Obstructionists in the House Defeat Obama's Trade Bill, because RACISM

I must note that if the GOP had defeated the Trade Bill, the accusation of Racism would be erupting from all the moonbats.

Why would the GOP "defeat" the trade bill?

It's their baby, after all.
To "stick it" to the hated Obama, of course.

It isn't about racism, it's about partisanism, which is also ridiculous and wrong.

No this is about protecting American workers which is rational and morally right.
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

Meh, he was playing the 'sarcasm card', too bad you didn't see that.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, I believe that boe is a "she", not a he.

My post was sarcastic as well.

Could be, but there is a Bodecea here and a Bodicca and I know the prior says she is a she, but I thought the latter said he was a he.

So sue me, damit! :D

I believe both of the "bo"s are female. But I could be wrong.
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I think it is radicalized liberals who are in charge of the executive and a significant portion of the minority of both houses.
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I think it is radicalized liberals who are in charge of the executive and a significant portion of the minority of both houses.

I think that a lot of people 'control' a lot of minorities in Congress. They are also known as caucuses.
I agree , if Cruz did vote for it , well bye bye , yeah , walker couldn't vote for it !! Even on telly a moment ago that big name talking head 'wallace' is calling this defeat a stunning defeat . See if its resurrected I suppose .
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I think it is radicalized liberals who are in charge of the executive and a significant portion of the minority of both houses.
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I think it is radicalized liberals who are in charge of the executive and a significant portion of the minority of both houses.

I think that a lot of people 'control' a lot of minorities in Congress. They are also known as caucuses.
Mmm.....you may have a point. The radicalized liberal is so common in government that they can now form their own caucus.

Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that these people throw about terms like 'Free Trade" all the time when in fact, it is anything but free trade.

I'm glad this was shot down. Any legislation that has to be conducted in secret is not good for the American citizen.

In a dramatic defeat for the White House, President Obama's trade agenda ran aground in the House on Friday as Democrats banded together in opposition despite a personal plea from the president.

In a 302-126 vote, the House killed a worker aid bill that was tied to the president's main agenda item -- legislation that would give Obama "fast-track" authority to negotiate trade deals.

Obama trade push runs aground as House Democrats derail key bill Fox News
I agree with the Democrats on this one. The TPP is a terrible trade deal, from everything we know about it so far. It is very disappointing to see so many Republicans mindlessly backing so-called "free trade" when NAFTA and GATT have clearly harmed American jobs and industry.
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.
Orange is the new black. Lol

You can be Orange now! If you feel like an Ooompa Loompa on the inside, you are WRONGSKIN!

Celebrate your ORANGEness!

House Democrats led by Nancy the Grand Wizardess Pelosi have defeated the Lightbringer's Trade Bill.

Why? Because they are Racist Obstructionists.

BREAKING: House Democrats delivered a stinging defeat to President Obama’s trade agenda when a vast majority voted to derail legislation designed to help him advance a sweeping deal with 11 Pacific-rim nations.

The House voted 302 to 126 to sink a measure to grant financial aid to displaced workers, fracturing hopes at the White House that the package would smooth the path for Congress to approve a separate bill to grant Obama fast-track authority to complete an accord with 11 other Pacific Rim nations....

Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House - The Washington Post

Damn those racist democrats......
I agree with the Democrats on this one. The TPP is a terrible trade deal, from everything we know about it so far. It is very disappointing to see so many Republicans mindlessly backing so-called "free trade" when NAFTA and GATT have clearly harmed American jobs and industry.

I am against the bill as well. It's bullshit. It will make these "Pacific Rim" trade partners richer. It will encourage American business to relocate "further" overseas - have products made for pennies, send them back to the US at a 10,000 percent markup and business will laugh all the way to their off-shore accounts.

Until we bring business back to this country - we will never recover and they will get richer.
mrobama was crying and looking for passage of this bill , he showed up to do some arm twisting and 'feinstein' told him to get lost . Word used by 'the hil' is ' Humiliating Defeat' for mrobama and I like that phrasing , makes me smile Doctor !!

Good for you. I'm a liberal, I don't support any of these "free trade" agreements.

They're a corporate/conservative thing.

Did not know Pat Buchanan was a liberal.
When Congress nor the people of the world being traded to the lowest bidder can't even see the back door deals , you know it's not good for anybody but the slave owners
Anyone who is for the trade bill sure missed out on all the problems that NAFTA and CAFTA caused for the American worker and US manufacturing.
I'm glad Obama and the Republicans hit a speed bump (pun intended) in there quest to further screw over the American worker and America in general.
I can't believe the Dems grew balls. :disbelief:.
I must note that if the GOP had defeated the Trade Bill, the accusation of Racism would be erupting from all the moonbats.

Why would the GOP "defeat" the trade bill?

It's their baby, after all.
More of the GOP wanted to pass it than Democrats last I heard. Madame Pelosi also said it was the Presidents baby not hers so she took no responsibility to get the votes.
I must note that if the GOP had defeated the Trade Bill, the accusation of Racism would be erupting from all the moonbats.

Everyone who disagrees with Ben Carson is a racist, according to nuts like you. Clean up your own act.
I must note that if the GOP had defeated the Trade Bill, the accusation of Racism would be erupting from all the moonbats.

Everyone who disagrees with Ben Carson is a racist, according to nuts like you. Clean up your own act.

I call shenanigans:

1. Ben Carson is not President.
2. He is not running on the Race Card.
3. I've never made such a claim, and don't see widespread race card dealing by conservatives regarding Ben Carson.
I must note that if the GOP had defeated the Trade Bill, the accusation of Racism would be erupting from all the moonbats.

Everyone who disagrees with Ben Carson is a racist, according to nuts like you. Clean up your own act.

I call shenanigans:

1. Ben Carson is not President.
2. He is not running on the Race Card.
3. I've never made such a claim, and don't see widespread race card dealing by conservatives regarding Ben Carson.

That's because you're a dimwit partisan hack. I can post dozens of examples if I bother to. Here's a good one.

Seven ridiculous beliefs of Ben Carson US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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