Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

Yea, cuz violence is gonna make them look like intelligent, rational human beings.

What OWS needs to get its collective head around.... y'all might call yourselves the "99%" but you ain't. We are. Ordinary, hard working Americans... not socialists.

The real base of the the OWS would be the harcore socialists and marxists wanting to overthrow capitalism. The rest for the most part would be the robotic (repeat after me) minions.

Yep. Organized and funded by socialists.
Don't these guys have jobs?

When these protests first started there was a guy interviewed that said he quit his job to be able to go to it!!! Unbelievable!
(well...i guess considering what idiots most of them are, it is believable!)
Yea, cuz violence is gonna make them look like intelligent, rational human beings.

What OWS needs to get its collective head around.... y'all might call yourselves the "99%" but you ain't. We are. Ordinary, hard working Americans... not socialists.

The real base of the the OWS would be the harcore socialists and marxists wanting to overthrow capitalism. The rest for the most part would be the robotic (repeat after me) minions.

Yep. Organized and funded by socialists.



So, there are a few assholes in the OWS movement. What have we seen on this board in your corner, Widdyo Willyo? People who are just itching to give a few liberals lead poisoning. In their own words.

Just as the attempt to label the Teabaggers all violent is a farce, so is your attempt to do the same for the OWS people, myself included. The change will take place at the polling place, and then in legislative bodies.
The real base of the the OWS would be the harcore socialists and marxists wanting to overthrow capitalism. The rest for the most part would be the robotic (repeat after me) minions.

Yep. Organized and funded by socialists.



Yes, really. Please note the words Organized and funded by socialists. Also note the title of the youtube: "Judge Napolitano. DC Occupy Wall street. getting hijacked from Ron Paul".
Please take note.
Yea, cuz violence is gonna make them look like intelligent, rational human beings.

What OWS needs to get its collective head around.... y'all might call yourselves the "99%" but you ain't. We are. Ordinary, hard working Americans... not socialists.

The real base of the the OWS would be the harcore socialists and marxists wanting to overthrow capitalism. The rest for the most part would be the robotic (repeat after me) minions.

Yep. Organized and funded by socialists.

Stupid ass. Nobody funded me or my son. We both have jobs.

Once again, those that are kissing the asses of the people that put this nation in the present economic straights have that certain odor about them.

Yes, really. Please note the words Organized and funded by socialists. Also note the title of the youtube: "Judge Napolitano. DC Occupy Wall street. getting hijacked from Ron Paul".
Please take note.

Whats your point? You can read titles? Me too! and I watched the video. Most said they were supporting Ron Paul? You know, Ron Paul....THE SOCIALIST! ...wait

Yes, really. Please note the words Organized and funded by socialists. Also note the title of the youtube: "Judge Napolitano. DC Occupy Wall street. getting hijacked from Ron Paul".
Please take note.

Whats your point? You can read titles? Me too! and I watched the video. Most said they were supporting Ron Paul? You know, Ron Paul....THE SOCIALIST! ...wait

comprehending is not your friend. I can't fix that.
Just look at one word then...."hijacked".
If they would get violent against the Privately Owned Federal Reserve I'd support them. The Fed IS the root of all the banking and wall street abuses, which is what they're protesting.

Give me a break- they're protesting against the Federal Reserve---:lol::lol:

Maybe you haven't heard--or maybe you are actually AFRAID to listen to this interview. Now you tell me (after listening) if the Federal Reserve is even mentioned in this interview with Lloyd Hart--master occupier--and the one who wrote the 13 demand list.

96.9 Boston Talks Audio On-Demand

Then in Keith Olbermann's statement read on his show from the GENERAL COUNCIL of the OWS protesters---you show me one SINGLE comment about the FEDERAL RESERVE.

Keith Olbermann reads first collective statement of Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

$OWS dumping on flag.jpg

You liberals sure get used to making crap up!
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The teas carried guns and called for second amendment solutions to not winning elections

This is not a violent movement no matter how much you wish for violence

Liar, they carry guns for protection against thugs your side supports......
The teas carried guns and called for second amendment solutions to not winning elections

This is not a violent movement no matter how much you wish for violence

Funny. For a "non violent" movement there have been plenty of arrests.
Don't these guys have jobs?

You know, about 14 million Americans don't. McD's offers 50,000 minimum wage jobs and 1,000,000+ Apps are recieved. That is the state that GOP policies in the last decade has brought this nation to.


Don't believe me-then listen to ONE OF YOURS--a Democrat and one who is a major supporter of Harry Reid and what he has to say about Barack Obama.

“I’m saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime. A lot of people don’t want to say that. They’ll say, ‘Oh God, don’t be attacking Obama.’ Well, this is Obama’s deal, and it’s Obama that’s responsible for this fear in America.”

“The guy [Obama] keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe ‘we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest or hold too much money.’ We haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists.”

“Business is being hammered. The business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the president of the United States. Until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs.”
Steve Wynn--of Wynn's resort and Casino--Las Vegas, Nevada.

Steve Wynn's Anti-Obama Rant - Is He Right? | BNET

Now what were you saying again OLD ROCKS---:cuckoo:
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Yes, really. Please note the words Organized and funded by socialists. Also note the title of the youtube: "Judge Napolitano. DC Occupy Wall street. getting hijacked from Ron Paul".
Please take note.

Whats your point? You can read titles? Me too! and I watched the video. Most said they were supporting Ron Paul? You know, Ron Paul....THE SOCIALIST! ...wait

comprehending is not your friend. I can't fix that.
Just look at one word then...."hijacked".

LOL. Ron Paul is part of the problem. OWS is not 'hijacked' from him anymore than it is an arm of the Dems. It is a bunch of Americans that have finally stated that they have had enough to the rich stealing from the poor and middle class.
The real base of the the OWS would be the harcore socialists and marxists wanting to overthrow capitalism. The rest for the most part would be the robotic (repeat after me) minions.

Yep. Organized and funded by socialists.



Does that mean the protests were not funded and organized by the left? No. It means that the Libertarian whackos are jumping on a bandwagon.


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