Ocean Acidification pHraud

You are such a fucking idiot. I posted the link to her site and her discussion on ocean acidification in particular back on post #97.

What you have linked to is her discussion of the draft statement of the APS on AGW - a draft which makes virtually no change at all from their previous statement: the world is getting warmer, humans are the primary cause and that warming presents a significant threat. It is NOT a discussion of ocean acidification, which, last time I checked, is the topic of this thread.

Such a fucking idiot.
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You are such a fucking idiot. I posted the link to her site and her discussion on ocean acidification in particular back on post #97.

What you have linked to is her discussion of the draft statement of the APS on AGW - a draft which makes virtually no change at all from their previous statement: the world is getting warmer, humans are the primary cause and that warming presents a significant threat. It is NOT a discussion of ocean acidification, which, last time I checked, is the topic of this thread.

Such a fucking idiot.
You didn't read the article
That she does't trust Doney because he didn't express sufficient doubt in his own conclusions during congressional testimony and likes Idso's because he makes comments referring to multiple views on the issue.

What did YOU think of Doney's and Idso's comments?
That she does't trust Doney because he didn't express sufficient doubt in his own conclusions during congressional testimony and likes Idso's because he makes comments referring to multiple views on the issue.

What did YOU think of Doney's and Idso's comments?
Here is an excerpt from Curry herself:
"In the public arena, a definition that generated wide agreement was that advocacy is attempting to influence a specific outcome, to tell an external stakeholder, “This is what you should do!” It is a deliberate, purposeful public expression of an opinion or point of view. In this understanding, it is using one’s scientific position and expertise to accomplish a specific policy goal, whether the advocacy is directed at the public or at a policymaker. Although not a popular view at the workshop, one participant likened it to a salesperson selling a product: in both instances you stress the data that support your opinion and disregard data that do not. An implication of this definition is that “science” and “advocacy” are clearly separable activities: When you “do” science, you investigate, report, explain, and interpret; when you urge a course of action, you are “doing” advocacy, not science."

This is the entire problem.
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It is not a salesman who is selling something because he will profit from doing so regardless of the quality of the merchandise. It is a scientist whose research has revealed to him a threat, from which he acts to save the rest of us.

It is not a salesman who is selling something because he will profit from doing so regardless of the quality of the merchandise. It is a scientist whose research has revealed to him a threat, from which he acts to save the rest of us.
I'll go with JC
I won't. I'll go with the vast majority of the world's climate scientists who disagree with her on almost everything.
That she does't trust Doney because he didn't express sufficient doubt in his own conclusions during congressional testimony and likes Idso's because he makes comments referring to multiple views on the issue.

What did YOU think of Doney's and Idso's comments?

Doney has personal doubt's about his work, stating that the field is still in its infancy. Curry was sensibly concerned that none of these uncertainties were expressed in his presentation to the govt panel. Leaving out pertinent information in science is one step away from lying.
And do you believe that Craig Idso is speaking truthfully when he tells us that in both the atmosphere and the oceans, added CO2 is beneficial? Between Doney and Idso, which do you think more likely to be accurately describing the situation regarding ocean acidification?
And do you believe that Craig Idso is speaking truthfully when he tells us that in both the atmosphere and the oceans, added CO2 is beneficial? Between Doney and Idso, which do you think more likely to be accurately describing the situation regarding ocean acidification?

I dont have to believe either one of them. Im a sceptic, remember?

I dont believe that a small change in pH, when compared to the much larger day-to-day range is going to cause any of the doomsday scenarios that are so popular in the media.
And on what do you base that belief?

Do you ever even try to comprehend what I say?

If a change is two orders of magnitude less than the natural range, and the range itself varies within short distances, then I do not believe that organisms will simply die out. Move, perhaps. Adapt, perhaps.
And on what do you base that belief?

The fact that greater changes happen hour to hour and day to day with no ill effect...and the fact that most of modern sea life evolved to their modern state during a time when atmospheric CO2 was far far greater than it is today.
Global warming idiots are the most pathetic dumbshits on the face of the Earth.

It is practically impossible to be that fucking unintelligent.
What do you believe is the cause of the rapid warming observed over the last 150 years (assuming you believe it's been getting warmer)?
What do you believe is the cause of the rapid warming observed over the last 150 years (assuming you believe it's been getting warmer)?
Hahahaha. prove it's with real data sets. Ah, you can't your side faked up all of the data
What a conspiracy! One has to admire it. I mean it's dragged in every world government except the Saudis, I think. NASA, NOAA, the Pentagon, the DoD, 97% of published peer reviewed climate scientists.

The sheer scope of the plot deserves an evil genius award ceremony held on an atoll shaped like a skull.

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