Occam's Razor says: Aliens!

Major question and issue is did " Oumouamoua " continue to pass on through, or has it slowed and altered course to be "captured" into Sol System and remain here in orbit. ???
It's long gone.

Wrong: Occams razor says "No aliens!".
In this specific case? Agreed. Please read the OP before commenting. Thanks.
My fault not being more clear or finding the right emoji ~ that was more a rhetorical question.

Since we spotted Oumuamua after it had done the gravitational slingshot around the Sun and was on it's way out of the Solar System odds it was coming here for a prolonged visit were remote. Wrong vectors for anything other than 'just passin' through'.

If it were an "alien" ~ Extra terrestrial (ET)/Non Terrestrial (NT) construct it likely had been derelict for a loooong time.

BTW, often helps to have some basic and background information with or shortly after the OP;
In which place do you like to stand without place? In which time do you like to see something without time?
Poor question.

It needs a genius to answer simple questions. Try to give a real answer.

Just because you cannot observe a place and time does not mean it does not exist.

And now tell me how you know that space and time was existing "before" time was created "outside" of every space. You still don't understand what I say - so simple is it what I say. It makes not any sense to ask what was before time existed, because there was no before. And it makes not any sense to speak about an outside of space. Wishful thinking creates no reality. You could stand in the middle of a hypothetic sun of another hypothetic universe - as long as nothing from you and this sun interacts with each other you are a nothing for this sun and this sun is a nothing for you. How to know anything about?

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The thing about guys like Fortfun is that he'll go along with ANY theory, as long as it doesn't include an intelligent creator, you know, like "God".

There may be gods. Lots of them. But saying "gods did it!" isn't a scientific theory.

Gods and god are different things.

It explains nothing

Wrong. That god created the world "explains" for example why something exists at all. And it explains why this, what exists, follows rules. And it postulates the idea that this what we see all around us makes sense. So it also makes sense to find god (=universal truth) in everything all around us and not only in our thoughts.

and replaces one mystery with another.

Mystery? ... When the first hunter-gatherers made the advanced culture in Göbekli Tepe they were motivated from spirituality to do so. That's still a mystery - but no myth any longer. Agriculture and cities for example was not made to create gods - gods were a reason to create agriculture and cities.

So you are correct to imply that such a thing is not part of and has no place in a scientific theory.

What's somehow true and wrong the same time, because before someone begins a scientific theory it needs inspirations and intuitions. The ideas for scientific research come from human beings. And an important component of human beings is their spiritual belief (including the spiritual belief atheism). Many physicists for example say in their life somehting like "I want to know how the old one made it" (Albert Einstein) or "In the beginning was the word" (Anton Zeilinger) and so on ...

Here by the way a favorite song from Stephen Hawking:

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It needs a genius to answer simple questions. Try to give a real answer.
Poor questions do not deserve answers. To answer them would be to agree to the poor assumptions implied by them.

You do not know that the universe, or even a larger realm containing our universe, has not "always been". No number of conveniently constructed philosophical arguments will lead you to know the truth of this. So "i don't know" is correct.

Anyone who claims to know is lying. Simple.
Occams razor for aliens?!

You silly people. Have you ever seen an alien with a beard?

It needs a genius to answer simple questions. Try to give a real answer.
Poor questions do not deserve answers.

Nice way to say "I hate it to think"

To answer them would be to agree to the poor assumptions implied by them.

You used an attack against my person instead to make clear why you think that a position is possible, which is impossible in logic since 1700 years and also in reality since about 100 years if the theory of relativity is true. And the theory of relativity was in all observations we made in the universe up to now always only correct and never wrong. There are only some problems in context with the standtard model of quantum mechanics, what means we are not sure what happens in case of a very little universe.

You do not know that the universe, or even a larger realm containing our universe, has not "always been".

What's wrong in the game which we call "science". Science knows no absolute truth. The future is open and free. I'm not able to know now what the successor or successors of the theory of relativity and/or quantum mechanics will tell us. If I would know this I would be a good candidadte for many many many and much more Nobel prices. But our expu8eriucvne tells us that thendiefdfence betwtene nthen theroy of the absilte sooeke of light - the theory of relativity - makes not wrong what we call today "Newtons physics". For low speed - neasrlyx evberythgn hwat we do in our daily life - Newtons physics is still perfect.

No number of conveniently constructed philosophical arguments will lead you to know the truth of this. So "i don't know" is correct.

That's wrong. In science is true everything as long as it is not wrong. The theory of relativity was always only true up to now and never false. So it is true. If you think it is false you have to falsify it. In general we know only that one or both basic theories (theory of relativity, standard model of quantum mechanics) is not a perfect theory, because in case of little objects and high gravitation we get results which contradict each other. And because we believe in general in one common truth we try to find out what's wrong wuth us Why are we all together so damend stupid not to find out what's really wrong? In the moment we find for example a problem in the decay of the beauty quarks. A possible solution could for example be that a fifth natural power exists. We will see.

Anyone who claims to know is lying. Simple.

Socrastes said once something like "My authority is basing on the fact that I am able to give plausible reasons why I don't know a special thing."

You made absolutelly not clear what are your plausible reasons. The standard reason in the USA "What I think is true, what others think is false" is not plausible.

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There was no evidence of outgassing, but that's the only way to account for both change in course and speed, so, yeah, outgassing, otherwise we have to accept that it was an artificial craft that slingshotted around the Sun
They just assumed we must have missed it?
They also describe how the behavior matches with other observed outgassing events. You cant "miss it", when you can't see it. Keep in mind, you are making the leap to aliens despite zero observations. So clearly that is a much bigger and sillier leap. So your snark applies infinitely more to your nonsense than to anyone else.

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