Obstructionists in the House Defeat Obama's Trade Bill, because RACISM

Let's see, he's a liberal, he's a Democrat (socialist), and he's the party leader. The only thing that's different is his race. Obviously the only reason they defeated this bill has to be that they're racist. Isn't that right, libs?
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

The dims voted against Obama - that has been the steady definition of racism for 7 years.

Ah, it's only racism when Republicans do it...
Gpoint is that 'mrobama' wanted it , got defeated so just another notch against mrobamas le6acy . --- Senate deals stinging defeat to Obama trade agenda TheHill --- me , I'm a Conservative , don't like big and bigger government . Yep , the smaller the better in my opinion . Also small BIF 'L' libertarian on Freedom and RIGHTS of Americans Doctor . Yep , exceptional day so far !!

Perhaps that's "the point" to you - which implies that you have no actual understanding of the bill, and are fueled only by personality politics.

With the exception of Rand Paul, every single GOP presidential candidate supports this trade bill. I wonder what you'll say if one of them win and then reintroduce this bill.
Actually, I think that most Democrats in national office are corporate whores as well.

But as far as I'm concerned, being a corporate whore makes them not liberals, by definition.

I respect Liberals. I even like liberals.

But the dimocrap party of today is not a liberal party. It does not represent liberals. It left you years and years ago.

Unfortunately, there is no party that represents Liberals anymore. We don't, Republicans don't. But we don't pretend to, either

I can talk to a Liberal. I have no use for dimocraps

Someday you'll understand.

Or not

You seem to be unaware that you're agreeing with my post.
I think that its a big deal , they woulda passed this bill which was the funding for displaced American workers and that would have been needed because the Trade Bill if he were to get it woulda displaced American workers . No trade bill sweetener as was voted on today equals no trade bill to displace American workers . Anyway , that's my and others reasoning Edgetho . Guess that we'll see what happens .
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Let's see, he's a liberal, he's a Democrat (socialist), and he's the party leader. The only thing that's different is his race. Obviously the only reason they defeated this bill has to be that they're racist. Isn't that right, libs?

Obama is not, and never has been, a "liberal".
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I understand the bill and it is also partly personality because I don't trust mrobama and his secrecy on this bill or anything else and I have already seen the obamacare mandate . If the right repub were to introduce , I might trust it more but my strategy for both rino and mrobama is to obstruct as much as I can as best I can . As I told you , I'm not a repub / rino , I'm a Conservative Doctor !!
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I think it is radicalized liberals who are in charge of the executive and a significant portion of the minority of both houses.
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

Meh, he was playing the 'sarcasm card', too bad you didn't see that.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, I believe that boe is a "she", not a he.

My post was sarcastic as well.
Pretty easy to write a free trade bill. It only takes one sentence.

"Anyone can trade with anyone for anything at any price they can negotiate."

That is as free as it gets.

Should Northrop Grumman be free to sell B-2 Bombers and Predator drones to Iran and North Korea?
Sure, if they can negotiate a good price.

At what point does this matter any more? I've not been overly impressed by the radicalized liberals desire to protect national secrets or assets.


You think it's "radicalized liberals" running the "National Security" train?
I think it is radicalized liberals who are in charge of the executive and a significant portion of the minority of both houses.

Then you are significantly out of touch. I don't know any other way to put it.

I would say there are perhaps 3 or 4 "radical liberals" in the entire Federal Government.

What you seem to think are "radical liberals" are in fact corporate whores.
mrobama was crying and looking for passage of this bill , he showed up to do some arm twisting and 'feinstein' told him to get lost . Word used by 'the hil' is ' Humiliating Defeat' for mrobama and I like that phrasing , makes me smile Doctor !!

Good for you. I'm a liberal, I don't support any of these "free trade" agreements.

They're a corporate/conservative thing.

Well, I am generally called a conservative (more of a H.H. Humphrey independent) and I was against it too.

There is nothing about 'love of country, God and the American family' that was compatible with this bill.

Boehner, Cruz, Walker, and Ryan owe Nancy Pelosi a big apology after voting for this treaty so they 'could see what was in it'.
You can just as easily say that Pelosi defeated Boehner's trade bill.

But then you wouldn't be able to play the race card card. After all, "orange" isn't a race.

Meh, he was playing the 'sarcasm card', too bad you didn't see that.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, I believe that boe is a "she", not a he.

My post was sarcastic as well.

Could be, but there is a Bodecea here and a Bodicca and I know the prior says she is a she, but I thought the latter said he was a he.

So sue me, damit! :D
mrobama was crying and looking for passage of this bill , he showed up to do some arm twisting and 'feinstein' told him to get lost . Word used by 'the hil' is ' Humiliating Defeat' for mrobama and I like that phrasing , makes me smile Doctor !!

Good for you. I'm a liberal, I don't support any of these "free trade" agreements.

They're a corporate/conservative thing.

Well, I am generally called a conservative (more of a H.H. Humphrey independent) and I was against it too.

There is nothing about 'love of country, God and the American family' that was compatible with this bill.

Boehner, Cruz, Walker, and Ryan owe Nancy Pelosi a big apology after voting for this treaty so they 'could see what was in it'.

While I agree with you for the most part, I'd like to point out that Scott Walker is a governor, and is not able to vote for or against this bill. He has come out in support of it, though.

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