
here's a transcript.

Funny how the very same thing that makes for good foreign policy by the Left is an impeachable crime when Trump does it.
Another wasted day the swamp democrat leaders carry on this impeachment charade. All taken advantage of by the hard working tax payer expense.
The important thing is, yesterday was the BIG DAY, the STAR WITNESSES, the day that they were SUPPOSED to GET TRUMP, but it fizzled like a melting lollipop.
So today, not only is no one covering this FARCE, no one wants to WATCH IT.
It's OVER. The dems blew their wad and it's OVER.
Now comes the IG report, and the demtrash have a RUDE AWAKENING coming.

Thank you! I was about to ask-- -- -- I turned the TV on at 10AM.
  • CBS nothing.
  • ABC nothing.
  • NBC nothing.
  • PBS nothing.
  • FOX nothing.
So I tried again at 11AM. Still nothing but soap operas and Sesame Street. Guess the networks lost enough revenue for one day. Oh well, yesterday was a screaming yawner anyway. I suppose the remainder will be left for some obscure cable channel now where no one will watch it or care.

Trump was right again. Is it too late to ask for a refund? I figure the democrats are into every taxpaying in this country now for a few bucks. Democrats: consider that my campaign contribution for whatever fuckwit you eventually nominate.

Nobody is scheduled to testify today.
The idiots shouldn't have scheduled anyone yesterday.
Another wasted day the swamp democrat leaders carry on this impeachment charade. All taken advantage of by the hard working tax payer expense.
The important thing is, yesterday was the BIG DAY, the STAR WITNESSES, the day that they were SUPPOSED to GET TRUMP, but it fizzled like a melting lollipop.
So today, not only is no one covering this FARCE, no one wants to WATCH IT.
It's OVER. The dems blew their wad and it's OVER.
Now comes the IG report, and the demtrash have a RUDE AWAKENING coming.

Thank you! I was about to ask-- -- -- I turned the TV on at 10AM.
  • CBS nothing.
  • ABC nothing.
  • NBC nothing.
  • PBS nothing.
  • FOX nothing.
So I tried again at 11AM. Still nothing but soap operas and Sesame Street. Guess the networks lost enough revenue for one day. Oh well, yesterday was a screaming yawner anyway. I suppose the remainder will be left for some obscure cable channel now where no one will watch it or care.

Trump was right again. Is it too late to ask for a refund? I figure the democrats are into every taxpaying in this country now for a few bucks. Democrats: consider that my campaign contribution for whatever fuckwit you eventually nominate.

Nobody is scheduled to testify today.
The idiots shouldn't have scheduled anyone yesterday.
no witness was .
Lying fucking moron...
Article II
ARTICLE II, ABUSE OF POWER. (Approved 28-10)

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice in the conduct of lawful inquiries, of contravening the law of governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposes of these agencies.​
D. Article IV--Abuse of Power

Article IV - 1
1. The President abused his power by refusing and failing to respond to certain written requests for admission and willfully made perjurious, false, and misleading sworn statements in response to certain written requests for admission propounded to him by the Committee​
Quote the statute titled "Abuse of power." The fact that a bunch of Dims made up a crime means nothing.
There doesn't have to be a statute, ya lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

Have you learned nothing at all??

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic, if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role.” ~ Lindsey Graham
Wrong. For something to be a crime, there has to be a statute. Otherwise it's just a whine.

Trump has committed crimes but you don't have to commit a crime to be fired from your job.
The Constitution says "high crimes and misdemeanors," not "if the Dims have a hissy fit."
Last time I checked, beating Cankles in an election doesn't qualify.
Since you can't back up that claim, dumbfuck...... link us up to the part of the treaty that says the President can't use it.

Nowhere in there does it say the President can't use it. In fact, it never even mentions the President, dumbfuck.

Try again, dumbfuck.

You lose again, dumbfuck.

Dumbfuck, what part of, "each Contracting State shall have a Central Authority to make and receive requests pursuant to this treaty," is above your single digit IQ?
Where does it say the president can't simply make a personal request?
When the request is (1) asking a foreign country for assistance in his campaign (you'd think he would have learned....) and (2) he is withholding funds already approved by the Congress in order to force that country to assist.
I could simply make a personal request that you shoot someone for me, and you know what would happen? I'd end up in jail.

I've been asking you people, if that's what you really think, then please provide evidence that Trump withheld money as a campaign strategy. Trump had several other reasons for holding back that money, and never mentioned his campaign once to Zelensky in that phone call.

Again, this is the Thought Police impeachment. And next commie President, our Republican led House will do the exact same; impeach based on being able to read minds.
And Trump has been obstructing to save his ass since 2017.
Obstructing what? The corrupt democrat coup?
There has been no coup.
Correct, it is a failed coup.
So the democrats attempted to overthrow Trump in order to make Mike Pence president.

That's what Trump has told you.

Trump wasn't up for impeachment yet when the Democrats were talking about impeaching Pence as well.

This has nothing to do with penalties or wrongdoing, it has to do with Nazism. Democrats think they own this country, and always will. Only they get to decide on who the President is, not the people.
The important thing is, yesterday was the BIG DAY, the STAR WITNESSES, the day that they were SUPPOSED to GET TRUMP, but it fizzled like a melting lollipop.

So today, not only is no one covering this FARCE, no one wants to WATCH IT.

It's OVER. The dems blew their wad and it's OVER.

Now comes the IG report, and the demtrash have a RUDE AWAKENING coming.
No one is scheduled to testify today. This is just the beginning son.
"Hurry up and wait".....been hearing that since Nov 2016.:21:
And Trump has been obstructing to save his ass since 2017.
obstructing what? you never made a claim of the investigation you're after.

Yawn! You know exactly what Trump has done. And what's so pathetic is you don't mind him breaking the law. Now democrats can let this go on and then when a democrat becomes president, they let him/her do what Trump is doing.

Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
And Trump has been obstructing to save his ass since 2017.
Obstructing what? The corrupt democrat coup?
There has been no coup.
Correct, it is a failed coup.
So the democrats attempted to overthrow Trump in order to make Mike Pence president.

That's what Trump has told you.

Trump wasn't up for impeachment yet when the Democrats were talking about impeaching Pence as well.

This has nothing to do with penalties or wrongdoing, it has to do with Nazism. Democrats think they own this country, and always will. Only they get to decide on who the President is, not the people.
trump isn't up for impeachment now. everyone's all fked up about it. If he were, the Judiciary Committee would have it.
No such crime.
Lying fucking moron...
Article II
ARTICLE II, ABUSE OF POWER. (Approved 28-10)

Using the powers of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens, impairing the due and proper administration of justice in the conduct of lawful inquiries, of contravening the law of governing agencies of the executive branch and the purposes of these agencies.​
D. Article IV--Abuse of Power

Article IV - 1
1. The President abused his power by refusing and failing to respond to certain written requests for admission and willfully made perjurious, false, and misleading sworn statements in response to certain written requests for admission propounded to him by the Committee​
Quote the statute titled "Abuse of power." The fact that a bunch of Dims made up a crime means nothing.
There doesn't have to be a statute, ya lying fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

Have you learned nothing at all??

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic, if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role.” ~ Lindsey Graham
Wrong. For something to be a crime, there has to be a statute. Otherwise it's just a whine.

Trump has committed crimes but you don't have to commit a crime to be fired from your job.

No, but they can only fire you if you did something against company policy, or something dangerous that would make them liable. Coming in late for a month is not against the law, but the company requires you to be there on time every day with some exceptions.
Since you can't back up that claim, dumbfuck...... link us up to the part of the treaty that says the President can't use it.

Nowhere in there does it say the President can't use it. In fact, it never even mentions the President, dumbfuck.

Try again, dumbfuck.

You lose again, dumbfuck.

Dumbfuck, what part of, "each Contracting State shall have a Central Authority to make and receive requests pursuant to this treaty," is above your single digit IQ?
Where does it say the president can't simply make a personal request?
In the constitution and federal election laws. Because this was not a personal request. He was not holding back personal money from the Ukraine.

It may have been a personal request, but it had nothing to do with the money.
You were better off with crickets.

Their star witness said there was no linkage and the deliverable is data on Biden and what looks like to any logical person a blatant case of nepotism. I do not see anything wrong with that. Why do you?

Let me ask you this, Federico, if Trump is impeached and jailed would you still want to know how Hunter Biden got that gig or would you not care?

That's a false statement - the deliverable was for a public statement by Ukraine's prez that Biden was under investigation.

Hunter Biden should not have sought or accepted that job. It was nepotistic corruption. It shouldn't have happened. Joe Biden was running his mouth, trying to puff himself up in the foreign policy arena, by claiming toughness in getting rid of the Ukranian prosecutor, when he was just the errand boy for people holding the reins. It was his bad, and it opened him to the false narrative you folks are pushing. There has been no evidence offered that Hunter Biden was under investigation at any time in Ukraine. I know he got the job because of his name.

That said, the deliverable Trump wanted was completely corrupt and unrelated to any facts on the ground. The 2016 Crowdstrike question is a disinformation campaign with multiple targets, 2020 voters included.

The table-setter you and your leg-humping buddy, Jim Jordan, insist is the star witness, is an honest man who testified honestly that he didn't discuss security assistance in his first two meetings with Zelensky (I think on July 26 and 27) and when it was subsequently discussed with others present, no linkage was made. As an adult, do you find that suspicious or completely normal?

So, Marcelo, you agree that the Hunter Biden gig was fishy. Your issue is that you believe Trump held up aid until Ukraine investigated the fishy issue?

No, you can take your intentional stupidity, fold it into a triangle, and stick it up your ass.
Triggered? Why so bitter. This will not be the last debate you lose to me. Chill, Julio.

Your Tucker Carlson fanboy routine, "so, you agree..." doesn't deserve respect. It's not an argument, it's an insult to intelligence. You're welcome to keep it.
Their star witness said there was no linkage and the deliverable is data on Biden and what looks like to any logical person a blatant case of nepotism. I do not see anything wrong with that. Why do you?

Let me ask you this, Federico, if Trump is impeached and jailed would you still want to know how Hunter Biden got that gig or would you not care?

That's a false statement - the deliverable was for a public statement by Ukraine's prez that Biden was under investigation.

Hunter Biden should not have sought or accepted that job. It was nepotistic corruption. It shouldn't have happened. Joe Biden was running his mouth, trying to puff himself up in the foreign policy arena, by claiming toughness in getting rid of the Ukranian prosecutor, when he was just the errand boy for people holding the reins. It was his bad, and it opened him to the false narrative you folks are pushing. There has been no evidence offered that Hunter Biden was under investigation at any time in Ukraine. I know he got the job because of his name.

That said, the deliverable Trump wanted was completely corrupt and unrelated to any facts on the ground. The 2016 Crowdstrike question is a disinformation campaign with multiple targets, 2020 voters included.

The table-setter you and your leg-humping buddy, Jim Jordan, insist is the star witness, is an honest man who testified honestly that he didn't discuss security assistance in his first two meetings with Zelensky (I think on July 26 and 27) and when it was subsequently discussed with others present, no linkage was made. As an adult, do you find that suspicious or completely normal?

So, Marcelo, you agree that the Hunter Biden gig was fishy. Your issue is that you believe Trump held up aid until Ukraine investigated the fishy issue?

No, you can take your intentional stupidity, fold it into a triangle, and stick it up your ass.
Triggered? Why so bitter. This will not be the last debate you lose to me. Chill, Julio.

Your Tucker Carlson fanboy routine, "so, you agree..." doesn't deserve respect. It's not an argument, it's an insult to intelligence. You're welcome to keep it.
In you case there isn't anything to insult, Gomez.
Hunter Biden should not have sought or accepted that job. It was nepotistic corruption.

This is most likely wrong. Nepotism it would have been had Joe used the power of his office to secure Hunter's gig at Burisma. At the very least, there is no evidence whatsoever for that. You are right maintaining Hunter should not have accepted that job in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Still, words do matter.

I should have chosen my words more carefully, but I was trying to convey its irrelevance to Trump's actions. It wasn't illegal and there was no basis for the conspiracy bullshit Trump was peddling.
Obstructing what? The corrupt democrat coup?
There has been no coup.
Correct, it is a failed coup.
So the democrats attempted to overthrow Trump in order to make Mike Pence president.

That's what Trump has told you.

Trump wasn't up for impeachment yet when the Democrats were talking about impeaching Pence as well.

This has nothing to do with penalties or wrongdoing, it has to do with Nazism. Democrats think they own this country, and always will. Only they get to decide on who the President is, not the people.
trump isn't up for impeachment now. everyone's all fked up about it. If he were, the Judiciary Committee would have it.

At the very least, Piglosi would be conducting it. Seems like she wants to distance herself from this farce. She will regret it as the first woman Speaker who lost her position twice in her career.
That's a false statement - the deliverable was for a public statement by Ukraine's prez that Biden was under investigation.

Hunter Biden should not have sought or accepted that job. It was nepotistic corruption. It shouldn't have happened. Joe Biden was running his mouth, trying to puff himself up in the foreign policy arena, by claiming toughness in getting rid of the Ukranian prosecutor, when he was just the errand boy for people holding the reins. It was his bad, and it opened him to the false narrative you folks are pushing. There has been no evidence offered that Hunter Biden was under investigation at any time in Ukraine. I know he got the job because of his name.

That said, the deliverable Trump wanted was completely corrupt and unrelated to any facts on the ground. The 2016 Crowdstrike question is a disinformation campaign with multiple targets, 2020 voters included.

The table-setter you and your leg-humping buddy, Jim Jordan, insist is the star witness, is an honest man who testified honestly that he didn't discuss security assistance in his first two meetings with Zelensky (I think on July 26 and 27) and when it was subsequently discussed with others present, no linkage was made. As an adult, do you find that suspicious or completely normal?

So, Marcelo, you agree that the Hunter Biden gig was fishy. Your issue is that you believe Trump held up aid until Ukraine investigated the fishy issue?

No, you can take your intentional stupidity, fold it into a triangle, and stick it up your ass.
Triggered? Why so bitter. This will not be the last debate you lose to me. Chill, Julio.

Your Tucker Carlson fanboy routine, "so, you agree..." doesn't deserve respect. It's not an argument, it's an insult to intelligence. You're welcome to keep it.
In you case there isn't anything to insult, Gomez.

Sure there is. You're a coward who has been ducking the question of the "deliverable" for days. I expressed an honest opinion, and you respond with your juvenile "so" bullshit, and some Spanish names. Stick it, gomer.

Of course not. Do you bet on centaur races too?
I bet on sure things. Trump was a sure thing. And I bet on him and won. how fking sweet huh?

So not only do you bet on centaur races, you bet on unicorns. Trump is president by fluke, so you didn't bet on a sure thing. It's apparent why you voted for Trump.
/——-/ The Electoral College is a fluke? Since when, 1780?
No one is scheduled to testify today. This is just the beginning son.
"Hurry up and wait".....been hearing that since Nov 2016.:21:
And Trump has been obstructing to save his ass since 2017.
obstructing what? you never made a claim of the investigation you're after.

Yawn! You know exactly what Trump has done. And what's so pathetic is you don't mind him breaking the law. Now democrats can let this go on and then when a democrat becomes president, they let him/her do what Trump is doing.

Name the law he broke and please provide the statute. Thank you.
No. You know what laws he has broken. You are able to name every law on the books for Obama , Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan Biden, etc., but you watch Trump tell people to defy subpoenas, he defies subpoenas, refuses to testify, asks a foreign government to investigate his opponent and suddenly you don't know what laws he has broken. Fuck that.
I know exactly what's happening in this country. I don't live In your alternative facts America.
sure you do. that's why you're so confused, no one testified yesterday.

Of course not. Do you bet on centaur races too?
I bet on sure things. Trump was a sure thing. And I bet on him and won. how fking sweet huh?

So not only do you bet on centaur races, you bet on unicorns. Trump is president by fluke, so you didn't bet on a sure thing. It's apparent why you voted for Trump.
/——-/ The Electoral College is a fluke? Since when, 1780?
Since only 5 presidents out of 55 elections lost the popular vote and ends up president.

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