Of course the judge overseeing Mueller's grand jury is a hyper partisan democrat...

She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush

Being appointed by GW is not exactly a glowing recommendation.

Let's be real: Trump sycophants were always going to paint the person whom was appointed to oversee the grand jury as a hyper-partisan.

So the fact that she worked for a hyper-partisan vermont democrat...has no bearing on this? Right?

Does the fact that she was appointed by a Republican President and confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate (via voice vote) to the United States Sentencing Commission have no bearing? She became a hyper-partisan to you this instant she got the job to oversee the grand jury. I am willing to bet the farm you knew fuck all about her until a couple hours ago. lol
Mueller is a BFF of comey, the guy who leaked to the press.....to get Mueller hired.....Mueller has hired almost exlusively hyper-partisan hilary and obama lawyers to work for him...and now, the judge who allowed the Grand Jury to be created...and will over see it...is another hyper-partisan democrat....a nut job democrat...

Ex-Leahy staffer provides judicial oversight for Russia investigation

Who is Beryl Howell? The Daily Beast informs us that she’s a former Patrick Leahy staffer, having spent ten years working for the hyper-partisan Vermont leftist on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

When President Obama nominated Howell in 2010, Leahy said: “We rarely have before us nominees to the bench with the breadth of experience that she brings.” With praise like this from Leahy, it’s very likely that Howell is a hyper-partisan leftist too

Quit whining. How many right wingers were against Hillary before they were put on all those republican led investigations? I didn't hear any complaining from you about that. The investigation is just barely started. If your butt stays clenched that tight until the end, you're gonna be getting cramps.

She has actually committed crimes. Over and over again.

You know I gotta ask again. Were all those republicans running all those investigations in the bag for Hillary, or just incompetent?

No...the Attorney general and the President...the ones providing the information requested by those Republican commities were...considering the AG met with her husband in secret and the FBI worked to hide the meeting....and then comey, the acting FBI head said he wasn't going to prosecute all the crimes he listed....and then it turns out the Deputy Director of the FBI has a wife who ran for office with the backing of terry mccauliffe, a clinton minion from back in the 90s...getting 250,000 dollars for the campaign...

The Republican committees also have their democrat members, who roadblocked and obstructed the investigations as well....

Hang on. I can't listen to all that without a proper tinfoil hat.
Mueller is a BFF of comey, the guy who leaked to the press.....to get Mueller hired.....Mueller has hired almost exlusively hyper-partisan hilary and obama lawyers to work for him...and now, the judge who allowed the Grand Jury to be created...and will over see it...is another hyper-partisan democrat....a nut job democrat...

Ex-Leahy staffer provides judicial oversight for Russia investigation

Who is Beryl Howell? The Daily Beast informs us that she’s a former Patrick Leahy staffer, having spent ten years working for the hyper-partisan Vermont leftist on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

When President Obama nominated Howell in 2010, Leahy said: “We rarely have before us nominees to the bench with the breadth of experience that she brings.” With praise like this from Leahy, it’s very likely that Howell is a hyper-partisan leftist too

Mueller and Comey are not best friends. Mueller has not hired hyper-partisan Democrats. The judge is not a hyper-partisan Democrat. Since you are a hyper-partisan Trump supporter, you should not be allowed to comment.
Yes, of course, everything is "leftist".

This judge is.
Sure, must be, anyone who ever had another idea than you is.

No....asswipe...she worked for a hyper partisan democrat.....normal people don't do that...
Yes, of course, you're the arbiter of "normal" hon. You partisanshitheads all sound alike to me; hopelessly distracted as intended by the theater of your political system while the cannibalization of your society rolls on unabated.
She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush

Being appointed by GW is not exactly a glowing recommendation.

Let's be real: Trump sycophants were always going to paint the person whom was appointed to oversee the grand jury as a hyper-partisan.

I did not know there are degrees of partisanship. Like getting wet, if you are for the Left, you are for the Left, not the Right, just as once you are wet, you are wet. The only difference after that is the DEGREE of your implementation of its policies! There aren't many people out there that have NO political leanings! If they claim they don't, just WHAT do they stand for? When you tell me you are a MODERATE, that is a euphemism for standing for nothing.
She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush

Being appointed by GW is not exactly a glowing recommendation.

Let's be real: Trump sycophants were always going to paint the person whom was appointed to oversee the grand jury as a hyper-partisan.

I did not know there are degrees of partisanship. Like getting wet, if you are for the Left, you are for the Left, not the Right, just as once you are wet, you are wet. The only difference after that is the DEGREE of your implementation of its policies! There aren't many people out there that have NO political leanings! If they claim they don't, just WHAT do they stand for? When you tell me you are a MODERATE, that is a euphemism for standing for nothing.
Leaning "either" way at this point is for the unaware.
Does the fact that she was appointed by a Republican President and confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate (via voice vote) to the United States Sentencing Commission have no bearing? She became a hyper-partisan to you this instant she got the job to oversee the grand jury. I am willing to bet the farm you knew fuck all about her until a couple hours ago. lol

Let's be honest here by looking at the larger picture: saying she was appointed by a "Republican" president carries with it no exact meaning. Look at some of our "Republican" -appointed SCOTUS, look at some of the GOP like Collins and McCain. Let's get a few clarifications here:

1). DEMOCRAT: The Democratic Party is in a state of total decay. They have been ruined and driven into the ground by a rigid ideology based on globalistic socialist views based primarily of the goal of keeping a crusty old guard of Elitist Democrats in power, nothing else. And their fast track towards their agenda made them blind to why they lost two major elections in a row and being so over-confident with Obama that they became naked in their gall to try to then put a total piece of scum into office like Hillary Clinton, without making even the slightest course correction. Now, after three humiliating defeats they SAY they are making wholesale revisions to their goals, but we all know it is all just empty talk trying to capitalize on the Trump Methodology, and once back in power, they will again forge ahead undeterred. A new Democratic Party must force its way to the surface pushing out the old with new and better ideas aimed at really improving people's lives by freeing them of government's impediments, not creating more. Government is going broke (huge deficit) because it has vastly overgrown it's britches.

2). REPUBLICAN: The Republican Party is in a state of total meltdown. They have fractured and fallen apart by a rigid ideology based on stark internationalist capitalist views that quickly benefit the rich, but simply take too long to trickle down into helping the people most in need of help because their efforts are all absorbed at the top in this uncertain economy. Like the Democrats, they too are based primarily of the goal of keeping a crusty old guard of Elitist Republicans in power, but unlike the Democrats, they are fractured from within by many RINO's and others either too unaligned with the party as though they are in the wrong party or are genuinely bucking the system trying to steer the party in a different direction. The net result is they are pulling in five different directions at once and can't get ANYTHING done. Now after being given back the House, then the Senate, and telling us they needed the White House to pass Legislation, and given that too with a man willing to sign all their bills, we discover that in almost EIGHT years, they don't even have any legislation to sign. Worse, we are told by their weak and feckless leader that expecting that much, to actually keep their promises, was an "unrealistic expectation." Without major course change and progress before the 2018 election, they are going to get their asses handed to them with a mass defection of supporters. Sadly, like Avis, the GOP seems all too comfortable in being #2 and OUT of the limelight where they can sort of slunk along quietly. A new Republican Party must force its way to the surface pushing out the old with new and better ideas aimed at really improving people's lives by freeing them of government's impediments, not creating more. Government is quickly going broke (huge deficit) and is dragging all of the poor and Middle Class along with it because it has vastly overgrown it's britches and keeps prosperity out of the reach of far too many.

3). PARTY NUMBER 3: Formerly known as the Tea Party, it has reemerged as neither a Democratic or Republican Party, but as a Nationalist Populist Party with the message of making America great, but with the understanding that as "America," it really means raising up higher its people, the masses too long ignored and forgotten. It emerged as a rejection of the Old Guard GOP with businessman-tycoon Donald Trump at the helm, but with more elements of the GOP in its base and needing mainstream recognition, it took on the Republican modulus. But the Old Guard GOP recognizes that he is NOT part of them, an outsider not under their control or direction, part of the private sector that does not have many of their key interests at heart since by nature, government is the largest enemy of the private sector, and sees them as a "Swamp," so rejects him as the "Never-Trumpers." Likewise, the Democrats reject him because he sees them as a "Sewer." Trump's fundamental problem is that he wants to run government more like a business where employees answer to a central command and expects to hold people accountable to do a certain job or otherwise be let go, but government has built itself and layered itself into a cocoon where no one has any final authority, there is absolutely no accountability, no one does a job in any realistic or practical way that could ever survive in the real world where it is necessary to turn a profit because government is infinitely "self-financed" on other people's money, and almost no one is ever let go--- ---it is INERTIA Personified. Once you get into Washington, you find it is all one big game of pomp and circus that you must fit into to survive, but Trump has spent his entire life fitting into his own mold, not anyone else's; he defines the fit. That all of the problems of the nation are there because they WANT them to be there; it is all about what benefits THEM, and the proof is that the region of the most wealthy people per area in this country SURROUNDS WASHINGTON! That is where the money is. It is SUCKED out of the Private Sector and funneled there. So Trump is in the unenviable but necessary position of trying to reform government back into the public's hands where like a business, it is lean, trim, efficient, and PRODUCTIVE, which means chucking 80% of the people in government while at the same time NEEDING these people to help get his agenda into place but only with a small, limited cadre of people available who identify with his goals and agree with his reforms while the other 95% of the inbred government-media complex buck him in every way possible.

CONCLUSION: Whether Democrat or Republican, if either succeed in regaining power while keeping their old guard structure in place, the lion's-share of the People simply lose, plain and simple. If Trump fails to get his agenda in place and is voted out in 2020, the People lose, and will not see another opportunity to totally reform government in their lifetime. Opportunity squandered. For Trump to succeed, he must buck the entire system, make many enemies, and turn Washington on its head in utter chaos as it kicks and screams. But if there is anyone who can do it, he can, if he can only find enough support by brave, independent people willing to risk their careers while faithfully backing and supporting him for a better vision tomorrow. Trump is obviously more conservative than anything else, but if he fails, people of both ideologies lose, even if they don't see it that way, and government resumes its inexorable march ahead to utterly exploit the masses.
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She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush to the United States Sentencing Commission. :lol:

Well you know that 'hyper-partisan lefttist' to a Trumpster means anyone they need to smear in relations to the investigation.

Coming from the hyper-partisan OP it is a pretty funny statement.
She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush

Being appointed by GW is not exactly a glowing recommendation.

Let's be real: Trump sycophants were always going to paint the person whom was appointed to oversee the grand jury as a hyper-partisan.

So the fact that she worked for a hyper-partisan vermont democrat...has no bearing on this? Right?

Nope. Not to anyone but the hyper-partisan Trumpster brown noses.
She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush to the United States Sentencing Commission. :lol:

They take recomendations from the Senators of those states......even when they are nut job democrats....And W. always tried to get along with the people who hated him.
She is such a hyper-partisan leftist she was appointed by W. Bush

Being appointed by GW is not exactly a glowing recommendation.

Let's be real: Trump sycophants were always going to paint the person whom was appointed to oversee the grand jury as a hyper-partisan.

So the fact that she worked for a hyper-partisan vermont democrat...has no bearing on this? Right?

Does the fact that she was appointed by a Republican President and confirmed by a Republican controlled Senate (via voice vote) to the United States Sentencing Commission have no bearing? She became a hyper-partisan to you this instant she got the job to oversee the grand jury. I am willing to bet the farm you knew fuck all about her until a couple hours ago. lol
He only knows what he's been told.....and then runs right here with his "facts".

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