Occupier Here

Ooohh, so they say mute in the UK instead of moot? I didn't know that.

And what is diddly SWAT? You mean diddly SQUAT?

You really area humorless twit, aren't you.

Jeeeeez, it's a fuckin' intro thread.... get with the fucking program.... we always yank the chains of newbies.


Awww.... and then you have to go and neg rep me because I pointed out your typos while you were busy pointing out other people's typos.


No, I negged you for not entering into the 'flame' the newbie spirit. Asshole.

And now, you are whining about negs. What a loser you are. :lol:

On the bright side, the Newbie gets a pos rep for getting the joke instead of whining like a 2 year old.
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I've come to Occupy this forum :)

Nah, just kidding. Actually, I'm here to discuss issues that are important to me.

A little about myself: I am a freelance writer, a blue collar worker, and I love to play guitar and banjo.

My politics: I am an indepedent and support neither democrats nor republicans. I find both parties to be hopelessly corrupt and I spend a large amount of my time attempting to dispell the myths that one side is better than the other, or that you have to choose either side.

Though I am independent, I tend to sway to the left on most issues and am a socialist by the original meaning of the word, though I rarely actually identify myself as one due to the stigma.

Anyways, hope to see you all soon!

Independent Socialist.


Liberals wonder why I mock them at ever chance I get
You really area humorless twit, aren't you.

Jeeeeez, it's a fuckin' intro thread.... get with the fucking program.... we always yank the chains of newbies.


Awww.... and then you have to go and neg rep me because I pointed out your typos while you were busy pointing out other people's typos.


No, I negged you for not entering into the 'flame' the newbie spirit. Asshole.

And now, you are whining about negs. What a loser you are. :lol:

On the bright side, the Newbie gets a pos rep for getting the joke instead of whining like a 2 year old.

So now you're calling me an asshole for not being an asshole?
Awww.... and then you have to go and neg rep me because I pointed out your typos while you were busy pointing out other people's typos.


No, I negged you for not entering into the 'flame' the newbie spirit. Asshole.

And now, you are whining about negs. What a loser you are. :lol:

On the bright side, the Newbie gets a pos rep for getting the joke instead of whining like a 2 year old.

So now you're calling me an asshole for not being an asshole?

No, sweetie, I'm calling you an asshole for acting like one.

And now, I'm calling you an idiot.... cap fits, where it.

*Disclaimer for the retards: That's a joke 'where'... 'wear'.... get it?*
No, I negged you for not entering into the 'flame' the newbie spirit. Asshole.

And now, you are whining about negs. What a loser you are. :lol:

On the bright side, the Newbie gets a pos rep for getting the joke instead of whining like a 2 year old.

So now you're calling me an asshole for not being an asshole?

No, sweetie, I'm calling you an asshole for acting like one.

And now, I'm calling you an idiot.... cap fits, where it.

*Disclaimer for the retards: That's a joke 'where'... 'wear'.... get it?*

If I acted like an asshole, I would have "entered into the 'flame' the newbie" spirit, like you.

Evidently, it's you who knows diddly swat*.

*Disclaimer for CaliGirl wannabes: Making up words while trying to ridicule someone doesn't make you seem very smart.
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Apparently not. It would be great if you could not pretend to be a writer - you'll lower the tone for those of us who actually are. TIA.

And to whom would you be referring?

Certainly not you of course. You're the one who screwed up "moot" with "mute" the other day and now you're screwing up "didn't" with "could not". You're just as capable of typos and bad English as anybody else.

You've got a lot of nerve.

I earn my living as a writer. The OP doesn't. He's a wanna be.

I do have a lot of nerve - and a substantial amount of clients... and books published. Ergo, your opinion is worth diddly swat.


and it would be number of clients, not amount, you undereducated, overbearing hack.

or is that *mute*?

I've come to Occupy this forum :)

Nah, just kidding. Actually, I'm here to discuss issues that are important to me.

A little about myself: I am a freelance writer, a blue collar worker, and I love to play guitar and banjo.

My politics: I am an indepedent and support neither democrats nor republicans. I find both parties to be hopelessly corrupt and I spend a large amount of my time attempting to dispell the myths that one side is better than the other, or that you have to choose either side.

Though I am independent, I tend to sway to the left on most issues and am a socialist by the original meaning of the word, though I rarely actually identify myself as one due to the stigma.

Anyways, hope to see you all soon!
Fantastic another free thinker. Welcome. Have you read Ratigan?
I've come to Occupy this forum :)

Nah, just kidding. Actually, I'm here to discuss issues that are important to me.

A little about myself: I am a freelance writer, a blue collar worker, and I love to play guitar and banjo.

My politics: I am an indepedent and support neither democrats nor republicans. I find both parties to be hopelessly corrupt and I spend a large amount of my time attempting to dispell the myths that one side is better than the other, or that you have to choose either side.

Though I am independent, I tend to sway to the left on most issues and am a socialist by the original meaning of the word, though I rarely actually identify myself as one due to the stigma.

Anyways, hope to see you all soon!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD09hBDdw7k]Hee Haw Pickin & Grinnin - YouTube[/ame]
I've come to Occupy this forum :)

Nah, just kidding. Actually, I'm here to discuss issues that are important to me.

A little about myself: I am a freelance writer, a blue collar worker, and I love to play guitar and banjo.

My politics: I am an indepedent and support neither democrats nor republicans. I find both parties to be hopelessly corrupt and I spend a large amount of my time attempting to dispell the myths that one side is better than the other, or that you have to choose either side.

Though I am independent, I tend to sway to the left on most issues and am a socialist by the original meaning of the word, though I rarely actually identify myself as one due to the stigma.

Anyways, hope to see you all soon!

You will be flamed by both sides equally.

That's fine by me. I'm a big boy I can take it :)

edit: Though I hope that you guys do more than just flame here, or I will not last very long. I'm here for intelligent discourse, not childish insults.

You're at the wrong place then.
Still another disenchanted INDEPENDENT enters the battlezone of ideas

Welcome citizen.

Tell me, Kaylim, when did the SCALES FALL FROM YOUR EYES about the duelopoly?

In my case, I'd have to say it didn't happen until I actually became part of the Democratic machine in about the mid 90s.

Until that time, being too busy to actually participate in politics, I was under the impression that the Dems were frustrated reformers.
I've come to Occupy this forum :)

Nah, just kidding. Actually, I'm here to discuss issues that are important to me.

A little about myself: I am a freelance writer, a blue collar worker, and I love to play guitar and banjo.

My politics: I am an indepedent and support neither democrats nor republicans. I find both parties to be hopelessly corrupt and I spend a large amount of my time attempting to dispell the myths that one side is better than the other, or that you have to choose either side.

Though I am independent, I tend to sway to the left on most issues and am a socialist by the original meaning of the word, though I rarely actually identify myself as one due to the stigma.

Anyways, hope to see you all soon!

Haven't trusted a "banjo" player since Deliverance.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEhwIqmmEJY]Duelling Banjos - scene from Deliverance - YouTube[/ame]

Otherwise welcome.
I blame you independants for the mess this country is in. You are responisble for he crappy presidents we've had for many decades now.

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