enemy combatant status should forever be purged, torture should be made illegal and the AUMF be revoked or toned down.

That and the patriot act should be tossed in the trash bin.
OBL's son in law caught and Obama wants to give him legal rights

The Constitution is a bitch

I didn't realize the US Constitution was written for foreigners in foreign lands.

You should realize that it is.

Anyone in American custody enjoys a great many rights provided by the Constitution.

oh please, that thinking was started under Clinton and guess where it got us?
Anyway, if they are enemy combatants they are to be tried by military tribunals, as Congress passed and the Supreme Court upheld.
I didn't realize the US Constitution was written for foreigners in foreign lands.

You should realize that it is.

Anyone in American custody enjoys a great many rights provided by the Constitution.

oh please, that thinking was started under Clinton and guess where it got us?
Anyway, if they are enemy combatants they are to be tried by military tribunals, as Congress passed and the Supreme Court upheld.

No, all persons have always been entitled to basic due process rights, citizen and non-citizen.

That we failed to acknowledge that until recently is the problem.
OBL's son in law caught and Obama wants to give him legal rights

The Constitution is a bitch

I didn't realize the US Constitution was written for foreigners in foreign lands.

You should realize that it is.

Anyone in American (NOT what he said) custody enjoys a great many rights provided by the Constitution.

so your contention is that the constitution applies to those waging war against us or conspiring to kill americans in another country?

can you cite the law that is applicable...thanks
Last edited:
I didn't realize the US Constitution was written for foreigners in foreign lands.

You should realize that it is.

Anyone in American custody enjoys a great many rights provided by the Constitution.

so your contention is that the constitution applies to those waging war against us or conspiring to kill americans in another country?

can you cite the law that is applicable...thanks

The problem there is if you don't apply the laws of the US to them, you have to apply the laws of International Law to them, such as the Geneva convention..

Which means they are enemy soldiers and entitled to a LOT more protections than criminal suspects are.
You should realize that it is.

Anyone in American custody enjoys a great many rights provided by the Constitution.

so your contention is that the constitution applies to those waging war against us or conspiring to kill americans in another country?

can you cite the law that is applicable...thanks

The problem there is if you don't apply the laws of the US to them, you have to apply the laws of International Law to them, such as the Geneva convention..

Which means they are enemy soldiers and entitled to a LOT more protections than criminal suspects are.

you're right as to the first paragraph, however, i disagree with you on the second. for example...there is no 4th amendment or 6th amendment protections under the geneva convention...

btw...why was it ok for obama to drone kill the AQ guy who was an american citizen... but not shoot this guy on sight?
Bin Laden's son-in-law captured, charged in US with conspiring to kill Americans | Fox News

Obama is a retard. The son in law should be sent to Gitmo, and treated as a enemy combatant. He should be interrogated and US authorites should try and get intelligence from him to stop more terrorist attacks.

He shouldn't have the right to remain silent :eusa_hand:

We need intelligence information now. Instead Obama does the unintelligent:cuckoo:

You guys bitch when one terrorist's kid is killed, and now you bitch when another one is given due process. Make up your minds.


See the difference?
And, btw, no one has mentioned summary execution, like your weak example.

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