I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
When Schiff-for-Brains stops blocking witnesses and documents..
Not going to work arbuckle. Witnesses that have nothing to do with the act don't need to testify. We don't need to hear from Strzok and Page. We don't need to hear Hunter Biden. We don't need to hear the whistleblower since we now have corroborating testimonies. We do need to hear from all who were directly on the call.
Hunter Biden obviously had something to do with it. He was mentioned in the phone call, dumbass. The whistleblower claims he is a witness. Whether you and Schiff need him, isn't the issue. The defense wants him, and due process says they should be allowed to have him. You're just admitting that you don't give a damn about due process.

I live the way you Schiff worshiping douchebags are so afraid to have the so-called whistleblower testify.
it was a joint effort between the US & other nations. biden, along with other american officials were our point men & did not go rogue on this.

What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
play the video and tell me at what minute mark he says he did that for other countries.

don't have to. prove he did it all by himself. & bloviating doesn't count. GO!
I know you don't, it isn't there. you prove me correct.

you & zog share the same brain?
At least I have one. What's your excuse?

you haven't proven that.

You have to prove intent and that intent is to impact 2020 not to see what happened in 2016. Even during yesterday's hearings, they mentioned 2016 numerous times. Intent is very difficult to prove. As far as "dumbfuck", you're the dumbest person on this board and that is saying a lot with people like JoeB running around.

uh-huh. please hang onto that if it makes feel better.

It is a fact. Sorry to burst your Leftist bubble. You keep losing debates to me. Aren't you tired of losing or are you used to it? Loser.

only in yer mind, zog. only in yer mind.

Really? Should I bring up our pro choice debate? You ran with your tail tucked between your legs. I was polite too and you came off like the usual moonbat.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa................... what? wow- what's it like to stroke yer own ego like donny? will you also claim you are a stable genius too? i most likely bailed because you were getting more ridiculous & wasting my time.

Nope, you bailed because you lost. Again. But you tell yourself whatever you like. Take some more anti depressants.
play the video and tell me at what minute mark he says he did that for other countries.

don't have to. prove he did it all by himself. & bloviating doesn't count. GO!
I know you don't, it isn't there. you prove me correct.

you & zog share the same brain?
At least I have one. What's your excuse?

you haven't proven that.

then show me wrong.
play the video and tell me at what minute mark he says he did that for other countries.

don't have to. prove he did it all by himself. & bloviating doesn't count. GO!
I know you don't, it isn't there. you prove me correct.

you & zog share the same brain?

You're just jealous because I am 10 years younger than you and way smarter.

oh good god - you really going with that, 'eh?

Truth hurts. Although I'll be 40 next October. Old! Shoot me.
Where did he say 'and'???? He asked for a favor. Period. NO "and". Quit fucking lying like a schiff.
He is not entitled to ask for a personal favour. The US is not a fucking banana republic.
Oh really? Please show the AMERICAN LAW that specifically states the president can't ask a favor of a foreign government.


For Christ sake, GET A CLUE.

Derp. Derp. Not a personal favor. Derp. Derp.
Did I say "PERSONAL" favor... TWIT? NO!

Reading comprehension is your friend.

No. But Trump asked for a personal favor. Dumb shit.
Ever been a world leader talking to another world leader? Of course not, you can't do that from your mom's basement.
Still sworn testimony, dope.
Opinions are not admissible in court unless it's from an expert witness.
Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
Hearsay is not first hand testimony.

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
Show us where he was on the call...he tried to edit the transcript with no authority to do so! He should be court marshalled and thrown in prison for simply disobeying ordets!

You sound like Stalin's ghost.
Mark Quigley (D): "Hearsay can be much better evidence than direct, and it's certainly valid in this instance."


So.....you're calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
Republicans pout that they can’t interview the whistleblower while they block access to Trump, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo
The only reason they're calling for the president to testify is to harass him. The focus should be on the opinions filed in the complaints anyway, not an attempt to get the president or cabinet members under oath.

Democrats need a valid complaint to an actual crime before we get to that point. They have neither.

Clinton testified under oath
Why won’t Trump?
uh-huh. please hang onto that if it makes feel better.

It is a fact. Sorry to burst your Leftist bubble. You keep losing debates to me. Aren't you tired of losing or are you used to it? Loser.

only in yer mind, zog. only in yer mind.

Really? Should I bring up our pro choice debate? You ran with your tail tucked between your legs. I was polite too and you came off like the usual moonbat.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa................... what? wow- what's it like to stroke yer own ego like donny? will you also claim you are a stable genius too? i most likely bailed because you were getting more ridiculous & wasting my time.

Nope, you bailed because you lost. Again. But you tell yourself whatever you like. Take some more anti depressants.

No one asked anyone to kill anybody.

No one was harmed in the making of my conspiracy straw man. A's wife is still alive and well, but is looking for an attorney.

Evidently you are new to how world leaders negotiate thinks looking for a win win for both their nation's interests.

Getting the aid is a win for Ukraine. Something they already won, so they thought. Not sure how it was a win for them to being strong armed into announcing an investigation into the Republicans political rivals. Certainly wouldn't have been a win for the Democrat part of our country now would it?
Allies have a responsibility to expose corruption by high level government officials. You know, like a US VP getting his lightweight son a high paying job he isn't qualified for at a corrupt company and then demanding that the nation fire their prosecutor investigating the company. There is no statute of limitations on that kind of thing. It helps both nations stay above board.

The corruption occurred before Biden was hired. In the age of Trump are you suggesting that a persons name by right of birth has no monetary value? The reason everybody wanted the prosecutor fired was because the investigating into the corruption was stopped. Not because he wasn't investigating them.
The corruption occurred Because Biden was hired and not so much before.

Contrary to known reality.
So.....you're calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
Republicans pout that they can’t interview the whistleblower while they block access to Trump, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo
The only reason they're calling for the president to testify is to harass him. The focus should be on the opinions filed in the complaints anyway, not an attempt to get the president or cabinet members under oath.

Democrats need a valid complaint to an actual crime before we get to that point. They have neither.

Clinton testified under oath
Why won’t Trump?

Because there is a transcript. If there was a video of Clinton and Monica then he would have to testify either.
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
When Schiff-for-Brains stops blocking witnesses and documents..
Not going to work arbuckle. Witnesses that have nothing to do with the act don't need to testify. We don't need to hear from Strzok and Page. We don't need to hear Hunter Biden. We don't need to hear the whistleblower since we now have corroborating testimonies. We do need to hear from all who were directly on the call.
Hunter Biden obviously had something to do with it. He was mentioned in the phone call, dumbass. The whistleblower claims he is a witness. Whether you and Schiff need him, isn't the issue. The defense wants him, and due process says they should be allowed to have him. You're just admitting that you don't give a damn about due process.

I live the way you Schiff worshiping douchebags are so afraid to have the so-called whistleblower testify.
Hunter Biden had nothing to do with Trump extorting the president of Ukraine. Two whistleblowers testified yesterday.
So.....you're calling for the "first hand" witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, Pompeo, etc to testify then?

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
Republicans pout that they can’t interview the whistleblower while they block access to Trump, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo
The only reason they're calling for the president to testify is to harass him. The focus should be on the opinions filed in the complaints anyway, not an attempt to get the president or cabinet members under oath.

Democrats need a valid complaint to an actual crime before we get to that point. They have neither.

Clinton testified under oath
Why won’t Trump?
He's too busy grabbing himself.
It is a fact. Sorry to burst your Leftist bubble. You keep losing debates to me. Aren't you tired of losing or are you used to it? Loser.

only in yer mind, zog. only in yer mind.

Really? Should I bring up our pro choice debate? You ran with your tail tucked between your legs. I was polite too and you came off like the usual moonbat.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa................... what? wow- what's it like to stroke yer own ego like donny? will you also claim you are a stable genius too? i most likely bailed because you were getting more ridiculous & wasting my time.

Nope, you bailed because you lost. Again. But you tell yourself whatever you like. Take some more anti depressants.


Keep deflecting. When it comes to the real issues you bail. Like most in your flawed party.
don't have to. prove he did it all by himself. & bloviating doesn't count. GO!
I know you don't, it isn't there. you prove me correct.

you & zog share the same brain?
At least I have one. What's your excuse?

you haven't proven that.

then show me wrong.

i see you glossed over the link proving you wrong.

Republican strategy

Block access to those with direct involvement then proclaim......all you have is hearsay
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
Republicans pout that they can’t interview the whistleblower while they block access to Trump, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo
The only reason they're calling for the president to testify is to harass him. The focus should be on the opinions filed in the complaints anyway, not an attempt to get the president or cabinet members under oath.

Democrats need a valid complaint to an actual crime before we get to that point. They have neither.

Clinton testified under oath
Why won’t Trump?
He's too busy grabbing himself.

Why are you projecting, Fawn? LOL
Just because Gym Jordan said they were STAR WITNESSES doesn't make it so.

Come on now, you know this. Gym is not a Democrat and doesn't determine their strategy.

The Democrats are BUILDING their case and will save the stars for later. These guys were probably the G league stars.

So even though any criminal or congressional case always starts out with their star witnesses, the Democrats didn't do it this time? You mean they are just warming up??? :laughing0301:

Cases do not always start with star witnesses. Why do you say that? It's not only a false claim, the reverse is often true - the star witness is withheld until the foundation is laid.

No, it's a strategy. If you can cast the most doubt in the minds of people that the subject is guilty, it taints their view of less important following witnesses.

Watch if I'm not correct. Their other witnesses will be weaker and more comical than these two clowns. This is the best they have.

If you think those men were clowns, you're an idiot.

Oh please....when Jordan got done with Taylor, he had the look on his face like he just got busted with somebody else's wife. He looked more confused than a baby at a topless bar.
He was speechless, alright. But not because Jordan was so "astute." Jordan's good at what he does, as the Republican's doberman. I agree. But Jordan is 95% bark and his nips yesterday barely broke skin.
only in yer mind, zog. only in yer mind.

Really? Should I bring up our pro choice debate? You ran with your tail tucked between your legs. I was polite too and you came off like the usual moonbat.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaa................... what? wow- what's it like to stroke yer own ego like donny? will you also claim you are a stable genius too? i most likely bailed because you were getting more ridiculous & wasting my time.

Nope, you bailed because you lost. Again. But you tell yourself whatever you like. Take some more anti depressants.


Keep deflecting. When it comes to the real issues you bail. Like most in your flawed party.

whatever gets you thru the day, zog dude.
Again, unless intent can be proven there can be no impeachment. This is a waste of a thread.
Intent seems obvious
Actions show intent

Intent to investigate 2016 or impact 2020? Prove the intent was to impact 2020. I'll wait patiently. Intent HAS NOT been proven. Debate me honestly on this don't give me a smiley emoji and run away like you usually do.

Both are actions to improve Trumps chances in 2020 and are based primarily on conspiracy theories

Trump: I hear the missing servers from 2016 have magically appeared in Ukraine. You need to investigate that
That's a claim with no visible means of support. You certainly can't ever prove it
Says the lackey for the shysters who've blocked access to the whistlegossip.
Republicans pout that they can’t interview the whistleblower while they block access to Trump, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo
The only reason they're calling for the president to testify is to harass him. The focus should be on the opinions filed in the complaints anyway, not an attempt to get the president or cabinet members under oath.

Democrats need a valid complaint to an actual crime before we get to that point. They have neither.

Clinton testified under oath
Why won’t Trump?
He's too busy grabbing himself.

Why are you projecting, Fawn? LOL
Sadly, I know you are but what am I, truly is the extent of your intellect .

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