Ocean acidification

Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

By Gwyneth Dickey
April 27th, 2010 in Space & Earth / Earth Sciences

New evidence gleaned by analyzing calcium embedded in Chinese limestone suggests that volcanoes, which spewed massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a million years, caused the biggest mass extinction on Earth.

In a paper published April 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers led by a Stanford geologist said that as carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the oceans, it raised the acidity of seawater.

The research team said it was a deadly combination - carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and higher acidity in the oceans - that eventually wiped out 90 percent of marine species and about three-quarters of land species, in a cataclysmic event 250 million years ago known as the "end-Permian extinction."

Back then, the ocean teemed with corals, algae, clams and snails. Soon after, however, there was an abrupt change to a thick layer of bacteria and limestone, a "slime-world," dominated by bacteria.

Lead author Jonathan Payne, an assistant professor of geological and environmental sciences at Stanford, said the calcium found in limestone from Guizhou Province in southeast China helps answer a question scientists have been debating for decades: What caused the mass extinction?

Scientists have proposed many possible reasons for the extinction, including asteroids, volcanoes, and low levels of oxygen in seawater. Payne and his colleagues earlier thought that carbon isotope evidence pointed to volcanoes, but they couldn't definitively distinguish between that and the other possibilities.

Two years ago, they realized that the calcium in limestone could hold the answer, because the types of calcium present in the ancient rocks would be different for each extinction scenario.

By looking at changes in the ratio of heavy to light calcium isotopes in fossils from different time periods and determining their "calcium signature," the team could infer the chemical changes - and their origin - that occurred in the environment.

The scientists ground up the limestone deposits, which spanned the pre- and post-extinction periods, and analyzed them to determine the relative presence of calcium isotopes. They found that the changes in the ratio matched the calcium signature predicted for ocean acidification, and the matching carbon dioxide signature pointed to carbon release from volcanic eruptions.

"Our best geologically supported idea is that the carbon dioxide release is related to the Siberian Traps volcanoes," Payne said.

Payne calculated that the eruptions, which lasted upwards of a million years, released 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons (1 gigaton equals 1 billion tons) of carbon in the atmosphere. By comparison, scientists estimate we would release an estimated 5,000 gigatons of carbon if we used up all the fossil fuels in the Earth.

During the eruptions, huge amounts of carbon dioxide and molten rock burst through the earth's crust, burning through coal and limestone, and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That made oceans and rainwater more acidic, and dissolved more calcium from rocks into the ocean.

Payne said humans may not ultimately release as much carbon dioxide as the Siberian traps, but we may be doing it at a faster rate. The end-Permian extinction could be viewed as a "worst case scenario" for what we could be facing as we burn more fossil fuels and increase ocean acidity, he said.

"We won't necessarily end up with a world that looks as bad as it did after the end-Permian extinction, but that event highlights the fact that things can go very, very wrong," Payne said.

The National Resource Council recently reported that the ocean's chemistry is changing faster than it has in hundreds of thousands of years, because carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere and absorbed into the oceans, making them more acidic. Studies have shown increased ocean acidity decreases photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, growth and reproduction of marine organisms.

He said the next step as his research continues is to look at rock deposits in other locations from the same time period to make sure the samples they used represent a global event, as opposed to a local event. The team has already started analyzing rock deposits in south central Turkey, southern Japan, and eastern China.

More information: 'Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction,' April 26, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction ? PNAS

Provided by Stanford University

"Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction." April 27th, 2010. Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

© PhysOrg.com 2003-2009

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

I think this fails on its face. We are pumping more into the atomsphere than the volcaneos is simply a false statement, as the results are not even close to what is described in the article. Further, no definitive volcaneo theory has been proven. I believe asteroids are still in contention for that honor.
Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

I think this fails on its face. We are pumping more into the atomsphere(sic) than the volcaneos(sic) is simply a false statement, as the results are not even close to what is described in the article. Further, no definitive volcaneo(sic) theory has been proven. I believe asteroids are still in contention for that honor.

The only thing that falls on its face is your lame ignorant attempt to argue science that you don't understand. You're a brainwashed denier cultist and so you obviously have no way to distinguish between true and false statements. The article is talking about a million year long period of massive volcanic eruptions (google 'Siberian Traps') that released as much as 43,000 billion tons of CO2. 1 million years of eruptions and 43,000 gt total carbon release is an average RATE of 0.043 gt per year. We humans are now adding about 28 billion tons (gigatons or gt) of CO2 every year to the atmosphere. Taking the ratio of these rates shows that we are releasing carbon at 650 times the rate of the Permian-ending volcanoes!!!

The article was about some recent research that points to a probable volcanic CO2 release cause for the end-Permian extinction but it does not claim to be definitive. An asteroid strike is still a possibility as a part of the mix that caused this event but your "beliefs" are just uninformed guesses and not at all significant. Save your 'beliefs' for your denier cult meetings where any wild ass nonsense will be accepted without question or need for evidence.
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This thread is about the theory that atmospheric CO2 causes ocean to turn acidic killing coral and similar life forms.... YOUR SIDE makes the claim as CO2 levels in the atmosphere rise, the oceans absorb more CO2 lowering their PH and turning them acidic. This acidification according to their theory kills coral and various other life forms that are especially sensitive to lowered PH and acidification.



What don't you understand about that? It's a good thing playtime is over, because you apparently need to hit the books. More CO2 in the atmosphere means more CO2 dissolved into the ocean. More CO2 in water means lower pH. That's simple basic science.

Read much? Might want to try that BEFORE running your mouth and looking idiotic again...

BTW, you, sparkytuba, oldsocks, and your or their proxy rollingblunder need to grow up already... None of you follow threads, none of you read them well enough to understand them, and continue to re-post already covered material..... Whats more NONE of you show any level of logic, reason or understanding in any of this.

Is this all you are about? Seriously all of you try and claim some higher knowledge and thinking, yet none of can ever show any of it...

All of you look idiotic and immature.... Now please if all you want to do is troll, then stop trying to pretend....
Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

By Gwyneth Dickey
April 27th, 2010 in Space & Earth / Earth Sciences

New evidence gleaned by analyzing calcium embedded in Chinese limestone suggests that volcanoes, which spewed massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a million years, caused the biggest mass extinction on Earth.

In a paper published April 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers led by a Stanford geologist said that as carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the oceans, it raised the acidity of seawater.

The research team said it was a deadly combination - carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and higher acidity in the oceans - that eventually wiped out 90 percent of marine species and about three-quarters of land species, in a cataclysmic event 250 million years ago known as the "end-Permian extinction."

Back then, the ocean teemed with corals, algae, clams and snails. Soon after, however, there was an abrupt change to a thick layer of bacteria and limestone, a "slime-world," dominated by bacteria.

Lead author Jonathan Payne, an assistant professor of geological and environmental sciences at Stanford, said the calcium found in limestone from Guizhou Province in southeast China helps answer a question scientists have been debating for decades: What caused the mass extinction?

Scientists have proposed many possible reasons for the extinction, including asteroids, volcanoes, and low levels of oxygen in seawater. Payne and his colleagues earlier thought that carbon isotope evidence pointed to volcanoes, but they couldn't definitively distinguish between that and the other possibilities.

Two years ago, they realized that the calcium in limestone could hold the answer, because the types of calcium present in the ancient rocks would be different for each extinction scenario.

By looking at changes in the ratio of heavy to light calcium isotopes in fossils from different time periods and determining their "calcium signature," the team could infer the chemical changes - and their origin - that occurred in the environment.

The scientists ground up the limestone deposits, which spanned the pre- and post-extinction periods, and analyzed them to determine the relative presence of calcium isotopes. They found that the changes in the ratio matched the calcium signature predicted for ocean acidification, and the matching carbon dioxide signature pointed to carbon release from volcanic eruptions.

"Our best geologically supported idea is that the carbon dioxide release is related to the Siberian Traps volcanoes," Payne said.

Payne calculated that the eruptions, which lasted upwards of a million years, released 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons (1 gigaton equals 1 billion tons) of carbon in the atmosphere. By comparison, scientists estimate we would release an estimated 5,000 gigatons of carbon if we used up all the fossil fuels in the Earth.

During the eruptions, huge amounts of carbon dioxide and molten rock burst through the earth's crust, burning through coal and limestone, and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That made oceans and rainwater more acidic, and dissolved more calcium from rocks into the ocean.

Payne said humans may not ultimately release as much carbon dioxide as the Siberian traps, but we may be doing it at a faster rate. The end-Permian extinction could be viewed as a "worst case scenario" for what we could be facing as we burn more fossil fuels and increase ocean acidity, he said.

"We won't necessarily end up with a world that looks as bad as it did after the end-Permian extinction, but that event highlights the fact that things can go very, very wrong," Payne said.

The National Resource Council recently reported that the ocean's chemistry is changing faster than it has in hundreds of thousands of years, because carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere and absorbed into the oceans, making them more acidic. Studies have shown increased ocean acidity decreases photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, growth and reproduction of marine organisms.

He said the next step as his research continues is to look at rock deposits in other locations from the same time period to make sure the samples they used represent a global event, as opposed to a local event. The team has already started analyzing rock deposits in south central Turkey, southern Japan, and eastern China.

More information: 'Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction,' April 26, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction ? PNAS

Provided by Stanford University

"Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction." April 27th, 2010. Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

© PhysOrg.com 2003-2009

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

What you think re-posting oldsocks crap changes the fact it was already covered before?

nice try socko, but we already dispatched this story..... Re-posting only makes you look retarded...
Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

By Gwyneth Dickey
April 27th, 2010 in Space & Earth / Earth Sciences

New evidence gleaned by analyzing calcium embedded in Chinese limestone suggests that volcanoes, which spewed massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a million years, caused the biggest mass extinction on Earth.

In a paper published April 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers led by a Stanford geologist said that as carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the oceans, it raised the acidity of seawater.

The research team said it was a deadly combination - carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and higher acidity in the oceans - that eventually wiped out 90 percent of marine species and about three-quarters of land species, in a cataclysmic event 250 million years ago known as the "end-Permian extinction."

Back then, the ocean teemed with corals, algae, clams and snails. Soon after, however, there was an abrupt change to a thick layer of bacteria and limestone, a "slime-world," dominated by bacteria.

Lead author Jonathan Payne, an assistant professor of geological and environmental sciences at Stanford, said the calcium found in limestone from Guizhou Province in southeast China helps answer a question scientists have been debating for decades: What caused the mass extinction?

Scientists have proposed many possible reasons for the extinction, including asteroids, volcanoes, and low levels of oxygen in seawater. Payne and his colleagues earlier thought that carbon isotope evidence pointed to volcanoes, but they couldn't definitively distinguish between that and the other possibilities.

Two years ago, they realized that the calcium in limestone could hold the answer, because the types of calcium present in the ancient rocks would be different for each extinction scenario.

By looking at changes in the ratio of heavy to light calcium isotopes in fossils from different time periods and determining their "calcium signature," the team could infer the chemical changes - and their origin - that occurred in the environment.

The scientists ground up the limestone deposits, which spanned the pre- and post-extinction periods, and analyzed them to determine the relative presence of calcium isotopes. They found that the changes in the ratio matched the calcium signature predicted for ocean acidification, and the matching carbon dioxide signature pointed to carbon release from volcanic eruptions.

"Our best geologically supported idea is that the carbon dioxide release is related to the Siberian Traps volcanoes," Payne said.

Payne calculated that the eruptions, which lasted upwards of a million years, released 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons (1 gigaton equals 1 billion tons) of carbon in the atmosphere. By comparison, scientists estimate we would release an estimated 5,000 gigatons of carbon if we used up all the fossil fuels in the Earth.

During the eruptions, huge amounts of carbon dioxide and molten rock burst through the earth's crust, burning through coal and limestone, and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That made oceans and rainwater more acidic, and dissolved more calcium from rocks into the ocean.

Payne said humans may not ultimately release as much carbon dioxide as the Siberian traps, but we may be doing it at a faster rate. The end-Permian extinction could be viewed as a "worst case scenario" for what we could be facing as we burn more fossil fuels and increase ocean acidity, he said.

"We won't necessarily end up with a world that looks as bad as it did after the end-Permian extinction, but that event highlights the fact that things can go very, very wrong," Payne said.

The National Resource Council recently reported that the ocean's chemistry is changing faster than it has in hundreds of thousands of years, because carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere and absorbed into the oceans, making them more acidic. Studies have shown increased ocean acidity decreases photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, growth and reproduction of marine organisms.

He said the next step as his research continues is to look at rock deposits in other locations from the same time period to make sure the samples they used represent a global event, as opposed to a local event. The team has already started analyzing rock deposits in south central Turkey, southern Japan, and eastern China.

More information: 'Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction,' April 26, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction ? PNAS

Provided by Stanford University

"Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction." April 27th, 2010. Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

© PhysOrg.com 2003-2009

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

What you think re-posting oldsocks crap changes the fact it was already covered before?

nice try socko, but we already dispatched this story..... Re-posting only makes you look retarded...

LOLOLOLOL....more classic slack-jawed-idiot delusions. You couldn't "dispatch" a fly with one wing, you utterly clueless retard, let alone refute actual scientific research. Moreover this article is dated April 27th. It just came out and it has not been posted earlier on this forum. Your claim that it was just demonstrates again how retarded and confused you are, slack-jawed. As usual you're just blowing smoke out your ass and pretending to know what is going on.
Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

By Gwyneth Dickey
April 27th, 2010 in Space & Earth / Earth Sciences

New evidence gleaned by analyzing calcium embedded in Chinese limestone suggests that volcanoes, which spewed massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a million years, caused the biggest mass extinction on Earth.

In a paper published April 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers led by a Stanford geologist said that as carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the oceans, it raised the acidity of seawater.

The research team said it was a deadly combination - carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and higher acidity in the oceans - that eventually wiped out 90 percent of marine species and about three-quarters of land species, in a cataclysmic event 250 million years ago known as the "end-Permian extinction."

Back then, the ocean teemed with corals, algae, clams and snails. Soon after, however, there was an abrupt change to a thick layer of bacteria and limestone, a "slime-world," dominated by bacteria.

Lead author Jonathan Payne, an assistant professor of geological and environmental sciences at Stanford, said the calcium found in limestone from Guizhou Province in southeast China helps answer a question scientists have been debating for decades: What caused the mass extinction?

Scientists have proposed many possible reasons for the extinction, including asteroids, volcanoes, and low levels of oxygen in seawater. Payne and his colleagues earlier thought that carbon isotope evidence pointed to volcanoes, but they couldn't definitively distinguish between that and the other possibilities.

Two years ago, they realized that the calcium in limestone could hold the answer, because the types of calcium present in the
ancient rocks would be different for each extinction scenario.

By looking at changes in the ratio of heavy to light calcium isotopes in fossils from different time periods and determining their "calcium signature," the team could infer the chemical changes - and their origin - that occurred in the environment.

The scientists ground up the limestone deposits, which spanned the pre- and post-extinction periods, and analyzed them to determine the relative presence of calcium isotopes. They found that the changes in the ratio matched the calcium signature predicted for ocean acidification, and the matching carbon dioxide signature pointed to carbon release from volcanic eruptions.

"Our best geologically supported idea is that the carbon dioxide release is related to the Siberian Traps volcanoes," Payne said.

Payne calculated that the eruptions, which lasted upwards of a million years, released 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons (1 gigaton equals 1 billion tons) of carbon in the atmosphere. By comparison, scientists estimate we would release an estimated 5,000 gigatons of carbon if we used up all the fossil fuels in the Earth.

During the eruptions, huge amounts of carbon dioxide and molten rock burst through the earth's crust, burning through coal and limestone, and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That made oceans and rainwater more acidic, and dissolved more calcium from rocks into the ocean.

Payne said humans may not ultimately release as much carbon dioxide as the Siberian traps, but we may be doing it at a faster rate. The end-Permian extinction could be viewed as a "worst case scenario" for what we could be facing as we burn more fossil fuels and increase ocean acidity, he said.

"We won't necessarily end up with a world that looks as bad as it did after the end-Permian extinction, but that event highlights the fact that things can go very, very wrong," Payne said.

The National Resource Council recently reported that the ocean's chemistry is changing faster than it has in hundreds of thousands of years, because carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere and absorbed into the oceans, making them more acidic. Studies have shown increased ocean acidity decreases photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, growth and reproduction of marine organisms.

He said the next step as his research continues is to look at rock deposits in other locations from the same time period to make sure the samples they used represent a global event, as opposed to a local event. The team has already started analyzing rock deposits in south central Turkey, southern Japan, and eastern China.

More information: 'Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction,' April 26, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction ? PNAS

Provided by Stanford University

"Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction." April 27th, 2010. Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

© PhysOrg.com 2003-2009

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

What you think re-posting oldsocks crap changes the fact it was already covered before?

nice try socko, but we already dispatched this story..... Re-posting only makes you look retarded...

LOLOLOLOL....more classic slack-jawed-idiot delusions. You couldn't "dispatch" a fly with one wing, you utterly clueless retard, let alone refute actual scientific research. Moreover this article is dated April 27th. It just came out and it has not been posted earlier on this forum. Your claim that it was just demonstrates again how retarded and confused you are, slack-jawed. As usual you're just blowing smoke out your ass and pretending to know what is going on.

Hi oldsocks...... Nice way to use the same insults you use as oldsocks on me..... So are you a sock? Or some butt buddy? Don't play dumb dipshit, you are definitely someones little tool...

BTW I fixed some points in that article that needed clarification.. notice the bold type...
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Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

I think this fails on its face. We are pumping more into the atomsphere(sic) than the volcaneos(sic) is simply a false statement, as the results are not even close to what is described in the article. Further, no definitive volcaneo(sic) theory has been proven. I believe asteroids are still in contention for that honor.

The only thing that falls on its face is your lame ignorant attempt to argue science that you don't understand. You're a brainwashed denier cultist and so you obviously have no way to distinguish between true and false statements. The article is talking about a million year long period of massive volcanic eruptions (google 'Siberian Traps') that released as much as 43,000 billion tons of CO2. 1 million years of eruptions and 43,000 gt total carbon release is an average RATE of 0.043 gt per year. We humans are now adding about 28 billion tons (gigatons or gt) of CO2 every year to the atmosphere. Taking the ratio of these rates shows that we are releasing carbon at 650 times the rate of the Permian-ending volcanoes!!!
The article was about some recent research that points to a probable volcanic CO2 release cause for the end-Permian extinction but it does not claim to be definitive. An asteroid strike is still a possibility as a part of the mix that caused this event but your "beliefs" are just uninformed guesses and not at all significant. Save your 'beliefs' for your denier cult meetings where any wild ass nonsense will be accepted without question or need for evidence.

Yet we are not experiencing the dire consequences of that Permian era. You fail. You even had to admit that my alternate theory has credibility. Your just another alarmist faither.
Here's another good, very recent article on this topic that highlights the danger the world faces as we continue to burn massive amounts of fossil CO2 and pump it into the atmosphere at a much faster rate than these ancient volcanoes did.

Oh NO!!!!! Scare tactics! AHHHHHHH!!!!

Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

By Gwyneth Dickey
April 27th, 2010 in Space & Earth / Earth Sciences

New evidence gleaned by analyzing calcium embedded in Chinese limestone suggests that volcanoes, which spewed massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a million years, caused the biggest mass extinction on Earth.

A million years of eruptions?? And how many years do we have left of fossil fuels? 40, 60 at most? uh-huh pardon me for not panicking now....

In a paper published April 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers led by a Stanford geologist said that as carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the oceans, it raised the acidity of seawater.

The research team said it was a deadly combination - carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and higher acidity in the oceans - that eventually wiped out 90 percent of marine species and about three-quarters of land species, in a cataclysmic event 250 million years ago known as the "end-Permian extinction."

And they are for sure and without a doubt on this cause? Uh-huh, its called a theory, and its a best guess and not a fact... For all we know it was could have been another cause...

Back then, the ocean teemed with corals, algae, clams and snails. Soon after, however, there was an abrupt change to a thick layer of bacteria and limestone, a "slime-world," dominated by bacteria.

Lead author Jonathan Payne, an assistant professor of geological and environmental sciences at Stanford, said the calcium found in limestone from Guizhou Province in southeast China helps answer a question scientists have been debating for decades: What caused the mass extinction?

Scientists have proposed many possible reasons for the extinction, including asteroids, volcanoes, and low levels of oxygen in seawater. Payne and his colleagues earlier thought that carbon isotope evidence pointed to volcanoes, but they couldn't definitively distinguish between that and the other possibilities.

Ah okay thats what i was talking about... See that where they say they proposed many possible reasons? And then the part at then end where they say they couldn't definitively distinguish between that and the other possibilities.... Yeah it means they are guessing based on what they have to work with, which currently is another theory about Paleo research.. In a few years it could be shown wrong or shown inaccurate. kind of like how the Piltdown man that was claimed the missing link by scientists for 3 decades, was later shown to be a hoax......

Two years ago, they realized that the calcium in limestone could hold the answer, because the types of calcium present in the ancient rocks would be different for each extinction scenario.

COULD HOLD THE ANSWER.... yeah says it all really.....

By looking at changes in the ratio of heavy to light calcium isotopes in fossils from different time periods and determining their "calcium signature," the team could infer the chemical changes - and their origin - that occurred in the environment.

The scientists ground up the limestone deposits, which spanned the pre- and post-extinction periods, and analyzed them to determine the relative presence of calcium isotopes. They found that the changes in the ratio matched the calcium signature predicted for ocean acidification, and the matching carbon dioxide signature pointed to carbon release from volcanic eruptions.

Uhm okay but aren't they taking some things for granted? Seems a bit quick to the assumption to me.... Yeah thats how theories work....

"Our best geologically supported idea is that the carbon dioxide release is related to the Siberian Traps volcanoes," Payne said.

Volcanoes? You mean man didn't cause it?

Payne calculated that the eruptions, which lasted upwards of a million years, released 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons (1 gigaton equals 1 billion tons) of carbon in the atmosphere. By comparison, scientists estimate we would release an estimated 5,000 gigatons of carbon if we used up all the fossil fuels in the Earth.

HAHAHAHHAHAA! okay okay lets take care of this shall we...... The volcanoes erupted for over a million years, and dumped 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere.

And that compared to man is.... Estimated by scientists.. If we burn up ALL the fossil fuels on earth, we will release..... Wait for it..... an estimated 5,000 gigatons of carbon..... HAHHAHHAHA!

So first we get an estimate that has a lot of leeway on it. 13,000, 43,000 gigatons we just don't know for sure.. Its like saying the national debt is a couple trillion or 10 trillion and trying to sound sure on it... They don't fucking know period....

And second we get a real story killer and panic stopper of an admission on the end... IF we burn up all our fossil fuels we will only make 5,000 gigatons which is what in comparison? Between 1/8th to 1/9th that amount? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Dude your own article showed us all how full of shit this scare tactic is....You fucking idiots take a headline panic and never actually read the story again. You guys tired of looking ignorant yet? :lol::lol:

During the eruptions, huge amounts of carbon dioxide and molten rock burst through the earth's crust, burning through coal and limestone, and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That made oceans and rainwater more acidic, and dissolved more calcium from rocks into the ocean.

Payne said humans may not ultimately release as much carbon dioxide as the Siberian traps, but we may be doing it at a faster rate. The end-Permian extinction could be viewed as a "worst case scenario" for what we could be facing as we burn more fossil fuels and increase ocean acidity, he said.

Yeah until we burn up the 5,000 gigatons we have and then what? Remember it took 13,000 to 43,000 gigatons to cause that disaster..HAHHAHAHHA! love this its priceless... Shows categorically how the bullshit scare system works. THey take a thing like this and twist to mislead.. If you actually read it you can see the reality in it but they rely on stupid people who do not read it and grab only a headline....You freaking idiots why not bother reading something more than the headlines once and save me the time spanking you with this?

"We won't necessarily end up with a world that looks as bad as it did after the end-Permian extinction, but that event highlights the fact that things can go very, very wrong," Payne said.

LOL, yeah we won't and thats the truth nice try scaring me asshole......:lol::lol:

The National Resource Council recently reported that the ocean's chemistry is changing faster than it has in hundreds of thousands of years, because carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere and absorbed into the oceans, making them more acidic. Studies have shown increased ocean acidity decreases photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, growth and reproduction of marine organisms.

Oh my and as soon as we hit the 5,00 gigatons we have we will..... Oh thats right nothing.... Nothing like that will happen because we don't have enough CO2 producing fossil fuels to do it...:lol::lol:

He said the next step as his research continues is to look at rock deposits in other locations from the same time period to make sure the samples they used represent a global event, as opposed to a local event. The team has already started analyzing rock deposits in south central Turkey, southern Japan, and eastern China.

Okay so... they just basically told us they want to make sure this was a global event and not a local event.... WAIT A MINUTE!!!! they just spent an entire article telling us it was a global event....... OMG!!! of all the complete and total unconscionable bullshit PR job this has to take the cake...... Seriously thanks for bullshitting us this whoile time douchebags.....

More information: 'Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction,' April 26, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences Calcium isotope constraints on the end-Permian mass extinction ? PNAS

Provided by Stanford University

"Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction." April 27th, 2010. Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

© PhysOrg.com 2003-2009

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

Please read the large blue type in that re work above.... its priceless....:lol::lol:
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I think this fails on its face. We are pumping more into the atomsphere(sic) than the volcaneos(sic) is simply a false statement, as the results are not even close to what is described in the article. Further, no definitive volcaneo(sic) theory has been proven. I believe asteroids are still in contention for that honor.

The only thing that falls on its face is your lame ignorant attempt to argue science that you don't understand. You're a brainwashed denier cultist and so you obviously have no way to distinguish between true and false statements. The article is talking about a million year long period of massive volcanic eruptions (google 'Siberian Traps') that released as much as 43,000 billion tons of CO2. 1 million years of eruptions and 43,000 gt total carbon release is an average RATE of 0.043 gt per year. We humans are now adding about 28 billion tons (gigatons or gt) of CO2 every year to the atmosphere. Taking the ratio of these rates shows that we are releasing carbon at 650 times the rate of the Permian-ending volcanoes!!!
The article was about some recent research that points to a probable volcanic CO2 release cause for the end-Permian extinction but it does not claim to be definitive. An asteroid strike is still a possibility as a part of the mix that caused this event but your "beliefs" are just uninformed guesses and not at all significant. Save your 'beliefs' for your denier cult meetings where any wild ass nonsense will be accepted without question or need for evidence.

Yet we are not experiencing the dire consequences of that Permian era. You fail. You even had to admit that my alternate theory has credibility. Your just another alarmist faither.

Are you really that stupid? Do you really think it would all happen instantly? We are not experiencing the dire consequences of the Permian extinction - YET.

You're just another clueless and very ignorant denier cultist pushing the lies, misinformation and propaganda that you've been spoon fed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign. I post scientific information, evidence and research, like the last article, and you post your 'opinions' and 'beliefs' which aren't even really yours but just stuff you believe because your ideological puppet masters told you to 'believe' it. You are a duped tool of people with an economic self interest in the current fossil fuel energy sources.
Please read the large blue type in that re work above.... its priceless....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it's worthless bullshit, just like you and all your posts, slackjawedretard. You never post anything but pure drivel and dreck but you're far too idiotic to realize it.
The only thing that falls on its face is your lame ignorant attempt to argue science that you don't understand. You're a brainwashed denier cultist and so you obviously have no way to distinguish between true and false statements. The article is talking about a million year long period of massive volcanic eruptions (google 'Siberian Traps') that released as much as 43,000 billion tons of CO2. 1 million years of eruptions and 43,000 gt total carbon release is an average RATE of 0.043 gt per year. We humans are now adding about 28 billion tons (gigatons or gt) of CO2 every year to the atmosphere. Taking the ratio of these rates shows that we are releasing carbon at 650 times the rate of the Permian-ending volcanoes!!!
The article was about some recent research that points to a probable volcanic CO2 release cause for the end-Permian extinction but it does not claim to be definitive. An asteroid strike is still a possibility as a part of the mix that caused this event but your "beliefs" are just uninformed guesses and not at all significant. Save your 'beliefs' for your denier cult meetings where any wild ass nonsense will be accepted without question or need for evidence.

Yet we are not experiencing the dire consequences of that Permian era. You fail. You even had to admit that my alternate theory has credibility. Your just another alarmist faither.

Are you really that stupid? Do you really think it would all happen instantly? We are not experiencing the dire consequences of the Permian extinction - YET.

You're just another clueless and very ignorant denier cultist pushing the lies, misinformation and propaganda that you've been spoon fed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign. I post scientific information, evidence and research, like the last article, and you post your 'opinions' and 'beliefs' which aren't even really yours but just stuff you believe because your ideological puppet masters told you to 'believe' it. You are a duped tool of people with an economic self interest in the current fossil fuel energy sources.

What do you consider instantly? The global warming crew has this as a problem for the last twelve years at least. The Industrial Revolution happened over one hundred years ago. CO2 has a cycle just like most things in nature. You sound like this is an immediate problem, yet claim we have a long time before this threat is realized. Just a tad contradictory. Your the one reciting talking points rollingturd. I have done some study and find you and your group to be cheaters, liars and distorters of the worst sort.
The only thing that falls on its face is your lame ignorant attempt to argue science that you don't understand. You're a brainwashed denier cultist and so you obviously have no way to distinguish between true and false statements. The article is talking about a million year long period of massive volcanic eruptions (google 'Siberian Traps') that released as much as 43,000 billion tons of CO2. 1 million years of eruptions and 43,000 gt total carbon release is an average RATE of 0.043 gt per year. We humans are now adding about 28 billion tons (gigatons or gt) of CO2 every year to the atmosphere. Taking the ratio of these rates shows that we are releasing carbon at 650 times the rate of the Permian-ending volcanoes!!!
The article was about some recent research that points to a probable volcanic CO2 release cause for the end-Permian extinction but it does not claim to be definitive. An asteroid strike is still a possibility as a part of the mix that caused this event but your "beliefs" are just uninformed guesses and not at all significant. Save your 'beliefs' for your denier cult meetings where any wild ass nonsense will be accepted without question or need for evidence.

Yet we are not experiencing the dire consequences of that Permian era. You fail. You even had to admit that my alternate theory has credibility. Your just another alarmist faither.

Are you really that stupid? Do you really think it would all happen instantly? We are not experiencing the dire consequences of the Permian extinction - YET.

You're just another clueless and very ignorant denier cultist pushing the lies, misinformation and propaganda that you've been spoon fed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign. I post scientific information, evidence and research, like the last article, and you post your 'opinions' and 'beliefs' which aren't even really yours but just stuff you believe because your ideological puppet masters told you to 'believe' it. You are a duped tool of people with an economic self interest in the current fossil fuel energy sources.


We don't have enough of them to burn to cause it period, your own article said as much.... but then you didn't read it did you..... Yeah as usual....:lol:
Please read the large blue type in that re work above.... its priceless....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it's worthless bullshit, just like you and all your posts, slackjawedretard. You never post anything but pure drivel and dreck but you're far too idiotic to realize it.

Busted aren't ya douchebag.... Yeah it happened the same to oldoscks several times the same way... He got caught not reading and understanding what he posted as well. Matter of fact the idiot used the same story you tried to use.... Reading is a good thing moron, it saves you embarrassment....:lol:

That reply you just gave was an admission and surrender.... Thank you for trying, but as I said before its already been busted....:lol:
Please read the large blue type in that re work above.... its priceless....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, it's worthless bullshit, just like you and all your posts, slackjawedretard. You never post anything but pure drivel and dreck but you're far too idiotic to realize it.

Busted aren't ya douchebag.... Yeah it happened the same to oldoscks several times the same way... He got caught not reading and understanding what he posted as well. Matter of fact the idiot used the same story you tried to use.... Reading is a good thing moron, it saves you embarrassment....:lol:

That reply you just gave was an admission and surrender.... Thank you for trying, but as I said before its already been busted....:lol:
Gslack, don't bother. Arguing to this guy is like having a fist fight with a revolving door.

He's too dumb to get it, and all you do is waste time and energy on something that's pointless.

Save your reason and facts for something that's sentient.
Yet we are not experiencing the dire consequences of that Permian era. You fail. You even had to admit that my alternate theory has credibility. Your just another alarmist faither.

Are you really that stupid? Do you really think it would all happen instantly? We are not experiencing the dire consequences of the Permian extinction - YET.

You're just another clueless and very ignorant denier cultist pushing the lies, misinformation and propaganda that you've been spoon fed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign. I post scientific information, evidence and research, like the last article, and you post your 'opinions' and 'beliefs' which aren't even really yours but just stuff you believe because your ideological puppet masters told you to 'believe' it. You are a duped tool of people with an economic self interest in the current fossil fuel energy sources.

What do you consider instantly? The global warming crew has this as a problem for the last twelve years at least. The Industrial Revolution happened over one hundred years ago. CO2 has a cycle just like most things in nature. You sound like this is an immediate problem, yet claim we have a long time before this threat is realized. Just a tad contradictory. Your the one reciting talking points rollingturd. I have done some study and find you and your group to be cheaters, liars and distorters of the worst sort.

It took the Siberian Traps volcanoes a million years to produce the "dire effects" so your incredibly silly claim that we don't have a problem if there are no immediate "dire effects" is really retarded. This is an immediate problem even though the full effects haven't been seen yet because whether or not we keep on raising CO2 levels will determine how bad the situation gets later, in a few decades or a few centuries.

You haven't "studied" shit, dillwad. You're an ignorant, stupid, anti-science denier cultist who gets all his 'opinions' and 'beliefs' from Rush or FauxNews or some denier cult blog.
No, it's worthless bullshit, just like you and all your posts, slackjawedretard. You never post anything but pure drivel and dreck but you're far too idiotic to realize it.

Busted aren't ya douchebag.... Yeah it happened the same to oldoscks several times the same way... He got caught not reading and understanding what he posted as well. Matter of fact the idiot used the same story you tried to use.... Reading is a good thing moron, it saves you embarrassment....:lol:

That reply you just gave was an admission and surrender.... Thank you for trying, but as I said before its already been busted....:lol:
Gslack, don't bother. Arguing to this guy is like having a fist fight with a revolving door.

He's too dumb to get it, and all you do is waste time and energy on something that's pointless.

Save your reason and facts for something that's sentient.

Oh I know, but the truth is there in the post I showed the errors in.... He and his bullshit has a flaw they cannot bullshit enough to hide it.

A lie, no matter how technical or how complex the web of deceit is still ultimately bound by the fact it took a lie to create it. And that is how all bullshit is defeated.

I think he is one of oldoscks, konradv's, spitballtuba's proxies or socks.. The idiot didn't even try to use a different insult than oldoscks tired ones..... A good proxy server can hide a sock...

Either way, his bullshit on this is done... His article told the tale.... He outed his own bullshit and the asshole knows it... All he is doing now is trying to cover it under more BS.:lol:
Are you really that stupid? Do you really think it would all happen instantly? We are not experiencing the dire consequences of the Permian extinction - YET.

You're just another clueless and very ignorant denier cultist pushing the lies, misinformation and propaganda that you've been spoon fed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign. I post scientific information, evidence and research, like the last article, and you post your 'opinions' and 'beliefs' which aren't even really yours but just stuff you believe because your ideological puppet masters told you to 'believe' it. You are a duped tool of people with an economic self interest in the current fossil fuel energy sources.

What do you consider instantly? The global warming crew has this as a problem for the last twelve years at least. The Industrial Revolution happened over one hundred years ago. CO2 has a cycle just like most things in nature. You sound like this is an immediate problem, yet claim we have a long time before this threat is realized. Just a tad contradictory. Your the one reciting talking points rollingturd. I have done some study and find you and your group to be cheaters, liars and distorters of the worst sort.

It took the Siberian Traps volcanoes a million years to produce the "dire effects" so your incredibly silly claim that we don't have a problem if there are no immediate "dire effects" is really retarded. This is an immediate problem even though the full effects haven't been seen yet because whether or not we keep on raising CO2 levels will determine how bad the situation gets later, in a few decades or a few centuries.

You haven't "studied" shit, dillwad. You're an ignorant, stupid, anti-science denier cultist who gets all his 'opinions' and 'beliefs' from Rush or FauxNews or some denier cult blog.

How much Carbon was spewed into the atmosphere to cause that catastrophe according to your article?

13,000 to 43,000 gigatons...

how much can man produce if he burns up all the fossil fuels on the planet according to your article?

5,000 gigatons.....

Your claim is busted flat on its face, by its own source..... Nice work genius.. Learn to read before trying the scare tactic......:lol:
Are you really that stupid? Do you really think it would all happen instantly? We are not experiencing the dire consequences of the Permian extinction - YET.

You're just another clueless and very ignorant denier cultist pushing the lies, misinformation and propaganda that you've been spoon fed by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign. I post scientific information, evidence and research, like the last article, and you post your 'opinions' and 'beliefs' which aren't even really yours but just stuff you believe because your ideological puppet masters told you to 'believe' it. You are a duped tool of people with an economic self interest in the current fossil fuel energy sources.

What do you consider instantly? The global warming crew has this as a problem for the last twelve years at least. The Industrial Revolution happened over one hundred years ago. CO2 has a cycle just like most things in nature. You sound like this is an immediate problem, yet claim we have a long time before this threat is realized. Just a tad contradictory. Your the one reciting talking points rollingturd. I have done some study and find you and your group to be cheaters, liars and distorters of the worst sort.

It took the Siberian Traps volcanoes a million years to produce the "dire effects" so your incredibly silly claim that we don't have a problem if there are no immediate "dire effects" is really retarded. This is an immediate problem even though the full effects haven't been seen yet because whether or not we keep on raising CO2 levels will determine how bad the situation gets later, in a few decades or a few centuries.

You haven't "studied" shit, dillwad. You're an ignorant, stupid, anti-science denier cultist who gets all his 'opinions' and 'beliefs' from Rush or FauxNews or some denier cult blog.

So tell us what and when we should expect results from your alarmist views. You should have some type of model that predictions can be made from. Your studies and careful reviews must yield smoething, anything? We have all heard the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

I have a science degree dillwad. That is why it is easy to see past your ignorance.
What do you consider instantly? The global warming crew has this as a problem for the last twelve years at least. The Industrial Revolution happened over one hundred years ago. CO2 has a cycle just like most things in nature. You sound like this is an immediate problem, yet claim we have a long time before this threat is realized. Just a tad contradictory. Your the one reciting talking points rollingturd. I have done some study and find you and your group to be cheaters, liars and distorters of the worst sort.

It took the Siberian Traps volcanoes a million years to produce the "dire effects" so your incredibly silly claim that we don't have a problem if there are no immediate "dire effects" is really retarded. This is an immediate problem even though the full effects haven't been seen yet because whether or not we keep on raising CO2 levels will determine how bad the situation gets later, in a few decades or a few centuries.

You haven't "studied" shit, dillwad. You're an ignorant, stupid, anti-science denier cultist who gets all his 'opinions' and 'beliefs' from Rush or FauxNews or some denier cult blog.

So tell us what and when we should expect results from your alarmist views. You should have some type of model that predictions can be made from. Your studies and careful reviews must yield smoething, anything? We have all heard the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

I have a science degree dillwad. That is why it is easy to see past your ignorance.

Hes off right now looking for a knew article to cloud this point... it's now the standard tactic from the warmers handbook.... Watch.. He will either run away, start another thread, or come in with another article either saying the same thing as the last one or something subtly different but essentially the same things.

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