October Playboy cover features a man

Hahaha! The left have made women totally superfluous in our society. Back to the kitchen, ladies!


This is anti-human race. In order for the human race to continue men must be attracted to women and women must be attracted to men. There must be ZERO tolerance for this anti-human race ideology. There is no room on Earth for faggotry, trans, etc.
A sad demise. I have 2 yards of pristine copies from the 60s.

And a fine literary magazine it was. ;)
Not the first Tranny to appear in the flagship porn magazine.

Its been several years since they had their first She-Male centerfold.

I guess the LGBTQ community just buys a lot more porn than normative folks.
The left doesn't give a darn about women in truth. They only care about destroying traditions, which will lead to the destruction of our society.

You are kind of right. The left revile labeling one thing good, the other bad, one thing right, the other wrong, one thing beauty, the other ugly because any such morality play amounts to DISCRIMINATION in their book.

So they don't discriminate. They choose fat ugly guys to compete in woman's sports and consider that "progress," and they choose tranny guys in girls locker-rooms because that is free choice.
Maybe they should combine Playboy and Playgirl....

Transgirl, maybe?

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