Not a big fan of AOC but Pelosi is very bright very capable,,,,,,,,and you want to blame gwb on dems ?? Who tf voted for him?? I have to admit I did in 2000,,,, I'll never forget that mistake

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
You might be right if America puts up with his bullshit again I have faith in you repubs

Tell me eddie, do you think the Soviet Star Chamber and the Stalinist Show Trial HELPED you Communists? Do you think your chances of retaining the 18 seats needed for your majority are better now than they were before Lying Schitt started?
I think that one went outta the park. Home run!

It's the bottom of the 5th and a new pitcher is warming up. it's a new ballgame. Doubleday would be proud.
No it's a problem for the left..........3 years of I GOTCHA..........and FLOP.

And here we go again............You guys are so wrong all the time.........why should anyone listen to people who are always wrong.
Again? We haven't been going after Trump for 3 years. You're delusional.
What?????? :laughing0301:
Name how the left has been going after Trump for 3 years.....

Comey started in mid 2016 and they haven't stopped since.

The Mueller investigation was done by Republicans.

How was it done by Republicans when everybody on his team was an anti-Trump'r or Hillary supporter?
Dem's only appear smart in comparison to nitwits like AOC and Pelosi. Hence your confusion when a guy like George Bush whoops your ass twice. The man could barely complete a sentence. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not a big fan of AOC but Pelosi is very bright very capable,,,,,,,,and you want to blame gwb on dems ?? Who tf voted for him?? I have to admit I did in 2000,,,, I'll never forget that mistake

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
You might be right if America puts up with his bullshit again I have faith in you repubs

Tell me eddie, do you think the Soviet Star Chamber and the Stalinist Show Trial HELPED you Communists? Do you think your chances of retaining the 18 seats needed for your majority are better now than they were before Lying Schitt started?
I really think ,now that you asked ,that you're in serious jeopardy of losing the senate when America finds out how you played Russia against America How your 3 POS conspired to make the AH trump seem innocent
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.
^^^ another dumbfuck who can't comprehend the difference between criminal prosecutions and civil complaints. :eusa_doh:

Sure I can, most of the protections provided a criminal defendant are also provided to a civil defendant. The right to face your accuser is one of them.

Prove it, given the Constitution states it applies to "criminal prosecutions" ...

If you could read you'd know that Federal Civil Procedure almost perfectly mirrors Federal Criminal Procedure. Compliant, discovery, jury selection, trial and verdict.

civil procedure
They think they can hotwire the rules to get the outcome they want, when the outcome they desire requires a very broad consensus, which will not occur with complete confidence that the process has been above reproach.
Dumbfuck, there's nothing you can say that will redeem your fellow dumbfuck. The 6th Amendment applies to criminal cases, not civil cases. If fucking says so....

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

What this stupid commie dumb fuck won't tell you is the right to face your accusers is applicable in both Civil and Criminal procedures and that was the topic of discussion.

Again? We haven't been going after Trump for 3 years. You're delusional.
What?????? :laughing0301:
Name how the left has been going after Trump for 3 years.....

Comey started in mid 2016 and they haven't stopped since.

The Mueller investigation was done by Republicans.

Bullshit, the only so called Republican was the senile figurehead.

Pelosi is so smart she presided over the biggest historical Dem loss in nearly 100 years that's how good she is. Oh wait :21:

And she is doubling down. 2020 will be a blowout, the Communists will be routed in the house and lose position in the Senate. It's forgone that Trump will easily win reelection.
You might be right if America puts up with his bullshit again I have faith in you repubs

Tell me eddie, do you think the Soviet Star Chamber and the Stalinist Show Trial HELPED you Communists? Do you think your chances of retaining the 18 seats needed for your majority are better now than they were before Lying Schitt started?
I think that one went outta the park. Home run!

It's the bottom of the 5th and a new pitcher is warming up. it's a new ballgame. Doubleday would be proud.
You ain't seen nothing yet, honey. :D
I really think ,now that you asked ,that you're in serious jeopardy of losing the senate when America finds out how you played Russia against America How your 3 POS conspired to make the AH trump seem innocent

Uh eddie, you already lost on the collusion conspiracy theory; this is about Trump trying to investigate Joe Biden taking kickbacks from Burisma. According to you Communists, corruption is okay, investigating corruption is impeachable.

Your dementia is really kicking in....
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
Fake Dave, I've already showed how you lie to make your points. You're a silly child.
You denying the quid pro quo with Biden just shows how much of a liar you are.
His son was going to be investigated by the prosecutor, and uncle Joe shut it down with
his quid pro quo/extortion/bribery. along, child. the way...Bless your heart.
There's no quid pro quo on Biden's part unless you can show he personally got something out of it -- and you can't.
He got the prosecutor fired... Checkmate.

You just mated yourself, ya moron. You failed to show how Biden gained personally from that. :eusa_doh:
Public servants who wreak of improprieties need to sit in the corner for a few years at Leavenworth until they are cured of their thieving and attempted joint coverups.
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.


:lol: You fucking commies are the dumbest turds on earth.
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.


:lol: You fucking commies are the dumbest turds on earth.

You mean you missed the white panel truck?
We all know the reason: it's because Democrats are deranged moon-bats who have been wanting to impeach Trump since the day elected, especially the so-called "whistleblower."

Now that we know that Eric Fucking Ciaramella is the mole, the democrats are fucked. It's about on the level of Chuck Schumer filing a complaint...
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
ROFL! You are incredibly naive. The Senate will be very interested to learn how the so-called "whistleblower" conspired with Schiff-for-Brains and his staff to launch this coup against Trump.
What does it matter?
The important thing is whether he committed an impeachable offence or not.
It doesn't matter who reported it.
Now that we know that Eric Fucking Ciaramella is the mole, the democrats are fucked. It's about on the level of Chuck Schumer filing a complaint...
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
ROFL! You are incredibly naive. The Senate will be very interested to learn how the so-called "whistleblower" conspired with Schiff-for-Brains and his staff to launch this coup against Trump.
What dos it matter?
The important thing is whether he committed an impeachable offence or not.
It doesn't matter who reported it.

By defeating Hillary?

After all, you Communists vowed to impeach before he was even sworn it.

For what?
For one, for soliciting campaign help from a foreign national.
You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.

So where is this damage at?
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
If it doesn't matter, then why are Schiff ass kissing turds like you trying so hard to get everyone to ignore him?

The Senate is going to rake the so-called "whistleblower" over the coals. For a least a week we will be regaled with all the evidence that he hates Trump and that he has been conspiring for three years stage a coup against him.

Schiff will also have his time in the hot seat. He won't be coming back to the House next year.
So...what does it matter if the whistleblower is the biggest Trump-hating Communist in the universe?
The enquiry is proceeding to uncover actual testimony from first-hand witnesses.
The whistleblower is no longer relevant to the process.
It doesn't matter how many times you claim otherwise, the whistleblower is highly relevant.
No he/she isn't if it's proven that he committed an impeachable offence.
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
ROFL! You are incredibly naive. The Senate will be very interested to learn how the so-called "whistleblower" conspired with Schiff-for-Brains and his staff to launch this coup against Trump.
What dos it matter?
The important thing is whether he committed an impeachable offence or not.
It doesn't matter who reported it.

By defeating Hillary?

After all, you Communists vowed to impeach before he was even sworn it.

Now that we know that Eric Fucking Ciaramella is the mole, the democrats are fucked. It's about on the level of Chuck Schumer filing a complaint...
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
ROFL! You are incredibly naive. The Senate will be very interested to learn how the so-called "whistleblower" conspired with Schiff-for-Brains and his staff to launch this coup against Trump.
What does it matter?
The important thing is whether he committed an impeachable offence or not.
It doesn't matter who reported it.

It matters, the so called WB claimed to have spoken to 4 people, if they discussed a classified call with him and he didn't have a need to know, those 4 people are in deep shit. There are no WB protections associated with this hoax, which have been proven at least 4 times in this thread and in others. shitt is just trying to cover his own ass or someone in his staff that coordinated with him. If it gets to the senate you can bet your butt he will be called. shitt won't be able to keep him hidden.

You don't get a don't have Jack Squat. And you don't have a prayer in the Senate........

So this is NOISE.
Dumbfuck, the House impeaches, not the Senate.


You're so stupid, you actually think Clinton wasn't impeached!

They don't Impeach him...............You can play this game all you's just words........if you can't win the case in the Senate............You have done NOTHING........NADDA..

And you can't win there..........and you know it............

In a Real Court they would have laughed you out of it....

After 3 years of have 2 things.



If it were a real court and the DA acted like the AG does, he would be rode out of town on a rail and disbarred in a few states. And the sitting Judge would be from the Judicial Department, the 12 jurors would be selected from the greater population. What we have is the AG is corrupt and the Jury is bought off. So much for justice. The only saving grace might be the Chief Justice residing. Can you imagine if the Chief Justice requires Rump to testify and he says NO, Executive Privilege. How'd that work out for Nixon?
Nixon resigned dummy.

He resigned to prevent having to testify in the Senate. BTW, I voted for Nixon twice after looking at the alternatives. the reasoning was a Crook was a step up from a bungling idiot twice over. Even with Watergate being held over his head, Nixon won by a landslide for reelection. Nixon was just a Crook. We could live with that. Rump is a Mob Boss style crook and we can't live with that. Surprise, I voted more Republican than I ever did Democrat until the Party of Rump seized control of the GOP and made it the POT. There are one hell of a lot of us out here. We don't want the GOP gone, we want the Party of Rump gone so we can rebuild the GOP into something we can be proud of. Until then, don't look for us to support nor vote for Rump and his supporters. If it allows the Dems to win a few then that's the price the Rumpsters should be willing to pay. Not worry, when the Rumpsters are gone, we get the GOP back to business.

By rebuilding the GOP, you mean rebuilding the establishment? Because that's what we voted against.

I know you can't be talking about rebuilding the GOP in a conservative way, because even though Trump never ran as a conservative, his policies and accomplishments are more conservative than any President in our time, and yes, I'm even including Reagan.

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