Offer Arkansas or SD to the Palestinians?


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
A blog called "Window on Israel" in the Jerusalem Post has a not too friendly critique of Obama's visit to Israel. Among other things, the author suggests that if America is so hot for a Two-State Solution, maybe we ought to offer land for a Palestinian state, rather than demand Israel give it up.

"….Perhaps the Palestinians deserve a state, despite their political in incompetence. America has*50.* They can offer Arkansas or South Dakota to the Palestinians without losing much of the national treasure…"

Obama, Israel, and Palestine | Jerusalem Post - Blogs

Hmmmm. What do you think? Would we miss either Arkansas or South Dakota?

The latter state is especially appropriate. The Palestinian's could live on the Pine Ridge Reservation and feel right at home among the squalor. And, there's plenty of un-used space between Sioux Falls and Rapid City, right? There's far more cows in SD than there are people, so they wouldn't be crowded. They could even take over decorating the Corn Palace in Mitchell and create pictures of Yassir Arafat or the Prophet (PBUH) using dill seeds, taboon bread and kubbi balls instead of the traditional corn and wheat.

Arkansas might not be too bad either. After all, neither the carpetbagging Clintons or Mike Huckabee use it anymore. Maybe the Palestinian's could take over Walmart and destroy it, like they destroy everything else, and save our economy! Heck, they could even pass the time lobbing rockets at Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal, their new next door neighbors, and nobody would care. They could pass the time building a wall to separate themselves from the gun-totin', Bible-thumpin' Okies who would surely mount an armed evangelical invasion to save them from perdition.

In all, not a bad suggestion.
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Well to prevent war, shouldn't we give them NY state?

Liberals clearly love the murdering fucks, so lets put them in the middle of a love circle.

Naw. Won't work for a couple of reasons.

First of all, there's already quite a few Christian Palestinian's in New York City and we wouldn't want their new Muslim neighbors to slaughter them wholesale, would we? Not to mention the Jews on Long Island! (I can see it now! A statehood movement for The Hamptons!)

And, New York is the center of the banking and finance industry. One can only imagine how the Palestinian's could screw that up. Plus, with Fatah or Hamas exercising their version of "control," Canada might just march down and take back Ft. Ticonderoga. We can't have that!

One more thing: What would we do with the Statute of Liberty? The new residents won't have any use for it.
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Something about this idea might offend the Native Americans for some reason... :eusa_whistle:
Kidding aside, you folks don't get it, no matter what you do as long as there is an Israel there will not be peace.
Puerto Rico. Nobody gives a fuck about that place.
And it would make it much more difficult for them to spread.

The Puerto Ricans care. It would make more sense to give them a place where hardly anyone lives, like Wyoming.

Dick Cheney said they couldn't have it. And, even the Palestinian's don't want to live in Casper.

Also kind of cold when compared to the ME. However, that would rule out SD too.
The Puerto Ricans care. It would make more sense to give them a place where hardly anyone lives, like Wyoming.

Dick Cheney said they couldn't have it. And, even the Palestinian's don't want to live in Casper.

Also kind of cold when compared to the ME. However, that would rule out SD too.

They can learn how to make coats. Most of them will need a new marketable skill anyhow. There shouldn't be much of a demand for rocket launchers and suicide bombers in South Dakota.
The Puerto Ricans care. It would make more sense to give them a place where hardly anyone lives, like Wyoming.

Nah... go with a place where only sub-human life lives... DC

Is that a typo? The 'D' is right next to 'S'. You meant SC, right?

You know what? That's really not a bad idea! Since adultery is forbidden by the Qu'ran, they could do a land office business offering Appalachian Trail "Get Lost" trips for their randy, Muslim brethren!
Offer them Detroit instead. Hell, they're already there and besides, it would drive the Canadians nuts.

Might work. On the other hand, there's a casino right there across the river and they might not be able to deal with the temptation. They'd have to issue a fatwah against Windsor, ON and that would just create new international tensions.

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