Obstructionists in the House Defeat Obama's Trade Bill, because RACISM


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
House Democrats led by Nancy the Grand Wizardess Pelosi have defeated the Lightbringer's Trade Bill.

Why? Because they are Racist Obstructionists.

BREAKING: House Democrats delivered a stinging defeat to President Obama’s trade agenda when a vast majority voted to derail legislation designed to help him advance a sweeping deal with 11 Pacific-rim nations.

The House voted 302 to 126 to sink a measure to grant financial aid to displaced workers, fracturing hopes at the White House that the package would smooth the path for Congress to approve a separate bill to grant Obama fast-track authority to complete an accord with 11 other Pacific Rim nations....

Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House - The Washington Post
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good to hear , just going by what I read on your headline , post and what I've been hearing on the radio . Anyway , good to see , no displaced workers that need funding so might spell Doom for the rest of mrobamas planned trade deal , hopefully ehh Boedicca .
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.
House Democrats led by Nancy the Grand Wizardess Pelosi have defeated the Lightbringer's Trade Bill.

Why? Because they are Racist Obstructionists.

BREAKING: House Democrats delivered a stinging defeat to President Obama’s trade agenda when a vast majority voted to derail legislation designed to help him advance a sweeping deal with 11 Pacific-rim nations.

The House voted 302 to 126 to sink a measure to grant financial aid to displaced workers, fracturing hopes at the White House that the package would smooth the path for Congress to approve a separate bill to grant Obama fast-track authority to complete an accord with 11 other Pacific Rim nations....

Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House - The Washington Post
Such a provision is a not so subtle hint that the 'free trade deal'* will kill a lot of jobs: Free trade on steroids The threat of the Trans-Pacific Partnership - LA Times
[...]Even worse, NAFTA has been used as a model for additional agreements, and its deeply flawed approach has resulted in the outsourcing of jobs, downward pressure on wages and a meteoric rise in income inequality.

For example, to sell the NAFTA-style U.S. agreement with South Korea passed in 2011, Obama said it would support "70,000 American jobs from increased goods exports alone." In reality, U.S. monthly exports to South Korea fell 11% in the pact's first two years, imports rose and the U.S. trade deficit exploded by 47%. This led to a net loss of tens of thousands of U.S. jobs in this pact's first two years.

Now we are hearing that the TPP, as we were promised with other pacts, will mean prosperity around the corner.

But this agreement would force Americans to compete against workers from nations such as Vietnam, where the minimum wage is $2.75 a day. It threatens to roll back financial regulation, environmental standards and U.S. laws that protect the safety of drugs we take, food we eat and toys we give our children. It would create binding policies on countless subjects, so that Congress and state legislatures would be thwarted from mitigating the pact's damage.

*Which isn't: TPP Not About Trade RealClearPolitics
President Obama has labored long and hard to strip Congress of its authority over immigration, emissions and the environment, food regulations and energy policy. Congress, in turn has worked to take away state power over insurance regulation and banking. Now comes the coup de grace -- a treaty taking many of these powers away from the United States -- both executive and legislative branches -- and state government.

The long-term goal of the globalists is an international rule of law unaccompanied by democracy. Since there is no global forum for the manifestation of worldwide popular will, this formula leads to rule by bureaucrats -- those who know best. It is government by a new aristocracy of civil servants and technicians.
I must note that if the GOP had defeated the Trade Bill, the accusation of Racism would be erupting from all the moonbats.

Why would the GOP "defeat" the trade bill?

It's their baby, after all.
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

Actually Boehner is just the speaker not the originator of this bill. So in short Unions, not Pelosi who defeated the bill because as we know Nut case is owned by the Unions and just a hilarious soundbite.
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

When was the last time The WON actually went to Capitol Hill to try to gain support for a bill?
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

Actually Boehner is just the speaker not the originator of this bill. So in short Unions, not Pelosi who defeated the bill because as we know Nut case is owned by the Unions and just a hilarious soundbite.

Obama is just the President, not the "originator" of the bill, either.
mrobama was crying and looking for passage of this bill , he showed up to do some arm twisting and 'feinstein' told him to get lost . Word used by 'the hil' is ' Humiliating Defeat' for mrobama and I like that phrasing , makes me smile Doctor !!
mrobama was crying and looking for passage of this bill , he showed up to do some arm twisting and 'feinstein' told him to get lost . Word used by 'the hil' is ' Humiliating Defeat' for mrobama and I like that phrasing , makes me smile Doctor !!

Good for you. I'm a liberal, I don't support any of these "free trade" agreements.

They're a corporate/conservative thing.
Funny thing, The Doctor doesn't think any Liberals or Democrats are "Corporatists" or Owned by Big Business or Bankers.

If I saw Nancy Pelosi right now I'd give her a big ole' hug and kiss!
point is that 'mrobama' wanted it , got defeated so just another notch against mrobamas le6acy . --- Senate deals stinging defeat to Obama trade agenda TheHill --- me , I'm a Conservative , don't like big and bigger government . Yep , the smaller the better in my opinion . Also small BIF 'L' libertarian on Freedom and RIGHTS of Americans Doctor . Yep , exceptional day so far !!
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The bill isn't defeated. sheesh, people

An Amendment was shot down....

Breaking: Obama Suffers Stunning Defeat On Trade Agenda"

Awww, back at the White House throwing a hissy as we speak…

Via Fox News:

In a dramatic defeat for the White House, President Obama’s trade agenda ran aground in the House on Friday as Democrats banded together in opposition despite a personal plea from the president.

In a 302-126 vote, the House killed a worker aid bill that was tied to the president’s main agenda item — legislation that would give Obama “fast-track” authority to negotiate trade deals. Without it, the trade push — a key plank of the president’s second-term agenda — withers for now. The vote marked a stunning blow for the president at the hands of his own party, with Nancy Pelosi and labor unions helping drive the stake into the legislation in the end.

Minutes before the vote, Pelosi took to the floor to appeal for a “better deal” for American workers.

The key vote was on so-called Trade Adjustment Assistance bill, a program that retrains workers displaced by trade. The bill was originally put on the table as a sweetener to help entice recalcitrant Democrats to back the “fast-track” bill. But Democrats are so opposed to that legislation, they voted down the sweetener.
and just heard on radio that this trade deal is mrobamas Center Piece so it is a big deal to him and his le6acy .
Funny thing, The Doctor doesn't think any Liberals or Democrats are "Corporatists" or Owned by Big Business or Bankers.

If I saw Nancy Pelosi right now I'd give her a big ole' hug and kiss!

Actually, I think that most Democrats in national office are corporate whores as well.

But as far as I'm concerned, being a corporate whore makes them not liberals, by definition.
Actually, I think that most Democrats in national office are corporate whores as well.

But as far as I'm concerned, being a corporate whore makes them not liberals, by definition.

I respect Liberals. I even like liberals.

But the dimocrap party of today is not a liberal party. It does not represent liberals. It left you years and years ago.

Unfortunately, there is no party that represents Liberals anymore. We don't, Republicans don't. But we don't pretend to, either

I can talk to a Liberal. I have no use for dimocraps

Someday you'll understand.

Or not

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