Ocean Acidification pHraud

What do you believe is the cause of the rapid warming observed over the last 150 years (assuming you believe it's been getting warmer)?
Hahahaha. prove it's with real data sets. Ah, you can't your side faked up all of the data

One thing I have been saying for years, and is prominent in the data adjustments, is the attenuation of the warming in the 30s 40s and cooling of the 60s 70s, which leads to a change in shape of the datasets more than just an exaggeration of the actual absolute warming. When researchers use this data they are trying to fit their theories to incorrect or absent warm and cool periods. Papers from the 80s and 90s are definitely based on different data than now.
What do you believe is the cause of the rapid warming observed over the last 150 years (assuming you believe it's been getting warmer)?
Hahahaha. prove it's with real data sets. Ah, you can't your side faked up all of the data

One thing I have been saying for years, and is prominent in the data adjustments, is the attenuation of the warming in the 30s 40s and cooling of the 60s 70s, which leads to a change in shape of the datasets more than just an exaggeration of the actual absolute warming. When researchers use this data they are trying to fit their theories to incorrect or absent warm and cool periods. Papers from the 80s and 90s are definitely based on different data than now.

Are you suggesting that known errors should have been left in the datasets to protect the false integrity of earlier work?
Obviously I am implying that the global datasets of today have been scrubbed of inconvenient variation. A la BEST chopping station histories into pieces averaging less than 6 years and splicing them into a convenient shape, while claiming to be able to pull 30 year long climate patterns from the mix.
Wow. You'd think some climate scientist wanting to make a name would expose that in a heartbeat.
What a conspiracy! One has to admire it. I mean it's dragged in every world government except the Saudis, I think. NASA, NOAA, the Pentagon, the DoD, 97% of published peer reviewed climate scientists.

The sheer scope of the plot deserves an evil genius award ceremony held on an atoll shaped like a skull.
Why do you care then?
I admire the evil genius who can carry out such a scheme. Don't you? He must be such a genius and so evil he'd need 3 mini-hims to share the load. And probably four submersible skull shaped islands.

Imagine his evil laugh. And the number of white cats he'd go through. What's not to admire? I mean, scamming every country in the world apart from the Saudis!

What do you believe is the cause of the rapid warming observed over the last 150 years (assuming you believe it's been getting warmer)?
Hahahaha. prove it's with real data sets. Ah, you can't your side faked up all of the data

One thing I have been saying for years, and is prominent in the data adjustments, is the attenuation of the warming in the 30s 40s and cooling of the 60s 70s, which leads to a change in shape of the datasets more than just an exaggeration of the actual absolute warming. When researchers use this data they are trying to fit their theories to incorrect or absent warm and cool periods. Papers from the 80s and 90s are definitely based on different data than now.

Are you suggesting that known errors should have been left in the datasets to protect the false integrity of earlier work?
I admire the evil genius who can carry out such a scheme. Don't you? He must be such a genius and so evil he'd need 3 mini-hims to share the load. And probably four submersible skull shaped islands.

Imagine his evil laugh. And the number of white cats he'd go through. What's not to admire? I mean, scamming every country in the world apart from the Saudis!

right,they're laughing all the way to the bank. Again why do you care what I think? Any skin off your back?
I have forgotten where I commented on what you think. Remind me.

edit...Oh, the fake data sets.

Well I'm very indignant about them as well, even though I admire the evil genius who set up the scheme that sucked in every world government apart from the Saudis, not to mention suborning all those US government agencies.

Who could ignore such a scandal? I can't imagine why you wonder that I'm concerned about it, I'm only surprised you don't seem to be worried more people aren't up in arms about such a world wide plot to deceive governments as has been carried out.
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I have forgotten where I commented on what you think. Remind me.

edit...Oh, the fake data sets.

Well I'm very indignant about them as well, even though I admire the evil genius who set up the scheme that sucked in every world government apart from the Saudis, not to mention suborning all those US government agencies.

Who could ignore such a scandal? I can't imagine why you wonder that I'm concerned about it, I'm only surprised you don't seem to be worried more people aren't up in arms about such a world wide plot to deceive governments as has been carried out.
Why respond at all. You're obsessed with being a dumbass.
Btw, if there's nothing to hide, why hide the data?
Absolutely. It's shocking! The entire world policy held hostage to data sets faked and hidden by a criminal genius who has sucked in 97% of peer reviewed published climate scientists, all the world governments and important US government agencies.

That's not what you said. You said data was hidden. What data do you believe is hidden?

And, for the umpteenth time, allow me to ask why we hear NO complaints about these data adjustments from the thousands of climate scientists who use them, professionally, on a daily basis?
That's not what you said. You said data was hidden. What data do you believe is hidden?

And, for the umpteenth time, allow me to ask why we hear NO complaints about these data adjustments from the thousands of climate scientists who use them, professionally, on a daily basis?
Then why hasn't Mann presented his raw data?

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