Occult Comics: Free-Speech/Markets [American Dilemma?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should access to the Occult (in cinema and literature) in this modern age of global media/Internet/TV inspire us to think more about alternative philosophies and promote more 'free-speech humor' in schools and communities?

What do you think?



"My name is Eliana. I'm the underworld ministress/messenger of lust and the flesh. Fear not, fearful humans, for I'm not trying to 'seduce' you into the 'dark side' of religion/philosophy. You decide on your own if what I have to offer is something you sincerely seek. I live in a place deep beneath the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Thailand. I am very beautiful and resemble a Caucasian-Dutch woman by ethnic category. I can transform my visage into a more menacing, demon-like entity to prove to passerby/crusaders that I'm not merely a 'muse of aphrodisiacs.'

One day, the great valiant (if troubled/scandalized) knight Lancelot swam down to the depths of the Pacific off Thailand in search of my existence. You see, the great wizard Merlin told Lancelot of the potential existence of a 'mysterious woman' in the Pacific Ocean who keeps in her possession a timeless secret about the privacy of lust and ornaments. Lancelot became fascinated you see and wanted to see if someone like that (like me!) was actually real. So he swam down and one of my eel-squid creature guardians greeted him and guided him down to my lair where I conversed with him very briefly.

LANCELOT: You are so beautiful!
ELIANA: Thank you; you yourself are reputed to be great.
LANCELOT: I'm a great swordsman and lover too...
ELIANA: You got yourself into some trouble with King Arthur!
LANCELOT: How did you know?
ELIANA: I'm a psychic, good knight...
LANCELOT: I see; well, I'm thrilled Merlin was right about you.
ELIANA: You see I do exist!
LANCELOT: What is your mysterious message, strange woman?
ELIANA: My name is Eliana (keep that secret!); I'm a muse of lust.
LANCELOT: Are you a rebellious agent or siren of Satan (the Devil)?
ELIANA: No, Satan and I merely converse/confer, but I'm not in his employ.
LANCELOT: So you're not in Satan's company, yet you meditate on lust(?).
ELIANA: Precisely; you see Lancelot, lust can be private (and discreet!).
LANCELOT: And hence perfectly...legal.
ELIANA: Do you know how many frustrated wives would seek my counsel?
LANCELOT: I understand; they'd want to know the secret of divine discreet lust.
ELIANA: Right; they'd want to please their husbands with my charms/teachings!

After Lancelot departed from me (but not before I gave him one of my special perfumes which I told him would charm the woman he presented it to and convince her to be his devoted/faithful wife for all time!), he concluded that I existed merely to provide humankind with a special magical 'dose' of alternate reality. The reality I 'present' is one of psychological curiosity and emotional charm, not rebelliousness towards God. I can sometimes be accessed through the use of a Ouija board, but you have to be sincere in your questions, otherwise I will not listen to your wishes or questions. One day, a Harvard medical student (Ethan) used a Ouija board to invoke my presence.

ETHAN: I'm so tired of trying to be a future doctor!
ELIANA: How'd you know my name and to use a Ouija board?
ETHAN: I found an esoteric account/journal of Lancelot who mentioned you.
ELIANA: So Lancelot informed someone of my real name, and you cited it!
ETHAN: Precisely; does that offend you?
ELIANA: No, I willingly told Lancelot my real name; I'm not upset.
ETHAN: In that case, I want you to free me from my medical profession!
ELIANA: I can make you my aphrodisiac diplomat (not a doctor).
ETHAN: That sounds terrific and intriguing; I'll do anything necessary.
ELIANA: Good; I want you to assassinate Donald Trump (capitalism-baron).
ELIANA: He will be elected President and begin a nuclear war with North Korea.
ETHAN: This war will destroy civilization?
ELIANA: It will wipe out the majority of human beings on Earth, Ethan.
ETHAN: I'm not up to the challenge, but at least let me study aphrodisiacs!
ELIANA: You may study 3-4 small books I know of, but then we must part.

As you can see, Ethan was very precocious and head-strong and was willing to investigate my personal academic interests in aphrodisiacs, but he was not willing to enter into that labor-bond which required him to assassinate celebrity-capitalist Donald Trump for me. I suspected Ethan was merely 'ambitious' which is partly why I challenged him with such a strange 'mission' (assassinating a celebrity-capitalist). I just wanted to see Ethan's reaction (somewhat humorous), since I was really not upset he found my real name in a Lancelot academic source/text and used a Ouija board to invoke me and wanted Ethan to feel more light-hearted about contacting such as 'strange' or 'mysterious' woman.

My message is simple. I'm no witch or adversary of God or even agent of the Devil. I only want people of Earth to consider the basic medicinal value or wisdom of what I have to teach/say. I merely want women who want to please their husbands to consider the psychological value of using aphrodisiacs to entreat men with enjoyable lust in discreet places (in their homes) without worrying about the moral/religious ramifications. I'm no heretic or even scholar but rather a 'mystical nurse' of sorts. I do, however, consider myself a messenger of pure darkness, which is why I hope American politicians will enact legislation to make Occultism literature (which invites readers/scholars/laymen to learn more about alternative lifestyles!) more accessible...and legal(!). That is all I have to say."



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