Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
We all noticed that you failed to link to a source.

Fascism is leftwing. It's a form of socialism.

That's the long and the short of it.

Here's a clue for you: "regimentation of the economy" means socialism.
OMG! I just figured out why the Republicans are acting as if the President is "perfect" and is a "victim"....It's the American version of the Russian and other OLIGARCHS on the verge of losing their power and control over the Country! Donald....President Putin called and said "mission accomplished, come home and build hotels all over Russia comrade!"
Happy Thanksgiving, 1BadBaNana, and wowie o zowie, do you ever have that projection stuff downpat. :lmao:
You forgot.....

Rump did knowingly and willingly commit obstruction of justice numerous times


Flat out fucking lies are not admissible.

Rump did knowingly and willingly attempt to blackmail another head of state for his own personal gain

Please add those two to your list to be more factual.

Good Allah but you are one stupid motherfucker.

This isn't Trump, dumbfuck.

It looks like Quid Pro Joe coal miner to me.

Sounds like him too.

Is that some sort of tricky photoshopped BS?
Last edited:
Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.

Who is "Rump," Comrade?

Report: Sen. Grassley is investigating Hunter Biden's China dealings

Not that facts matter to you.

Now let's talk - one party promotes outright Communism.

Pro Tip, it's not the Republicans?

Now don't you feel stupid? You sure look stupid. :dunno:

Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).
I really think ,now that you asked ,that you're in serious jeopardy of losing the senate when America finds out how you played Russia against America How your 3 POS conspired to make the AH trump seem innocent

Uh eddie, you already lost on the collusion conspiracy theory; this is about Trump trying to investigate Joe Biden taking kickbacks from Burisma. According to you Communists, corruption is okay, investigating corruption is impeachable.

Your dementia is really kicking in....
Yeah, but it's not working for them.

The conventional wisdom has always been that when you lose an election you accept it — thereby showing your loyalty to the American system — and endeavor to show the voters that you’re worthy of being elected next time. That involves working with the other party where you can, to show that you put the good of the country first, and acting sensible and responsible the rest of the time. That, to put it mildly, is not the approach the Democrats have chosen.


The current impeachment clown show was not made more credible by the fact that his opponents began talking impeachment even before President Trump was sworn in to office.

Nor has the endless talk of Trump’s opposition as “the Resistance,” as if 2019 America were equivalent to France in 1940, done a lot for credibility. When much of the opposition to Trump comes across as fantasy role-play by people who didn’t get enough validation in high school, it robs the entire enterprise of its seriousness.

We’ve been told repeatedly that Trump is Hitler, even as he backed Israel in the UN and moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We’ve been told that Trump is a Putin puppet even as he sold anti-tank missiles to Ukraine (something Obama never did) and championed fracking in the United States, the success of which has done more to weaken Putin than anything the Obama/Hillary “reset” ever managed. (You could make a better case that the current Democratic candidates who vow to ban fracking are Putin puppets than you could for Trump.)

This isn't just the fringes of the party, it's the mainstream

Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Hmm..I agree with most of what you say...but...When Obama was elected...the Right obstructed the whole way...played up the Birther nonsense...
Obama was the first birther, the Clinton campaign, the second.
... Trump has chosen to fight the media...
Trump fights BACK against the media. Trump always fights back, which his base deeply appreciates.
... strengthened the Russian position..Syria..for example....
Russia came into Syria after Obama's red line debacle.
how the hell can you impeach the best president on the economy since Reagan, and the best president overall for minorities especially since Abe Lincoln?

Obama was never impeached.

Only because the republicans aren't into exercises in futility like the commiecrats. Maobama did much worse crap than Trump could ever dream of. DACA and misappropriation of government funds to pay insurance subsidies, that were never authorized by congress, are two of the biggies.

Nothing compared to the thug trump.
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.

Your claim comes up factchecked as false. And you are using a known Ultra Rightwing conspiracy site for your proof.

Once again, Rump is having someone investigate that. Oh, wait, it's already been done and they found zero by the Ukrainian Government. That's some bone you keep chewing on there Fido.
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.

Your claim comes up factchecked as false. And you are using a known Ultra Rightwing conspiracy site for your proof.

Once again, Rump is having someone investigate that. Oh, wait, it's already been done and they found zero by the Ukrainian Government. That's some bone you keep chewing on there Fido.
Fact check sites are fake news.
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.

Your claim comes up factchecked as false. And you are using a known Ultra Rightwing conspiracy site for your proof.

Once again, Rump is having someone investigate that. Oh, wait, it's already been done and they found zero by the Ukrainian Government. That's some bone you keep chewing on there Fido.
One more lie was spies put into Trumps campaign ,,,IG has recently said THERE WAS NOTHING of the kind ,,, If these scum didn't have lies they'd have nothing
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.

Your claim comes up factchecked as false. And you are using a known Ultra Rightwing conspiracy site for your proof.

Once again, Rump is having someone investigate that. Oh, wait, it's already been done and they found zero by the Ukrainian Government. That's some bone you keep chewing on there Fido.
Fact check sites are fake news.

Why, because they call Rumps Lies Lies? And he's so good at lying. He's just not too good at getting away with them too well these days.
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.

Your claim comes up factchecked as false. And you are using a known Ultra Rightwing conspiracy site for your proof.

Once again, Rump is having someone investigate that. Oh, wait, it's already been done and they found zero by the Ukrainian Government. That's some bone you keep chewing on there Fido.
One more lie was spies put into Trumps campaign ,,,IG has recently said THERE WAS NOTHING of the kind ,,, If these scum didn't have lies they'd have nothing

I really don't want to look inside of Rumps mind. That would be enough to drive the most sane person insane.
You keep saying that, but never provided any actual evidence to any of it. Let's see...

Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016, per Biden request.

From Kyiv Post. and Hromadske International
Meaning, the investigation was open 6 more month after Shokin was fired.

Stop senseless yapping, asshole.
You're lying as I've posted actual evidence repeatedly, which you've even read yourself...

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

So fuck off, lying troll.

According to a former official eh? Yeah, that's convincing.....I say finish the investigation. Biden is a corrupt asshole.
What a pity you can't prove he's corrupt, huh?

Don't need to, not my job...All will come out in due time....Besides with people like you the charge is good enough.

Poor cultist. Can't prove his claims so now it waits for someone else to prove them for him.


Yeah, it's a bitch when your own tactics are used against you isn't it...
Again, thi isn't about Hunter. It's about Rump. Rump broke the law then tried to cover it up and, to this day, still tries to obstruct.

Hunter Biden is the bagman is a kickback scheme that involves embezzlement of US Taxpayer money doled out in foreign aid. In a very real way this is about Hillary Cunton. Cunton set up the scam while she was SoS so that U.S. Agency for International Development would distribute money to organizations who would turn around and provide positions that required no actual employment to the children of people like Joe Biden and John Kerry to kickback millions of dollars.

What has you Communist filth incensed is that PRESIDENT Trump is kicking over the ant hill - he is calling for the investigation into the embezzlement scheme of Hillary Cunton.

To you scumbag, pile of shit Communists, there is nothing wrong with corruption, oh no, it is the INVESTIGATION that must NEVER be allowed.

It's not really about the action, it's about the coverup and obstruction. Had Rump come clean right away without the dog and pony show I doubt if there would have been enough to impeach him. It would have been slammed but it would have been written off as Rump being Rump. But the dog and pony act including the Fat Lady, Donkey and disappearing midget (use your imagination on that one) and it became, "Enough is Enough". And he continues to drag that disappearing Midget out of the Fat Lady and Donkey (eww).


Potentate Obamugabe used the DOJ and foreign assets including the Kremlin to spy on, infiltrate, surveil, and generally harass the opposition candidate from day one.

You Communists DID conspire with Ukraine to interfere with the 2016 election, even radical leftist Politico said as much back in 2017. (amazed they haven't tried to scrub this off the web)

Yet Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.}
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Potentate Obamugabe through Joe Biden and John Kerry used a foreign nation to interfere with American elections.

Your claim comes up factchecked as false. And you are using a known Ultra Rightwing conspiracy site for your proof.

Once again, Rump is having someone investigate that. Oh, wait, it's already been done and they found zero by the Ukrainian Government. That's some bone you keep chewing on there Fido.
Fact check sites are fake news.

Why, because they call Rumps Lies Lies? And he's so good at lying. He's just not too good at getting away with them too well these days.

LOL....You're delusional if you think that this circus is going to achieve anything other than another epic failure on the demo's part....

I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....
Whose word do you want us to take ?? Giuliani Nunes Graham's ? all pieces of shit all liars and then you have trump the world class lying scum

Well then, we can stop wasting all this money then, just take Edward's word for it...
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fast assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.

Thank God there's the internet eh Dave? Say that to someones face and you'd have to change your screen name to 'real knocked out Dave'
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fat assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!

Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fat assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!

Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fast assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.

Thank God there's the internet eh Dave? Say that to someones face and you'd have to change your screen name to 'real knocked out Dave'
But you didn't tell him your head wasn't there

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