I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....
Whose word do you want us to take ?? Giuliani Nunes Graham's ? all pieces of shit all liars and then you have trump the world class lying scum

Well then, we can stop wasting all this money then, just take Edward's word for it...
Very wise move One of the best you'll make today
You're lying as I've posted actual evidence repeatedly, which you've even read yourself...

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

So fuck off, lying troll.

According to a former official eh? Yeah, that's convincing.....I say finish the investigation. Biden is a corrupt asshole.
What a pity you can't prove he's corrupt, huh?

Don't need to, not my job...All will come out in due time....Besides with people like you the charge is good enough.

Poor cultist. Can't prove his claims so now it waits for someone else to prove them for him.


Yeah, it's a bitch when your own tactics are used against you isn't it...
And you as an impartial poster don't think that goes both ways, that dems want to hand you back the shit you flung??

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fat assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!

Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers

LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....

By "a complete nobody," you mean one of the central figures in trying to get Zelensky to publicly announce Biden was under investigation.

Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fast assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.

Thank God there's the internet eh Dave? Say that to someones face and you'd have to change your screen name to 'real knocked out Dave'....lol
But you didn't tell him your head wasn't there

You people are ridiculous.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

Who? Amazing how libs will take the word of a complete nobody, who has a vested interest in pointing the finger to save his own ass....That is if it is someone they really want to destroy....
Whose word do you want us to take ?? Giuliani Nunes Graham's ? all pieces of shit all liars and then you have trump the world class lying scum

Well then, we can stop wasting all this money then, just take Edward's word for it...
Very wise move One of the best you'll make today

I thought so....Communist scum.
According to a former official eh? Yeah, that's convincing.....I say finish the investigation. Biden is a corrupt asshole.
What a pity you can't prove he's corrupt, huh?

Don't need to, not my job...All will come out in due time....Besides with people like you the charge is good enough.

Poor cultist. Can't prove his claims so now it waits for someone else to prove them for him.


Yeah, it's a bitch when your own tactics are used against you isn't it...
And you as an impartial poster don't think that goes both ways, that dems want to hand you back the shit you flung??

Just admit that you're a lying little communist scumbag that feels the need to tell everyone else how they should live....While living yourself in Grandma's basement with no job...
Who? News flash for ya, No one with an ounce of integrity believes you liberal assholes anymore....All you spew are lies.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fat assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!

Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers

LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you And Grandma's been gone longer than you're old
Weird that Trump thought Ukraine should look into the Bidens:

Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk

The princeling vice presidential son had a lot of instances of disgusting, greedy, gamy and blackmail-able behavior. No wonder the ChiComs wanted to give him so much money.

See, I don't even think it was about 'looking into the Bidens', that is a liberal CNN narrative....I think he, and Barr are getting to the bottom of what happened in 2016, and progressive liberals are wetting the bed.
Wow, yet another dumbass Trumpette calling other people liars.

Your fat assed orange buddy lies every fucking day & you can't keep your head out of his ass.
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!

Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers

LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you And Grandma's been gone longer than you're old

Really? How old am I dumbass?
What a pity you can't prove he's corrupt, huh?

Don't need to, not my job...All will come out in due time....Besides with people like you the charge is good enough.

Poor cultist. Can't prove his claims so now it waits for someone else to prove them for him.


Yeah, it's a bitch when your own tactics are used against you isn't it...
And you as an impartial poster don't think that goes both ways, that dems want to hand you back the shit you flung??

Just admit that you're a lying little communist scumbag that feels the need to tell everyone else how they should live....While living yourself in Grandma's basement with no job...
I don't get you at all IF I had a fuck I wouldn't give it I don't care how you live ,how many guns you own how many KKK meetings you go to, how many children you have You're barking up the wrong tree
And even worse ,they don't ask him to take a shower first ,,,UGH!!

Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers

LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you And Grandma's been gone longer than you're old

Really? How old am I dumbass?
Not sure but Grandma passed on about 70 years ago
Don't need to, not my job...All will come out in due time....Besides with people like you the charge is good enough.

Poor cultist. Can't prove his claims so now it waits for someone else to prove them for him.


Yeah, it's a bitch when your own tactics are used against you isn't it...
And you as an impartial poster don't think that goes both ways, that dems want to hand you back the shit you flung??

Just admit that you're a lying little communist scumbag that feels the need to tell everyone else how they should live....While living yourself in Grandma's basement with no job...
I don't get you at all IF I had a fuck I wouldn't give it I don't care how you live ,how many guns you own how many KKK meetings you go to, how many children you have You're barking up the wrong tree

You're right, you don't get me, because see, I believe in common sense. You on the other hand, are emotionally driven. You're irrational, delusional, and most of all just a punk dumbass....But entertaining....lol
Good news for you that all you have to do is stumble upstairs in Grandma's house to get your shower....Or, did she have one installed in the basement for you?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers

LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you And Grandma's been gone longer than you're old

Really? How old am I dumbass?
Not sure but Grandma passed on about 70 years ago

So, that would make you if I guess correctly, around your early 50s.....Shame you never wised up as you grew older.
Weird that Trump thought Ukraine should look into the Bidens:

Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk

The princeling vice presidential son had a lot of instances of disgusting, greedy, gamy and blackmail-able behavior. No wonder the ChiComs wanted to give him so much money.

See, I don't even think it was about 'looking into the Bidens', that is a liberal CNN narrative....I think he, and Barr are getting to the bottom of what happened in 2016, and progressive liberals are wetting the bed.
Already the IG said there was NO spying on Trump in 2016 election One more fn trump republican lie put to bed How many lies do you need to hear before you know they're all fn liars?
Better news I have 3 showers one for each upstairs bedroom I do have a bedroom with no shower for a republican that comes over once in a while who doesn't believe in showers

LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you And Grandma's been gone longer than you're old

Really? How old am I dumbass?
Not sure but Grandma passed on about 70 years ago

So, that would make you if I guess correctly, around your early 50s.....Shame you never wised up as you grew older.
83 jan 6th
Weird that Trump thought Ukraine should look into the Bidens:

Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk

The princeling vice presidential son had a lot of instances of disgusting, greedy, gamy and blackmail-able behavior. No wonder the ChiComs wanted to give him so much money.

See, I don't even think it was about 'looking into the Bidens', that is a liberal CNN narrative....I think he, and Barr are getting to the bottom of what happened in 2016, and progressive liberals are wetting the bed.
Already the IG said there was NO spying on Trump in 2016 election One more fn trump republican lie put to bed How many lies do you need to hear before you know they're all fn liars?

The IG is not the final word...
LOL....Grandma got some wealth eh?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you And Grandma's been gone longer than you're old

Really? How old am I dumbass?
Not sure but Grandma passed on about 70 years ago

So, that would make you if I guess correctly, around your early 50s.....Shame you never wised up as you grew older.
83 jan 6th

Even worse.
GDP 2.1%??
These are the same people who said Obama's GDP growth of 2.8 made him the "worst President ever".
Weird that Trump thought Ukraine should look into the Bidens:

Crack, strippers, and lucrative Chicom crony capitalist deals: Hunter Biden is a walking security risk

The princeling vice presidential son had a lot of instances of disgusting, greedy, gamy and blackmail-able behavior. No wonder the ChiComs wanted to give him so much money.

See, I don't even think it was about 'looking into the Bidens', that is a liberal CNN narrative....I think he, and Barr are getting to the bottom of what happened in 2016, and progressive liberals are wetting the bed.
The problem is that these Administrative Agencies have become so powerful that we may also find that the penalties are administrative (firing, demotion, suspension) rather than incarceration.

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