Ocean Acidification pHraud

anyone who wants an informative view of the making of the Hockeystick can watch this series of videos

Why in god's name would I go to Stephen McIntyre for an explanation of hide the decline? That's like going to Saddam Hussein for an explanation of Bush's foreign policy.
Simple. To see what the evidence looks like on the other side. You could even investigate all the graphs and quotes to see if they are legitimate.
Hide the decline was discussed in the IPCC's assessment reports before it was ever leaked to the public amidst denier fantasies. It was a common term in the field of dendrochronology. It has a history that CLEARLY says you and Stephen McIntyre "don't have a fucking clue". Or you do, but you don't care.
I encourage people to listen to the lecture and decide on the evidence whether the IPCC, or the Inquiries did due diligence on investigating 'hide the decline'. At the very least it will give you questions that the warmers side should answer, rather than just listening to answers to questions not asked.
Decide on the evidence presented by McIntyre. Don't listen to anyone else. Hate to see any informed opinions.
The Decline Hiders don't care how many times they get caught fudging the data, they have a planet to save!!
And on what do you base that belief?

Do you ever even try to comprehend what I say?

If a change is two orders of magnitude less than the natural range, and the range itself varies within short distances, then I do not believe that organisms will simply die out. Move, perhaps. Adapt, perhaps.

This is why I believe Crick is a paid shill. no matter what evidence is supplied he will always revert to his mantra. He always goes right back to pontificating the lie. There are several others who do this too on this board. they do not want debate they want to derail or misinform. He seems to think that how we are today was how its always been and this is NORMAL for the earth.. He fails to grasp the simple concept that the earth doesn't obey him or his liberal socialist seeking agenda.
What a conspiracy! One has to admire it. I mean it's dragged in every world government except the Saudis, I think. NASA, NOAA, the Pentagon, the DoD, 97% of published peer reviewed climate scientists.

The sheer scope of the plot deserves an evil genius award ceremony held on an atoll shaped like a skull.

Your shear stupidity and ignorance on the matter is stunning to behold.
anyone who wants an informative view of the making of the Hockeystick can watch this series of videos

Excellent Video!!!

IT describes in detail the fraud and how it is perpetuated on the general public. Disclosing how the liars work is a good thing.. Being honest about his own beliefs separated from his work was good forum and he made that distinction clear.
You people are just so inCREDibly stupid.

McIntyre's video covers the same ground as Muller did in his, just with more detail (that you could independently check). Did Muller lie? Did you even watch Muller's video?
Where's the peer review on McIntyre's video? Let me guess: it's you guys watching it here.
Where's the peer review on McIntyre's video? Let me guess: it's you guys watching it here.

Hahahaha. Peer review on a speech?

Why do you have such irrational hatred for McIntyre? I hate Michael Mann and I can give you a list of his transgressions. What is on your list for McIntyre?
My dislike for McIntyre, unlike yours for Mann, is quite rational.

Interesting....mann has lied to you and sold you a bill of goods and you like him while mcintyre pointed out the errors and you hate him for it....very cultish of you....and predictable.
My dislike for McIntyre, unlike yours for Mann, is quite rational.

Rational? And yet you won't tell me the reasons. I think the closest you have come is that think he has a big ego. If you don't read him, how do you know anything about his ego? You haven't been taking someone else's word for it, have you?

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