3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
Mueller was mainly focused on Trump. Biden was not in the cross hairs of his investigation. Mueller's investigation did not look at any "Tampering with (the) election" if it had democrat fingerprints. Hell, he didn't even recognize the name Fusion GPS when he testified before congress.
Mueller was a joke. It was an investigation looking for a crime, same as this Adam ScHITt show impeachment inquiry, an impeachment LOOKING FOR A CRIME.

Democrats are the party of TRASH. They are corrupt to the core, along with their DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING that carries the water and covers for them.
The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.
Laura Ingraham Literally Said 'Attempted Bribery Is Not In Constitution'

Yes Fox News idiots are admitting the crime.

And newsflash, "attempted" criminal acts are crimes in themselves

He got caught in the act...because the whistle blower came forward...and that's the only reason he didn't succeed
Aid was never even mentioned in the phone calls. Trump furnished aid that Obama with held and required noting in exchange. But Trump's right, they should get to the bottom of Ukraine's interference in our election and with the Biden's Bribery scheme and see how it interactions with Biden's extortion to get the prosecutor fired.

Impeachment Show:
Confirmed: Dems switched from “quid pro quo” to “bribery” because a focus group told them it was better

3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
Mueller was mainly focused on Trump. Biden was not in the cross hairs of his investigation. Mueller's investigation did not look at any "Tampering with (the) election" if it had democrat fingerprints. Hell, he didn't even recognize the name Fusion GPS when he testified before congress.
So an opposition research company provided opposition research for a paying client?
Thats not foreign meddling in an election.

Or, if youre referring to dossier, it wasnt publicly known during election. But even if it were, the Kremlin likely attempted to insert misinformation into it, to undermine it.
The president getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then backing off does not excuse him of using his power as president to bribe a foreign power for his own political gain.
  1. Since when do we owe Ukraine anything especially for nothing in return?
  2. Every foreign deal comes with elements of benefit to both sides. Except this one?
  3. How is trying to investigate a crime committed years ago by a top US official, especially one involving trying to tamper with an election, "getting caught with your hand in a jar?"
  4. What was the political gain for Trump in any of this? Biden's not even his opponent in next year's election! Just a very unlikely one.
WON'T IT BE FUNNY NOW after Hillary, Biden and the Democrat's using help from both Ukraine and Russia trying to smear Trump failed in 2016, that Trump is removed from office for trying to expose what went on only to have Biden then go on to become the new president anyway?! :auiqs.jpg:

Our conversion to Full Banana Republic will have been complete.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
1) withholding funds for policial purpose is abuse of power. Or, asking another country to announce fake investigation of polical opponent also is abuse of power. Together its bribery.

2) "If you don't announce that it's a bank robbery, it's not a bank robbery!"

3) can you read? it says Ukraine investigated the Bidens

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"
Just how dumb is our President?

Trump's order to retreat in Syria betrayed a key ally who suffered 11,000 casualties in quelling the ISIS terrorist threat. Trump's retreat order facilitated the Turkish invasion of Syria and the attempt by the Turkish dictator, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to annihilate the Kurds who he regards as terrorists.

Trump enabled Erdogan to kill hundreds of Kurds and causing thousands more to abandon their homes, becoming refugees.

While desperate Republicans are trying vainly to defend Trump from his own incriminating statements, guess who Trump invites to the White House.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

"Trump’s mistake in Syria is the unexpected ‘lottery win’ that further strengthened Moscow’s position in the Middle East and undermined America’s prestige as a rational political player and a reliable partner,” raved Mikhail Rostovsky in his article for the Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Kremlin-funded Russian state television has openly sided with Trump in the impeachment inquiry.

The President of the United States committed witness intimation in real time by assailing the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, while she was being questioned by members of the House of Representatives. "Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad," Trump wrote.

Another close associate of Trump's is convicted of a felony. Roger Stone, 67, was convicted in federal court of seven felonies for obstructing the congressional inquiry, lying to investigators under oath and trying to block the testimony of a witness whose account would have exposed his lies. Jurors deliberated for a little over seven hours before convicting him on all counts. Together, the charges carry a maximum prison term of 50 years.

Stone joins Trump's campaign manager, Trump's deputy campaign manager, Trump's former NSA, Trump's former personal lawyer, Trump's campaign foreign policy advisor on the list felons who have worked for Trump.

How in the world did this man become our President?

Your post is stupid. Take a look at the facts before spout bullshit talking points.
1. Trump saved US lives in Syria. The Kurds and Turkey have been fighting for centuries. The Kurds helped the US defeat ISIS, to the benefit of both sides.
2. The Turks were going to invade whether US troops were present or not, and warned the US to vacate their "buffer zone"
3. There was no wholesale slaughter of Kurds
4. Who cares what Russia says? They have an economy the size of Italy or NY State. The Trump sanctions are crippling Russia.
5. Russian TV can play games with democrat's heads, but only Bernie honeymooned in Communist Russia.
6. Witness intimidation is bullshit. Yovanovitch witnessed no Trump crimes, none, zilch, nada, zero, nil...
7. Roger Stone shouldn't have lied, next...
8. The Mueller Investigation trapped Flynn, Manafort's crimes were pre-Trump, Cohen's crimes did not involve Trump, Popadope was setup by the CIA and spent 2-weeks in jail. We;ll see what happens when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz start issuing their indictments won't we?
9. Trump became president because voters wanted an outsider to drain the DC swamp. Trump is doing just that. We want more of the same in 2020-2025.

That actually looks like Schiff.
Once the Democrats vote to send this thing to the Senate, they better be ready for the witness list I'm sure the Republican leadership is assembling. This is where we'll find out if the rubber meats the road,
Which is why Pelosi will never let this go to the Senate
Democrats will vote to impeach Trump
The Senate will not remove Trump
DC coxuckers get paid to play partisan politics instead of solving problems
A president using foreign aid money to shake down another country`s leader for personal favors is a problem. Should all presidents be allowed to do that or just Trump?
Democrats will vote to impeach Trump
The Senate will not remove Trump
DC coxuckers get paid to play partisan politics instead of solving problems
A president using foreign aid money to shake down another country`s leader for personal favors is a problem. Should all presidents be allowed to do that or just Trump?
Biden proudly admitted it
Democrats will vote to impeach Trump
The Senate will not remove Trump
DC coxuckers get paid to play partisan politics instead of solving problems
A president using foreign aid money to shake down another country`s leader for personal favors is a problem. Should all presidents be allowed to do that or just Trump?

You don't have evidence for it and now you have three national embarrassments


Crawl away in shame
Nobody watched the stupid joke that were supposed to be all about Democrats trying to look 'serious n stuff' and pretending to have morals and principles; it blew up in their faces, like their incompetent 'Russiagate' silliness; they got no bounce from it at all. That's because everyone knows about Obama and Hillary's deals with Putin, and the $145 milllion 'donation' to the 'Clinton Foundation', and Podesta's millions from Russian deals. We still don't know much about the Red China deals, and we know they can't let the Bidens testify because they;re too stupid to be trusted in sworn testimony deals and would have to be advised to take the 5th several hundred times an hour.
Once the Democrats vote to send this thing to the Senate, they better be ready for the witness list I'm sure the Republican leadership is assembling. This is where we'll find out if the rubber meats the road,

I'm starting to wonder if they will have to cower and retreat at this point. If they will vote NOT to impeach now because they both fear this AND the havoc it will cause their Senate candidates in the election year

Oh man that would be perfect. All this and a retreat at the end
Heard it from a MSN who
Heard it from a CNN who
Heard it from FOX you been messin' around

They say you got a ruskie friend
You're colludin’ every weekend
Now they're talkin' about takin you down

But Knowing the MAGA hood
They’re talkin’ trash, cuz the story’s too good
While Flynn and Stone go on down the line
But I'm telling you, babe
That I don't think through, babe
And even if it is keep this in mind

You take it for a sum baby
If that's the way you want it baby

Then we don't want you around
You’re cronies received it, and Congress believed it
You're all for a sum, so you take it and run

You're thinking up press core lies
You're putting on your offal office eyes
You say you're not the storm but you’re howling wind
But I can feel it coming
Your ‘20 seat ain’t running
And we need never look back again

w/apologies to REO

1) withholding funds for policial purpose is abuse of power. Or, asking another country to announce fake investigation of polical opponent also is abuse of power. Together its bribery.

Asking is not bribing. Bribing is when you have negative information about somebody, and threaten to expose them if they don't do your bidding. No evidence Trump ever did that.

2) "If you don't announce that it's a bank robbery, it's not a bank robbery!"

Terrible comparison. A better one would be taking money out of the bank. If you withdraw cash from your savings account, and your neighbor sees you have a lot of cash, which you tell him you got from the bank, and he assumes you robbed the bank, that's not grounds to arrest anybody if he calls the cops.

Trump openly stated he had several good reasons for the withholding of money, including one of his campaign promises which was pressure the rest of the UN members to pony up a bit. The Democrats, the liars they are, ASSUMED it had to do with Slow Joe's candidacy, and they probably didn't even do that. Since they are looking for ways to try and get rid of Trump, they are using that as a cheap excuse. Like I said, you can't impeach somebody based on mind reading, because nobody can read minds on this planet.

The better question is can you read? Instead of just Googling links, try opening up the story for yourself.

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

And that's not an impeachable offense either.
DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.

Except Trump was doing exactly that. He was withholding $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine when he made that phone call to the new president of Ukraine. You fail.
DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.

Except Trump was doing exactly that. He was withholding $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine when he made that phone call to the new president of Ukraine. You fail.

No evidence, which even the Dem witnesses admitted.

Sad trombone.

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