Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Can any of you retards argue against what's actually said and not what you wish was said???

I never said Burisma was never under investigation. There was no active investigation at the time Biden got Shokin fired.

You keep saying that, but never provided any actual evidence to any of it. Let's see...

Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016, per Biden request.

From Kyiv Post. and Hromadske International
On September 13, 2016, the Pechersk District Court ordered the Prosecutor General to approve termination of the search for Zlochevsky.

The Prosecutor General's Office closed the case of tax evasion. “I believe that we have had success with this case: Burisma has paid the largest amount of taxes and penalties based on the results of examinations at that time – 180 million hryvnias ($7.46 million),” Lutsenko commented.

Meaning, the investigation was open 6 more month after Shokin was fired.

Stop senseless yapping, asshole.
You're lying as I've posted actual evidence repeatedly, which you've even read yourself...

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

So fuck off, lying troll.

I posted dates and Ukrainian source. You posted leftist propaganda channel opinions.

Go figure. Shitstain.


You posted A date and it was 6 months after Biden pressed to get Shokin ousted. It doesn't actually disprove the news report that the Burisma investigation was on hold in March of 2016. It only shows at some later date, Lutsenko formally closed it.
Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.

Even to this day, the Italians are the experts in Fascism although they don't practice it in any form. And while the Italian version had some similarities to Nazism, it never was the same. Fascism can have religion and often times did seek the support of the Catholic Church. Nazism is Pagan by nature. And unlike Nazism that cannot exist without total failure, there are different Fascist Governments that flourished like Franco that came to being in 1936 and, in many ways, still survives in Spain. Fascism didn't die with Franco, it just adapted. And Fascism is probably the most adaptable type of ruling on the face of the earth.

Benito Mussolini was not a total failure. He did the things that Rump wants to do. In fact, Rump is operating right out of Benito's writings from the early 20s. Mussolini just never got the chance to complete his quest. WWII put a hold on it and the invasion by the Allies cut it short. Some scholars wonder where Mussolini would have gone had he not been embroiled in a world war during the most critical time of cementing his creation.

The answer to that question may lie in Franco's Spanish Fascist Government. But to understand that, one has to look at the history of Spain in the 20s and 30s. During that time, Franco was not in the country. He was a War Hero and a great General. He was never a Politician. During that time, the Socialist controlled Spain and there was a good amount of unrest by the elites and many of the lesser Churches. The problem the elites had was, they had a great general that didn't care for socialism. But he was out of the country. And to sneak him into Spain would only result in his assassination. So they had him go to the Italian armies that were no in country and raise an army. But it was weak in material support. In order to get the army and Franco into the country, the Elites had so spend enormous amounts of money. The problem was, the existing sitting Military was under the Socialists. Franco's army took all of the countryside and most of the smaller cities and towns. But the larger metro areas were heavy garrisoned and under Socialist control. The revolution was fought to a dead standstill. In order to break it, Franco went to the only other source of Fascism outside of Spain and that was Italy for weapons to outgun the socialist army. M
Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.

You need to ask the Italians to clarify what Fascism is. And while you are at it, ask the Spaniards that still have a form of it even today. While Italy has moved as far away from it as possible, Spain still has many remnants of Franco's Fascist Government. Fascism is definitely right wing. But it's in many different levels. Mussolini may have invented it but Franco made it work and it didn't die when he died. Like Franco, the Spanish Fascism adapted.

Looking at the opposite end of the spectrum, Socialism doesn't work. But you will find remnants of it throughout the world. Especially throughout Europe and even the United States. It's what makes great nations a nation but not by itself. Fascism was originally created to combat true Socialism. Lenin and Stalin had great influences on a global scale. Fascism was adopted by the Revolutionaries of Spain because it was the ideal tool to combat the socialism that ruled Spain. But Franco wasn't a Fascist. He was a great General. And much of his personality was adopted into the Spanish Fascism.

You see, Fascism comes in many flavors. Mussolini thought he had the answer when he didn't even really understand it himself all the way. He never had the chance. About the time he was seizing complete control, a world war broke out and Italy was invaded by a superior force. Mussolini tried to take Fascism to the level of Totalitarianism. While it could go there, it couldn't stay there for long. Hitler did the same for Germany with a modified version. It was much different that Mussolini's Fascism and light years from Franco's Fascism but, never the less, it was a form of Fascism. Both Mussolini and Hitler never go the chance to develop a peace version like Franco did. Spain elected to sit the war out and heal from it's own 1936 civil war. And Franco was no Mussolini or Hitler. He was a General thrust into power by the Elites and all levels of people. While he could be stern, he could also be kind.

Rump is operating or trying to operate, from the 1926 manifesto from Mussolini. It's not the end but the means to get to the end. Here are some similarities.

Mussolini got over 60% of his followers into the Italian Parliament and they rewrote the Italian Constitution. Mussolini was the Commander in Chief (the executive branch) and he controlled the congress who dissolved the Federal Court system and replaced it with their own which was totally controlled by the "Executive" branch meaning Mussolini. Mussolini used his brown shirts to enforce his will.

Now, let's look at Rump. He's trying to pack Congress with only those that he controls. he uses fear and intimidation to maintain control. He's trying to "Pack the Deck" with his own Justices that HE controls. But unlike Italy, we have two things that Italy didn't have. We have the Constitution of the United States and the Military UCMJ. Rump can't have his own Brown Shirts because the States won't allow it. Rump can't control the Supreme Court because of the Constitution and the way the Supreme Court was set up about a hundred years ago. But he's working on the Congress which he just might do is left to his own devices. An Italian Doctor (not medical) came up with the 14 points of Fascism. Rump has fulfilled or is trying to fulfill 12 of those points. He lacks the Brown Shirts so there goes on point. He can't take over either the Congress nor the Supreme Court and dissolve the other but you have to admit, he tries to control both of them. And, again, if left to his own devices, he just might accomplish one or the other. The Congress is much easier for him to control but that's not working out too well either.

One of the first things Mussolini did was to attack the Press. He hammered away at it, doing exactly what Rump is doing today. But after he weakened the message that the free press had, he then took control of the Government and started locking up journalists, having them shot, hung and worse until only the State Sponsored News Outlets existed. There was no respected Free Press left to show the pen is mightier than the sword because it isn't when the sword is alFascism is leftwing.lowed to be wielded against the press.

If only Rump were to take the Franco Fascist Play book from 1939 that withstood time in itself.

No, Fascism isn't left. It can be right or far right but never left. It was invented to combat the Socialists who were and still are left.
Fascism is leftwing.
Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
Fascism is leftwing. Fascism is a form of socialism. All the characteristics you mentioned are also characteristics of the Soviet Union.
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Imagine some never Trumper saying that about the Mueller investigation 2 years ago.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Hunter Biden is a drug addict that fucked his dead brother’s wife.

He could fuck a donkey on stage in Mexico for all that it matters. It's not about Hunter Biden.
It certainly is, moron.
I really think ,now that you asked ,that you're in serious jeopardy of losing the senate when America finds out how you played Russia against America How your 3 POS conspired to make the AH trump seem innocent

Uh eddie, you already lost on the collusion conspiracy theory; this is about Trump trying to investigate Joe Biden taking kickbacks from Burisma. According to you Communists, corruption is okay, investigating corruption is impeachable.

Your dementia is really kicking in....
Yeah, but it's not working for them.

The conventional wisdom has always been that when you lose an election you accept it — thereby showing your loyalty to the American system — and endeavor to show the voters that you’re worthy of being elected next time. That involves working with the other party where you can, to show that you put the good of the country first, and acting sensible and responsible the rest of the time. That, to put it mildly, is not the approach the Democrats have chosen.


The current impeachment clown show was not made more credible by the fact that his opponents began talking impeachment even before President Trump was sworn in to office.

Nor has the endless talk of Trump’s opposition as “the Resistance,” as if 2019 America were equivalent to France in 1940, done a lot for credibility. When much of the opposition to Trump comes across as fantasy role-play by people who didn’t get enough validation in high school, it robs the entire enterprise of its seriousness.

We’ve been told repeatedly that Trump is Hitler, even as he backed Israel in the UN and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We’ve been told that Trump is a Putin puppet even as he sold anti-tank missiles to Ukraine (something Obama never did) and championed fracking in the United States, the success of which has done more to weaken Putin than anything the Obama/Hillary “reset” ever managed. (You could make a better case that the current Democratic candidates who vow to ban fracking are Putin puppets than you could for Trump.)

This isn't just the fringes of the party, it's the mainstream

Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Hmm..I agree with most of what you say...but...When Obama was elected...the Right obstructed the whole way...played up the Birther nonsense...hosted interminable investigations..all of which came to naught. I see this as tit for tat. Yes, this is more virulent...because Trump has chosen to fight the media..and the media has chosen to to foster hysteria. Had Trump ignored the media, put away the tweeter...and governed..I doubt we would be at the current impasse.

I don't think Trump is Hitler..but i do think that he empowers White supremacists....nor do I think Trump is in Putin's pocket...although a lot of what he has done has strengthened the Russian position..Syria..for example.

I would not have chosen to attempt to impeach. I see it as divisive..and unnecessary. But..I do not see any difference, at all, between the behavior of the Left..and the Right.

Partisan zealots are just that..fanatics with no honor or sense of honesty.
Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Hunter Biden is a drug addict that fucked his dead brother’s wife.

He could fuck a donkey on stage in Mexico for all that it matters. It's not about Hunter Biden.
It certainly is, moron.
You wish...LOL!
Trump said Tuesday that he would “love” for several senior administration officials to testify in the impeachment inquiry, but he claimed the White House was preventing them from doing so to protect the institution of the Presidency. ::auiqs.jpg::banana:::rolleyes:

Trump is becoming a really great comedian. I could not stop laughing when I read this.

Is someone else in charge of the White House? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump continues with his comedy routine.

Bloomberg reports, "Donald Trump denied directing Rudy Giuliani to go to Ukraine to look for dirt on his political rivals, in an interview with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly."

“No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior,” Trump told O’Reilly.

"Asked by O’Reilly what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump said “you have to ask that to Rudy.'"

“Rudy has other clients, other than me,” Trump added. “He’s done a lot of work in Ukraine over the years.”
This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair._·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I jtist want to_let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot of.talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Rudy Giuliani @RudyGiuliani

The investigation I conducted concerning 2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption, was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges, that kept changing as one after another were disproven.

12:43 PM - Nov 6, 2019
Trump said Tuesday that he would “love” for several senior administration officials to testify in the impeachment inquiry, but he claimed the White House was preventing them from doing so to protect the institution of the Presidency. ::auiqs.jpg::banana:::rolleyes:

Trump is becoming a really great comedian. I could not stop laughing when I read this.

Is someone else in charge of the White House? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump continues with his comedy routine.

Bloomberg reports, "Donald Trump denied directing Rudy Giuliani to go to Ukraine to look for dirt on his political rivals, in an interview with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly."

“No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior,” Trump told O’Reilly.

"Asked by O’Reilly what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump said “you have to ask that to Rudy.'"

“Rudy has other clients, other than me,” Trump added. “He’s done a lot of work in Ukraine over the years.”
This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair._·A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I jtist want to_let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot of.talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Rudy Giuliani @RudyGiuliani

The investigation I conducted concerning 2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption, was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges, that kept changing as one after another were disproven.

12:43 PM - Nov 6, 2019

Trump is a joke.
Yep it’s criminal that Trump won’t build his own gallows and provide the rope-obstruction that is is the wonderful Oz land of Suspension of Reality.
I have heard since he started his campaign that Trump = Hitler

When is Trump going to start executing minorities and gays?

He is a crap Hitler.
I don't think Trump is Hitler..but i do think that he empowers White supremacists....nor do I think Trump is in Putin's pocket...although a lot of what he has done has strengthened the Russian position..Syria..for example.

I would not have chosen to attempt to impeach. I see it as divisive..and unnecessary. But..I do not see any difference, at all, between the behavior of the Left..and the Right.

Partisan zealots are just that..fanatics with no honor or sense of honesty.

Frankly, that's a bit of a disappointment over what appears to be a serious error of judgment.

Having correctly diagnosed Trump "empowers White supremacists", you fail to note there is not a single prominent voice within the GOP raised in protest. The reason for that is that the authoritarian, radical right has taken over the GOP. There is nothing even remotely similar happening on the Democratic side, and yet you do "not see any difference, at all." How is that even possible?

Impeachment was necessary, and the more shoes drop, the more necessary it became. Not merely because the Mob Boss had a little Mob Boss routine in his call with Zelensky, but because of a consistent pattern of law-breaking, disrespect for Congress and the Constitution, from the obstruction of justice as detailed by Mueller over the persistent violation of the Emoluments Clause to the Obstruction of Congress during the Impeachment inquiry. Noting even remotely similar happened in living memory. This presidency is anything other than "normal" in pretty much every respect you may care to name, there is a direct threat to the rule of law and democracy itself, and all you can come up with is, there is not a whit of a difference? None at all?

Heavens, Eye. Bribery. It is right there in the Constitution as one of but two crimes specifically mentioned to warrant impeachment. And the judgment you render is, impeachment is "unnecessary"? I can't but hope you'll not ever be so desperate for the performance of an official act that the official in charge can confidently demand "a favor" before he is willing to perform it. Trump is to the bones corrupt, so habitually corrupt, in fact, that he chose to release the memorandum on his Mob Boss routine to the public, and he probably thought that's all okay because that's what he's done all his life. It doesn't even register with him. And the GOP, to the last (wo)man, once upon a time known as "the party of law and order," is perfectly fine with going along with that.

No "difference, at all."
I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fast assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fat assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!
I don't think Trump is Hitler..but i do think that he empowers White supremacists....nor do I think Trump is in Putin's pocket...although a lot of what he has done has strengthened the Russian position..Syria..for example.

I would not have chosen to attempt to impeach. I see it as divisive..and unnecessary. But..I do not see any difference, at all, between the behavior of the Left..and the Right.

Partisan zealots are just that..fanatics with no honor or sense of honesty.

Frankly, that's a bit of a disappointment over what appears to be a serious error of judgment.

Having correctly diagnosed Trump "empowers White supremacists", you fail to note there is not a single prominent voice within the GOP raised in protest. The reason for that is that the authoritarian, radical right has taken over the GOP. There is nothing even remotely similar happening on the Democratic side, and yet you do "not see any difference, at all." How is that even possible?

Impeachment was necessary, and the more shoes drop, the more necessary it became. Not merely because the Mob Boss had a little Mob Boss routine in his call with Zelensky, but because of a consistent pattern of law-breaking, disrespect for Congress and the Constitution, from the obstruction of justice as detailed by Mueller over the persistent violation of the Emoluments Clause to the Obstruction of Congress during the Impeachment inquiry. Noting even remotely similar happened in living memory. This presidency is anything other than "normal" in pretty much every respect you may care to name, there is a direct threat to the rule of law and democracy itself, and all you can come up with is, there is not a whit of a difference? None at all?

Heavens, Eye. Bribery. It is right there in the Constitution as one of but two crimes specifically mentioned to warrant impeachment. And the judgment you render is, impeachment is "unnecessary"? I can't but hope you'll not ever be so desperate for the performance of an official act that the official in charge can confidently demand "a favor" before he is willing to perform it. Trump is to the bones corrupt, so habitually corrupt, in fact, that he chose to release the memorandum on his Mob Boss routine to the public, and he probably thought that's all okay because that's what he's done all his life. It doesn't even register with him. And the GOP, to the last (wo)man, once upon a time known as "the party of law and order," is perfectly fine with going along with that.

No "difference, at all."

To clarify..no difference in the actions and behavior of the partisans of both sides. Fanatics of any stripe are troubling--to me, anyway. The demonization of the opposition is harmful..no matter the side.

No, I don't wish impeachment..for no other reason that it's kabuki theater...an orgy of partisan masturbation fed by the media frenzy. I know Trump is corrupt...but if he is the President that America wanted...then let him show his ass...and then let us vote him out...or not. I don't care about the popular vote...I don't care about the 'resistance' and I don't care for the way that the left is playing the people..in their bid to regain power. I think that this impeachment is just one long campaign infomercial. "Woke" indeed! Some of us..were never sleeping to begin with...and yes, I do think that the leaders of both teams are interchangeable...and playing from the same playbook...

Anecdotally, I know many Republicans that are dismayed with Trump..they just don't get the media time--i also know a few Democrats are are dismayed at what they see as the lack of choice, in their candidate's positions. But the poor choices of both parties are shoved down our throats--and impeachment won't change any of that. Our institutions are still sound...and life is still good..for me, anyway..regardless of who is POTUS.

You wish to tar the entire Republican party with the same brush..I find that lack of nuance troubling. I think you take it a bit personally..Trump's reign of idiocy..while I see it as as transitory..and, while it has caused damage..it has also pointed out a lot of America that has been covert for a long time..including the racism of some.

To sum up, Trump is but a symptom...the divides of rural vs urban...20th century vs 21st...poor vs rich---are all what is driving the Trump train. Address that!

Oh..a historical note...there have been arguably worse Presidents than Trump..several, in fact. Harding, Coolidge and Grant--to name a few.

..and this..have you wondered why the impeachment focus is NOT on the Emoluments issues? Despite there being a much clearer case?

Congress does not want to touch that with a ten foot pole..too many rice bowls in play! LOL!
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I don't think Trump is Hitler..but i do think that he empowers White supremacists....nor do I think Trump is in Putin's pocket...although a lot of what he has done has strengthened the Russian position..Syria..for example.

I would not have chosen to attempt to impeach. I see it as divisive..and unnecessary. But..I do not see any difference, at all, between the behavior of the Left..and the Right.

Partisan zealots are just that..fanatics with no honor or sense of honesty.

Frankly, that's a bit of a disappointment over what appears to be a serious error of judgment.

Having correctly diagnosed Trump "empowers White supremacists", you fail to note there is not a single prominent voice within the GOP raised in protest. The reason for that is that the authoritarian, radical right has taken over the GOP. There is nothing even remotely similar happening on the Democratic side, and yet you do "not see any difference, at all." How is that even possible?

Impeachment was necessary, and the more shoes drop, the more necessary it became. Not merely because the Mob Boss had a little Mob Boss routine in his call with Zelensky, but because of a consistent pattern of law-breaking, disrespect for Congress and the Constitution, from the obstruction of justice as detailed by Mueller over the persistent violation of the Emoluments Clause to the Obstruction of Congress during the Impeachment inquiry. Noting even remotely similar happened in living memory. This presidency is anything other than "normal" in pretty much every respect you may care to name, there is a direct threat to the rule of law and democracy itself, and all you can come up with is, there is not a whit of a difference? None at all?

Heavens, Eye. Bribery. It is right there in the Constitution as one of but two crimes specifically mentioned to warrant impeachment. And the judgment you render is, impeachment is "unnecessary"? I can't but hope you'll not ever be so desperate for the performance of an official act that the official in charge can confidently demand "a favor" before he is willing to perform it. Trump is to the bones corrupt, so habitually corrupt, in fact, that he chose to release the memorandum on his Mob Boss routine to the public, and he probably thought that's all okay because that's what he's done all his life. It doesn't even register with him. And the GOP, to the last (wo)man, once upon a time known as "the party of law and order," is perfectly fine with going along with that.

No "difference, at all."

To clarify..no difference in the actions and behavior of the partisans of both sides. Fanatics of any stripe are troubling--to me, anyway. The demonization of the opposition is harmful..no matter the side.

No, I don't wish impeachment..for no other reason that it's kabuki theater...an orgy of partisan masturbation fed by the media frenzy. I know Trump is corrupt...but if he is the President that America wanted...then let him show his ass...and then let us vote him out...or not. I don't care about the popular vote...I don't care about the 'resistance' and I don't care for the way that the left is playing the people..in their bid to regain power. I think that this impeachment is just one long campaign infomercial. "Woke" indeed! Some of us..were never sleeping to begin with...and yes, I do think that the leaders of both teams are interchangeable...and playing from the same playbook...

Anecdotally, I know many Republicans that are dismayed with Trump..they just don't get the media time--i also know a few Democrats are are dismayed at what they see as the lack of choice, in their candidate's positions. But the poor choices of both parties are shoved down our throats--and impeachment won't change any of that. Our institutions are still sound...and life is still good..for me, anyway..regardless of who is POTUS.

You wish to tar the entire Republican party with the same brush..I find that lack of nuance troubling. I think you take it a bit personally..Trump's reign of idiocy..while I see it as as transitory..and, while it has caused damage..it has also pointed out a lot of America that has been covert for a long time..including the racism of some.

To sum up, Trump is but a symptom...the divides of rural vs urban...20th century vs 21st...poor vs rich---are all what is driving the Trump train. Address that!

Oh..a historical note...there have been arguably worse Presidents than Trump..several, in fact. Harding, Coolidge and Grant--to name a few.

..and this..have you wondered why the impeachment focus is NOT on the Emoluments issues? Despite there being a much clearer case?

Congress does not want to touch that with a ten foot pole..too many rice bowls in play! LOL!
What particularly is aggravating me are the cowardly repubs in the senate afraid to speak out against their king
OMG! I just figured out why the Republicans are acting as if the President is "perfect" and is a "victim"....It's the American version of the Russian and other OLIGARCHS on the verge of losing their power and control over the Country! Donald....President Putin called and said "mission accomplished, come home and build hotels all over Russia comrade!"
Sorry, 1BadBanana. You are aware it is your Democrat Party who has the Communists as members, plus Adam Schiff is running his little secrecy show just like Communists do--and your party is the one that owns the leftist lockstep press that acts like Pravda by sharing Democrat talking points using the same words over and over and over for each of the several hundred Demmie television stations that are hateful and disparaging of any and all conservatives, Republicans, and supporters of the Founder's America including the United States Constitutions.

Get back to me when you realize how communist Adam Schiff is with his secret meetings instead of public as in the open and transparent ones the Constitution supports.
Gotta lmao reading all the ah posts that believe their republican scum that Ukraine involved in hacking our election

Duh, you need to keep your bullshit straight instead of swallowing the democrat's KoolAde.
No one accused the Ukraine of hacking, just "interference" against Trump. See the following wiki article.

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia
2016 election (Ukraine)
"In July 2016, candidate Donald Trump was asked about the Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.[75] Trump's statement indicating that he would recognize Crimea as Russian caused alarm in Ukraine, with the Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA Valeriy Chaly writing an article critical of Trump for breaking from the Republican party platform.[76] Other prominent Ukrainian politicians wrote highly critical social media posts, including former prime minister, Arseny Yatseniuk and interior minister Arsen Avakov"

So the Ukes did the same social media "interference" that Russia did.
Were any votes changed in either case? Who knows? Probably not.
Point being that foreign interference happened from both Ukraine and Russia.

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