Of All Of The Criminal Activity...Our AG Thinks Soccer Is Worth Prosecuting


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
In the administration's goal of spreading American values all over the world, the Obama Administration decides that FIFA needs to be brought down a notch. Yeah.....this is gonna make foreigners love American...for sure. What's Obama gonna do next? Go after the Olympic Committee for rejecting his bid for a Chicago Olympics? Maybe he needs to go after the Nobel Committee for taking a $100 million bribe as payment for his Nobel Prize.

Loretta Lynch s Justice Department Just Launched a Full-Blown Offensive Against FIFA - NationalJournal.com

May 27, 2015 Loretta Lynch's Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment Wednesday morning laden with racketeering, corruption, and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with FIFA, the world soccer association, and international soccer organizations.

It's the latest in a series of high-profile moves from the Justice Department since Lynch became attorney general last month, including its investigations into police misconduct in Baltimore. The indictment originated in the Eastern District of New York—where Lynch served as U.S. attorney until her confirmation—and was supported by an FBI investigation into FIFA's dealings.

The heavily detailed indictment details 12 individual schemes coordinated by various defendants over the last 25 or so years, including plots related to bidding for the 2010 World Cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election, and next year's Centennial Copa America tournament.

In a press conference Wednesday morning, Lynch framed FIFA's actions as a betrayal of soccer's fans.

"Many of the individuals and organizations we will describe today were entrusted with keeping soccer open and accessible to all," she said. "They were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. Instead they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves."

What exactly does this wither her availabke prosecutory resources down to? An exact number - before you cry - would be logical.

Next, what other federal case does she need to prosecute but isnt, and based on what evidence at your disposal?
I swear man, you need to get laid.

If you were on a beach in Aruba with a drink in hand and double d's sitting RIGHT next to you, youd STILL find some petty assed shit to complain about.

Too windy : ( booo00ooo0
In the administration's goal of spreading American values all over the world, the Obama Administration decides that FIFA needs to be brought down a notch. Yeah.....this is gonna make foreigners love American...for sure. What's Obama gonna do next? Go after the Olympic Committee for rejecting his bid for a Chicago Olympics? Maybe he needs to go after the Nobel Committee for taking a $100 million bribe as payment for his Nobel Prize.

Loretta Lynch s Justice Department Just Launched a Full-Blown Offensive Against FIFA - NationalJournal.com

May 27, 2015 Loretta Lynch's Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment Wednesday morning laden with racketeering, corruption, and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with FIFA, the world soccer association, and international soccer organizations.

It's the latest in a series of high-profile moves from the Justice Department since Lynch became attorney general last month, including its investigations into police misconduct in Baltimore. The indictment originated in the Eastern District of New York—where Lynch served as U.S. attorney until her confirmation—and was supported by an FBI investigation into FIFA's dealings.

The heavily detailed indictment details 12 individual schemes coordinated by various defendants over the last 25 or so years, including plots related to bidding for the 2010 World Cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election, and next year's Centennial Copa America tournament.

In a press conference Wednesday morning, Lynch framed FIFA's actions as a betrayal of soccer's fans.

"Many of the individuals and organizations we will describe today were entrusted with keeping soccer open and accessible to all," she said. "They were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. Instead they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves."

Considering the fact that Ms. Lynch just got into her position as AG, I think it is safe to say that she had little, if anything to do with this investigation. Secondly, I am a bit confused as to your position here. Do you support racketeering and corruption in sports?
In the administration's goal of spreading American values all over the world, the Obama Administration decides that FIFA needs to be brought down a notch. Yeah.....this is gonna make foreigners love American...for sure. What's Obama gonna do next? Go after the Olympic Committee for rejecting his bid for a Chicago Olympics? Maybe he needs to go after the Nobel Committee for taking a $100 million bribe as payment for his Nobel Prize.

Loretta Lynch s Justice Department Just Launched a Full-Blown Offensive Against FIFA - NationalJournal.com

May 27, 2015 Loretta Lynch's Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment Wednesday morning laden with racketeering, corruption, and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with FIFA, the world soccer association, and international soccer organizations.

It's the latest in a series of high-profile moves from the Justice Department since Lynch became attorney general last month, including its investigations into police misconduct in Baltimore. The indictment originated in the Eastern District of New York—where Lynch served as U.S. attorney until her confirmation—and was supported by an FBI investigation into FIFA's dealings.

The heavily detailed indictment details 12 individual schemes coordinated by various defendants over the last 25 or so years, including plots related to bidding for the 2010 World Cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election, and next year's Centennial Copa America tournament.

In a press conference Wednesday morning, Lynch framed FIFA's actions as a betrayal of soccer's fans.

"Many of the individuals and organizations we will describe today were entrusted with keeping soccer open and accessible to all," she said. "They were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. Instead they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves."

Considering the fact that Ms. Lynch just got into her position as AG, I think it is safe to say that she had little, if anything to do with this investigation. Secondly, I am a bit confused as to your position here. Do you support racketeering and corruption in sports?
He supports busy bodying the internets for something to be bitter about, as his positiom as resident whino requires.
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Of All Of The Criminal Activity...Our AG Thinks Soccer Is Worth Prosecuting

with a former Sec. State who got ISIS started and has committed more crimes than Willie Sutton and John Dillinger combined this bitch has to prosecute soccer officials over a little bribe ?


NEW YORK – More than 100 pages of previously classified Department of Defense and Department of State documents implicate the Obama administration in a cover-up to obscure the role Hillary Clinton and the State Department played in the rise of ISIS.

The documents were obtained in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch.

They confirm WND reporting over the past three years of evidence that U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was involved in shipping weapons from Benghazi to support the al-Qaida-affiliated militias fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, effectively arming the Sunni jihadists who morphed into ISIS.

Read more at Declassified docs Hillary aided rise of ISIS

and to think every demorat/liberfool on USMB wants this wretched bitch as president, i am 100% convinced these people have half the brain power of an Earth worm. :up:
No, it's my opinion that Major League Sports didn't grease the proper Politician or Corporate crony so the full weight of Corrupt US Government through the Justice Department is being brought to bear on FIFA.

Not only are Professional Sports corrupt, but the US Government is as well.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sports from time to time. I watch the Super Bowl, Indy 500, Kentucky Derby and so on. But I don't watch it like it is some kind of free for all, anyone can win type of thing. Sports is just as scripted as any other TV show.

As long as you approach sports for what it is, scripted entertainment, then you can refrain from being emotionally involved and enjoy it more. At least I do.

Unless some team sends me a check, I don't give a damn who wins, just as long as it's entertaining. I've turned off lousy movies, TV shows and sporting events. It's all the same to me.
In the administration's goal of spreading American values all over the world, the Obama Administration decides that FIFA needs to be brought down a notch. Yeah.....this is gonna make foreigners love American...for sure. What's Obama gonna do next? Go after the Olympic Committee for rejecting his bid for a Chicago Olympics? Maybe he needs to go after the Nobel Committee for taking a $100 million bribe as payment for his Nobel Prize.

Loretta Lynch s Justice Department Just Launched a Full-Blown Offensive Against FIFA - NationalJournal.com

May 27, 2015 Loretta Lynch's Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment Wednesday morning laden with racketeering, corruption, and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with FIFA, the world soccer association, and international soccer organizations.

It's the latest in a series of high-profile moves from the Justice Department since Lynch became attorney general last month, including its investigations into police misconduct in Baltimore. The indictment originated in the Eastern District of New York—where Lynch served as U.S. attorney until her confirmation—and was supported by an FBI investigation into FIFA's dealings.

The heavily detailed indictment details 12 individual schemes coordinated by various defendants over the last 25 or so years, including plots related to bidding for the 2010 World Cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election, and next year's Centennial Copa America tournament.

In a press conference Wednesday morning, Lynch framed FIFA's actions as a betrayal of soccer's fans.

"Many of the individuals and organizations we will describe today were entrusted with keeping soccer open and accessible to all," she said. "They were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. Instead they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves."

You're faulting Lynch for a 25 year, international investigation?

Are you saying the corruption should be allowed to go on?

Just wondering what you're whining about because its just plain bizarre to be all upset about criminals being caught.

I swear man, you need to get laid.

If you were on a beach in Aruba with a drink in hand and double d's sitting RIGHT next to you, youd STILL find some petty assed shit to complain about.

Too windy : ( booo00ooo0
Judging by your habit of jumping on every thread I start, I think your problems are of a more serious nature.
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In the administration's goal of spreading American values all over the world, the Obama Administration decides that FIFA needs to be brought down a notch. Yeah.....this is gonna make foreigners love American...for sure. What's Obama gonna do next? Go after the Olympic Committee for rejecting his bid for a Chicago Olympics? Maybe he needs to go after the Nobel Committee for taking a $100 million bribe as payment for his Nobel Prize.

Loretta Lynch s Justice Department Just Launched a Full-Blown Offensive Against FIFA - NationalJournal.com

May 27, 2015 Loretta Lynch's Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment Wednesday morning laden with racketeering, corruption, and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with FIFA, the world soccer association, and international soccer organizations.

It's the latest in a series of high-profile moves from the Justice Department since Lynch became attorney general last month, including its investigations into police misconduct in Baltimore. The indictment originated in the Eastern District of New York—where Lynch served as U.S. attorney until her confirmation—and was supported by an FBI investigation into FIFA's dealings.

The heavily detailed indictment details 12 individual schemes coordinated by various defendants over the last 25 or so years, including plots related to bidding for the 2010 World Cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election, and next year's Centennial Copa America tournament.

In a press conference Wednesday morning, Lynch framed FIFA's actions as a betrayal of soccer's fans.

"Many of the individuals and organizations we will describe today were entrusted with keeping soccer open and accessible to all," she said. "They were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. Instead they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves."

Considering the fact that Ms. Lynch just got into her position as AG, I think it is safe to say that she had little, if anything to do with this investigation. Secondly, I am a bit confused as to your position here. Do you support racketeering and corruption in sports?

However, I think going after sports organizations is a bit ridiculous considering what's going on in our cities.

But it does show where this administration's priorities lie.
I swear man, you need to get laid.

If you were on a beach in Aruba with a drink in hand and double d's sitting RIGHT next to you, youd STILL find some petty assed shit to complain about.

Too windy : ( booo00ooo0
Judging by your habit of jumping on every thread I start, I think your problems are a more serious nature.
I havent been in one of your threads in weeks you self deluded moonbat.

Prove me wrong.

Uh huh. Thats right. Another fail of a fuck you are. Oops.
Obama and gang must have felt they weren't getting "THEIR CUT"

so here they are. we are dealing with Terrorist, at least we won't be attacked BY soccer. Dear gawd how people don't see THIS GOVERNMENT is out of Control
Obama and gang must have felt they weren't getting "THEIR CUT"

so here they are. we are dealing with Terrorist, at least we won't be attacked BY soccer. Dear gawd how people don't see THIS GOVERNMENT is out of Control
What do terrorists and the AG have to do with one another you dumb monkey?
Shouldn't all crime be prosecuted?

We are willing to prosecute low level drug offenders but not those taking $150 million in bribes?
I swear man, you need to get laid.

If you were on a beach in Aruba with a drink in hand and double d's sitting RIGHT next to you, youd STILL find some petty assed shit to complain about.

Too windy : ( booo00ooo0
Judging by your habit of jumping on every thread I start, I think your problems are a more serious nature.
I havent been in one of your threads in weeks you self deluded moonbat.

Prove me wrong.

Uh huh. Thats right. Another fail of a fuck you are. Oops.

Oh whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!:crybaby:

Fucking crybaby!!
I swear man, you need to get laid.

If you were on a beach in Aruba with a drink in hand and double d's sitting RIGHT next to you, youd STILL find some petty assed shit to complain about.

Too windy : ( booo00ooo0
Judging by your habit of jumping on every thread I start, I think your problems are a more serious nature.
I havent been in one of your threads in weeks you self deluded moonbat.

Prove me wrong.

Uh huh. Thats right. Another fail of a fuck you are. Oops.

Oh whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!:crybaby:

Fucking crybaby!!
Right, your thread. Is crybabying. As usual. Pusspuss
Tens of billions of dollars at stake. Millions upon millions in bribes. Sounds like a case most worthy of prosecution.
In the administration's goal of spreading American values all over the world, the Obama Administration decides that FIFA needs to be brought down a notch. Yeah.....this is gonna make foreigners love American...for sure. What's Obama gonna do next? Go after the Olympic Committee for rejecting his bid for a Chicago Olympics? Maybe he needs to go after the Nobel Committee for taking a $100 million bribe as payment for his Nobel Prize.

Loretta Lynch s Justice Department Just Launched a Full-Blown Offensive Against FIFA - NationalJournal.com

May 27, 2015 Loretta Lynch's Justice Department unsealed a 47-count indictment Wednesday morning laden with racketeering, corruption, and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with FIFA, the world soccer association, and international soccer organizations.

It's the latest in a series of high-profile moves from the Justice Department since Lynch became attorney general last month, including its investigations into police misconduct in Baltimore. The indictment originated in the Eastern District of New York—where Lynch served as U.S. attorney until her confirmation—and was supported by an FBI investigation into FIFA's dealings.

The heavily detailed indictment details 12 individual schemes coordinated by various defendants over the last 25 or so years, including plots related to bidding for the 2010 World Cup, the 2011 FIFA presidential election, and next year's Centennial Copa America tournament.

In a press conference Wednesday morning, Lynch framed FIFA's actions as a betrayal of soccer's fans.

"Many of the individuals and organizations we will describe today were entrusted with keeping soccer open and accessible to all," she said. "They were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. Instead they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves."

Considering the fact that Ms. Lynch just got into her position as AG, I think it is safe to say that she had little, if anything to do with this investigation. Secondly, I am a bit confused as to your position here. Do you support racketeering and corruption in sports?

However, I think going after sports organizations is a bit ridiculous considering what's going on in our cities.

But it does show where this administration's priorities lie.

So the justice department should ignore these crimes because you don't think they are not important to prosecute? That would seem to indicate that your answer to my question is yes.

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