And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Russia, Russia, Russia!

WTF you mindless broken record bitch?

While Obama was the de-facto president of the USA, there was a US state department approved coup that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine that very predictably resulted in the Russian Federation quickly annexing the Crimean peninsula and parts of SE Ukraine where the gas and oil fields happen to be.

After that, Trump observantly noted that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama. Then the moonbatosphere idiots like you started accusing Trump of sucking Putin dick even though he was just stating the obvious.
Last edited:
Go back to Ike. It went to crap in the decade it wasn't in power. Then it continued to go south. In 1952, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between Truman and Ike. Somehow, both parties went to complete and utter bull crap. Ike was a conservative. And to a lesser degree so was Truman. We have over a decade of Conservative Government. And even some of Ike's and Truman's conservative Ideas overflowed into the Kennedy administration. If Ike were running today, he would not have a party to run under.

The Democrats are no longer Progessives. They are too far left to wear that title. And the Party of Rump is so far off the Conservative mark that calling it that is a bad joke. What we have is what Europe faced in the late 20s and early 30s that cemented two different ideologies. You will agree that the ones in control of the Democrat part are Socialists. What you won't see is that the Party of Rump has swung closer to the Fascist way of thinking. We are seeing what the Spaniards were faced with in 1936 where Germany and Italy Fascists were supporting one side while the USSR Communists (Socialists) were arming the other side. The Fascists won because the Fascists recieved the weapons that would go into WWII and win the first couple of years while the Socialists were getting outdated junk. Plus, the Fascists had a great military leader, the Socialists didn't.

I don't need to go into the points that shows the leaders of the Democratic Party are leaning heavily to Socialism. We both know them. But the Party of Rump fulfills 12 of the 14 conditions that Bonito wrote on how he was going to establish a Fascist State with him as the President. And he followed it to the letter. If you can't see the similarities then you are not any better than an Italian Peasant in 1923.

Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.

Even to this day, the Italians are the experts in Fascism although they don't practice it in any form. And while the Italian version had some similarities to Nazism, it never was the same. Fascism can have religion and often times did seek the support of the Catholic Church. Nazism is Pagan by nature. And unlike Nazism that cannot exist without total failure, there are different Fascist Governments that flourished like Franco that came to being in 1936 and, in many ways, still survives in Spain. Fascism didn't die with Franco, it just adapted. And Fascism is probably the most adaptable type of ruling on the face of the earth.

Benito Mussolini was not a total failure. He did the things that Rump wants to do. In fact, Rump is operating right out of Benito's writings from the early 20s. Mussolini just never got the chance to complete his quest. WWII put a hold on it and the invasion by the Allies cut it short. Some scholars wonder where Mussolini would have gone had he not been embroiled in a world war during the most critical time of cementing his creation.

The answer to that question may lie in Franco's Spanish Fascist Government. But to understand that, one has to look at the history of Spain in the 20s and 30s. During that time, Franco was not in the country. He was a War Hero and a great General. He was never a Politician. During that time, the Socialist controlled Spain and there was a good amount of unrest by the elites and many of the lesser Churches. The problem the elites had was, they had a great general that didn't care for socialism. But he was out of the country. And to sneak him into Spain would only result in his assassination. So they had him go to the Italian armies that were no in country and raise an army. But it was weak in material support. In order to get the army and Franco into the country, the Elites had so spend enormous amounts of money. The problem was, the existing sitting Military was under the Socialists. Franco's army took all of the countryside and most of the smaller cities and towns. But the larger metro areas were heavy garrisoned and under Socialist control. The revolution was fought to a dead standstill. In order to break it, Franco went to the only other source of Fascism outside of Spain and that was Italy for weapons to outgun the socialist army. M
Go back to Ike. It went to crap in the decade it wasn't in power. Then it continued to go south. In 1952, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between Truman and Ike. Somehow, both parties went to complete and utter bull crap. Ike was a conservative. And to a lesser degree so was Truman. We have over a decade of Conservative Government. And even some of Ike's and Truman's conservative Ideas overflowed into the Kennedy administration. If Ike were running today, he would not have a party to run under.

The Democrats are no longer Progessives. They are too far left to wear that title. And the Party of Rump is so far off the Conservative mark that calling it that is a bad joke. What we have is what Europe faced in the late 20s and early 30s that cemented two different ideologies. You will agree that the ones in control of the Democrat part are Socialists. What you won't see is that the Party of Rump has swung closer to the Fascist way of thinking. We are seeing what the Spaniards were faced with in 1936 where Germany and Italy Fascists were supporting one side while the USSR Communists (Socialists) were arming the other side. The Fascists won because the Fascists recieved the weapons that would go into WWII and win the first couple of years while the Socialists were getting outdated junk. Plus, the Fascists had a great military leader, the Socialists didn't.

I don't need to go into the points that shows the leaders of the Democratic Party are leaning heavily to Socialism. We both know them. But the Party of Rump fulfills 12 of the 14 conditions that Bonito wrote on how he was going to establish a Fascist State with him as the President. And he followed it to the letter. If you can't see the similarities then you are not any better than an Italian Peasant in 1923.

Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.

You need to ask the Italians to clarify what Fascism is. And while you are at it, ask the Spaniards that still have a form of it even today. While Italy has moved as far away from it as possible, Spain still has many remnants of Franco's Fascist Government. Fascism is definitely right wing. But it's in many different levels. Mussolini may have invented it but Franco made it work and it didn't die when he died. Like Franco, the Spanish Fascism adapted.

Looking at the opposite end of the spectrum, Socialism doesn't work. But you will find remnants of it throughout the world. Especially throughout Europe and even the United States. It's what makes great nations a nation but not by itself. Fascism was originally created to combat true Socialism. Lenin and Stalin had great influences on a global scale. Fascism was adopted by the Revolutionaries of Spain because it was the ideal tool to combat the socialism that ruled Spain. But Franco wasn't a Fascist. He was a great General. And much of his personality was adopted into the Spanish Fascism.

You see, Fascism comes in many flavors. Mussolini thought he had the answer when he didn't even really understand it himself all the way. He never had the chance. About the time he was seizing complete control, a world war broke out and Italy was invaded by a superior force. Mussolini tried to take Fascism to the level of Totalitarianism. While it could go there, it couldn't stay there for long. Hitler did the same for Germany with a modified version. It was much different that Mussolini's Fascism and light years from Franco's Fascism but, never the less, it was a form of Fascism. Both Mussolini and Hitler never go the chance to develop a peace version like Franco did. Spain elected to sit the war out and heal from it's own 1936 civil war. And Franco was no Mussolini or Hitler. He was a General thrust into power by the Elites and all levels of people. While he could be stern, he could also be kind.

Rump is operating or trying to operate, from the 1926 manifesto from Mussolini. It's not the end but the means to get to the end. Here are some similarities.

Mussolini got over 60% of his followers into the Italian Parliament and they rewrote the Italian Constitution. Mussolini was the Commander in Chief (the executive branch) and he controlled the congress who dissolved the Federal Court system and replaced it with their own which was totally controlled by the "Executive" branch meaning Mussolini. Mussolini used his brown shirts to enforce his will.

Now, let's look at Rump. He's trying to pack Congress with only those that he controls. he uses fear and intimidation to maintain control. He's trying to "Pack the Deck" with his own Justices that HE controls. But unlike Italy, we have two things that Italy didn't have. We have the Constitution of the United States and the Military UCMJ. Rump can't have his own Brown Shirts because the States won't allow it. Rump can't control the Supreme Court because of the Constitution and the way the Supreme Court was set up about a hundred years ago. But he's working on the Congress which he just might do is left to his own devices. An Italian Doctor (not medical) came up with the 14 points of Fascism. Rump has fulfilled or is trying to fulfill 12 of those points. He lacks the Brown Shirts so there goes on point. He can't take over either the Congress nor the Supreme Court and dissolve the other but you have to admit, he tries to control both of them. And, again, if left to his own devices, he just might accomplish one or the other. The Congress is much easier for him to control but that's not working out too well either.

One of the first things Mussolini did was to attack the Press. He hammered away at it, doing exactly what Rump is doing today. But after he weakened the message that the free press had, he then took control of the Government and started locking up journalists, having them shot, hung and worse until only the State Sponsored News Outlets existed. There was no respected Free Press left to show the pen is mightier than the sword because it isn't when the sword is allowed to be wielded against the press.

If only Rump were to take the Franco Fascist Play book from 1939 that withstood time in itself.

No, Fascism isn't left. It can be right or far right but never left. It was invented to combat the Socialists who were and still are left.
If it were a real court and the DA acted like the AG does, he would be rode out of town on a rail and disbarred in a few states. And the sitting Judge would be from the Judicial Department, the 12 jurors would be selected from the greater population. What we have is the AG is corrupt and the Jury is bought off. So much for justice. The only saving grace might be the Chief Justice residing. Can you imagine if the Chief Justice requires Rump to testify and he says NO, Executive Privilege. How'd that work out for Nixon?
Nixon resigned dummy.

He resigned to prevent having to testify in the Senate. BTW, I voted for Nixon twice after looking at the alternatives. the reasoning was a Crook was a step up from a bungling idiot twice over. Even with Watergate being held over his head, Nixon won by a landslide for reelection. Nixon was just a Crook. We could live with that. Rump is a Mob Boss style crook and we can't live with that. Surprise, I voted more Republican than I ever did Democrat until the Party of Rump seized control of the GOP and made it the POT. There are one hell of a lot of us out here. We don't want the GOP gone, we want the Party of Rump gone so we can rebuild the GOP into something we can be proud of. Until then, don't look for us to support nor vote for Rump and his supporters. If it allows the Dems to win a few then that's the price the Rumpsters should be willing to pay. Not worry, when the Rumpsters are gone, we get the GOP back to business.

By rebuilding the GOP, you mean rebuilding the establishment? Because that's what we voted against.

I know you can't be talking about rebuilding the GOP in a conservative way, because even though Trump never ran as a conservative, his policies and accomplishments are more conservative than any President in our time, and yes, I'm even including Reagan.

Go back to Ike. It went to crap in the decade it wasn't in power. Then it continued to go south. In 1952, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between Truman and Ike. Somehow, both parties went to complete and utter bull crap. Ike was a conservative. And to a lesser degree so was Truman. We have over a decade of Conservative Government. And even some of Ike's and Truman's conservative Ideas overflowed into the Kennedy administration. If Ike were running today, he would not have a party to run under.

The Democrats are no longer Progessives. They are too far left to wear that title. And the Party of Rump is so far off the Conservative mark that calling it that is a bad joke. What we have is what Europe faced in the late 20s and early 30s that cemented two different ideologies. You will agree that the ones in control of the Democrat part are Socialists. What you won't see is that the Party of Rump has swung closer to the Fascist way of thinking. We are seeing what the Spaniards were faced with in 1936 where Germany and Italy Fascists were supporting one side while the USSR Communists (Socialists) were arming the other side. The Fascists won because the Fascists recieved the weapons that would go into WWII and win the first couple of years while the Socialists were getting outdated junk. Plus, the Fascists had a great military leader, the Socialists didn't.

I don't need to go into the points that shows the leaders of the Democratic Party are leaning heavily to Socialism. We both know them. But the Party of Rump fulfills 12 of the 14 conditions that Bonito wrote on how he was going to establish a Fascist State with him as the President. And he followed it to the letter. If you can't see the similarities then you are not any better than an Italian Peasant in 1923.
I wish Ike was back.................Then we could Operation Wet Back 2 ...........and after he is done your side wouldn't have a pot to piss in when they are gone...................

You have to import voters to win.......You've been doing that for decades.............Because you couldn't fool most of America...........The illegals vote for you, and YES THEY VOTE,.........because you want Open borders and they know it.

Ike from the grave for President...............

You just earned an award. Wear it with Honor.

And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Russia, Russia, Russia!

WTF you mindless broken record bitch?

While Obama was the de-facto president of the USA, there was a US state department approved coup that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine that very predictably resulted in the Russian Federation quickly annexing the Crimean peninsula and parts of SE Ukraine where the gas and oil fields happen to be.

After that, Trump observantly noted that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama. Then the moonbatosphere idiots like you started accusing Trump of sucking Putin dick even though he was just stating the obvious.

yes, Putin is your hero. Hows the weather in St Petersburg.
For one, for soliciting campaign help from a foreign national.
You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
Go back to Ike. It went to crap in the decade it wasn't in power. Then it continued to go south. In 1952, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between Truman and Ike. Somehow, both parties went to complete and utter bull crap. Ike was a conservative. And to a lesser degree so was Truman. We have over a decade of Conservative Government. And even some of Ike's and Truman's conservative Ideas overflowed into the Kennedy administration. If Ike were running today, he would not have a party to run under.

The Democrats are no longer Progessives. They are too far left to wear that title. And the Party of Rump is so far off the Conservative mark that calling it that is a bad joke. What we have is what Europe faced in the late 20s and early 30s that cemented two different ideologies. You will agree that the ones in control of the Democrat part are Socialists. What you won't see is that the Party of Rump has swung closer to the Fascist way of thinking. We are seeing what the Spaniards were faced with in 1936 where Germany and Italy Fascists were supporting one side while the USSR Communists (Socialists) were arming the other side. The Fascists won because the Fascists recieved the weapons that would go into WWII and win the first couple of years while the Socialists were getting outdated junk. Plus, the Fascists had a great military leader, the Socialists didn't.

I don't need to go into the points that shows the leaders of the Democratic Party are leaning heavily to Socialism. We both know them. But the Party of Rump fulfills 12 of the 14 conditions that Bonito wrote on how he was going to establish a Fascist State with him as the President. And he followed it to the letter. If you can't see the similarities then you are not any better than an Italian Peasant in 1923.

Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Russia, Russia, Russia!

WTF you mindless broken record bitch?

While Obama was the de-facto president of the USA, there was a US state department approved coup that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine that very predictably resulted in the Russian Federation quickly annexing the Crimean peninsula and parts of SE Ukraine where the gas and oil fields happen to be.

After that, Trump observantly noted that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama. Then the moonbatosphere idiots like you started accusing Trump of sucking Putin dick even though he was just stating the obvious.

yes, Putin is your hero. Hows the weather in St Petersburg.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
For one, for soliciting campaign help from a foreign national.
You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast assed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.

Trump got caught. When he heard about the whistleblower report, he had the aid released & called people denying there was an quid pro quo.

So where is this damage at?
Last edited by a moderator:
Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

I was trying to avoid bring that up. The definition of the Leftwing Fascist was created in the 1960s as a Political ploy. it can't exist. I use Franco as an example of making Fascism work but the Gendarme could be brutal on very short notice. I won't go into my personal experience on that but I know they were extremely heavy handed and could shoot you down in the street with no recourse even if you were an American. When we went into Madrid, we were very much aware of this and acted accordingly.
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Russia, Russia, Russia!

WTF you mindless broken record bitch?

While Obama was the de-facto president of the USA, there was a US state department approved coup that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine that very predictably resulted in the Russian Federation quickly annexing the Crimean peninsula and parts of SE Ukraine where the gas and oil fields happen to be.

After that, Trump observantly noted that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama. Then the moonbatosphere idiots like you started accusing Trump of sucking Putin dick even though he was just stating the obvious.

yes, Putin is your hero. Hows the weather in St Petersburg.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

I don't need to comrade. You want to expound GRU information provided, you get that treatment. And you richly deserve it and worse.
You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?
The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Russia, Russia, Russia!

WTF you mindless broken record bitch?

While Obama was the de-facto president of the USA, there was a US state department approved coup that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine that very predictably resulted in the Russian Federation quickly annexing the Crimean peninsula and parts of SE Ukraine where the gas and oil fields happen to be.

After that, Trump observantly noted that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama. Then the moonbatosphere idiots like you started accusing Trump of sucking Putin dick even though he was just stating the obvious.

yes, Putin is your hero. Hows the weather in St Petersburg.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

I don't need to
And you will not because you know with 100% certainty that I would rip it to shreds and shove it up your dumb ass.
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Articles of Impeachment:
President Trump did knowingly and willingly win a free, fair, constitutional, democratic,election.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly lower people’s taxes.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly get rid of the Obamacare penalty...the stopping socialized health care.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly stand-up to China, Canada and Mexico over piss poor trade deals.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly stand up to terrorist foreign (ISIS) and domestic (Antifa)
President Trump did knowingly and willingly attempt to secure our borders against drug cartels.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly do more for Blacks economically than Democrats have done in 40 years.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly take all efforts to “Make America Great Again.”
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Hunter Biden is a drug addict that fucked his dead brother’s wife.
Articles of Impeachment:
President Trump did knowingly and willingly win a free, fair, constitutional, democratic,election.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly lower people’s taxes.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly get rid of the Obamacare penalty...the stopping socialized health care.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly stand-up to China, Canada and Mexico over piss poor trade deals.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly stand up to terrorist foreign (ISIS) and domestic (Antifa)
President Trump did knowingly and willingly attempt to secure our borders against drug cartels.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly do more for Blacks economically than Democrats have done in 40 years.
President Trump did knowingly and willingly take all efforts to “Make America Great Again.”

You forgot.....

Rump did knowingly and willingly commit obstruction of justice numerous times
Rump did knowingly and willingly attempt to blackmail another head of state for his own personal gain

Please add those two to your list to be more factual.
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Hunter Biden is a drug addict that fucked his dead brother’s wife.

He could fuck a donkey on stage in Mexico for all that it matters. It's not about Hunter Biden.
Nixon resigned dummy.

He resigned to prevent having to testify in the Senate. BTW, I voted for Nixon twice after looking at the alternatives. the reasoning was a Crook was a step up from a bungling idiot twice over. Even with Watergate being held over his head, Nixon won by a landslide for reelection. Nixon was just a Crook. We could live with that. Rump is a Mob Boss style crook and we can't live with that. Surprise, I voted more Republican than I ever did Democrat until the Party of Rump seized control of the GOP and made it the POT. There are one hell of a lot of us out here. We don't want the GOP gone, we want the Party of Rump gone so we can rebuild the GOP into something we can be proud of. Until then, don't look for us to support nor vote for Rump and his supporters. If it allows the Dems to win a few then that's the price the Rumpsters should be willing to pay. Not worry, when the Rumpsters are gone, we get the GOP back to business.

By rebuilding the GOP, you mean rebuilding the establishment? Because that's what we voted against.

I know you can't be talking about rebuilding the GOP in a conservative way, because even though Trump never ran as a conservative, his policies and accomplishments are more conservative than any President in our time, and yes, I'm even including Reagan.

Go back to Ike. It went to crap in the decade it wasn't in power. Then it continued to go south. In 1952, there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between Truman and Ike. Somehow, both parties went to complete and utter bull crap. Ike was a conservative. And to a lesser degree so was Truman. We have over a decade of Conservative Government. And even some of Ike's and Truman's conservative Ideas overflowed into the Kennedy administration. If Ike were running today, he would not have a party to run under.

The Democrats are no longer Progessives. They are too far left to wear that title. And the Party of Rump is so far off the Conservative mark that calling it that is a bad joke. What we have is what Europe faced in the late 20s and early 30s that cemented two different ideologies. You will agree that the ones in control of the Democrat part are Socialists. What you won't see is that the Party of Rump has swung closer to the Fascist way of thinking. We are seeing what the Spaniards were faced with in 1936 where Germany and Italy Fascists were supporting one side while the USSR Communists (Socialists) were arming the other side. The Fascists won because the Fascists recieved the weapons that would go into WWII and win the first couple of years while the Socialists were getting outdated junk. Plus, the Fascists had a great military leader, the Socialists didn't.

I don't need to go into the points that shows the leaders of the Democratic Party are leaning heavily to Socialism. We both know them. But the Party of Rump fulfills 12 of the 14 conditions that Bonito wrote on how he was going to establish a Fascist State with him as the President. And he followed it to the letter. If you can't see the similarities then you are not any better than an Italian Peasant in 1923.
I wish Ike was back.................Then we could Operation Wet Back 2 ...........and after he is done your side wouldn't have a pot to piss in when they are gone...................

You have to import voters to win.......You've been doing that for decades.............Because you couldn't fool most of America...........The illegals vote for you, and YES THEY VOTE,.........because you want Open borders and they know it.

Ike from the grave for President...............

You just earned an award. Wear it with Honor.

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That kinda sums up your so called evidence in this matter..........You are going to lose in the Senate....if it even goes there......Pelosi is looking for an out whether you admit it or not..........this appease the far left has left her in between a rock and a hard case............LMAO
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

We already know he got a few million
RealDave insists that Biden did not get a few million. :rolleyes:

Do you have any info on the specific dates that the payments from Burisma to Biden were made? I'm trying to get everyone at USMB onboard together to form a timeline.

Debate Now - The Biden-Ukraine corruption timeline.
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God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Hunter Biden is a drug addict that fucked his dead brother’s wife.

He could fuck a donkey on stage in Mexico for all that it matters. It's not about Hunter Biden.

So do you concede that the president mentioning Hunter Biden during a phone call is not an impeachable offense?

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