Oceans have acidified more in the last 200 years than they did in the previous 21000

Who was taking acid samples 21000 years ago?

...in ppm?

Since you obviously know nothing about the science involved in this, why do you bother to spew ignorant nonsense? Incredulous ignorance is the mark of a bumpkin, not an actual skeptic.

Absolutely no scientific proof of manmade global warming.
That's just your ignorance talking again. There is actually overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic global warming/climate changes; enough evidence to convince virtually all of the world's scientists, who, unlike you, actually know something about all this.

Supposedly the ice caps are almost gone,
There's that old massive ignorance again, you poor retard. The ice caps are melting and Antarctica has lost some ice mass that is starting to affect sea levels but almost all of the ice (which is 90% of all the ice in the world) is still there, and while the Arctic icecap has experienced a very large meltback, that is sea ice and does not affect sea levels. The melting of Greenland is accelerating and is affecting sea levels but again, it has just begun.

and yet the prediction that the world coast would be under water are not happening.
Nobody said that the world's coasts would be underwater by now, you deluded fool. The predictions of coastline inundation are for some decades in the future, not right now.

The outcomes predicted are not happening. The theory must be wrong.
Actually the climate science predictons are coming true and the theory of AGW is well founded and well substantiated. You deny that only because you are so completely ignorant about all this.
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Who was taking acid samples 21000 years ago?

...in ppm?


I thought they melted. If they did take samples, the data has to be manipulated to compensate for CO2 exchange and other factors.

I thought you had a brain. All sorts of things have to be done to get valid data. Using the word 'manipulated' tells us nothing we didn't already know, except that you'll do anything to try and put a bad face on it. Wassamatta, your facts and logic so weak, that's all ya got?!?! :eek:

I thought they melted. If they did take samples, the data has to be manipulated to compensate for CO2 exchange and other factors.

I thought you had a brain. All sorts of things have to be done to get valid data. Using the word 'manipulated' tells us nothing we didn't already know, except that you'll do anything to try and put a bad face on it. Wassamatta, your facts and logic so weak, that's all ya got?!?! :eek:

No I'm fine. You're the dumbass trying to pass off Mauna Loa data as glacial. Same to you Rolling Thunder. Scientists check their sources. You both just got owned.
If Arctic ice caps are no big deal, then why do you and your scientists sound the alarm all the time Rolling Thunder?

I await your scientific procedures for processing Hawaiian glacial findings from 2011....

Somebody better alert the cruise ships near Hawaii.
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I thought they melted. If they did take samples, the data has to be manipulated to compensate for CO2 exchange and other factors.

I thought you had a brain. All sorts of things have to be done to get valid data. Using the word 'manipulated' tells us nothing we didn't already know, except that you'll do anything to try and put a bad face on it. Wassamatta, your facts and logic so weak, that's all ya got?!?! :eek:

No I'm fine.
That's one of your delusions. You are not "fine". You are a deluded ignorant imbecile, to put it mildly.

You're the dumbass trying to pass off Mauna Loa data as glacial.
No, you're the idiot who's too stupid to understand what is being said.

Same to you Rolling Thunder.
Ooooooh, what a crushing rebuttal. LOLOLOL.

Scientists check their sources.
Indeed they do. You, however, have no sources of actual scientific information, just your idiotic lying denier cult blogs. You are a clueless bamboozled dupe with a room temperature IQ.

You both just got owned.
Another of your moronic fantasies with no connection to reality. In reality, you get shown up to be an ignorant idiot every time you post.
I don't use blogs for my information. I took the source put forth by konradv and made my discovery that it was from Mauna Loa, HI. Then he suggested that glaciers were the source of the data. You jumped in RT and agreed with konradv hurling insults about IQ to boot. Now you're left holding the bag with glaciers in Hawaii. I asked for the scientific process used to determine the 2011 CO2 levels in glaciers found in Hawaii. So far, all I got are your opinions. That and a good laugh.
I don't use blogs for my information. I took the source put forth by konradv and made my discovery that it was from Mauna Loa, HI. Then he suggested that glaciers were the source of the data. You jumped in RT and agreed with konradv hurling insults about IQ to boot. Now you're left holding the bag with glaciers in Hawaii. I asked for the scientific process used to determine the 2011 CO2 levels in glaciers found in Hawaii. So far, all I got are your opinions. That and a good laugh.

If its keeping my sidewalk free from snow, I'm a fan.


Congratulations! You've won an all expense paid trip to visit the Hawaiian Glaciers!
More than likely, its a snow pile on the Hancock Building in Chicago. These are Faithers.
It's a cycle. Of course the acid increases and then decreases and no one knows the full nature of the cycle. We've not even been measuring the oceans for 200 years and science is not showing the 'clear attachment' that the Greens show.

There's nowhere near enough data out there to assign a blame to humanity. Well, we could just listen to Gore and his buddies as he jets around.

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