To difference in the actions and behavior of the partisans of both sides. Fanatics of any stripe are troubling--to me, anyway. The demonization of the opposition is matter the side.

No, I don't wish impeachment..for no other reason that it's kabuki orgy of partisan masturbation fed by the media frenzy. I know Trump is corrupt...but if he is the President that America wanted...then let him show his ass...and then let us vote him out...or not. I don't care about the popular vote...I don't care about the 'resistance' and I don't care for the way that the left is playing the their bid to regain power. I think that this impeachment is just one long campaign infomercial. "Woke" indeed! Some of us..were never sleeping to begin with...and yes, I do think that the leaders of both teams are interchangeable...and playing from the same playbook...

Anecdotally, I know many Republicans that are dismayed with Trump..they just don't get the media time--i also know a few Democrats are are dismayed at what they see as the lack of choice, in their candidate's positions. But the poor choices of both parties are shoved down our throats--and impeachment won't change any of that. Our institutions are still sound...and life is still good..for me, anyway..regardless of who is POTUS.

You wish to tar the entire Republican party with the same brush..I find that lack of nuance troubling. I think you take it a bit personally..Trump's reign of idiocy..while I see it as as transitory..and, while it has caused has also pointed out a lot of America that has been covert for a long time..including the racism of some.

To sum up, Trump is but a symptom...the divides of rural vs urban...20th century vs 21st...poor vs rich---are all what is driving the Trump train. Address that!

Oh..a historical note...there have been arguably worse Presidents than Trump..several, in fact. Harding, Coolidge and Grant--to name a few.

..and this..have you wondered why the impeachment focus is NOT on the Emoluments issues? Despite there being a much clearer case?

Congress does not want to touch that with a ten foot pole..too many rice bowls in play! LOL!

Let's keep this short.

There is a long list of very influential radicals, from Trump on down, on the GOP side, with nothing even remotely comparable on the side of the Democrats. Impeachment is there in the Constitution because the Founders thought it necessary. Your advocacy that an electoral catastrophe should remain, even while not even "the President that America wanted", disrespects the Constitution. I did not tar the entire Republican party with the same brush. Maybe a re-reading of my posting would help. Private grumblings while they are publicly going along to get along aren't worth a bucket of spit.

Trump may be a symptom. That is why your list of worse presidents doesn't cut it. Only in conjunction with a GOP too corrupt or too cowardly to stand up to the disease, bereft of principle or lacking in spine, does that become a threat. Finally, why do you think the House tries to get their hands on Trump's tax returns? Yeah, they are going after him for, wait for it, violating the Emoluments Clause. So much for the "ten foot pole".

Bribery? Right there, in the Constitution? Not a word from you on that, not touched, not even with a "ten foot pole".
To difference in the actions and behavior of the partisans of both sides. Fanatics of any stripe are troubling--to me, anyway. The demonization of the opposition is matter the side.

No, I don't wish impeachment..for no other reason that it's kabuki orgy of partisan masturbation fed by the media frenzy. I know Trump is corrupt...but if he is the President that America wanted...then let him show his ass...and then let us vote him out...or not. I don't care about the popular vote...I don't care about the 'resistance' and I don't care for the way that the left is playing the their bid to regain power. I think that this impeachment is just one long campaign infomercial. "Woke" indeed! Some of us..were never sleeping to begin with...and yes, I do think that the leaders of both teams are interchangeable...and playing from the same playbook...

Anecdotally, I know many Republicans that are dismayed with Trump..they just don't get the media time--i also know a few Democrats are are dismayed at what they see as the lack of choice, in their candidate's positions. But the poor choices of both parties are shoved down our throats--and impeachment won't change any of that. Our institutions are still sound...and life is still good..for me, anyway..regardless of who is POTUS.

You wish to tar the entire Republican party with the same brush..I find that lack of nuance troubling. I think you take it a bit personally..Trump's reign of idiocy..while I see it as as transitory..and, while it has caused has also pointed out a lot of America that has been covert for a long time..including the racism of some.

To sum up, Trump is but a symptom...the divides of rural vs urban...20th century vs 21st...poor vs rich---are all what is driving the Trump train. Address that!

Oh..a historical note...there have been arguably worse Presidents than Trump..several, in fact. Harding, Coolidge and Grant--to name a few.

..and this..have you wondered why the impeachment focus is NOT on the Emoluments issues? Despite there being a much clearer case?

Congress does not want to touch that with a ten foot pole..too many rice bowls in play! LOL!

Let's keep this short.

There is a long list of very influential radicals, from Trump on down, on the GOP side, with nothing even remotely comparable on the side of the Democrats. Impeachment is there in the Constitution because the Founders thought it necessary. Your advocacy that an electoral catastrophe should remain, even while not even "the President that America wanted", disrespects the Constitution. I did not tar the entire Republican party with the same brush. Maybe a re-reading of my posting would help. Private grumblings while they are publicly going along to get along aren't worth a bucket of spit.

Trump may be a symptom. That is why your list of worse presidents doesn't cut it. Only in conjunction with a GOP too corrupt or too cowardly to stand up to the disease, bereft of principle or lacking in spine, does that become a threat. Finally, why do you think the House tries to get their hands on Trump's tax returns? Yeah, they are going after him for, wait for it, violating the Emoluments Clause. So much for the "ten foot pole".

Bribery? Right there, in the Constitution? Not a word from you on that, not touched, not even with a "ten foot pole".
Short, eh?

I think Bribery is a stretch. I get the logic..not sure the rest of America will.

No matter, I think you missed my point, about the kabuki theater. Impeachment is a is dismissal in the Senate. At the end of the day..everyone is speaking to the electorate--in the hopes of a favorable election. Meanwhile, the business of America is business--and Trump's policies have made a lot of people very rich--or to be more accurate..richer.

There was a time..when Bill Clinton and Don Trump were friends. Every-time I reflect on this--I marvel at this possible juxtaposition of history..that they both should be President..and both impeached.....
Short, eh?

I think Bribery is a stretch. I get the logic..not sure the rest of America will.

No matter, I think you missed my point, about the kabuki theater. Impeachment is a is dismissal in the Senate. At the end of the day..everyone is speaking to the electorate--in the hopes of a favorable election. Meanwhile, the business of America is business--and Trump's policies have made a lot of people very rich--or to be more accurate..richer.

There was a time..when Bill Clinton and Don Trump were friends. Every-time I reflect on this--I marvel at this possible juxtaposition of history..that they both should be President..and both impeached.....

No, I didn't miss your point about kabuki theater, and was just about to address it when I remembered I promised brevity.

Here goes: It's horse manure. First, it disregards the profound effect the course of action taken will have on the future of the Republic, not to mention the Constitutional implications, not least to do away with that worthless kabuki theater in the form of the oath of office, since after Trump gets away it won't be more than a bubble gum sticking to a boot.

Second, on a practical level, if Democrats thought they found fine theater benefiting them, they'd drag this out for as long as possible, as the GOP did with their Emails! Emails! Emails! and Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi!! "investigations" - the biggest frauds perpetrated against the American people since the lies about Iraq in 2002 / 2003. A hearing per week gets you right to Convention time when writing up the articles. They do, however, work at lightning speed to get this over with. Yeah, some theater...

So, Trump shall have a trial for Bribery, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and it changes not one whit whether or not Americans understand the charges. It is, after all, not the charges' fault if Americans, in significant numbers, are dullards not willing to read up on the matter and to learn what's going on.
Short, eh?

I think Bribery is a stretch. I get the logic..not sure the rest of America will.

No matter, I think you missed my point, about the kabuki theater. Impeachment is a is dismissal in the Senate. At the end of the day..everyone is speaking to the electorate--in the hopes of a favorable election. Meanwhile, the business of America is business--and Trump's policies have made a lot of people very rich--or to be more accurate..richer.

There was a time..when Bill Clinton and Don Trump were friends. Every-time I reflect on this--I marvel at this possible juxtaposition of history..that they both should be President..and both impeached.....

No, I didn't miss your point about kabuki theater, and was just about to address it when I remembered I promised brevity.

Here goes: It's horse manure. First, it disregards the profound effect the course of action taken will have on the future of the Republic, not to mention the Constitutional implications, not least to do away with that worthless kabuki theater in the form of the oath of office, since after Trump gets away it won't be more than a bubble gum sticking to a boot.

Second, on a practical level, if Democrats thought they found fine theater benefiting them, they'd drag this out for as long as possible, as the GOP did with their Emails! Emails! Emails! and Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi!! "investigations" - the biggest frauds perpetrated against the American people since the lies about Iraq in 2002 / 2003. A hearing per week gets you right to Convention time when writing up the articles. They do, however, work at lightning speed to get this over with. Yeah, some theater...

So, Trump shall have a trial for Bribery, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and it changes not one whit whether or not Americans understand the charges. It is, after all, not the charges' fault if Americans, in significant numbers, are dullards not willing to read up on the matter and to learn what's going on.
I think you overestimate the profundity..just a bit.

Meanwhile, this just in...ProPublica and the #metoo girls have Sondland..nailed!

Multiple Women Recall Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation by Gordon Sondland
Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.
How much money do you believe that Hunter Biden got out of the deal?

Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.
Hunter Biden is a drug addict that fucked his dead brother’s wife.

He could fuck a donkey on stage in Mexico for all that it matters. It's not about Hunter Biden.

So do you concede that the president mentioning Hunter Biden during a phone call is not an impeachable offense?

Your debating skills need honing. And you know I didn't say that. You just want to try and feel superior with sloppy debating skills.

So now you are admitting that he did bring up the biden "Investigation" in at least one of those conversations. In fact, it was code named "Investigation". And when asked point plank at least once, he linked it with the face to face and funds. Poof, it just reached the impeachable plateau. And everything after that just compounded it. Had Rump made it public from the gitgo and didn't do the coverup then I doubt if there would be enough to go with. But he started having a whole series of "Here, hold my beer" moments. At some point, WE, the American People have to say enough. The fact remains, it's impeachable by itself to attempt to blackmail another person to do an action by using the power and position of the Presidency for personal gain.

This is the last time I am going to say this to you. You can't change those facts. They happened, have been verified from many sources and are illegal for any Public Servant.
This is the last time I am going to say this to you. You can't change those facts. They happened, have been verified from many sources and are illegal for any Public Servant.


Liberal Democrat Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz says the Democrats have NOTHING!
He says "What Democrats are doing is an abomination to the Constitution."

Former special prosecutor Ken Starr says the Democrats have NOTHING!

But you can keep screaming and ranting and raving like you did on election night 2016 but it will avail you NOTHING.

Biden admitted blackmailing Ukraine. He bragged about it on television! And you excuse his criminality.
Disgraceful. That is today's Democratic Party. Disgraceful.
And nothing the lying House republicans presented can be either. In fact, both sides from the House can only sit in the nose bleed seats and shut their Fing mouths.

The house Republicans were not permitted to present anything.

You should have watched the Stalinist Show Trial, it really exposed just how evil you Communists really are.

They presented 3 witnesses. But when push came to shove, those witnesses didn't work out the way the Republicans thought they would. Considering you continually spout trash that comes directly from the GRU, it appears that you are more of a communist than I ever will be, comrade. Hows the weather in Moscow.
Russia, Russia, Russia!

WTF you mindless broken record bitch?

While Obama was the de-facto president of the USA, there was a US state department approved coup that ousted the democratically elected government in Ukraine that very predictably resulted in the Russian Federation quickly annexing the Crimean peninsula and parts of SE Ukraine where the gas and oil fields happen to be.

After that, Trump observantly noted that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama. Then the moonbatosphere idiots like you started accusing Trump of sucking Putin dick even though he was just stating the obvious.

yes, Putin is your hero. Hows the weather in St Petersburg.

Yet you are the Communist, the Stalinist, here. :dunno:

You wish....
Who needs wishes when we have Trump's admission...?

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Biden: ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b----. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

That is some quid pro quo, don't need an imagination
Who got the quo?

With Biden, the US policy got the quo by fighting the corruption in the Ukraine so we could send them aid.

With your fast asssed orange buddy, the quo was damage to his political foe.

I suspect that even a fucking moron liar like you can get that.
God, you are such a gullible loser. Biden got the quo. He provided his son with millions of dollars in income. Anyone who believes that millions of dollars to your son is not a benefit to you is a moron.

What "corruption" did Biden put to an end?

Biden did not get millions. Hunter Biden was not under investigation.

Fucking liar...

83,000 X 39 (number of months the kickbacks went through Hunter) = $3,237,000

Quid Pro Joe Biden embezzled over $3 million in foreign aid through his kickback scheme. (or correctly, Hillary's kickback scheme)

Ex-Ukraine prosecutor said he was told to back off probe of Biden-linked firm, files show
Again, I clearly stated in our lifetime. We have lower taxes for everybody, from the rich to middle-class. Less government dependents. New records for employment for all minority groups. A 70% reduction in border crossings since May. Not only are jobs paying better money, but the median household income also broke a record. Pretty stable and growing stock market. These are all conservative ideologies, not fascism.

If this is fascism, then I'm a convert.

In the beginning, Benito had the same things. Until he got his over 60% in congress which used to rewrite the Italian Constitution. Mussolini also went after the Federal Court System as well and finally disbanded it since they would not bend to his wishes. He used the new Constitution to do that as well as his brown shirts. Yes, at first the creator of Fascism also helped Italy to prosper. But once he got full control, it went to hell in a handbasket.

There are only two things that prevents Rump from going full Fascist on everyone, the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States. Benito found a work around using the same tactics Rump is using. What is stopping him from having his Brown Shirts is the UCMJ for the Military. We are protected from both a socialist government and a fascist government but both sides are trying very hard to win their battle.

Now about the Economy. As long as things go smoothly and is propped up like it is, you will be happy. But the programs that would be needed for keeping it from going south are already in place. We don't have any wiggle room. So keep enjoying the good time.

Dramatic much?

The fascists are those trying to perform a coup on a duly elected POTUS.

You keep telling yourself that. But Fascism is an extreme rightwing and it's the extreme leftwingers you rag on continually about and those would be the other side of the coin, the Socialists.

You win an award.

View attachment 291886
Fascism is leftwing.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

big lie

: a deliberate gross distortion of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic
Hunter Biden is not being impeached. Rump is. We already know he got a few million but there is nothing illegal to be found or they would have already found it.; Is this going to go on for the next 30 plus years like the Hillary Hoax? What's next, did he show up to work with mismatched Socks?

Meanwhile...........What do you get when you cross Rump with a Pig? Nothing. Even a pig won't stoop that low.

Who is "Rump," Comrade?

Report: Sen. Grassley is investigating Hunter Biden's China dealings

Not that facts matter to you.

Now let's talk - one party promotes outright Communism.

Pro Tip, it's not the Republicans?

Now don't you feel stupid? You sure look stupid. :dunno:
This is the last time I am going to say this to you. You can't change those facts. They happened, have been verified from many sources and are illegal for any Public Servant.


Liberal Democrat Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz says the Democrats have NOTHING!
He says "What Democrats are doing is an abomination to the Constitution."

Former special prosecutor Ken Starr says the Democrats have NOTHING!

But you can keep screaming and ranting and raving like you did on election night 2016 but it will avail you NOTHING.

Biden admitted blackmailing Ukraine. He bragged about it on television! And you excuse his criminality.
Disgraceful. That is today's Democratic Party. Disgraceful.
Let’s look at Hunter Biden, John Kerry’s stepson and Whitey Bulgers nephew! :eusa_think:
You forgot.....

Rump did knowingly and willingly commit obstruction of justice numerous times


Flat out fucking lies are not admissible.

Rump did knowingly and willingly attempt to blackmail another head of state for his own personal gain

Please add those two to your list to be more factual.

Good Allah but you are one stupid motherfucker.

This isn't Trump, dumbfuck.

OMG! I just figured out why the Republicans are acting as if the President is "perfect" and is a "victim"....It's the American version of the Russian and other OLIGARCHS on the verge of losing their power and control over the Country! Donald....President Putin called and said "mission accomplished, come home and build hotels all over Russia comrade!"

Comrade, The president doesn't have to be perfect to be a victim of you Stalinst traitors to make him a victim.

Now these Oligarchs stupid fuck, you mean like George Soros, "I Wanna Be King" Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, et al?

I think I know why you're a Communist, you're stupid as all fuck.

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