Of Course Iran Is Chairing the UN Disarmament Conference


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
In the parade of United Nations absurdities, here comes Iran’s four-week presidency of the UN Conference on Disarmament — an arrangement that the U.S. Mission to the UN has described as “unfortunate and inappropriate,” and Hillel Neuer of UN Watch has more accurately compared to “putting Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter.”

further down....

Iran also sits on the UN Commission on the Status of Women

The Rosett Report » Of Course Iran Is Chairing the UN Disarmament Conference

This why we laugh at you dumbfuck lefties, you don't see anything wrong with this shit.
The only thing I got to say is; LOL.

Yet this is what the left wants to rule the world?
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